Can Republitards name the last GOP prez that balanced a budget?

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Seriously, I want the deluded monkeys to name the last GOP prez that either balanced a budget or presided over a balanced budget without screwing it up. While they're at it, I'd like for them to name one time where a budget was balanced and or a deficit was significantly reduced solely by spending cuts and extremely low taxes. Talk is cheap, put or shut up, you Republitards have been repeating the same old BS, well if it will work show that it did.
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Sounds like someone is bitter because they don't have a secretary to fix all their grammatical errors.
Even though I'm not a republitard.....
....Coolidge's controversial economic policies which rank among the most sucessful (sic) in modern times. Consider that Coolidge was President for five years and in every one of those years the U.S. government had a balanced budget with a surplus which was returned to the taxpayers in the form of a tax cut,And that government spending progressively declined over this same period. A Customer's review of Coolidge: An American Enigma

Do I win a free interwebz or something?
Calvin Coolidge was one of the greatest Presidents of our nations history. It's a shame the people are so ignorant of him.
Oh and Congress prepares the budget. Isn't it interesting that the budget only gets balanced with a Republican Congress? Can you name the last Democrat Congress that balanced the budget?
The CBO gave the lions share of the credit for the budget surpluses of the 1990s to the 1993 BRA which was signed by NOT ONE SINGLE republican.

Yes there was a budget surplus.

No. There was a 10 year PROJECTED surplus which was later to be founded on inaccurate figures and the incredibly dumb idea that the economy would never stop growing. The Clinton Recession and 9/11 ensured that there was never one.

I wish you guys would be honest for once.
I really don't give a rat's ass who was the last president to balance the budget. Or who controlled congress at the time.

What I do care about is that the next congress and the next President get their collective heads out of their asses and fix the economy which would include doing away with the deficit spending. And I don't even care what party they may belong to.

Democrat, Republican, Independent, Moon Glow Party.....It just doesn't matter.
Seriously, I want the deluded monkeys to name the last GOP prez that either balanced a budget or presided over a balanced budget without screwing it up. While they're at it, I'd like for them to name one time where a budget was balanced and or a deficit was significantly reduced solely by spending cuts and extremely low taxes. Talk is cheap, put or shut up, you Republitards have been repeating the same old BS, well if it will work show that it did.

Probably Eisenhower, who would be a card carrying RINO today.
The CBO gave the lions share of the credit for the budget surpluses of the 1990s to the 1993 BRA which was signed by NOT ONE SINGLE republican.

There was no budget surplus in the 90s.

Repeat a lie enough times and you guys actually believe it.

There were annual surpluses under Clinton, a couple anyway. Bush saw to it that that never happened again.
As I understand it, the only reason Clinton had a budget surplus, aside from the GOP Congress that wouldn't let him spend more money, was that he borrowed money from the Social Security lockbox. Not sure if that was by choice or by law that he had to. Hey, I give a lot of credit to Clinton, he did a good job IMHO.

As Avatar says, it's Congress responsibility to legislate taxes and spending. So when was the last time a democrat controlled Congress had a balanced budget?
As I understand it, the only reason Clinton had a budget surplus, aside from the GOP Congress that wouldn't let him spend more money, was that he borrowed money from the Social Security lockbox. Not sure if that was by choice or by law that he had to. Hey, I give a lot of credit to Clinton, he did a good job IMHO.

As Avatar says, it's Congress responsibility to legislate taxes and spending. So when was the last time a democrat controlled Congress had a balanced budget?

Not really going to find it. it 2011 or is it just me? And is this a POLITICS forum..........or not?

Internet k00ks talking about George anybody cares.

But go take a gandor over to The DUDGE REPORT tonight!!!:D:D:up:


I damn near laughed my balls off.

Id say the commentary would read for The Dums..................


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