Can Democrats Provide Any Solid Metrics To Support the Rushed Need For a 4th COVID-19 Stimulus Passed?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
There aren't even any metrics to support the already trillions spent on the other 3 yet. There is, however, evidence to support the fact that politicians are using the media-supported fear-mongering and their 'never let a crisis go to waste' mantra to attempt to justify funding their 'WISH LIST' in the name of COVID-19 despite the items on that list having everything to do with their liberal agenda / ideology and nothing to do with COVID-19!

Democrats have already been blasted for attempting to secure funding for abortions and their 'War on Cow Farts' Green New Deal while successfully using 'deficit-dollars' for BILLIONS going to the Kennedy Center and to Harvard, money paid out of a fund for small businesses devastated by COVID-19 prevention/fighting policies.

Democrats are raging against Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who wants to put the breaks on the mad rush to spend, spend, we don't have.

You don't need metrics to see the abuse of power / power of the purse strings and betrayal of trust Americans have placed in Congress to use our money wisely - just read what is being packed into the COVID-19 RELIEF 4.0 proposed bill:

"The Senate’s passage of a $484 billion coronavirus relief bill on Tuesday is setting the stage for negotiations on an even bigger package that could rival the $2.2 trillion CARES Act passed by Congress last month.

The legislation would funnel tens of billions if not hundreds of billions to state and local governments and could address infrastructure spending and election security."

This shit clearly should NOT be include in any 'COVID-19 RELIEF' Bill but should instead be their own separate funding bills.

"But McConnell hit the pause button.

“I think it's also time to begin to think about the amount of debt we're adding to our country and the future impact of that,” he said. “Let's weigh this very carefully, because the future of our country in terms of the amount of debt that we're adding up is a matter of genuine concern.”

Schumer is under tremendous pressure to deliver money to New York’s state government"

Schumer is attempting to make the most out of this crisis by packing RELIEF bills with as much NON-COVID-19 RELATED PORK into deficit-spending RELIEF bills.

F* Him! NY, sorry you were the 'epicenter' for this China/WHO-created / facilitated pandemic, but engaging in national security threatening NON-COVID-19-related deficit spending after just shutting down the economy, threatening our national security, is not something you are OWED because of what COVID-19 did to NY.

There is, however, evidence to support the fact that politicians are using the media-supported fear-mongering and their 'never let a crisis go to waste' mantra to attempt to justify funding their 'WISH LIST' in the name of COVID-19

There aren't even any metrics to support the already trillions spent on the other 3 yet. There is, however, evidence to support the fact that politicians are using the media-supported fear-mongering and their 'never let a crisis go to waste' mantra to attempt to justify funding their 'WISH LIST' in the name of COVID-19 despite the items on that list having everything to do with their liberal agenda / ideology and nothing to do with COVID-19!

Democrats have already been blasted for attempting to secure funding for abortions and their 'War on Cow Farts' Green New Deal while successfully using 'deficit-dollars' for BILLIONS going to the Kennedy Center and to Harvard, money paid out of a fund for small businesses devastated by COVID-19 prevention/fighting policies.

Democrats are raging against Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who wants to put the breaks on the mad rush to spend, spend, we don't have.

You don't need metrics to see the abuse of power / power of the purse strings and betrayal of trust Americans have placed in Congress to use our money wisely - just read what is being packed into the COVID-19 RELIEF 4.0 proposed bill:

"The Senate’s passage of a $484 billion coronavirus relief bill on Tuesday is setting the stage for negotiations on an even bigger package that could rival the $2.2 trillion CARES Act passed by Congress last month.

The legislation would funnel tens of billions if not hundreds of billions to state and local governments and could address infrastructure spending and election security."

This shit clearly should NOT be include in any 'COVID-19 RELIEF' Bill but should instead be their own separate funding bills.

"But McConnell hit the pause button.

“I think it's also time to begin to think about the amount of debt we're adding to our country and the future impact of that,” he said. “Let's weigh this very carefully, because the future of our country in terms of the amount of debt that we're adding up is a matter of genuine concern.”

Schumer is under tremendous pressure to deliver money to New York’s state government"

Schumer is attempting to make the most out of this crisis by packing RELIEF bills with as much NON-COVID-19 RELATED PORK into deficit-spending RELIEF bills.

F* Him! NY, sorry you were the 'epicenter' for this China/WHO-created / facilitated pandemic, but engaging in national security threatening NON-COVID-19-related deficit spending after just shutting down the economy, threatening our national security, is not something you are OWED because of what COVID-19 did to NY.

I agree to a great extent and see no need to push another one at this time. Some of the crap put into the coronavirsu stimulus by Democrats is no better than the averaging $1.7 million dollar each tax break for 43,000 people making over a million dollars a year by way of pass through companies, as written up in the Forbes article. Has nothing to do with coronavirus. How Some Rich Americans Are Getting Stimulus ‘Checks’ Averaging $1.7 Million
If handled correctly without a bunch of corruption we may be able to buy ourselves out of a really bad recession. Unfortunately, Republicans seem determined on having a depression where their contributors make millions while workers go broke, lose their jobs, houses, and children's futures.
If handled correctly without a bunch of corruption we may be able to buy ourselves out of a really bad recession. Unfortunately, Republicans seem determined on having a depression where their contributors make millions while workers go broke, lose their jobs, houses, and children's futures.
Obviously PBS really needed that 75 billion dollar gift from Nancy Pelosi. As well as the Kennedy Center.

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