Can anyone point out ANYTHING in the infamous dossier that has been substantiated?

Raises hand!

That's right, I can!

The dossier claims that Trump lawyer Michael Cohen met with Russian operatives in Russia in August of 2016

This has been conclusively proven to be False.

100% untrue, this is established fact.

Outside of that, is there anything else that has been verified?

Read it and get back to us.
ahhhh you see, it's still classified. does that mean it doesn't exist? nope. it means it's gonna be real bad. but don't worry, papadopolous & flynn have been talking.
In other words, you are praying to the god of goose-stepping Bolsheviks that the classified info somehow makes Pence the POTUS.

Just give it up. It is so lame. Trump is POTUS and nothing will change that.

i want the truth to come out no matter what it is & who is involved. too bad you would rather have someone that comitted treason in office as long as hillary isn't?

what a patriot.
Even though jackasses like you hate him for it, putting America's interests first is not treason, jackass.
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Verified: Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with representatives of Russian state-owned oil giant Rosneft.

Verified: The Kremlin targeted educated youth and swing state voters during its cyber attacks in the 2016 campaign.

Verified: Trump maintains ties to rich businessmen from Azerbaijan.

How true is the Trump-Russia dossier? One year later, what we know about its claims

That's the ONE THING that has been verified and it's no where NEAR a secret... That was Carter Page's specialty. And he did travel and work with "russians".. Not a scandal or illegal... In fact, he was cooperating with the FBI about his business and visits. That's why he was never charged or indicted.

What else you got?

WOW -- Trump know rich business folks from Azerbaijan.. Hold the presses. Get a noose.. WTF?? Did he contact them or did they contact him? What's the nature? What's the BFD with that.

Podesta represented SberBank during the campaign.. They literally OWN 1/3 of Russia.. Including properties, businesses and assets from nasty Russian mobsters and oligarchs... Put your RAGE about that in a reply please....
From your own link:

"Cohen has said that he couldn’t have been in Prague because he was visiting the University of Southern California with his son on a college baseball recruiting trip. He posted a photograph from his daughter’s social media account showing the two of them together in Los Angeles on the final week of August."
Michael Cohen: Allegations of Secret Kremlin Meetings Are "Absurd" | Washingtonian

Cohen says that he was only in New York for the month of August, save for a trip to Los Angeles with his son from August 23-29. Two USC baseball sources confirm that Cohen and his son were in fact on campus visiting the baseball program on the 29th.

His passport shows that he left Italy in June. The "dossier" claims he was in Prague i August.
Face it, turd, the "dossier" is a pile of crap.

And what about that photo proves when it was taken? Cohen is one sleazy motherfucker - he could have posted any old picture to a social media account as cover.

Do you believe this - REALLY?

“Neither the Trump Organisation nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed me for the payment, either directly or indirectly,” Mr Cohen told the Times.

I feel for ya Angry Lil Feller - need a hand? :)


Even that douchebag Schiff admits Cohen was never in Prague.
Even that douchebag Schiff admits Cohen was never in Prague.

No - that is NOT what he said - But you probably bought the misleading headline on Newsmax Amiright?

What he said was that only the parts of the dossier related to Carter Page were presented to the FISA court and that one of his COLLEAGUES said that.

Get a grip and watch the video angry Lil Feller!

"So one of my colleagues, for example, said, well, we don't have evidence that Michael Cohen made a trip to Prague. This is also part of the dossier," Schiff said. "But that Michael Cohen trip to Prague wasn't part of the materials provided to the FISA court. So it's very disingenuous to say the FISA court was misled because we don't believe Michael Cohen went to Prague when that information was never provided to the court."​

Read Full Article Here Rep. Schiff Admits Trump Lawyer Never Was in Prague |
Has Shity Schiff found Naked Trump Yet?

"Cohen has said that he couldn’t have been in Prague because he was visiting the University of Southern California with his son on a college baseball recruiting trip. He posted a photograph from his daughter’s social media account showing the two of them together in Los Angeles on the final week of August."
Michael Cohen: Allegations of Secret Kremlin Meetings Are "Absurd" | Washingtonian

Cohen says that he was only in New York for the month of August, save for a trip to Los Angeles with his son from August 23-29. Two USC baseball sources confirm that Cohen and his son were in fact on campus visiting the baseball program on the 29th.

His passport shows that he left Italy in June. The "dossier" claims he was in Prague i August.
Face it, turd, the "dossier" is a pile of crap.

And what about that photo proves when it was taken? Cohen is one sleazy motherfucker - he could have posted any old picture to a social media account as cover.

Do you believe this - REALLY?

“Neither the Trump Organisation nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed me for the payment, either directly or indirectly,” Mr Cohen told the Times.

I feel for ya Angry Lil Feller - need a hand? :)


Even that douchebag Schiff admits Cohen was never in Prague.
Raises hand!

That's right, I can!

The dossier claims that Trump lawyer Michael Cohen met with Russian operatives in Russia in August of 2016

This has been conclusively proven to be False.

100% untrue, this is established fact.

Outside of that, is there anything else that has been verified?

Yes, it correctly identifies the President's name as Donald J Trump. Beyond that......
Even that douchebag Schiff admits Cohen was never in Prague.

No - that is NOT what he said - But you probably bought the misleading headline on Newsmax Amiright?

What he said was that only the parts of the dossier related to Carter Page were presented to the FISA court and that one of his COLLEAGUES said that.

Get a grip and watch the video angry Lil Feller!

"So one of my colleagues, for example, said, well, we don't have evidence that Michael Cohen made a trip to Prague. This is also part of the dossier," Schiff said. "But that Michael Cohen trip to Prague wasn't part of the materials provided to the FISA court. So it's very disingenuous to say the FISA court was misled because we don't believe Michael Cohen went to Prague when that information was never provided to the court."​

Read Full Article Here Rep. Schiff Admits Trump Lawyer Never Was in Prague |

The fact that it wasn't presented to the FISA court doesn't mean the claim wasn't made or that it wasn't wrong. Schiff admitted that Cohen wasn't in Prague, period. That has to be the most pathetic excuse for logic I have ever seen posted in this forum.

You area fucking dumbass who doesn't understand simple English.
Has Shity Schiff found Naked Trump Yet?

"Cohen has said that he couldn’t have been in Prague because he was visiting the University of Southern California with his son on a college baseball recruiting trip. He posted a photograph from his daughter’s social media account showing the two of them together in Los Angeles on the final week of August."
Michael Cohen: Allegations of Secret Kremlin Meetings Are "Absurd" | Washingtonian

Cohen says that he was only in New York for the month of August, save for a trip to Los Angeles with his son from August 23-29. Two USC baseball sources confirm that Cohen and his son were in fact on campus visiting the baseball program on the 29th.

His passport shows that he left Italy in June. The "dossier" claims he was in Prague i August.
Face it, turd, the "dossier" is a pile of crap.

And what about that photo proves when it was taken? Cohen is one sleazy motherfucker - he could have posted any old picture to a social media account as cover.

Do you believe this - REALLY?

“Neither the Trump Organisation nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed me for the payment, either directly or indirectly,” Mr Cohen told the Times.

I feel for ya Angry Lil Feller - need a hand? :)


Even that douchebag Schiff admits Cohen was never in Prague.

Schiff is a laughing stock after the "naked Trump" recording. His dreams of glory went up in flames with that boner.
Raises hand!

That's right, I can!

The dossier claims that Trump lawyer Michael Cohen met with Russian operatives in Russia in August of 2016

This has been conclusively proven to be False.

100% untrue, this is established fact.

Outside of that, is there anything else that has been verified?

^ Another loser who has obviously not read it but thinks he knows something about it.
None of the newly learned information relates to the salacious allegations in the dossier. Rather it relates to conversations between foreign nationals. The dossier details about a dozen conversations between senior Russian officials and other Russian individuals. Sources would not confirm which specific conversations were intercepted or the content of those discussions due to the classified nature of US intelligence collection programs.
Somehow, "whooppie-fuckin-do" just doesn't quite say it.

That's corroboration, dope.
The fact that it wasn't presented to the FISA court doesn't mean the claim wasn't made or that it wasn't wrong. Schiff admitted that Cohen wasn't in Prague, period. That has to be the most pathetic excuse for logic I have ever seen posted in this forum.

You area fucking dumbass who doesn't understand simple English.

No Angry Lil Guy - NOT what he said.
You need a class in reading and listening comprehension.

SCHIFF: That's exactly right. And we'll be releasing the transcript of our hearing last night, and you can see members making this argument, that unfortunately it's because they haven't read the underlying materials. So one of my colleagues, for example, said, well, we don't have evidence that Michael Cohen made a trip to Prague. This is also part of the dossier. But that Michael Cohen trip to Prague wasn't part of the materials provided to the FISA court. So it's very disingenuous to say the FISA court was misled because we don't believe Michael Cohen went to Prague when that information was never provided to the court.
The fact that it wasn't presented to the FISA court doesn't mean the claim wasn't made or that it wasn't wrong. Schiff admitted that Cohen wasn't in Prague, period. That has to be the most pathetic excuse for logic I have ever seen posted in this forum.

You area fucking dumbass who doesn't understand simple English.

No Angry Lil Guy - NOT what he said.
You need a class in reading and listening comprehension.

SCHIFF: That's exactly right. And we'll be releasing the transcript of our hearing last night, and you can see members making this argument, that unfortunately it's because they haven't read the underlying materials. So one of my colleagues, for example, said, well, we don't have evidence that Michael Cohen made a trip to Prague. This is also part of the dossier. But that Michael Cohen trip to Prague wasn't part of the materials provided to the FISA court. So it's very disingenuous to say the FISA court was misled because we don't believe Michael Cohen went to Prague when that information was never provided to the court.

What part of "we don't believe Michael Cohen went to Prague" don't you understand?
The fact that it wasn't presented to the FISA court doesn't mean the claim wasn't made or that it wasn't wrong. Schiff admitted that Cohen wasn't in Prague, period. That has to be the most pathetic excuse for logic I have ever seen posted in this forum.

You area fucking dumbass who doesn't understand simple English.

No Angry Lil Guy - NOT what he said.
You need a class in reading and listening comprehension.

SCHIFF: That's exactly right. And we'll be releasing the transcript of our hearing last night, and you can see members making this argument, that unfortunately it's because they haven't read the underlying materials. So one of my colleagues, for example, said, well, we don't have evidence that Michael Cohen made a trip to Prague. This is also part of the dossier. But that Michael Cohen trip to Prague wasn't part of the materials provided to the FISA court. So it's very disingenuous to say the FISA court was misled because we don't believe Michael Cohen went to Prague when that information was never provided to the court.

What part of "we don't believe Michael Cohen went to Prague" don't you understand?

You are SO fucking dense - he spoke with regard to what his COLLEAGUE said. Stop taking shit out of context and creating Trump-friendly FAKE NEWS.

Thanks in advance!
But MAINLY -- the entire piece you stole is how a REAL Intel agency might USE that kind of dossier for a real corrroborated investigation. THAT would be true if it wasn't a PAID FICTION RELYING on Russian Intel intended as a political hit piece !!!!!!!!!!!!

And attempts to corroborate any substantial parts of this fiction have failed. That's the take-away point here.
That's why no real corroboration APPEARS in the Slate propaganda piece marketed thru Steele himself..

Hey dimwit......I stole NOTHING.....I DID mention who wrote that last part....

YOU, my trusty BIASED mod are clearly showing which side you're on and it obviously is the Trump ass kissing side.

No credit for the copyright to Slate. That's how it's supposed to work. Not linking also cuts folks off from READING the rest of article.. So my question is -- did you KNOW that Steele was the primary and oft quoted SOURCE of that phony article and you were just too embarrassed to have that found out? Or did you not even recognize that was what happened?

That doesn't make it incorrect, dope.

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