Can there be a Wall built now after all this Trump negativity?

Can there be a Wall built now after all this?

  • Yea

    Votes: 10 58.8%
  • Nea

    Votes: 6 35.3%
  • Huh

    Votes: 1 5.9%

  • Total voters
Do you not realize that the American public is overwhelmingly in favor of a secure border? This isn't the bogeyman issue that you on the left want to make's common sense. It comes down to simple can't have an entitlement society with open borders because you can't pay for the programs you've created. So here's your choice, liberals...either secure the border...or lose your nanny state. It's up to you...
Fallacy of false composition, Oldstyle. You have to accept the reality that is there will be no Wall.
Do you not realize that the American public is overwhelmingly in favor of a secure border? This isn't the bogeyman issue that you on the left want to make's common sense. It comes down to simple can't have an entitlement society with open borders because you can't pay for the programs you've created. So here's your choice, liberals...either secure the border...or lose your nanny state. It's up to you...

How about both?

I'm serious. I'd be awesome if the boomers got fucked over in retirement.
The older boomers are secure, and if anyone tries seriously to touch SS, medicare, and or medicaid, the younger boomers and most of the genxrs will vote the turds out of office.
Probably not. The GOP has the tax cuts, Gorsuch, and will get Kavanaugh.

So they have the religionists and the corporationists.

They don't need the nativists anymore if supporting their goals will threaten GOP seats in the future.

I don't think the Wall is possible now in a Trump presidency.

If not this term surely his next. Just think of what he could have done if you lefttards had only accepted the election results.
Do you not realize that the American public is overwhelmingly in favor of a secure border? This isn't the bogeyman issue that you on the left want to make's common sense. It comes down to simple can't have an entitlement society with open borders because you can't pay for the programs you've created. So here's your choice, liberals...either secure the border...or lose your nanny state. It's up to you...
Common sense would tell you that trump is a mor0n and should never have been allowed to run for office. The biggest problem with our southern border is drug and child trafficking which is supported by the conservative pedophiles.

And how exactly does having an "open border" solve problems like drug and child trafficking? That's an idiotic response based on anything BUT common sense!
Do you not realize that the American public is overwhelmingly in favor of a secure border? This isn't the bogeyman issue that you on the left want to make's common sense. It comes down to simple can't have an entitlement society with open borders because you can't pay for the programs you've created. So here's your choice, liberals...either secure the border...or lose your nanny state. It's up to you...
Fallacy of false composition, Oldstyle. You have to accept the reality that is there will be no Wall.

There already IS a wall, Jake! It's simply a question of making it more secure. Why you think making it secure is such an EVIL thing continues to baffle me.
Trump’s ‘wall’ of fear, bigotry, and hate shouldn’t be built regardless the political climate.

Oh for god's sake...that's ridiculous! Having a secure border in no way correlates to "fear, bigotry and hate" and for you to claim that it does is nothing more than posturing on your part!
Probably not. The GOP has the tax cuts, Gorsuch, and will get Kavanaugh.

So they have the religionists and the corporationists.

They don't need the nativists anymore if supporting their goals will threaten GOP seats in the future.

I don't think the Wall is possible now in a Trump presidency.

Of course the wall can be built, democrats support it and if they didn't let their crazy element unchecked probably would.

A wall is a sign of a country. No country without borders. Great countries need great borders.
Do you not realize that the American public is overwhelmingly in favor of a secure border? This isn't the bogeyman issue that you on the left want to make's common sense. It comes down to simple can't have an entitlement society with open borders because you can't pay for the programs you've created. So here's your choice, liberals...either secure the border...or lose your nanny state. It's up to you...

bla bla bla -

Americans Oppose Border Walls, Favor Dealing With DACA
  • 41% favor expanding construction of walls along U.S.-Mexico border
  • 83% approve of allowing DACA immigrants to become citizens
  • Republicans, Democrats agree on DACA, disagree on walls

stfu ya idget .. speak for yourself
What Trump negativity? I'm pretty sure real Americans are fed up with illegals murdering 20 year old American girls.
And the citizens of this country kill how many a day? Nice deflection from the real problem of people killing other people.

Using your 'logic' its okay if terrorists come here and kill and rape American citizens. Your vile traitorous attitude is why we destroyed your side in 2016.
Do you not realize that the American public is overwhelmingly in favor of a secure border? This isn't the bogeyman issue that you on the left want to make's common sense. It comes down to simple can't have an entitlement society with open borders because you can't pay for the programs you've created. So here's your choice, liberals...either secure the border...or lose your nanny state. It's up to you...

bla bla bla -

Americans Oppose Border Walls, Favor Dealing With DACA
  • 41% favor expanding construction of walls along U.S.-Mexico border
  • 83% approve of allowing DACA immigrants to become citizens
  • Republicans, Democrats agree on DACA, disagree on walls

stfu ya idget .. speak for yourself
If the polls were right, Crooked Hillary would be president.

Mollie Tibbetts - build the wall!
Another young American woman age 20 is murdered, murdered brutally by an illegal. And still the left resist building a wall and securing our border.


once a day, every day, WALL BIRDS show up and chirp WALL, WALL, WALL ..

Already started building it.
Trump is nothing more than an over weight, obese, bloviating, cow feces: he will never get his sh!ty wall built.

The whole clap trap is just a rallying cry for Trump's base; some lame azz bone for his base to chew on.

It has worked perfectly for the cerebrally deficient rubes that are Trump's base.

So dumbass this is what you want, yea gotcha !:113::113:
View attachment 212886

oh, look; another 'internet tuff guy' sitting behind a computer keyboard

Yea, we gotcha, ,you want no borders and an invasion .:113::113::290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final:
Trump is nothing more than an over weight, obese, bloviating, cow feces: he will never get his sh!ty wall built.

The whole clap trap is just a rallying cry for Trump's base; some lame azz bone for his base to chew on.

It has worked perfectly for the cerebrally deficient rubes that are Trump's base.

So dumbass this is what you want, yea gotcha !:113::113:
View attachment 212886

oh, look; another 'internet tuff guy' sitting behind a computer keyboard

Yea, we gotcha, ,you want no borders and an invasion .:113::113::290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final:

I would actually like for ALL of OUR politicians to enforce the immigration law we already have; for some reason they don't seem to be too interested in doing that.
What Trump negativity? I'm pretty sure real Americans are fed up with illegals murdering 20 year old American girls.
And the citizens of this country kill how many a day? Nice deflection from the real problem of people killing other people.
Illegal aliens commit 3% to 10% more violent crimes than Americans. Add to that when Americans commit a crime it's less likely to be murder...unlike Illegals.
Do you not realize that the American public is overwhelmingly in favor of a secure border? This isn't the bogeyman issue that you on the left want to make's common sense. It comes down to simple can't have an entitlement society with open borders because you can't pay for the programs you've created. So here's your choice, liberals...either secure the border...or lose your nanny state. It's up to you...
Common sense would tell you that trump is a mor0n and should never have been allowed to run for office. The biggest problem with our southern border is drug and child trafficking which is supported by the conservative pedophiles.
Incorrect. It's the liberals that want to take away the people helping to prevent trafficking...ICE.

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