The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
A house divided against itself will fall, it is said.

Whether by design or by unintended consequences, The Left has been happily marching down this path for the last few decades. They have employed Class Warfare, The Politics of Personal Destruction, and have immersed themselves in a Jihad against The Christian Judeo Ethic, and the Historical Foundations of Faith and Ethics which gave rise to The American Philosophy of Natural Law which we base our Rights Upon and our Concept of Equality.

When a group employs hate and outrage, and even violence as a method to gain control in a society, when it attempts to brand free speech, and ideas they oppose as unacceptable, and seeks to use an illegitimate application of so called "Tolerance" to be Intolerant of People that really are continuing on The American Tradition of being free, being ethical, and being compassionate to your neighbors, because God is compassionate to us, they are not participating in The American Experience, and learning what it is to be American. They are opposing what it is to be an American.

We can be kind, and forgiving, because God is kind and forgiving and generous, endowing us with Our Rights as Free Spirits, with Free Will. And knowing that we owe Thanks to a God who has shown us these mercies, and Accountability to an Authority Above The Governments of Men, we can strive to do good, as He is good, and we so endeavor to be like Him

This in my opinion is what The Democrat Party needs to do. Remember where we came from. Remember the oppression of a Foreign Power who wanted to tell us how to live, how to pray, how to run our farms and businesses, and yet mandating these things refused to hear our pleas, or be responsive to our needs, and rather than redress our grievances, and grant us a voice, and relief from their oppression, they doubled down on their heavy handedness.

It's my hope that The Democrat Party will recognize that oppression comes in many forms, and that the path of oppression, is not the path to is a path those in power cling to when they find their power eroding.

It is also my hope then that The Democrat Party will undergo a reform, abandon class warfare and their crusades against people who only want an ethical America, and who only want peace and prosperity and freedom for all. Like it or not, we need The Democrat Party to help us Preserve America and her freedoms and become more service oriented, more selfless, and begin to move back to the center and abandon their Hate Crusade and Class Warfare paradigm against working men and women, and The Judeo Christian Ethic.

The Left seems to forget, that despite JFK's Personal Flaws he was one of the most respected and for such a short time was one of the most effective Democrat presidents we had despite some of his missteps. It was his Judeo Christian Ethic that allowed him to do that. He wanted good things for America. He tried to get us out from under the yoke of the Federal Reserve by re-establishing Constitutional Currency. He advocated for peace and equality, not by mandate or artificial quotas, or reverse discrimination, but by equal access to opportunity. This should be the focus of The Left, not divisive tactics and mandates that deprive one group of their freedoms to grant another some privileges.

Maybe a Good Democrat will come along, and return The Democrat Party back to a more respectable one. Imagine if we could agree to disagree on some issues and actually rolled our sleeves up and worked together regardless of our differences like The Good Americans in Texas are doing.

There is no mandate for people to put aside their differences and help one another. There is only that set of ethical laws written on your heart you need to abide by to participate in The American Experience and be a Compatriot with your Countryman.
Can you imagine an America where everyone suddenly remembered that regardless of who they voted for?

I can, it's in our history books, and it's that spirit that made America Great, and can Make it Great Again.
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Can The Left Abandon Their Hate Crusade?

-LOL are you kidding

they may from time to time try and hide their hatred of everything

but abandon --LOL--no way
You can't very well get people to want to upset the status quo unless you convince them that everyone and everything in the world is evil.

Social Justice is all about being as discontented with anything and everything so you can convince people you have solutions to problems they didn't even know existed.

Hatred is the name of that game.
You can't very well get people to want to upset the status quo unless you convince them that everyone and everything in the world is evil.

Social Justice is all about being as discontented with anything and everything so you can convince people you have solutions to problems they didn't even know existed.

Hatred is the name of that game.
Hopelessness is also not something we want to promote. Are we supposed to give up on our leftist brethren? People can change. Sometimes it takes a tragedy, sometimes it takes futility. There is always hope those on The Left, & The Right come to their senses, and remember where we came from and remember what made us A Nation of Free People, who can put aside their differences for the good of each other, and The Country.
The repubs are worthless, spineless, and broke all their promises ie obamacare, taxes etc. The democrats are so irrelevant and quagmired in issues, ie social crud, that no one even cares other than their third arm.....mainstream media, that they can't even beat the other worthless party.
The repubs are worthless, spineless, and broke all their promises ie obamacare, taxes etc. The democrats are so irrelevant and quagmired in issues, ie social crud, that no one even cares other than their third arm.....mainstream media, that they can't even beat the other worthless party.

Vote Libertarian ...

The repubs are worthless, spineless, and broke all their promises ie obamacare, taxes etc. The democrats are so irrelevant and quagmired in issues, ie social crud, that no one even cares other than their third arm.....mainstream media, that they can't even beat the other worthless party.
I'm not one to declare a game over in the first couple innings. Don't you think it'd be nice to see a bit of a revival of American values in this country? There is only one America. We are exceptional because we have a unique system of government and citizenship unlike any other country. We are not like Europe, who is always fractured and in turmoil. But if we do not remember what it is to Be America, we could end up Like Europe.
A house divided against itself will fall, it is said.

Whether by design or by unintended consequences, The Left has been happily marching down this path for the last few decades. They have employed Class Warfare, The Politics of Personal Destruction, and have immersed themselves in a Jihad against The Christian Judeo Ethic, and the Historical Foundations of Faith and Ethics which gave rise to The American Philosophy of Natural Law which we base our Rights Upon and our Concept of Equality.

When a group employs hate and outrage, and even violence as a method to gain control in a society, when it attempts to brand free speech, and ideas they oppose as unacceptable, and seeks to use an illegitimate application of so called "Tolerance" to be Intolerant of People that really are continuing on The American Tradition of being free, being ethical, and being compassionate to your neighbors, because God is compassionate to us, they are not participating in The American Experience, and learning what it is to be American. They are opposing what it is to be an American.

We can be kind, and forgiving, because God is kind and forgiving and generous, endowing us with Our Rights as Free Spirits, with Free Will. And knowing that we owe Thanks to a God who has shown us these mercies, and Accountability to an Authority Above The Governments of Men, we can strive to do good, as He is good, and we so endeavor to be like Him

This in my opinion is what The Democrat Party needs to do. Remember where we came from. Remember the oppression of a Foreign Power who wanted to tell us how to live, how to pray, how to run our farms and businesses, and yet mandating these things refused to hear our pleas, or be responsive to our needs, and rather than redress our grievances, and grant us a voice, and relief from their oppression, they doubled down on their heavy handedness.

It's my hope that The Democrat Party will recognize that oppression comes in many forms, and that the path of oppression, is not the path to is a path those in power cling to when they find their power eroding.

It is also my hope then that The Democrat Party will undergo a reform, abandon class warfare and their crusades against people who only want an ethical America, and who only want peace and prosperity and freedom for all. Like it or not, we need The Democrat Party to help us Preserve America and her freedoms and become more service oriented, more selfless, and begin to move back to the center and abandon their Hate Crusade and Class Warfare paradigm against working men and women, and The Judeo Christian Ethic.

The Left seems to forget, that despite JFK's Personal Flaws he was one of the most respected and for such a short time was one of the most effective Democrat presidents we had despite some of his missteps. It was his Judeo Christian Ethic that allowed him to do that. He wanted good things for America. He tried to get us out from under the yoke of the Federal Reserve by re-establishing Constitutional Currency. He advocated for peace and equality, not by mandate or artificial quotas, or reverse discrimination, but by equal access to opportunity. This should be the focus of The Left, not divisive tactics and mandates that deprive one group of their freedoms to grant another some privileges.

Maybe a Good Democrat will come along, and return The Democrat Party back to a more respectable one. Imagine if we could agree to disagree on some issues and actually rolled our sleeves up and worked together regardless of our differences like The Good Americans in Texas are doing.

There is no mandate for people to put aside their differences and help one another. There is only that set of ethical laws written on your heart you need to abide by to participate in The American Experience and be a Compatriot with your Countryman.
Can you imagine an America where everyone suddenly remembered that regardless of who they voted for?

I can, it's in our history books, and it's that spirit that made America Great, and can Make it Great Again.
Funny chit. The left hates racism, bigotry, the neo nazis, the white supremacists.

And here you are saying the left must accpet these assholes in order for there to be unity.

Why the fuck don't you hate these groups? Why does your President support t& encourage these grous? Why did your President encourage violence?

There is no way I will EVER support Trump as he dismantles American. The man is stupid, has no skills, has dome next to nothing as President except run around yelling " Look at me Look at me!!!"
The Left has come to the point that hate is their identity. Hillary ran a campaign based on hate, with the full support and affection of the Democrat party. I don't think Democrats know now how to do anything other than hate.
A house divided against itself will fall, it is said.

Whether by design or by unintended consequences, The Left has been happily marching down this path for the last few decades. They have employed Class Warfare, The Politics of Personal Destruction, and have immersed themselves in a Jihad against The Christian Judeo Ethic, and the Historical Foundations of Faith and Ethics which gave rise to The American Philosophy of Natural Law which we base our Rights Upon and our Concept of Equality.

When a group employs hate and outrage, and even violence as a method to gain control in a society, when it attempts to brand free speech, and ideas they oppose as unacceptable, and seeks to use an illegitimate application of so called "Tolerance" to be Intolerant of People that really are continuing on The American Tradition of being free, being ethical, and being compassionate to your neighbors, because God is compassionate to us, they are not participating in The American Experience, and learning what it is to be American. They are opposing what it is to be an American.

We can be kind, and forgiving, because God is kind and forgiving and generous, endowing us with Our Rights as Free Spirits, with Free Will. And knowing that we owe Thanks to a God who has shown us these mercies, and Accountability to an Authority Above The Governments of Men, we can strive to do good, as He is good, and we so endeavor to be like Him

This in my opinion is what The Democrat Party needs to do. Remember where we came from. Remember the oppression of a Foreign Power who wanted to tell us how to live, how to pray, how to run our farms and businesses, and yet mandating these things refused to hear our pleas, or be responsive to our needs, and rather than redress our grievances, and grant us a voice, and relief from their oppression, they doubled down on their heavy handedness.

It's my hope that The Democrat Party will recognize that oppression comes in many forms, and that the path of oppression, is not the path to is a path those in power cling to when they find their power eroding.

It is also my hope then that The Democrat Party will undergo a reform, abandon class warfare and their crusades against people who only want an ethical America, and who only want peace and prosperity and freedom for all. Like it or not, we need The Democrat Party to help us Preserve America and her freedoms and become more service oriented, more selfless, and begin to move back to the center and abandon their Hate Crusade and Class Warfare paradigm against working men and women, and The Judeo Christian Ethic.

The Left seems to forget, that despite JFK's Personal Flaws he was one of the most respected and for such a short time was one of the most effective Democrat presidents we had despite some of his missteps. It was his Judeo Christian Ethic that allowed him to do that. He wanted good things for America. He tried to get us out from under the yoke of the Federal Reserve by re-establishing Constitutional Currency. He advocated for peace and equality, not by mandate or artificial quotas, or reverse discrimination, but by equal access to opportunity. This should be the focus of The Left, not divisive tactics and mandates that deprive one group of their freedoms to grant another some privileges.

Maybe a Good Democrat will come along, and return The Democrat Party back to a more respectable one. Imagine if we could agree to disagree on some issues and actually rolled our sleeves up and worked together regardless of our differences like The Good Americans in Texas are doing.

There is no mandate for people to put aside their differences and help one another. There is only that set of ethical laws written on your heart you need to abide by to participate in The American Experience and be a Compatriot with your Countryman.
Can you imagine an America where everyone suddenly remembered that regardless of who they voted for?

I can, it's in our history books, and it's that spirit that made America Great, and can Make it Great Again.
Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Hillary Clinton's 1969 Political Science Thesis ("There is Only the Fight") refers to an earlier version of Alinsky’s training manual. "In 1946,” she wrote, "Alinsky's first book, Reveille for Radicals, was published."
Even when the liberals had the Presidency, Senate Majority and Congress in 2009, they still had to fight. Liberals are never satisfied, which was why you see them all over the world seeking total domination over those that just want to be left alone and happy. Liberals are never happy, which is why they FORCE upon the rest of US their misery.

But this explains their thought processes and why they are acting like spoiled little children who still cant get their way.

Moonbattery: Psychiatrist Confirms: Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder
Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded. Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave.
The roots of liberalism — and its associated madness — can be clearly identified by understanding how children develop from infancy to adulthood and how distorted development produces the irrational beliefs of the liberal mind. When the modern liberal mind whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious.
Shame they closed the insane asylums for they would be all filled up with the liberals of today.
A house divided against itself will fall, it is said.

Whether by design or by unintended consequences, The Left has been happily marching down this path for the last few decades. They have employed Class Warfare, The Politics of Personal Destruction, and have immersed themselves in a Jihad against The Christian Judeo Ethic, and the Historical Foundations of Faith and Ethics which gave rise to The American Philosophy of Natural Law which we base our Rights Upon and our Concept of Equality.

When a group employs hate and outrage, and even violence as a method to gain control in a society, when it attempts to brand free speech, and ideas they oppose as unacceptable, and seeks to use an illegitimate application of so called "Tolerance" to be Intolerant of People that really are continuing on The American Tradition of being free, being ethical, and being compassionate to your neighbors, because God is compassionate to us, they are not participating in The American Experience, and learning what it is to be American. They are opposing what it is to be an American.

We can be kind, and forgiving, because God is kind and forgiving and generous, endowing us with Our Rights as Free Spirits, with Free Will. And knowing that we owe Thanks to a God who has shown us these mercies, and Accountability to an Authority Above The Governments of Men, we can strive to do good, as He is good, and we so endeavor to be like Him

This in my opinion is what The Democrat Party needs to do. Remember where we came from. Remember the oppression of a Foreign Power who wanted to tell us how to live, how to pray, how to run our farms and businesses, and yet mandating these things refused to hear our pleas, or be responsive to our needs, and rather than redress our grievances, and grant us a voice, and relief from their oppression, they doubled down on their heavy handedness.

It's my hope that The Democrat Party will recognize that oppression comes in many forms, and that the path of oppression, is not the path to is a path those in power cling to when they find their power eroding.

It is also my hope then that The Democrat Party will undergo a reform, abandon class warfare and their crusades against people who only want an ethical America, and who only want peace and prosperity and freedom for all. Like it or not, we need The Democrat Party to help us Preserve America and her freedoms and become more service oriented, more selfless, and begin to move back to the center and abandon their Hate Crusade and Class Warfare paradigm against working men and women, and The Judeo Christian Ethic.

The Left seems to forget, that despite JFK's Personal Flaws he was one of the most respected and for such a short time was one of the most effective Democrat presidents we had despite some of his missteps. It was his Judeo Christian Ethic that allowed him to do that. He wanted good things for America. He tried to get us out from under the yoke of the Federal Reserve by re-establishing Constitutional Currency. He advocated for peace and equality, not by mandate or artificial quotas, or reverse discrimination, but by equal access to opportunity. This should be the focus of The Left, not divisive tactics and mandates that deprive one group of their freedoms to grant another some privileges.

Maybe a Good Democrat will come along, and return The Democrat Party back to a more respectable one. Imagine if we could agree to disagree on some issues and actually rolled our sleeves up and worked together regardless of our differences like The Good Americans in Texas are doing.

There is no mandate for people to put aside their differences and help one another. There is only that set of ethical laws written on your heart you need to abide by to participate in The American Experience and be a Compatriot with your Countryman.
Can you imagine an America where everyone suddenly remembered that regardless of who they voted for?

I can, it's in our history books, and it's that spirit that made America Great, and can Make it Great Again.

Left wingers always want revolution as many pretend they want anarchy.

In reality, their objectives (whether they realize it or not) will only tear apart society which will usher in violence and anarchy that people will feel forced into turning to political strong men to "save" them. This then leads to tyranny as the former regime and Constitution is thrown into the garbage.

This is why ALL left wingers like Bernie Sanders continually talk about revolution. Some of his followers heed his call, like the man who tried to shoot all those GOP Congressmen.
The Left has come to the point that hate is their identity. Hillary ran a campaign based on hate, with the full support and affection of the Democrat party. I don't think Democrats know now how to do anything other than hate.
It's my belief that The Clintons, people like James Carvelle and Obama poisoned The Democrat Party for the last few decades. Situation Ethics and Moral Ambiguity does not work in a Free Society, as they always evolve in to their own brand of Humanist Ethics, and that essentially means, your RIGHTS, become Privileges to be denied at a whim by THE OFFENDED.

I still think there are some Moderates, some JFK type Democrats who need to rise up and take their party back. The GOP is not without sin, but it has improved with the infusion of more grass roots Americans. We need more of that on both sides.
The Left has come to the point that hate is their identity. Hillary ran a campaign based on hate, with the full support and affection of the Democrat party. I don't think Democrats know now how to do anything other than hate.


hate is part of the new face of the democrat party
A house divided against itself will fall, it is said.

Whether by design or by unintended consequences, The Left has been happily marching down this path for the last few decades. They have employed Class Warfare, The Politics of Personal Destruction, and have immersed themselves in a Jihad against The Christian Judeo Ethic, and the Historical Foundations of Faith and Ethics which gave rise to The American Philosophy of Natural Law which we base our Rights Upon and our Concept of Equality.

When a group employs hate and outrage, and even violence as a method to gain control in a society, when it attempts to brand free speech, and ideas they oppose as unacceptable, and seeks to use an illegitimate application of so called "Tolerance" to be Intolerant of People that really are continuing on The American Tradition of being free, being ethical, and being compassionate to your neighbors, because God is compassionate to us, they are not participating in The American Experience, and learning what it is to be American. They are opposing what it is to be an American.

We can be kind, and forgiving, because God is kind and forgiving and generous, endowing us with Our Rights as Free Spirits, with Free Will. And knowing that we owe Thanks to a God who has shown us these mercies, and Accountability to an Authority Above The Governments of Men, we can strive to do good, as He is good, and we so endeavor to be like Him

This in my opinion is what The Democrat Party needs to do. Remember where we came from. Remember the oppression of a Foreign Power who wanted to tell us how to live, how to pray, how to run our farms and businesses, and yet mandating these things refused to hear our pleas, or be responsive to our needs, and rather than redress our grievances, and grant us a voice, and relief from their oppression, they doubled down on their heavy handedness.

It's my hope that The Democrat Party will recognize that oppression comes in many forms, and that the path of oppression, is not the path to is a path those in power cling to when they find their power eroding.

It is also my hope then that The Democrat Party will undergo a reform, abandon class warfare and their crusades against people who only want an ethical America, and who only want peace and prosperity and freedom for all. Like it or not, we need The Democrat Party to help us Preserve America and her freedoms and become more service oriented, more selfless, and begin to move back to the center and abandon their Hate Crusade and Class Warfare paradigm against working men and women, and The Judeo Christian Ethic.

The Left seems to forget, that despite JFK's Personal Flaws he was one of the most respected and for such a short time was one of the most effective Democrat presidents we had despite some of his missteps. It was his Judeo Christian Ethic that allowed him to do that. He wanted good things for America. He tried to get us out from under the yoke of the Federal Reserve by re-establishing Constitutional Currency. He advocated for peace and equality, not by mandate or artificial quotas, or reverse discrimination, but by equal access to opportunity. This should be the focus of The Left, not divisive tactics and mandates that deprive one group of their freedoms to grant another some privileges.

Maybe a Good Democrat will come along, and return The Democrat Party back to a more respectable one. Imagine if we could agree to disagree on some issues and actually rolled our sleeves up and worked together regardless of our differences like The Good Americans in Texas are doing.

There is no mandate for people to put aside their differences and help one another. There is only that set of ethical laws written on your heart you need to abide by to participate in The American Experience and be a Compatriot with your Countryman.
Can you imagine an America where everyone suddenly remembered that regardless of who they voted for?

I can, it's in our history books, and it's that spirit that made America Great, and can Make it Great Again.
Funny chit. The left hates racism, bigotry, the neo nazis, the white supremacists.

And here you are saying the left must accpet these assholes in order for there to be unity.

Why the fuck don't you hate these groups? Why does your President support t& encourage these grous? Why did your President encourage violence?

There is no way I will EVER support Trump as he dismantles American. The man is stupid, has no skills, has dome next to nothing as President except run around yelling " Look at me Look at me!!!"
You are a prime candidate for the looney bin, shame they were closed by Jimmy Carters order.

The Left has come to the point that hate is their identity. Hillary ran a campaign based on hate, with the full support and affection of the Democrat party. I don't think Democrats know now how to do anything other than hate.
It's my belief that The Clintons, people like James Carvelle and Obama poisoned The Democrat Party for the last few decades. Situation Ethics and Moral Ambiguity does not work in a Free Society, as they always evolve in to their own brand of Humanist Ethics, and that essentially means, your RIGHTS, become Privileges to be denied at a whim by THE OFFENDED.

I still think there are some Moderates, some JFK type Democrats who need to rise up and take their party back. The GOP is not without sin, but it has improved with the infusion of more grass roots Americans. We need more of that on both sides.

No, this is how things have always been. The DNC has, over the years, pushed farther and farther left as the entire country drifts left with them. The problem now is, they have gone so far left that their policies seem insane to most, but that won't stop them.
The left hates racism, bigotry, the neo nazis, the white supremacists.

No, the left labels everything as racism even if it's not there.

The left promotes bigotry against anyone who thinks differently than they.

The left labels anyone who doesn't keep time with their goose step a Nazi.

The left promotes class supremacy over any other kind.
The repubs are worthless, spineless, and broke all their promises ie obamacare, taxes etc. The democrats are so irrelevant and quagmired in issues, ie social crud, that no one even cares other than their third arm.....mainstream media, that they can't even beat the other worthless party.
I'm not one to declare a game over in the first couple innings. Don't you think it'd be nice to see a bit of a revival of American values in this country? There is only one America. We are exceptional because we have a unique system of government and citizenship unlike any other country. We are not like Europe, who is always fractured and in turmoil. But if we do not remember what it is to Be America, we could end up Like Europe.

R's have had 6 years to make some changes. First, they said they needed the house, then they needed the senate, then they said they needed the presidency. So, the voters gave all three to them and they've done nothing. Both parties are equally worthless and have destroyed this country.
The Left has come to the point that hate is their identity. Hillary ran a campaign based on hate, with the full support and affection of the Democrat party. I don't think Democrats know now how to do anything other than hate.
Bullcrap. Hillary ran a campaign against the "deplorables" which were Trump supporters.
A house divided against itself will fall, it is said.

Whether by design or by unintended consequences, The Left has been happily marching down this path for the last few decades. They have employed Class Warfare, The Politics of Personal Destruction, and have immersed themselves in a Jihad against The Christian Judeo Ethic, and the Historical Foundations of Faith and Ethics which gave rise to The American Philosophy of Natural Law which we base our Rights Upon and our Concept of Equality.

When a group employs hate and outrage, and even violence as a method to gain control in a society, when it attempts to brand free speech, and ideas they oppose as unacceptable, and seeks to use an illegitimate application of so called "Tolerance" to be Intolerant of People that really are continuing on The American Tradition of being free, being ethical, and being compassionate to your neighbors, because God is compassionate to us, they are not participating in The American Experience, and learning what it is to be American. They are opposing what it is to be an American.

We can be kind, and forgiving, because God is kind and forgiving and generous, endowing us with Our Rights as Free Spirits, with Free Will. And knowing that we owe Thanks to a God who has shown us these mercies, and Accountability to an Authority Above The Governments of Men, we can strive to do good, as He is good, and we so endeavor to be like Him

This in my opinion is what The Democrat Party needs to do. Remember where we came from. Remember the oppression of a Foreign Power who wanted to tell us how to live, how to pray, how to run our farms and businesses, and yet mandating these things refused to hear our pleas, or be responsive to our needs, and rather than redress our grievances, and grant us a voice, and relief from their oppression, they doubled down on their heavy handedness.

It's my hope that The Democrat Party will recognize that oppression comes in many forms, and that the path of oppression, is not the path to is a path those in power cling to when they find their power eroding.

It is also my hope then that The Democrat Party will undergo a reform, abandon class warfare and their crusades against people who only want an ethical America, and who only want peace and prosperity and freedom for all. Like it or not, we need The Democrat Party to help us Preserve America and her freedoms and become more service oriented, more selfless, and begin to move back to the center and abandon their Hate Crusade and Class Warfare paradigm against working men and women, and The Judeo Christian Ethic.

The Left seems to forget, that despite JFK's Personal Flaws he was one of the most respected and for such a short time was one of the most effective Democrat presidents we had despite some of his missteps. It was his Judeo Christian Ethic that allowed him to do that. He wanted good things for America. He tried to get us out from under the yoke of the Federal Reserve by re-establishing Constitutional Currency. He advocated for peace and equality, not by mandate or artificial quotas, or reverse discrimination, but by equal access to opportunity. This should be the focus of The Left, not divisive tactics and mandates that deprive one group of their freedoms to grant another some privileges.

Maybe a Good Democrat will come along, and return The Democrat Party back to a more respectable one. Imagine if we could agree to disagree on some issues and actually rolled our sleeves up and worked together regardless of our differences like The Good Americans in Texas are doing.

There is no mandate for people to put aside their differences and help one another. There is only that set of ethical laws written on your heart you need to abide by to participate in The American Experience and be a Compatriot with your Countryman.
Can you imagine an America where everyone suddenly remembered that regardless of who they voted for?

I can, it's in our history books, and it's that spirit that made America Great, and can Make it Great Again.
You rightards are too funny. Whassamatter? You spent all your hate while Obama was president so now you're lookin' for love in return?

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