Can the news get worse for Democrats??


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Check out the posted links over at DRUDGE right now....................

Private Sector Hiring in Sept. Falls 39,000...
POLL: Working-class whites shun Dems...
Middle Class Slams Brakes on Spending...
Food Stamp Recipients at Record 41.8 Million Americans...
GOLDMAN SACHS: Economy 'fairly bad' or 'very bad' over next 6 months...
New Yorkers' Income Falls for 1st Time in 70 Years...

$162 million in stimulus funds not disclosed...

POLL: Race Relations Deteriorating Sharply Since Obama Elected...

POLL: Dislike of healthcare law crosses party lines, 1 in 4 Dems want repeal...

Limbaugh Calls President Obama a 'Jackass'...

PANEL: Admin was 'either not competent or not candid'...

Astonishing:eek::eek::eek: And the September unemployment rate hasnt even come out yet and there is expected to be a rise in the rate. And with the high probablility of a November disaster, one has to wonder if we are in the midst of the worst times for liberal Democrats in the last 100 years???

Even I have to say..........gotta give forum Democrats some credit for even coming in here to debate these days.
Check out the posted links over at DRUDGE right now....................

Private Sector Hiring in Sept. Falls 39,000...
POLL: Working-class whites shun Dems...
Middle Class Slams Brakes on Spending...
Food Stamp Recipients at Record 41.8 Million Americans...
GOLDMAN SACHS: Economy 'fairly bad' or 'very bad' over next 6 months...
New Yorkers' Income Falls for 1st Time in 70 Years...

$162 million in stimulus funds not disclosed...

POLL: Race Relations Deteriorating Sharply Since Obama Elected...

POLL: Dislike of healthcare law crosses party lines, 1 in 4 Dems want repeal...

Limbaugh Calls President Obama a 'Jackass'...

PANEL: Admin was 'either not competent or not candid'...

Astonishing:eek::eek::eek: And the September unemployment rate hasnt even come out yet and there is expected to be a rise in the rate. And with the high probablility of a November disaster, one has to wonder if we are in the midst of the worst times for liberal Democrats in the last 100 years???

Even I have to say..........gotta give forum Democrats some credit for even coming in here to debate these days.
POLL: Race Relations Deteriorating Sharply Since Obama Elected...

The Hell does that have to do with democrats.
Drudge links to just about all sources...Unlike places like Daily Kooks and HRPuffinstuffPost.

Indeed...........seen by 30 million people a day too!!!:oops:

Heres the thing............non-Democrats are enjoying the shit out of these types of forums these days. Lets face it..........its a fcukking hoot to be a conservative these days. What is it like? Its like playing for a football team and your team is up by 6 touchdowns...........and meanwhile, the other team tries an onside kick, recovers it and proceeds to do celebration dances!!! THATS how much of a hoot it is!!!:lol: Im creating Photobucket Classics like a factory these days. And to think..............just 20 months ago, the Skook Photobucket Factory was just about shut down for a few months.........devestated by the Obama victory!!!

How things have changed.......................

POLL: Race Relations Deteriorating Sharply Since Obama Elected...

OH NO! What will our board racist Bass do? I guess that quote he has of me in his sig line saying the exact same thing is TRUE... :eek:

I thank him. The truth bears repeating.
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POLL: Race Relations Deteriorating Sharply Since Obama Elected...

OH NO! What will our board racist Bass do? I guess that quote he has of me in his sig line saying the exact same thing is TRUE... :eek:

I thank him. The truth bears repeating.
A good crisis should never go to waste. And this is one that I think obama has ever intention of creating.
The news has not been kind to Democrats. Less than a month to the election and all of their policies are noted failures. The only ones still supporting them are the kooks and shitbags on this board and others like them.
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The news has not been kind to Democrats. Less than a month to the election and all of their policies are noted failures. The only ones still supporting them are the kooks and shitbags on this board and others like them.

In short, the level of manufacturing employment was actually quite stable before 2001.

The effects of growing U.S. trade with China are outlined in Table 1 in my report, which shows changes in trade and jobs supported or displaced between 2001 and 2008. The growth of U.S. exports to China in this period supported about 353,000 U.S. jobs. However, the growth of U.S. imports from China displaced 2,771,000 jobs. The net effect of the growth in imports and exports thus displaced 2.4 million U.S. jobs


Overall, 3.5 million manufacturing jobs were lost between December 2000 and December 2007. An additional 2.5 million manufacturing jobs were lost through December 2009 due to the collapse in output associated with the great recession

While a 40% increase in the yuan may hurt the profits of multinational companies who make up the USCBC, which includes many Fortune 500 companies such as Amway, Apple Inc., Bank of America, Boeing, BP, Exxon, Fed-Ex, Home Depot, IBM, Intel, Target, and Wal-Mart, it would be beneficial for the larger U.S. and Chinese economies. It’s time we put national interests before corporate interests.

China trade and jobs: Responding to myths and critics


This is what we get from Republican policies. They just want to "finish" the job.
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While a 40% increase in the yuan may hurt the profits of multinational companies who make up the USCBC, which includes many Fortune 500 companies such as Amway, Apple Inc., Bank of America, Boeing, BP, Exxon, Fed-Ex, Home Depot, IBM, Intel, Target, and Wal-Mart, it would be beneficial for the larger U.S. and Chinese economies. It’s time we put national interests before corporate interests.
China trade and jobs: Responding to myths and critics
This is what we get from Republican policies. They just want to "finish" the job.
The ChiComms saw what happened to Japan when the Yen appreciated, at the US governments behest, in the 80's and aren't gonna' let it happen to their currency. You forget that China owns most of our debt and have us over a barrel.

From your link:
Mission and Values
EPI’s efforts focus on growing the economy for the benefit of all Americans, not just the already wealthy. (Spread the Wealth!)
Government must play an active role in protecting the economically vulnerable, ensuring equal opportunity, and improving the well-being of all Americans.
Oh no, EPI isn't a Lefty organization at all! Just look at all the "experts" that work for them. :lol:
Experts, Economists and Researchers
Check out the posted links over at DRUDGE right now....................

Private Sector Hiring in Sept. Falls 39,000...
POLL: Working-class whites shun Dems...
Middle Class Slams Brakes on Spending...
Food Stamp Recipients at Record 41.8 Million Americans...
GOLDMAN SACHS: Economy 'fairly bad' or 'very bad' over next 6 months...
New Yorkers' Income Falls for 1st Time in 70 Years...

$162 million in stimulus funds not disclosed...

POLL: Race Relations Deteriorating Sharply Since Obama Elected...

POLL: Dislike of healthcare law crosses party lines, 1 in 4 Dems want repeal...

Limbaugh Calls President Obama a 'Jackass'...

PANEL: Admin was 'either not competent or not candid'...

Astonishing:eek::eek::eek: And the September unemployment rate hasnt even come out yet and there is expected to be a rise in the rate. And with the high probablility of a November disaster, one has to wonder if we are in the midst of the worst times for liberal Democrats in the last 100 years???

Even I have to say..........gotta give forum Democrats some credit for even coming in here to debate these days.
POLL: Race Relations Deteriorating Sharply Since Obama Elected...

The Hell does that have to do with democrats.

Oh maybe something like this! When you have a DOJ that makes it clear they won't prosecute black perps against white victims, it's a surprise that race relations are deteriorating under Obama????????

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I love a thread where the liberals don't even show their dirty faces. They never could stand the truth. Kind of like the sun coming up on a pack of vampires.
I love a thread where the liberals don't even show their dirty faces. They never could stand the truth. Kind of like the sun coming up on a pack of vampires.

Yeah, but if they don't show up, I don't have any chew toys to play with! ;) That's no fun! :D

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