Can We Cut The Crap?


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
Some may claim this is not relevant to the Israeli-"Palestinian" conflict but I say it is at the core.
West African Muslims are fleeing their homes as their armed co-religionist extremist "brethren" circulate to enforce the new order.
That order?
The version of Islam those extremists would shove down the throats of anyone who doesn't see things their way. So far some 90,000 have fled to avoid having Shariah stamped on them like the branding most cattle faced in the wild west.

Fear Stalks Mali’s Refugees Despite Escape to Safety

FASSALA, Mauritania — A column of 30 pickup trucks crammed with people fleeing Mali snaked through this border town early Wednesday, a replay of a much-repeated scene as the refugees’ desert homeland collapsed further into factional chaos.

There were over 1,000 in Wednesday’s procession, joining more than 90,000 who have already fled through this mud-brick village, the closest haven to the armed free fall on the other side. They were on their way to the United Nations refugee camp at Mbera, 20 miles away.

Still, it was the newest arrivals’ first taste of release from a nightmarish world across the border where Islamist extremists preaching Shariah flog nonbelievers publicly in the ancient town of Timbuktu, armed men circulate to enforce the new order, and other factions threaten to take the vast and rapidly emptying territory back.

At the Mauritania-Mali border, refugees were too tired, hungry and ragged to celebrate their departure from the turmoil. All they could speak of was the fear that had pushed them out — of the Islamists who have taken over, and of the simmering civil war that appears to loom.

They had seen men with guns over the last days, circulating in the backs of trucks — whether it was the long-bearded Islamists of the Ansar Dine group or the Tuareg rebel movement — the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad, known as the M.N.L.A., who first conquered the territory, defeating the Malian Army in March.

Africa - International News - The New York Times
Can We Cut The Crap?
Some may claim this is not relevant to the Israeli-"Palestinian" conflict but I say it is at the core.
West African Muslims are fleeing their homes as their armed co-religionist extremist "brethren" circulate to enforce the new order.
That order?
The version of Islam those extremists would shove down the throats of anyone who doesn't see things their way. So far some 90,000 have fled to avoid having Shariah stamped on them like the branding most cattle faced in the wild west.

Fear Stalks Mali’s Refugees Despite Escape to Safety

FASSALA, Mauritania — A column of 30 pickup trucks crammed with people fleeing Mali snaked through this border town early Wednesday, a replay of a much-repeated scene as the refugees’ desert homeland collapsed further into factional chaos.

There were over 1,000 in Wednesday’s procession, joining more than 90,000 who have already fled through this mud-brick village, the closest haven to the armed free fall on the other side. They were on their way to the United Nations refugee camp at Mbera, 20 miles away.

Still, it was the newest arrivals’ first taste of release from a nightmarish world across the border where Islamist extremists preaching Shariah flog nonbelievers publicly in the ancient town of Timbuktu, armed men circulate to enforce the new order, and other factions threaten to take the vast and rapidly emptying territory back.

At the Mauritania-Mali border, refugees were too tired, hungry and ragged to celebrate their departure from the turmoil. All they could speak of was the fear that had pushed them out — of the Islamists who have taken over, and of the simmering civil war that appears to loom.

They had seen men with guns over the last days, circulating in the backs of trucks — whether it was the long-bearded Islamists of the Ansar Dine group or the Tuareg rebel movement — the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad, known as the M.N.L.A., who first conquered the territory, defeating the Malian Army in March.

Africa - International News - The New York Times

This has nothing to do with
Israel and Palestine

I prefaced this thread by admitting some may find this irrelevant but the fact is you only consider it so because it is extremely relevant and you have no response. Anyway, the MODs will decide if this is out of bounds. You have a good night, NaziBoy.
Put it the Africa thread and I might reply, and It's morning time in Europe, Nazigirl
Some may claim this is not relevant to the Israeli-"Palestinian" conflict but I say it is at the core.
West African Muslims are fleeing their homes as their armed co-religionist extremist "brethren" circulate to enforce the new order.
That order?
The version of Islam those extremists would shove down the throats of anyone who doesn't see things their way. So far some 90,000 have fled to avoid having Shariah stamped on them like the branding most cattle faced in the wild west.

Fear Stalks Mali’s Refugees Despite Escape to Safety

FASSALA, Mauritania — A column of 30 pickup trucks crammed with people fleeing Mali snaked through this border town early Wednesday, a replay of a much-repeated scene as the refugees’ desert homeland collapsed further into factional chaos.

There were over 1,000 in Wednesday’s procession, joining more than 90,000 who have already fled through this mud-brick village, the closest haven to the armed free fall on the other side. They were on their way to the United Nations refugee camp at Mbera, 20 miles away.

Still, it was the newest arrivals’ first taste of release from a nightmarish world across the border where Islamist extremists preaching Shariah flog nonbelievers publicly in the ancient town of Timbuktu, armed men circulate to enforce the new order, and other factions threaten to take the vast and rapidly emptying territory back.

At the Mauritania-Mali border, refugees were too tired, hungry and ragged to celebrate their departure from the turmoil. All they could speak of was the fear that had pushed them out — of the Islamists who have taken over, and of the simmering civil war that appears to loom.

They had seen men with guns over the last days, circulating in the backs of trucks — whether it was the long-bearded Islamists of the Ansar Dine group or the Tuareg rebel movement — the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad, known as the M.N.L.A., who first conquered the territory, defeating the Malian Army in March.

Africa - International News - The New York Times
That is 100% true. The Palestinian Israeli conflict is basically a copy of what Muslim animals are doing to non Muslims all over the world. Islam is like a cancer upon modern humanity and civilization.
Put it the Africa thread and I might reply, and It's morning time in Europe, Nazigirl
Really? Shouldn't you be on all fours pointing your ass to Mecca then?
Can We Cut The Crap?
Some may claim this is not relevant to the Israeli-"Palestinian" conflict but I say it is at the core.
West African Muslims are fleeing their homes as their armed co-religionist extremist "brethren" circulate to enforce the new order.
That order?
The version of Islam those extremists would shove down the throats of anyone who doesn't see things their way. So far some 90,000 have fled to avoid having Shariah stamped on them like the branding most cattle faced in the wild west.

Fear Stalks Mali’s Refugees Despite Escape to Safety

FASSALA, Mauritania — A column of 30 pickup trucks crammed with people fleeing Mali snaked through this border town early Wednesday, a replay of a much-repeated scene as the refugees’ desert homeland collapsed further into factional chaos.

There were over 1,000 in Wednesday’s procession, joining more than 90,000 who have already fled through this mud-brick village, the closest haven to the armed free fall on the other side. They were on their way to the United Nations refugee camp at Mbera, 20 miles away.

Still, it was the newest arrivals’ first taste of release from a nightmarish world across the border where Islamist extremists preaching Shariah flog nonbelievers publicly in the ancient town of Timbuktu, armed men circulate to enforce the new order, and other factions threaten to take the vast and rapidly emptying territory back.

At the Mauritania-Mali border, refugees were too tired, hungry and ragged to celebrate their departure from the turmoil. All they could speak of was the fear that had pushed them out — of the Islamists who have taken over, and of the simmering civil war that appears to loom.

They had seen men with guns over the last days, circulating in the backs of trucks — whether it was the long-bearded Islamists of the Ansar Dine group or the Tuareg rebel movement — the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad, known as the M.N.L.A., who first conquered the territory, defeating the Malian Army in March.

Africa - International News - The New York Times

This has nothing to do with
Israel and Palestine

I prefaced this thread by admitting some may find this irrelevant but the fact is you only consider it so because it is extremely relevant and you have no response. Anyway, the MODs will decide if this is out of bounds. You have a good night, NaziBoy.

it's irrelevant...sheesh...i suppose i could post stuff like this and claim the refugees were being created in a similar way to the way jews made reugees out of the palestinians back in '48. of course, that would make me a racist, kinda like you. do you actually think anyone really believes you care about the malian refugees?

there are all kinds of things that are irrelevant that you can link to whatever in some obscure manner.

OMG!!! if hillary clinton converyed to judaism and did aliyah, then her illegitimate martian baby wouldn't be able to come to israel because the knesset has a law against children of mixed birth.

shall i link the amazing batboy, now, i am sure, serving with a special forces unit in afghanistan, and how he was refused entrance to tel aviv in some three day R&R.

i somehow get a real feeling that as long as it involves promoting a fear of muslims, you are going to find it relevant.

have a good night, sayit.
It just proves once again how backwards the Islam faith is...
The Christians were doing this shit hundreds of years ago!
The conflict in question has nothing to do with Palestine and not all that much to do with Islam as such.
It has a lot to do with power and fucking idiots.

The group in question, Ansar Dine, are murders and rapists who force child soldiers to fight for them.
That's when the cowardly bastards actually fight.
Their usual battle tactic is to let other groups fight, then, when everyone else has left, roll in a plant their flag.
They use their version of Islam as a terror tool as most such pillocks do.

Frankly, if there was a bloody great explosion that killed all Ansar Dine 'fighters' tomorrow - I'd cheer.
Some may claim this is not relevant to the Israeli-"Palestinian" conflict but I say it is at the core.
West African Muslims are fleeing their homes as their armed co-religionist extremist "brethren" circulate to enforce the new order.
That order?
The version of Islam those extremists would shove down the throats of anyone who doesn't see things their way. So far some 90,000 have fled to avoid having Shariah stamped on them like the branding most cattle faced in the wild west.

Fear Stalks Mali’s Refugees Despite Escape to Safety

FASSALA, Mauritania — A column of 30 pickup trucks crammed with people fleeing Mali snaked through this border town early Wednesday, a replay of a much-repeated scene as the refugees’ desert homeland collapsed further into factional chaos.

There were over 1,000 in Wednesday’s procession, joining more than 90,000 who have already fled through this mud-brick village, the closest haven to the armed free fall on the other side. They were on their way to the United Nations refugee camp at Mbera, 20 miles away.

Still, it was the newest arrivals’ first taste of release from a nightmarish world across the border where Islamist extremists preaching Shariah flog nonbelievers publicly in the ancient town of Timbuktu, armed men circulate to enforce the new order, and other factions threaten to take the vast and rapidly emptying territory back.

At the Mauritania-Mali border, refugees were too tired, hungry and ragged to celebrate their departure from the turmoil. All they could speak of was the fear that had pushed them out — of the Islamists who have taken over, and of the simmering civil war that appears to loom.

They had seen men with guns over the last days, circulating in the backs of trucks — whether it was the long-bearded Islamists of the Ansar Dine group or the Tuareg rebel movement — the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad, known as the M.N.L.A., who first conquered the territory, defeating the Malian Army in March.

Africa - International News - The New York Times

Thank You SAYIT for bringing this to our attention. The racism shown by these Muslims is truly deplorable and I think these people, the refugees, should seek asylum in Israel as we know that country is a Democracy and so does not have any racism in it.

Tel Aviv race riot flags bitter immigration dispute
Jean-Luc Renaudie, Agence France-Presse May 24, 2012 – 10:15 AM ET

Race riot in Israel flags bitter immigration dispute | World | News | National Post

JERUSALEM — Violent race riots that shook southern Tel Aviv overnight sparked shock in Israel on Thursday, but also prompted top-level calls for the immediate arrest and expulsion of tens of thousands of African migrants.
The latest unrest to sweep the impoverished neighbourhoods around Tel Aviv’s central bus station erupted on Wednesday night when a demonstration of around 1,000 people who were protesting against the rising number of Africans moving into the area turned violent

Most reports said the rally turned nasty after the crowd was whipped up by several racist speeches by right-wing MPs, several of them from the ruling Likud party of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
“The infiltrators are a cancer in our body,” Likud MP Miri Regev told the crowd, as fellow MP Danny Danon shouted: “The infiltrators must be expelled from Israel! Expulsion now!”

Despite the violence, Interior Minister Eli Yishai demanded on Thursday that all illegal African immigrants be put “behind bars” before kicking them all out.
“We must put all these infiltrators behind bars in detention and holding centres, then send them home because they come and take work from Israelis,” he told army radio.

If you don't address this problem then how can you deal with any other forms of racism, I mean isn't that what you told me about my thread about CULTURAL RACISM and besides isn't this more in line with the board we are posting on, I mean aren't we suppose to be dealing with either Israel or Palestine or a combination of the two, so go ahead and deal with the racism in Israel, I will not hold my breath.
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If you don't address this problem then how can you deal with any other forms of racism, I mean isn't that what you told me about my thread about CULTURAL RACISM and besides isn't this more in line with the board we are posting on, I mean aren't we suppose to be dealing with either Israel or Palestine or a combination of the two, so go ahead and deal with the racism in Israel, I will not hold my breath.
What's the problem?! Bleeding hearts are welcome to take illegal aliens ob their tab, take initiative, make a difference, hope and change!
If you don't address this problem then how can you deal with any other forms of racism, I mean isn't that what you told me about my thread about CULTURAL RACISM and besides isn't this more in line with the board we are posting on, I mean aren't we suppose to be dealing with either Israel or Palestine or a combination of the two, so go ahead and deal with the racism in Israel, I will not hold my breath.
What's the problem?! Bleeding hearts are welcome to take illegal aliens ob their tab, take initiative, make a difference, hope and change!

The problem is simple it is the old problem of violence between the races and the fact that some politicians are willing to use that for their own benefit !!! Grow up there is racism in Israel deal with it and address the issue. Here is another quote from the same article;

“Shock, violence and hatred of foreigners in Tel Aviv” was the headline in the Maariv daily, which described scenes of chaos as demonstrators went on the rampage with sticks and stones, attacking African-run shops and smashing up a car driven by two African men.

“Blacks out!” shouted demonstrators in the crowd,

Race riot in Israel flags bitter immigration dispute | World | News | National Post
The conflict in question has nothing to do with Palestine and not all that much to do with Islam as such.
It has a lot to do with power and fucking idiots.

The group in question, Ansar Dine, are murders and rapists who force child soldiers to fight for them.
That's when the cowardly bastards actually fight.
Their usual battle tactic is to let other groups fight, then, when everyone else has left, roll in a plant their flag.
They use their version of Islam as a terror tool as most such pillocks do.

Frankly, if there was a bloody great explosion that killed all Ansar Dine 'fighters' tomorrow - I'd cheer.
You're not making any sense. The article states that Ansar Dine is an Islamist group, meaning they are doing it in the name of Islam. Even the name "Ansar Dine" literally means in Arabic "army of the religion." in other words they are just another group of Jihadists with an Islamic name for their group, killing non Muslims in the name of Allah and Islam, to control a land and bring it under Islamic rule, as are Al Queda, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah. And using the same barbaric tactics, such as Hamas uses children as fighters and suicide bombers.

Same shit, different geographical location.
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What's the problem?! Bleeding hearts are welcome to take illegal aliens ob their tab, take initiative, make a difference, hope and change!
The problem is simple it is the old problem of violence between the races and the fact that some politicians are willing to use that for their own benefit !!! Grow up there is racism in Israel deal with it and address the issue.
So, what's the problem?! Bleeding hearts are welcome to take illegal aliens ob their tab, take initiative, make a difference, hope and change, lead by example!
“Shock, violence and hatred of foreigners in Tel Aviv” was the headline in the Maariv daily, which described scenes of chaos as demonstrators went on the rampage with sticks and stones, attacking African-run shops and smashing up a car driven by two African men.[/size][/i]
Ah! Equal opportunity violence! Nothing racist about that, of course.
The conflict in question has nothing to do with Palestine and not all that much to do with Islam as such.
It has a lot to do with power and fucking idiots.
Frankly, if there was a bloody great explosion that killed all Ansar Dine 'fighters' tomorrow - I'd cheer.

You're not making any sense. The article states that Ansar Dine is an Islamist group, meaning they are doing it in the name of Islam. Even the name "Ansar Dine" literally means in Arabic "army of the religion." in other words they are just another group of Jihadists with an Islamic name for their group, killing non Muslims in the name of Allah and Islam, to control a land and bring it under Islamic rule, as are Al Queda, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah. And using the same barbaric tactics, such as Hamas uses children as fighters and suicide bombers.

Same shit, different geographical location.

The article claims they're an Islamist group.
I say they're power mad bastards who pretend to be religious for their own ends.
Regardless of what the haters would have you believe, no religion allows rape and murder.

Remember, they're murdering and raping other Muslims. Sound like Ansar Dine are good Muslims themselves?
Same goes for anyone, regardless of they stated religion - If they do such things - they're just worthless bastards.
Joseph kony claims to be a Christian.
Anyone think he really is?
The Mauritanian's helping the refugees are also Muslims, probably more so than the fighters in Mali

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