Can anyone point out ANYTHING in the infamous dossier that has been substantiated?

The fact that it wasn't presented to the FISA court doesn't mean the claim wasn't made or that it wasn't wrong. Schiff admitted that Cohen wasn't in Prague, period. That has to be the most pathetic excuse for logic I have ever seen posted in this forum.

You area fucking dumbass who doesn't understand simple English.

No Angry Lil Guy - NOT what he said.
You need a class in reading and listening comprehension.

SCHIFF: That's exactly right. And we'll be releasing the transcript of our hearing last night, and you can see members making this argument, that unfortunately it's because they haven't read the underlying materials. So one of my colleagues, for example, said, well, we don't have evidence that Michael Cohen made a trip to Prague. This is also part of the dossier. But that Michael Cohen trip to Prague wasn't part of the materials provided to the FISA court. So it's very disingenuous to say the FISA court was misled because we don't believe Michael Cohen went to Prague when that information was never provided to the court.

What part of "we don't believe Michael Cohen went to Prague" don't you understand?

You are SO fucking dense - he spoke with regard to what his COLLEAGUE said. Stop taking shit out of context and creating Trump-friendly FAKE NEWS.

Thanks in advance!
You are so fucking dense. Nowhere does Frog Eye Schiff claim Cohen was ever in Prague.
Verified: Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with representatives of Russian state-owned oil giant Rosneft.

Verified: The Kremlin targeted educated youth and swing state voters during its cyber attacks in the 2016 campaign.
and have been doing so for a decade or more.

Verified: Trump maintains ties to rich businessmen from Azerbaijan.
Caucasians? So, that's where the "Trump is racist" comments come from. Azerbaijani Caucasians (not white people).

Also, not Russians.


No, Russia has not been doing "for decades" what was done to us in 2016. What Russia did in 2016 was unprecedented and the disregard with which Trump sycophants are treating a flagrant attack on our country is deeply disturbing.

The OP questioned if anything in the field notes had been verified. Some has been publicly verified. I expect we will find out more before this is all said and done.

The fourth estate is on this story and the U.S. is not the only intelligence gathering nation...

Hey, Incompetent, Irrelevant, and Immaterial type person-)

What Russia did is Obama's deal. He was the President, NOT Trump! If Obama was so weak, aren't you glad he is gone!

So now tell us, what has been proven that Trump did, and you are on the liberal clock-)
No, Russia has not been doing "for decades" what was done to us in 2016. What Russia did in 2016 was unprecedented and the disregard with which Trump sycophants are treating a flagrant attack on our country is deeply disturbing.
Which was?

Where ya been?

Intelligence Report on Russian Hacking

I can't read all of that Boseaphus, lol. Tell us, NOT what the Russians did and Obama didn't stop, but what Trump did. Get it straight!
The fact that it wasn't presented to the FISA court doesn't mean the claim wasn't made or that it wasn't wrong. Schiff admitted that Cohen wasn't in Prague, period. That has to be the most pathetic excuse for logic I have ever seen posted in this forum.

You area fucking dumbass who doesn't understand simple English.

No Angry Lil Guy - NOT what he said.
You need a class in reading and listening comprehension.

SCHIFF: That's exactly right. And we'll be releasing the transcript of our hearing last night, and you can see members making this argument, that unfortunately it's because they haven't read the underlying materials. So one of my colleagues, for example, said, well, we don't have evidence that Michael Cohen made a trip to Prague. This is also part of the dossier. But that Michael Cohen trip to Prague wasn't part of the materials provided to the FISA court. So it's very disingenuous to say the FISA court was misled because we don't believe Michael Cohen went to Prague when that information was never provided to the court.

What part of "we don't believe Michael Cohen went to Prague" don't you understand?

That's what his Republican colleague said, dope. No wonder you won't read the dossier. You're not able to.
Even that douchebag Schiff admits Cohen was never in Prague.

No - that is NOT what he said - But you probably bought the misleading headline on Newsmax Amiright?

What he said was that only the parts of the dossier related to Carter Page were presented to the FISA court and that one of his COLLEAGUES said that.

Get a grip and watch the video angry Lil Feller!

"So one of my colleagues, for example, said, well, we don't have evidence that Michael Cohen made a trip to Prague. This is also part of the dossier," Schiff said. "But that Michael Cohen trip to Prague wasn't part of the materials provided to the FISA court. So it's very disingenuous to say the FISA court was misled because we don't believe Michael Cohen went to Prague when that information was never provided to the court."​

Read Full Article Here Rep. Schiff Admits Trump Lawyer Never Was in Prague |

Well the Dr Quack-Quack Love, tell us what is TRUE in the dossier-) You tell us, cause that is your whole evidence-) Once that is done, so is Trump/Russia/Delusion/Collusion.

So don't tell us what isn't disproven; in court, you have to prove, or prove beyond a reasonable doubt. So tell us Karnak, in your IGNORANT opinion, what is true-)

You either know what you are talking about and have some information, or you don't! Which is it? Can we place bets in Vegas on your incompetence and get rich, lolololol!

Thank you, it's like the OP wants us to do all the work for him

No, the OP is just trolling. He won't believe any fact you present him.

The nuts on the forum do this all the time. They pretend that facts haven't been presented, or that something hasn't been refuted, and then they just keep making thread after thread under that pretense.

It's purely for inflammatory purposes. Technically these sorts of threads shouldn't even be in 'politics' because they are in fact just flame threads.
Even that douchebag Schiff admits Cohen was never in Prague.

No - that is NOT what he said - But you probably bought the misleading headline on Newsmax Amiright?

What he said was that only the parts of the dossier related to Carter Page were presented to the FISA court and that one of his COLLEAGUES said that.

Get a grip and watch the video angry Lil Feller!

"So one of my colleagues, for example, said, well, we don't have evidence that Michael Cohen made a trip to Prague. This is also part of the dossier," Schiff said. "But that Michael Cohen trip to Prague wasn't part of the materials provided to the FISA court. So it's very disingenuous to say the FISA court was misled because we don't believe Michael Cohen went to Prague when that information was never provided to the court."​

Read Full Article Here Rep. Schiff Admits Trump Lawyer Never Was in Prague |

Well the Dr Quack-Quack Love, tell us what is TRUE in the dossier-) You tell us, cause that is your whole evidence-) Once that is done, so is Trump/Russia/Delusion/Collusion.

So don't tell us what isn't disproven; in court, you have to prove, or prove beyond a reasonable doubt. So tell us Karnak, in your IGNORANT opinion, what is true-)

You either know what you are talking about and have some information, or you don't! Which is it? Can we place bets in Vegas on your incompetence and get rich, lolololol!

See what I mean. I gave you the links. Go read them.
Even that douchebag Schiff admits Cohen was never in Prague.

No - that is NOT what he said - But you probably bought the misleading headline on Newsmax Amiright?

What he said was that only the parts of the dossier related to Carter Page were presented to the FISA court and that one of his COLLEAGUES said that.

Get a grip and watch the video angry Lil Feller!

"So one of my colleagues, for example, said, well, we don't have evidence that Michael Cohen made a trip to Prague. This is also part of the dossier," Schiff said. "But that Michael Cohen trip to Prague wasn't part of the materials provided to the FISA court. So it's very disingenuous to say the FISA court was misled because we don't believe Michael Cohen went to Prague when that information was never provided to the court."​

Read Full Article Here Rep. Schiff Admits Trump Lawyer Never Was in Prague |

Well the Dr Quack-Quack Love, tell us what is TRUE in the dossier-) You tell us, cause that is your whole evidence-) Once that is done, so is Trump/Russia/Delusion/Collusion.

So don't tell us what isn't disproven; in court, you have to prove, or prove beyond a reasonable doubt. So tell us Karnak, in your IGNORANT opinion, what is true-)

You either know what you are talking about and have some information, or you don't! Which is it? Can we place bets in Vegas on your incompetence and get rich, lolololol!

See what I mean. I gave you the links. Go read them.

That is your proof, really! Well hel
Even that douchebag Schiff admits Cohen was never in Prague.

No - that is NOT what he said - But you probably bought the misleading headline on Newsmax Amiright?

What he said was that only the parts of the dossier related to Carter Page were presented to the FISA court and that one of his COLLEAGUES said that.

Get a grip and watch the video angry Lil Feller!

"So one of my colleagues, for example, said, well, we don't have evidence that Michael Cohen made a trip to Prague. This is also part of the dossier," Schiff said. "But that Michael Cohen trip to Prague wasn't part of the materials provided to the FISA court. So it's very disingenuous to say the FISA court was misled because we don't believe Michael Cohen went to Prague when that information was never provided to the court."​

Read Full Article Here Rep. Schiff Admits Trump Lawyer Never Was in Prague |

Well the Dr Quack-Quack Love, tell us what is TRUE in the dossier-) You tell us, cause that is your whole evidence-) Once that is done, so is Trump/Russia/Delusion/Collusion.

So don't tell us what isn't disproven; in court, you have to prove, or prove beyond a reasonable doubt. So tell us Karnak, in your IGNORANT opinion, what is true-)

You either know what you are talking about and have some information, or you don't! Which is it? Can we place bets in Vegas on your incompetence and get rich, lolololol!

See what I mean. I gave you the links. Go read them.

Seen your links, read some of them, you did well!

OK, we will call this a "YOU WIN!" I don't believe them from the source they came from, but you fulfilled the OPs request.

Chalk one up for NY! Good job!
No mention that since August, the investigation of this phony "intel doc" now centers around the "circular reporting" that got Steele in trouble with the FBI for talking to the press.
So you really believe that garbage, even though the two authors of the 2 articles said that Steele was not their source or primary source to their articles?

Even though the intel committee did NO investigation of the FISA warrant? Just Nunes's staff's word or interpretation.. for the dud memo?

Even though there has been no Inspector General report on it?

Even though the FBI director said the nunes memo was DECEPTIVE or DECEIVING and INACCURATE because it left out key information to the FISA and how it was obtained?

Even though the Justice Dept also stated the Nunes memo was deceiving because it left out critical information to how the FISA warrant was obtained?

Even though the Repubs with the Russians started a propaganda campaign two weeks earlier than the memo with the #releasethememo chants to fool the fool able, when the the Nunes MEMO could NEVER be stopped by anyone on the left wing and in the minority??

In that case....I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you! :D
Last edited:
Raises hand!

That's right, I can!

The dossier claims that Trump lawyer Michael Cohen met with Russian operatives in Russia in August of 2016

This has been conclusively proven to be False.

100% untrue, this is established fact.

Outside of that, is there anything else that has been verified?

Not a damn thing.

All we know for sure is that Clinton and the DNC paid for it, contributed to it by feeding unproven info to Steele, and then used it to spy on Trump.

It's that simple.

Carter Page's testimony is filled with bombshells — and supports key portions of the Steele dossier
Nov. 6, 2017, 10:03 PM

Carter Page's testimony is filled with bombshells — and supports key portions of the Steele dossier

US investigators corroborate some aspects of the Russia dossier

By Jim Sciutto and Evan Perez, CNN

Updated 5:25 PM ET, Fri February 10, 2017

Washington (CNN)For the first time, US investigators say they have corroborated some of the communications detailed in a 35-page dossier compiled by a former British intelligence agent, multiple current and former US law enforcement and intelligence officials tell CNN. As CNN first reported, then-President-elect Donald Trump and President Barack Obama were briefed on the existence of the dossier prior to Trump's inauguration.

None of the newly learned information relates to the salacious allegations in the dossier. Rather it relates to conversations between foreign nationals. The dossier details about a dozen conversations between senior Russian officials and other Russian individuals. Sources would not confirm which specific conversations were intercepted or the content of those discussions due to the classified nature of US intelligence collection programs.

US investigators corroborate some aspects of the Russia dossier - CNNPolitics

& given that those 2 articles came out quite some time ago, chances are pretty good that even more has been proven to be true.

oh- you're welcome for the answer to your question. :cool:

"None of the newly learned information relates to the salacious allegations in the dossier. Rather it relates to conversations between foreign nationals. The dossier details about a dozen conversations between senior Russian officials and other Russian individuals. Sources would not confirm which specific conversations were intercepted or the content of those discussions due to the classified nature of US intelligence collection programs."

In other words, fake news. Your article is a year old, BTW. So not only is it fake, it's also old.

noooooooo..... but you need to believe it to be. 'old'? a year is old? lol...............

Carter Page's testimony is filled with bombshells — and supports key portions of the Steele dossier
Nov. 6, 2017, 10:03 PM

Carter Page's testimony is filled with bombshells — and supports key portions of the Steele dossier

US investigators corroborate some aspects of the Russia dossier

By Jim Sciutto and Evan Perez, CNN

Updated 5:25 PM ET, Fri February 10, 2017

Washington (CNN)For the first time, US investigators say they have corroborated some of the communications detailed in a 35-page dossier compiled by a former British intelligence agent, multiple current and former US law enforcement and intelligence officials tell CNN. As CNN first reported, then-President-elect Donald Trump and President Barack Obama were briefed on the existence of the dossier prior to Trump's inauguration.

None of the newly learned information relates to the salacious allegations in the dossier. Rather it relates to conversations between foreign nationals. The dossier details about a dozen conversations between senior Russian officials and other Russian individuals. Sources would not confirm which specific conversations were intercepted or the content of those discussions due to the classified nature of US intelligence collection programs.

US investigators corroborate some aspects of the Russia dossier - CNNPolitics

& given that those 2 articles came out quite some time ago, chances are pretty good that even more has been proven to be true.

oh- you're welcome for the answer to your question. :cool:

"None of the newly learned information relates to the salacious allegations in the dossier. Rather it relates to conversations between foreign nationals. The dossier details about a dozen conversations between senior Russian officials and other Russian individuals. Sources would not confirm which specific conversations were intercepted or the content of those discussions due to the classified nature of US intelligence collection programs."

In other words, fake news. Your article is a year old, BTW. So not only is it fake, it's also old.

noooooooo..... but you need to believe it to be. 'old'? a year is old? lol...............
In terms of news and politics, a year is an eternity. A year ago was just after Trump's inauguration.

Carter Page's testimony is filled with bombshells — and supports key portions of the Steele dossier
Nov. 6, 2017, 10:03 PM

Carter Page's testimony is filled with bombshells — and supports key portions of the Steele dossier

US investigators corroborate some aspects of the Russia dossier

By Jim Sciutto and Evan Perez, CNN

Updated 5:25 PM ET, Fri February 10, 2017

Washington (CNN)For the first time, US investigators say they have corroborated some of the communications detailed in a 35-page dossier compiled by a former British intelligence agent, multiple current and former US law enforcement and intelligence officials tell CNN. As CNN first reported, then-President-elect Donald Trump and President Barack Obama were briefed on the existence of the dossier prior to Trump's inauguration.

None of the newly learned information relates to the salacious allegations in the dossier. Rather it relates to conversations between foreign nationals. The dossier details about a dozen conversations between senior Russian officials and other Russian individuals. Sources would not confirm which specific conversations were intercepted or the content of those discussions due to the classified nature of US intelligence collection programs.

US investigators corroborate some aspects of the Russia dossier - CNNPolitics

& given that those 2 articles came out quite some time ago, chances are pretty good that even more has been proven to be true.

oh- you're welcome for the answer to your question. :cool:

"None of the newly learned information relates to the salacious allegations in the dossier. Rather it relates to conversations between foreign nationals. The dossier details about a dozen conversations between senior Russian officials and other Russian individuals. Sources would not confirm which specific conversations were intercepted or the content of those discussions due to the classified nature of US intelligence collection programs."

In other words, fake news. Your article is a year old, BTW. So not only is it fake, it's also old.

noooooooo..... but you need to believe it to be. 'old'? a year is old? lol...............
In terms of news and politics, a year is an eternity. A year ago was just after Trump's inauguration.

right. so? what's your point? it's only gotten worse for tribblehead. & it ain't gonna get better, no matter how much time passes.

Carter Page's testimony is filled with bombshells — and supports key portions of the Steele dossier
Nov. 6, 2017, 10:03 PM

Carter Page's testimony is filled with bombshells — and supports key portions of the Steele dossier

US investigators corroborate some aspects of the Russia dossier

By Jim Sciutto and Evan Perez, CNN

Updated 5:25 PM ET, Fri February 10, 2017

Washington (CNN)For the first time, US investigators say they have corroborated some of the communications detailed in a 35-page dossier compiled by a former British intelligence agent, multiple current and former US law enforcement and intelligence officials tell CNN. As CNN first reported, then-President-elect Donald Trump and President Barack Obama were briefed on the existence of the dossier prior to Trump's inauguration.

None of the newly learned information relates to the salacious allegations in the dossier. Rather it relates to conversations between foreign nationals. The dossier details about a dozen conversations between senior Russian officials and other Russian individuals. Sources would not confirm which specific conversations were intercepted or the content of those discussions due to the classified nature of US intelligence collection programs.

US investigators corroborate some aspects of the Russia dossier - CNNPolitics

& given that those 2 articles came out quite some time ago, chances are pretty good that even more has been proven to be true.

oh- you're welcome for the answer to your question. :cool:

"None of the newly learned information relates to the salacious allegations in the dossier. Rather it relates to conversations between foreign nationals. The dossier details about a dozen conversations between senior Russian officials and other Russian individuals. Sources would not confirm which specific conversations were intercepted or the content of those discussions due to the classified nature of US intelligence collection programs."

In other words, fake news. Your article is a year old, BTW. So not only is it fake, it's also old.

noooooooo..... but you need to believe it to be. 'old'? a year is old? lol...............
In terms of news and politics, a year is an eternity. A year ago was just after Trump's inauguration.

right. so? what's your point? it's only gotten worse for tribblehead. & it ain't gonna get better, no matter how much time passes.

How is it "only worse" for Trump? It was bullshit a year ago, and now it's even bigger bullshit. You idiots just don't give a shit about the facts, do you? No matter what the facts are, somehow they always mean Trump is going to be impeached.

Don't hold your breath, moron.
No mention that since August, the investigation of this phony "intel doc" now centers around the "circular reporting" that got Steele in trouble with the FBI for talking to the press.
So you really believe that garbage, even though the two authors of the 2 articles said that Steele was not their source or primary source to their articles?

Even though the intel committee did NO investigation of the FISA warrant? Just Nunes's staff's word or interpretation.. for the dud memo?

Even though there has been no Inspector General report on it?

Even though the FBI director said the nunes memo was DECEPTIVE or DECEIVING and INACCURATE because it left out key information to the FISA and how it was obtained?

Even though the Justice Dept also stated the Nunes memo was deceiving because it left out critical information to how the FISA warrant was obtained?

Even though the Repubs with the Russians started a propaganda campaign two weeks earlier than the memo with the #releasethememo chants to fool the fool able, when the the Nunes MEMO could NEVER be stopped by anyone on the left wing and in the minority??

In that case....I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you! :D


Carter Page's testimony is filled with bombshells — and supports key portions of the Steele dossier
Nov. 6, 2017, 10:03 PM

Carter Page's testimony is filled with bombshells — and supports key portions of the Steele dossier

US investigators corroborate some aspects of the Russia dossier

By Jim Sciutto and Evan Perez, CNN

Updated 5:25 PM ET, Fri February 10, 2017

Washington (CNN)For the first time, US investigators say they have corroborated some of the communications detailed in a 35-page dossier compiled by a former British intelligence agent, multiple current and former US law enforcement and intelligence officials tell CNN. As CNN first reported, then-President-elect Donald Trump and President Barack Obama were briefed on the existence of the dossier prior to Trump's inauguration.

None of the newly learned information relates to the salacious allegations in the dossier. Rather it relates to conversations between foreign nationals. The dossier details about a dozen conversations between senior Russian officials and other Russian individuals. Sources would not confirm which specific conversations were intercepted or the content of those discussions due to the classified nature of US intelligence collection programs.

US investigators corroborate some aspects of the Russia dossier - CNNPolitics

& given that those 2 articles came out quite some time ago, chances are pretty good that even more has been proven to be true.

oh- you're welcome for the answer to your question. :cool:

"None of the newly learned information relates to the salacious allegations in the dossier. Rather it relates to conversations between foreign nationals. The dossier details about a dozen conversations between senior Russian officials and other Russian individuals. Sources would not confirm which specific conversations were intercepted or the content of those discussions due to the classified nature of US intelligence collection programs."

In other words, fake news. Your article is a year old, BTW. So not only is it fake, it's also old.

noooooooo..... but you need to believe it to be. 'old'? a year is old? lol...............
In terms of news and politics, a year is an eternity. A year ago was just after Trump's inauguration.

right. so? what's your point? it's only gotten worse for tribblehead. & it ain't gonna get better, no matter how much time passes.

How is it "only worse" for Trump? It was bullshit a year ago, and now it's even bigger bullshit. You idiots just don't give a shit about the facts, do you? No matter what the facts are, somehow they always mean Trump is going to be impeached.

Don't hold your breath, moron.

lol.... tick tock little dude. i just hope when the shit hits the fan, it isn't past your bedtime.

Carter Page's testimony is filled with bombshells — and supports key portions of the Steele dossier
Nov. 6, 2017, 10:03 PM

Carter Page's testimony is filled with bombshells — and supports key portions of the Steele dossier

US investigators corroborate some aspects of the Russia dossier

By Jim Sciutto and Evan Perez, CNN

Updated 5:25 PM ET, Fri February 10, 2017

Washington (CNN)For the first time, US investigators say they have corroborated some of the communications detailed in a 35-page dossier compiled by a former British intelligence agent, multiple current and former US law enforcement and intelligence officials tell CNN. As CNN first reported, then-President-elect Donald Trump and President Barack Obama were briefed on the existence of the dossier prior to Trump's inauguration.

None of the newly learned information relates to the salacious allegations in the dossier. Rather it relates to conversations between foreign nationals. The dossier details about a dozen conversations between senior Russian officials and other Russian individuals. Sources would not confirm which specific conversations were intercepted or the content of those discussions due to the classified nature of US intelligence collection programs.

US investigators corroborate some aspects of the Russia dossier - CNNPolitics

& given that those 2 articles came out quite some time ago, chances are pretty good that even more has been proven to be true.

oh- you're welcome for the answer to your question. :cool:

"None of the newly learned information relates to the salacious allegations in the dossier. Rather it relates to conversations between foreign nationals. The dossier details about a dozen conversations between senior Russian officials and other Russian individuals. Sources would not confirm which specific conversations were intercepted or the content of those discussions due to the classified nature of US intelligence collection programs."

In other words, fake news. Your article is a year old, BTW. So not only is it fake, it's also old.

noooooooo..... but you need to believe it to be. 'old'? a year is old? lol...............
In terms of news and politics, a year is an eternity. A year ago was just after Trump's inauguration.

Then tell us yet again about when comey said it was "salacious and unverified", loser. :laugh2:
But MAINLY -- the entire piece you stole is how a REAL Intel agency might USE that kind of dossier for a real corrroborated investigation. THAT would be true if it wasn't a PAID FICTION RELYING on Russian Intel intended as a political hit piece !!!!!!!!!!!!

And attempts to corroborate any substantial parts of this fiction have failed. That's the take-away point here.
That's why no real corroboration APPEARS in the Slate propaganda piece marketed thru Steele himself..

Hey dimwit......I stole NOTHING.....I DID mention who wrote that last part....

YOU, my trusty BIASED mod are clearly showing which side you're on and it obviously is the Trump ass kissing side.

No credit for the copyright to Slate. That's how it's supposed to work. Not linking also cuts folks off from READING the rest of article.. So my question is -- did you KNOW that Steele was the primary and oft quoted SOURCE of that phony article and you were just too embarrassed to have that found out? Or did you not even recognize that was what happened?

That doesn't make it incorrect, dope.

That ^^^ would be a full belly laugh IF you morons weren't tanking my country with your juvenile pranks to win political power...

You partisan bitches and bastards are quoting sources that PURPOSELY obscure the fact that the AUTHOR of the dossier is passing propaganda to JUSTIFY his own shitty piece of turdish Opposition Research.

Think for a minute. Am I ASKING TOO MUCH? Why did the author of that article NOT MENTION that OBIS is Steele's own company? Did he not know? I doubt it since even the 1st LINE of the Steeles bio on the Wiki cites OBIS as the company he founded..

This is BEYOND dishonest. It's criminal cover-up.. And the reason that the FBI parted ways with Steele..
Verified: Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with representatives of Russian state-owned oil giant Rosneft.

Verified: The Kremlin targeted educated youth and swing state voters during its cyber attacks in the 2016 campaign.
and have been doing so for a decade or more.

Verified: Trump maintains ties to rich businessmen from Azerbaijan.
Caucasians? So, that's where the "Trump is racist" comments come from. Azerbaijani Caucasians (not white people).

Also, not Russians.


No, Russia has not been doing "for decades" what was done to us in 2016. What Russia did in 2016 was unprecedented and the disregard with which Trump sycophants are treating a flagrant attack on our country is deeply disturbing.

The OP questioned if anything in the field notes had been verified. Some has been publicly verified. I expect we will find out more before this is all said and done.

The fourth estate is on this story and the U.S. is not the only intelligence gathering nation...

Hey, Incompetent, Irrelevant, and Immaterial type person-)

What Russia did is Obama's deal. He was the President, NOT Trump! If Obama was so weak, aren't you glad he is gone!

So now tell us, what has been proven that Trump did, and you are on the liberal clock-)

Hey now.. I'm SURE all our leftist buds will be fine in 2024 if the Trump Admin decides to spy on the Dem campaign with the NSA Big Brother collection system and goes out and PAYS Russian Intelligence to make up shit about the Dem candidate. That's where this is heading if people dont get convicted and go to jail...

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