Can you say...COUP? Homeland Security preparing for civil conflict

If I can just interupt this personal dialogue between antagonists for a moment?

Have we come to any conclusion about the up-coming civil upraising and the resulting incarceration and slaughter of Americans, yet?

I'm trying to arrange my 2013 agenda and need more details -- like what to wear in a reeducation camp, for example.

You'll wear what you're told to wear and LIKE it!!
If I can just interupt this personal dialogue between antagonists for a moment?

Have we come to any conclusion about the up-coming civil upraising and the resulting incarceration and slaughter of Americans, yet?

I'm trying to arrange my 2013 agenda and need more details -- like what to wear in a reeducation camp, for example.

You'll wear what you're told to wear and LIKE it!!

And, you better be prepared to embrace veganism and wearing natural fibers.
ummmm....because? What do you want me to do? Personally disband it singlehandedly?

relax Steel.....i was just throwing out a question.....i did not expect you to think i was expecting YOU to take care of it....:eusa_eh:

No...I really didn't expect that....I was being kind of sarcastic. the same time....some people seem to blame Obama for not disbanding it and for using it.

I that, and the Patriot Act were two of the biggest "door openers" to limiting civil liberties of the American people. It's not easy to repeal Law....not that Obama tried....Just ask Conservatives.....they've been trying to repeal the AHCA since it's inception.

Like I have been saying all along to people who call me a "goose-stepper".....there is shit that has happened/continued under Obama that I don't care for...but he's better than ANYONE that the GOP has offered up as a replacement.

Steel, I was visiting a different message board at the time the Patriot Act was being implemented. And I argued against it with a number of Rethugs who were all for it.
My biggest argument was that a program like this never goes away. No matter who is President. And I argued that the Rethugs really wouldn't like the Patriot Act if a Dem were in the WH.

And now here we are years later and guess what. A Dem is in the WH and the Rethugs finally found out they don't like the very programs that they used to love.

Hypocrite is about the best way to decsribe today's Rehtug. Or maybe stupid fits them better.

Nice job on this thread.
Steel, I was visiting a different message board at the time the Patriot Act was being implemented. And I argued against it with a number of Rethugs who were all for it.
My biggest argument was that a program like this never goes away. No matter who is President. And I argued that the Rethugs really wouldn't like the Patriot Act if a Dem were in the WH.

And now here we are years later and guess what. A Dem is in the WH and the Rethugs finally found out they don't like the very programs that they used to love.

Hypocrite is about the best way to decsribe today's Rehtug. Or maybe stupid fits them better.

Nice job on this thread.

It would probably be easier to take you seriously if you didn't post like such a partisan shill. That's what people like you never seem to grasp, particularly about your own partisan hypocrisy.
If I can just interupt this personal dialogue between antagonists for a moment?

Have we come to any conclusion about the up-coming civil upraising and the resulting incarceration and slaughter of Americans, yet?

I'm trying to arrange my 2013 agenda and need more details -- like what to wear in a reeducation camp, for example.

you can't go wrong with a navy blazer, grey slacks and a rep stripe tie.

and black wingnuts, err, wing tips
relax Steel.....i was just throwing out a question.....i did not expect you to think i was expecting YOU to take care of it....:eusa_eh:

No...I really didn't expect that....I was being kind of sarcastic. the same time....some people seem to blame Obama for not disbanding it and for using it.

I that, and the Patriot Act were two of the biggest "door openers" to limiting civil liberties of the American people. It's not easy to repeal Law....not that Obama tried....Just ask Conservatives.....they've been trying to repeal the AHCA since it's inception.

Like I have been saying all along to people who call me a "goose-stepper".....there is shit that has happened/continued under Obama that I don't care for...but he's better than ANYONE that the GOP has offered up as a replacement.

Steel, I was visiting a different message board at the time the Patriot Act was being implemented. And I argued against it with a number of Rethugs who were all for it.
My biggest argument was that a program like this never goes away. No matter who is President. And I argued that the Rethugs really wouldn't like the Patriot Act if a Dem were in the WH.

And now here we are years later and guess what. A Dem is in the WH and the Rethugs finally found out they don't like the very programs that they used to love.

Hypocrite is about the best way to decsribe today's Rehtug. Or maybe stupid fits them better.

Nice job on this thread.

my biggest issue with Homeland Security is that we already have the NSA, CIA, and the FBI.....I don't think we needed yet another Agency. I the aforementioned agencies needed more people, hire them.....if they needed a task force, create one. We didn't need another entity with yet another huge annual budget to do the jobs that should be done by the ones we already had in place.

The Patriot Act, well.....take a look at the bigotry and hatred just on this message board. The chances of false accusations is highly significant.....some might say likely.
If I can just interupt this personal dialogue between antagonists for a moment?

Have we come to any conclusion about the up-coming civil upraising and the resulting incarceration and slaughter of Americans, yet?

I'm trying to arrange my 2013 agenda and need more details -- like what to wear in a reeducation camp, for example.

You'll wear what you're told to wear and LIKE it!!

And, you better be prepared to embrace veganism and wearing natural fibers.

Actually, better be ready to embrace being cold and hungry.

Hard to produce food and cloth when you've shut down all industry.
William F. Buckley Jr. pointed the way more than 50 years ago.

General Franco is an authentic national hero. It is generally conceded that he above others had the combination of talents, the perseverance, and the sense of righteousness of his cause, that were required to wrest Spain from the hands of the visionaries, ideologues, Marxists and nihilists that were imposing on her, in the thirties, a regime so grotesque as to do violence to the Spanish soul, to deny, even Spain’s historical identity.

We as Americans must adopt Franco's tactics, as Buckley saw. Liberalism must be squashed from society when we're through. Whether our tactics are brutal is not the issue. The LEFT is already brutalizing OUR VERY OWN WAY OF LIFE! Obama is Hitler all over again. Business owners are the new Jews.

Yes, Franco and Hitler were homies, but that doesn't really matter. We must get people to recognize the tyranny of Obama, through any means. We can always gloss over that fact that faggots were rounded up in the so-called"holocaust". That was a good idea, anyways. Heck, Jews kinda suck too. But we can't just say that, you know.
Did the GOP plan a coup?

I must have missed it.

You don't plan a coup when you win, only when you lose. So who'd be the coup planner in this scenario? The DHS has to protect us from those who won't accept the verdict of the ballot box. The Dems did in '00, but now we have a situation where many feel they're "owed" the WH.
Did the GOP plan a coup?

I must have missed it.

You don't plan a coup when you win, only when you lose. So who'd be the coup planner in this scenario? The DHS has to protect us from those who won't accept the verdict of the ballot box. The Dems did in '00, but now we have a situation where many feel they're "owed" the WH.

You are a special kind of idiot, you know that, right? Who has ever said that?
Did the GOP plan a coup?

I must have missed it.

You don't plan a coup when you win, only when you lose. So who'd be the coup planner in this scenario? The DHS has to protect us from those who won't accept the verdict of the ballot box. The Dems did in '00, but now we have a situation where many feel they're "owed" the WH.

You are a special kind of idiot, you know that, right? Who has ever said that?

It's evident in everything that's said by the right. Case in point, "We want our country back". It's everybody's country MFers. You just can't trust people with that kind of attitude.
You don't plan a coup when you win, only when you lose. So who'd be the coup planner in this scenario? The DHS has to protect us from those who won't accept the verdict of the ballot box. The Dems did in '00, but now we have a situation where many feel they're "owed" the WH.

You are a special kind of idiot, you know that, right? Who has ever said that?

It's evident in everything that's said by the right. Case in point, "We want our country back". It's everybody's country MFers. You just can't trust people with that kind of attitude.

Sounds exactly like some Tea Bagger bullshit. :lmao:

Can you not see beyond party lines?
You are a special kind of idiot, you know that, right? Who has ever said that?

It's evident in everything that's said by the right. Case in point, "We want our country back". It's everybody's country MFers. You just can't trust people with that kind of attitude.

Sounds exactly like some Tea Bagger bullshit. :lmao:

Can you not see beyond party lines?

"We want our country back" IS Teabagger bullshit. Thank you for noticing. Now, your point? :eusa_eh:
It's evident in everything that's said by the right. Case in point, "We want our country back". It's everybody's country MFers. You just can't trust people with that kind of attitude.

Sounds exactly like some Tea Bagger bullshit. :lmao:

Can you not see beyond party lines?

"We want our country back" IS Teabagger bullshit. Thank you for noticing. Now, your point? :eusa_eh:
Oh. I thought you were saying that Dems felt entitled to the White House because of the 2000 election.

I am such a dumbass. :redface:
The number of bullets purchased by the DHS now adds up to a staggering 1.4 billion over the last six months alone. Although all those bullets won’t be delivered at once, the DHS’ commitment to purchasing such an arsenal of ammo is both worrying and ironic given that Americans are being harassed and treated with suspicion for buying a couple of boxes of ammo at their local gun store.
Following a barrage of questions about why the federal agency has purchased so many bullets, the DHS has refused to respond and even gone to the lengths of censoring information relating to solicitations for ammunition.
The DHS’ decision back in March to purchase of 450 million rounds of .40-caliber hollow point bullets that are designed to expand upon entry and cause maximum organ damage prompted questions as to why the federal agency required such powerful bullets and in such large quantities merely for training purposes.​
This was followed up by a more recent order for a further 750 million rounds of assorted ammunition, including bullets that can penetrate walls.
The mainstream media responded to the controversy by focusing on a purchase of 174,000 bullets by the Social Security Administration while completely ignoring the fact that the DHS had purchased well over a billion rounds."

» DHS Purchases 200 Million More Rounds of Ammunition Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Is something coming that will anger the majority of people in America? Considering the policies passed by executive order, I think Obama could legally kill anyone in this country without having to explain. Hmmm, is the number of bullets purchased equal to the number of people who aren't Democrats?
Yes, there are a few for every person in the US. Plenty.

And when he says things like "I can't fix it from inside" the hair stands up on the back of my neck.
Is something coming that will anger the majority of people in America? Considering the policies passed by executive order, I think Obama could legally kill anyone in this country without having to explain. Hmmm, is the number of bullets purchased equal to the number of people who aren't Democrats?

Trust me, it is. I just got a briefing from Obama. I'm a newly ordained brownshirt!

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