Can any republican tell me why any intelligent person should be republican?

Because liberals are fucking loons.....

Good enough reason? I think it is

This guy doesn't say it all? "The Democrats are STUPID"........Isn't that enough reason to join the Republicans? I mean, that's all Fox News says all day and it works on some. They never seem to have substance and get busted openly by fact checkers on a daily basis but this "Democrats are stupid" motion is working in specific area's in America.

Everyone should demand a party show their qualities. Not just insult other parties. This is 12 year old talk. "They are stupid", "I know you are but what am I". If the debate is this, you don't know political substance at all.

We aren't the ones who can't figure out why intelligent people might disagree with us.
Whats REALLY AWESOME about the post I just made is not only is he a moron for putting words in my mouth but now him and quite possibly a half dozen other stupid trolls will likely spend hours desperately trying to research me using that word just to call me a liar.

Well, get to it dogs, get to diggin for your bones.

It's amazing how willfully ignorant you people are. I give you facts from non partisan sources but you dismiss them because you can't handle information that doesn't confirm your warped republican bias.
Because liberals are fucking loons.....

Good enough reason? I think it is

This guy doesn't say it all? "The Democrats are STUPID"........Isn't that enough reason to join the Republicans? I mean, that's all Fox News says all day and it works on some. They never seem to have substance and get busted openly by fact checkers on a daily basis but this "Democrats are stupid" motion is working in specific area's in America.

Everyone should demand a party show their qualities. Not just insult other parties. This is 12 year old talk. "They are stupid", "I know you are but what am I". If the debate is this, you don't know political substance at all.

I used to respect democrats. Then I joined this site and met most of you.
Whats REALLY AWESOME about the post I just made is not only is he a moron for putting words in my mouth but now him and quite possibly a half dozen other stupid trolls will likely spend hours desperately trying to research me using that word just to call me a liar.

Well, get to it dogs, get to diggin for your bones.

It's amazing how willfully ignorant you people are. I give you facts from non partisan sources but you dismiss them because you can't handle information that doesn't confirm your warped republican bias.

You are a known troll. What YOU call substance is subjective for one and troll bait for the other. I have given YOU exactly what YOU deserved.

Fuck you troll

Now go spend hours upon hours TRYING to catch me in a lie.....loser
I never said created equaled saved. That language refers to the first CBO report on the stimulus which said the stimulus created or saved 2.5 million jobs. That was the median estimate between 1.8 million and 3.5 million jobs in that report. The latest report showed that the stimulus created 2.9 million jobs that still exist.

Okay how could have the money have been better used? Give me examples.

I didn't say you said created equaled saved.

Whatever your interpretation, I wish you would stop saying 2.9 as if that were something other than the upper limit of a very wide range. The figure given was 1 to 2.9 million.

I've already given you an example. The money could have been used on infrastructure. Some of the states which had the greatest need of economic stimulus also had the greatest need of planners to help them design projects and get past all the red tape. Obama could have noticed in a timely manner that the shovel ready jobs weren't ready, and he could have gotten teams out to help make them so. Instead of doing that and instead of keeping other time sensitive promises (immigration, anyone?) he was out hawking Obamacare.

What wide range are you referring to? 2.9 million jobs is the official number the CBO gave.

I think it is unfair you are being so black and white about this. Why can't you just admit that it is a good thing the stimulus created millions of jobs. Facts are what they are.

"In other words, between 1.0 million and 2.9 million people employed in June owed their jobs to the Recovery Act." That is from your link.

2.9 was the upper limit on the estimate. The lower limit was 1 million.

Three months later, the range was 0.4 million to 2.4 million jobs.

It's a fine thing that people had jobs. I maintain that jobs would have been had one way or another. The recession ended shortly after Obama took office, and not because of anything Obama did. Growth would have occurred one way or another. McCain would have had a stimulus package of some sort. Whatever plan of attack McCain took, he would have executed it better because that would have been his priority. He wouldn't have been distracted by a healthcare boondoggle. Economic recovery would have been job 1 for McCain. He wouldn't have spent a year telling America that he knows they care about jobs and he'll definitely get around to focusing on that when he gets done mucking up their insurance.
I don't mean conservative. I mean republican specifically. Why should anyone vote republicans in our government?

What good have republicans of today done for this country? What are their accomplishments?

I want real answers. Don't say crap like "because they are better than democrats". That's a lame answer as always. I don't care what you think of democrats or liberals in general. Let's just pretend for a moment liberals don't exist.

Here are some specific questions:

1) What have republicans of today done for the middle class?

2) If tax cuts are so effective as you claim, why is it that 2x as many private jobs have been created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8?

3) Corporate profits are at an all time high. Why are tax cuts for the investment class and deregulation necessary? What other republican policies are there that create jobs?

4) How is it the Republican Party not "the party of no"?

Republicans have a great foundation. But like EVERYTHING, there is corruption. But bias eyes are tricky. They want to see corruption that isn't there sometimes in opponents. And they don't want to see obvious corruption in their own party. This goes for parties and everything really. Corruption gets to every organization.

Sadly, the Republican party isn't itself at all today, it's a puppet for profit driven Corporations. All parties are, but Republicans take the cake and are blatant about it. Corporate Romney? Really? And the bias sheeple will repeat anything generally because of one topic voting such as abortion.

The Republican base is basically this; The states keep their rights to chose over the Federal Government. This is good policy in most situations. Slavery though?... It was the reason for change at that time. Christian values are awesome as long as they don't fixate on early versions of the Bible. And minimal spending is something we should all appreciate.

But Republicans outspend the Democrats when you account for Unnecessary War because Lockheed Martin and others give them big money for their campaigns just so they will go to war "Even if you don't have proof of WMD's" or on the Left, "Even if there is no proof Gaddaffi was killing his people". Lot's of math to account for there, but it's really pretty simple when your brain isn't bias.

Find me a Republican that works for the people and not the Corporations and I'll vote for him/her everytime.
Here's how I posited the two-party to my kids....

Democrats take from the haves, and give the the have-nots.

Republicans have by hard work, risk, and exposure of capital.

You can either side with the rich taking riches from the Republican rich through deceit and guilt...

or you can simply make your own way in life and provide for yourself and your family.
Because liberals are fucking loons.....

Good enough reason? I think it is

This guy doesn't say it all? "The Democrats are STUPID"........Isn't that enough reason to join the Republicans? I mean, that's all Fox News says all day and it works on some. They never seem to have substance and get busted openly by fact checkers on a daily basis but this "Democrats are stupid" motion is working in specific area's in America.

Everyone should demand a party show their qualities. Not just insult other parties. This is 12 year old talk. "They are stupid", "I know you are but what am I". If the debate is this, you don't know political substance at all.

I used to respect democrats. Then I joined this site and met most of you.

I'm not a democrat grandpa small brain.....
This guy doesn't say it all? "The Democrats are STUPID"........Isn't that enough reason to join the Republicans? I mean, that's all Fox News says all day and it works on some. They never seem to have substance and get busted openly by fact checkers on a daily basis but this "Democrats are stupid" motion is working in specific area's in America.

Everyone should demand a party show their qualities. Not just insult other parties. This is 12 year old talk. "They are stupid", "I know you are but what am I". If the debate is this, you don't know political substance at all.

I used to respect democrats. Then I joined this site and met most of you.

I'm not a democrat grandpa small brain.....

Never said you were, doesn't make you any less stupid than they are. I've seen your posts.
This guy doesn't say it all? "The Democrats are STUPID"........Isn't that enough reason to join the Republicans? I mean, that's all Fox News says all day and it works on some. They never seem to have substance and get busted openly by fact checkers on a daily basis but this "Democrats are stupid" motion is working in specific area's in America.

Everyone should demand a party show their qualities. Not just insult other parties. This is 12 year old talk. "They are stupid", "I know you are but what am I". If the debate is this, you don't know political substance at all.

I used to respect democrats. Then I joined this site and met most of you.

I'm not a democrat grandpa small brain.....

You just happen to argue their talking points.
Here's how I posited the two-party to my kids....

Democrats take from the haves, and give the the have-nots.

Republicans have by hard work, risk, and exposure of capital.

You can either side with the rich taking riches from the Republican rich through deceit and guilt...

or you can simply make your own way in life and provide for yourself and your family.

Don't take offense to this statement but it's very important people recognize this...

Democracy has NOTHING to do with welfare politics. Neither does socialism, neither does capitalism. Welfare is an entity on it's own and you would be surprised at how many Christian Republicans actually want to help the truly needy, just not the lazy sloth moochers.

You should do a search on what a "Democracy" actually is before judging it. Note that just like all organizations, it's corrupt. You may want to do a search on what a "Republic' is too.
I didn't say you said created equaled saved.

Whatever your interpretation, I wish you would stop saying 2.9 as if that were something other than the upper limit of a very wide range. The figure given was 1 to 2.9 million.

I've already given you an example. The money could have been used on infrastructure. Some of the states which had the greatest need of economic stimulus also had the greatest need of planners to help them design projects and get past all the red tape. Obama could have noticed in a timely manner that the shovel ready jobs weren't ready, and he could have gotten teams out to help make them so. Instead of doing that and instead of keeping other time sensitive promises (immigration, anyone?) he was out hawking Obamacare.

What wide range are you referring to? 2.9 million jobs is the official number the CBO gave.

I think it is unfair you are being so black and white about this. Why can't you just admit that it is a good thing the stimulus created millions of jobs. Facts are what they are.

"In other words, between 1.0 million and 2.9 million people employed in June owed their jobs to the Recovery Act." That is from your link.

2.9 was the upper limit on the estimate. The lower limit was 1 million.

Three months later, the range was 0.4 million to 2.4 million jobs.

It's a fine thing that people had jobs. I maintain that jobs would have been had one way or another. The recession ended shortly after Obama took office, and not because of anything Obama did. Growth would have occurred one way or another. McCain would have had a stimulus package of some sort. Whatever plan of attack McCain took, he would have executed it better because that would have been his priority. He wouldn't have been distracted by a healthcare boondoggle. Economic recovery would have been job 1 for McCain. He wouldn't have spent a year telling America that he knows they care about jobs and he'll definitely get around to focusing on that when he gets done mucking up their insurance.

No the stimulus makes it quite clear millions of jobs were created directly from the stimulus. Economists say its biggest problem is that it wasn't big enough. Had it been bigger, we would have more jobs.

You are obsessing over the exact number while intitially denying Obama didn't create any jobs. Obama critics like you come across so disingenuous. Concede for once.
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Because liberals are fucking loons.....

Good enough reason? I think it is

This guy doesn't say it all? "The Democrats are STUPID"........Isn't that enough reason to join the Republicans? I mean, that's all Fox News says all day and it works on some. They never seem to have substance and get busted openly by fact checkers on a daily basis but this "Democrats are stupid" motion is working in specific area's in America.

Everyone should demand a party show their qualities. Not just insult other parties. This is 12 year old talk. "They are stupid", "I know you are but what am I". If the debate is this, you don't know political substance at all.

He didn't say anything about Democrats, genius.

But thanks for proving conclusively that you are a Democratic Party hack.
I used to respect democrats. Then I joined this site and met most of you.

I'm not a democrat grandpa small brain.....

You just happen to argue their talking points.

I am single topic, single opinion. You Party people categorize people into parties based on 1 opinion generally. You probably saw me voice my opinion agreeing with the Left at some point and categorized me as a Democratic Leftist......

It's easier for people to do this than to actually wonder what someone is thinking in a more broad retrospect......

Example; "He believes in Unions. He must also believe in Abortion, lot's of spending and gun grabbing"

I say single topic, single opinion all the time. Bias people only read one thing and never read anything else. 'He's in this party!" Total ignorance of politics.
Because liberals are fucking loons.....

Good enough reason? I think it is

This guy doesn't say it all? "The Democrats are STUPID"........Isn't that enough reason to join the Republicans? I mean, that's all Fox News says all day and it works on some. They never seem to have substance and get busted openly by fact checkers on a daily basis but this "Democrats are stupid" motion is working in specific area's in America.

Everyone should demand a party show their qualities. Not just insult other parties. This is 12 year old talk. "They are stupid", "I know you are but what am I". If the debate is this, you don't know political substance at all.

He didn't say anything about Democrats, genius.

But thanks for proving conclusively that you are a Democratic Party hack.

The entire post is about Republicans dude. How can you be so blatantly ignorant to the point? You do realize that Democrats are the equal and opposite party? Me stating that you should educate yourself on Democrats isn't bias.

How old are you? Why is it hard for you to comprehend this>?

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