Can any republican tell me why any intelligent person should be republican?

So? And a Republican wouldn't have created a stimulus package? McCain wouldn't have? Obama handled the stimulus very poorly. It could have been used much more effectively. He could have done something about those shovel ready jobs which weren't shovel ready if he had actually focused on jobs instead of just giving lip service and saying over and over for a whole year that he got it, he got that we cared more about jobs than about what he was doing, and he'd definitely get around to jobs as soon as he got done with the regulation-heavy healthcare law which he squandered his political capital on. He wasted time and extended the uncertainty and let the stimulus fizzle. He didn't pay attention to his mortgage rescue program. He took his eye off the ball.

People have trudged along and found jobs and created jobs in spite of Obama, not because of him.

Oh come on. Are you really going to say it isn't a big deal that a single bill created 3 million jobs? That's weak. What exactly made him handle it poorly? No I don't believe a republican could have done the stimulus. The republican solution is tax cuts. Ones mainly directed at the wealthy. Those have been proven to be poor economic stimulators in today's economy.

It did not create 3 million jobs. "Supports 2.9 million jobs" is not "created 2.9 million jobs".

McCain would also have had a stimulus package. He wouldn't have sat around and done nothing while people clamored for action.

What made Obama handle the stimulus poorly was that he didn't make sure that it was going where he said it was going to go. There was poor oversight and faulty implementation. Lip service was paid to infrastructure, but the work wasn't done which was needed to get the money to where it could be put to best use. My governor used the money in an ephemeral way to postpone making meaningful budget decisions. Jobs were supported -- briefly -- and then they evaporated when the stimulus money ran out. Obama giggled about the shovel ready jobs not being shovel ready. It wasn't funny though. He could have had teams out there helping agencies get their proposals ready to go, helping them get through the miles of paperwork which stands in the way of infrastructure projects. He didn't. He just laughed about how empty his words were, while he was creating another costly boondoggle which has become the symbol for government incompetence.

No that is not true. The stimulus created over 3 million jobs but since that time a few were lost but 2.9 million remain. That is exactly what that means.

Yes the stimulus fell short of expectations but that hardly matters at this point. We lost 8 million jobs. We got all of them back thanks in part to his stimulus package.
Oh come on. Are you really going to say it isn't a big deal that a single bill created 3 million jobs? That's weak. What exactly made him handle it poorly? No I don't believe a republican could have done the stimulus. The republican solution is tax cuts. Ones mainly directed at the wealthy. Those have been proven to be poor economic stimulators in today's economy.

It did not create 3 million jobs. "Supports 2.9 million jobs" is not "created 2.9 million jobs".

McCain would also have had a stimulus package. He wouldn't have sat around and done nothing while people clamored for action.

What made Obama handle the stimulus poorly was that he didn't make sure that it was going where he said it was going to go. There was poor oversight and faulty implementation. Lip service was paid to infrastructure, but the work wasn't done which was needed to get the money to where it could be put to best use. My governor used the money in an ephemeral way to postpone making meaningful budget decisions. Jobs were supported -- briefly -- and then they evaporated when the stimulus money ran out. Obama giggled about the shovel ready jobs not being shovel ready. It wasn't funny though. He could have had teams out there helping agencies get their proposals ready to go, helping them get through the miles of paperwork which stands in the way of infrastructure projects. He didn't. He just laughed about how empty his words were, while he was creating another costly boondoggle which has become the symbol for government incompetence.

No that is not true. The stimulus created over 3 million jobs but since that time a few were lost but 2.9 million remain. That is exactly what that means.

Yes the stimulus fell short of expectations but that hardly matters at this point. We lost 8 million jobs. We got all of them back thanks in part to his stimulus package.

Sorry, I don't believe you. "Supports" is in line with the ambiguous "saved or created" phrase the administration was using.

The recession ended before the stimulus had much time to do anything. Growth would have happened no matter what. Whether the president was R or D.

People are resilient. We keep eating and breathing and finding a way to keep that happening.

"It hardly matters at this point" is a very good way to sum the stimulus up. We're growing because that's what we do.

And the rich are growing faster than the rest of us in part because that's the nature of people who know how to make money and in part because the Obama administration has done way the hell more for Wall Street than for the Main Street.
I don't mean conservative. I mean republican specifically. Why should anyone vote republicans in our government?

What good have republicans of today done for this country? What are their accomplishments?

I want real answers. Don't say crap like "because they are better than democrats". That's a lame answer as always. I don't care what you think of democrats or liberals in general. Let's just pretend for a moment liberals don't exist.

Here are some specific questions:

1) What have republicans of today done for the middle class?

2) If tax cuts are so effective as you claim, why is it that 2x as many private jobs have been created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8?

3) Corporate profits are at an all time high. Why are tax cuts for the investment class and deregulation necessary? What other republican policies are there that create jobs?

4) How is it the Republican Party not "the party of no"?

What has Obama done which created jobs? Supposedly Republicans have blocked his agenda. So jobs have been created in spite of him not being able to do what he wants to do.

And for me, that encapsulates why I am a Republican. I think people do what they're going to do in spite of government. And Democrats want to interfere too much. I'm glad Democrats exist -- they give government heart -- but I am glad to be part of the party which steps on the brakes so Democrats can't go to the extremes they would go to if unfettered.

"No" is a good word. Boundaries need to be set.

So you like a tax/poliicy status where the richest at least triple their money while you and the rest slowly go to hell?
We have to tax the richest their fair share and invest in the country and the people...

And you trust our elected officials to invest in our country and our people that which they confiscate from American citizens?
So there really is a sucker born every minute. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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It did not create 3 million jobs. "Supports 2.9 million jobs" is not "created 2.9 million jobs".

McCain would also have had a stimulus package. He wouldn't have sat around and done nothing while people clamored for action.

What made Obama handle the stimulus poorly was that he didn't make sure that it was going where he said it was going to go. There was poor oversight and faulty implementation. Lip service was paid to infrastructure, but the work wasn't done which was needed to get the money to where it could be put to best use. My governor used the money in an ephemeral way to postpone making meaningful budget decisions. Jobs were supported -- briefly -- and then they evaporated when the stimulus money ran out. Obama giggled about the shovel ready jobs not being shovel ready. It wasn't funny though. He could have had teams out there helping agencies get their proposals ready to go, helping them get through the miles of paperwork which stands in the way of infrastructure projects. He didn't. He just laughed about how empty his words were, while he was creating another costly boondoggle which has become the symbol for government incompetence.

No that is not true. The stimulus created over 3 million jobs but since that time a few were lost but 2.9 million remain. That is exactly what that means.

Yes the stimulus fell short of expectations but that hardly matters at this point. We lost 8 million jobs. We got all of them back thanks in part to his stimulus package.

Sorry, I don't believe you. "Supports" is in line with the ambiguous "saved or created" phrase the administration was using.

The recession ended before the stimulus had much time to do anything. Growth would have happened no matter what. Whether the president was R or D.

People are resilient. We keep eating and breathing and finding a way to keep that happening.

"It hardly matters at this point" is a very good way to sum the stimulus up. We're growing because that's what we do.

And the rich are growing faster than the rest of us in part because that's the nature of people who know how to make money and in part because the Obama administration has done way the hell more for Wall Street than for the Main Street.

That "saved and created" is language originally used by the CBO in relation to the stimulus. Not the administration. It makes perfect sense if you understood how the stimulus worked. The stimulus pumped extra demand into the market. Businesses did better than what they would have. "Saved" refers to jobs that would have been lost due to the Great Recession but were instead kept because of the economic stimulus. "Created" means exactly what "created" means.
Oh come on. Are you really going to say it isn't a big deal that a single bill created 3 million jobs? That's weak. What exactly made him handle it poorly? No I don't believe a republican could have done the stimulus. The republican solution is tax cuts. Ones mainly directed at the wealthy. Those have been proven to be poor economic stimulators in today's economy.

It did not create 3 million jobs. "Supports 2.9 million jobs" is not "created 2.9 million jobs".

McCain would also have had a stimulus package. He wouldn't have sat around and done nothing while people clamored for action.

What made Obama handle the stimulus poorly was that he didn't make sure that it was going where he said it was going to go. There was poor oversight and faulty implementation. Lip service was paid to infrastructure, but the work wasn't done which was needed to get the money to where it could be put to best use. My governor used the money in an ephemeral way to postpone making meaningful budget decisions. Jobs were supported -- briefly -- and then they evaporated when the stimulus money ran out. Obama giggled about the shovel ready jobs not being shovel ready. It wasn't funny though. He could have had teams out there helping agencies get their proposals ready to go, helping them get through the miles of paperwork which stands in the way of infrastructure projects. He didn't. He just laughed about how empty his words were, while he was creating another costly boondoggle which has become the symbol for government incompetence.

No that is not true. The stimulus created over 3 million jobs but since that time a few were lost but 2.9 million remain. That is exactly what that means.

Yes the stimulus fell short of expectations but that hardly matters at this point. We lost 8 million jobs. We got all of them back thanks in part to his stimulus package.

By the way, in addition to "supports" not equaling "created", the statement is even fuzzier than your interpretation so far. "In other words, between 1.0 million and 2.9 million people employed in June owed their jobs to the Recovery Act."

So 2.9 million was an upper limit on an already fuzzy notion.

It boils down to this: A heckuva lot more could have been done with that money if it was managed well, but no matter how it was managed, or who managed it, people found a way to grow because that's what we do.
I don't mean conservative. I mean republican specifically. Why should anyone vote republicans in our government?

What good have republicans of today done for this country? What are their accomplishments?

I want real answers. Don't say crap like "because they are better than democrats". That's a lame answer as always. I don't care what you think of democrats or liberals in general. Let's just pretend for a moment liberals don't exist.

Here are some specific questions:

1) What have republicans of today done for the middle class?

2) If tax cuts are so effective as you claim, why is it that 2x as many private jobs have been created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8?

3) Corporate profits are at an all time high. Why are tax cuts for the investment class and deregulation necessary? What other republican policies are there that create jobs?

4) How is it the Republican Party not "the party of no"?

I'm not a Republican, but I would say that any party that includes you is the antithesis of intelligence.
It did not create 3 million jobs. "Supports 2.9 million jobs" is not "created 2.9 million jobs".

McCain would also have had a stimulus package. He wouldn't have sat around and done nothing while people clamored for action.

What made Obama handle the stimulus poorly was that he didn't make sure that it was going where he said it was going to go. There was poor oversight and faulty implementation. Lip service was paid to infrastructure, but the work wasn't done which was needed to get the money to where it could be put to best use. My governor used the money in an ephemeral way to postpone making meaningful budget decisions. Jobs were supported -- briefly -- and then they evaporated when the stimulus money ran out. Obama giggled about the shovel ready jobs not being shovel ready. It wasn't funny though. He could have had teams out there helping agencies get their proposals ready to go, helping them get through the miles of paperwork which stands in the way of infrastructure projects. He didn't. He just laughed about how empty his words were, while he was creating another costly boondoggle which has become the symbol for government incompetence.

No that is not true. The stimulus created over 3 million jobs but since that time a few were lost but 2.9 million remain. That is exactly what that means.

Yes the stimulus fell short of expectations but that hardly matters at this point. We lost 8 million jobs. We got all of them back thanks in part to his stimulus package.

By the way, in addition to "supports" not equaling "created", the statement is even fuzzier than your interpretation so far. "In other words, between 1.0 million and 2.9 million people employed in June owed their jobs to the Recovery Act."

So 2.9 million was an upper limit on an already fuzzy notion.

It boils down to this: A heckuva lot more could have been done with that money if it was managed well, but no matter how it was managed, or who managed it, people found a way to grow because that's what we do.

I never said created equaled saved. That language refers to the first CBO report on the stimulus which said the stimulus created or saved 2.5 million jobs. That was the median estimate between 1.8 million and 3.5 million jobs in that report. The latest report showed that the stimulus created 2.9 million jobs that still exist.

Okay how could have the money have been better used? Give me examples.
No that is not true. The stimulus created over 3 million jobs but since that time a few were lost but 2.9 million remain. That is exactly what that means.

Yes the stimulus fell short of expectations but that hardly matters at this point. We lost 8 million jobs. We got all of them back thanks in part to his stimulus package.

By the way, in addition to "supports" not equaling "created", the statement is even fuzzier than your interpretation so far. "In other words, between 1.0 million and 2.9 million people employed in June owed their jobs to the Recovery Act."

So 2.9 million was an upper limit on an already fuzzy notion.

It boils down to this: A heckuva lot more could have been done with that money if it was managed well, but no matter how it was managed, or who managed it, people found a way to grow because that's what we do.

I never said created equaled saved. That language refers to the first CBO report on the stimulus which said the stimulus created or saved 2.5 million jobs. That was the median estimate between 1.8 million and 3.5 million jobs in that report. The latest report showed that the stimulus created 2.9 million jobs that still exist.

Okay how could have the money have been better used? Give me examples.

I didn't say you said created equaled saved.

Whatever your interpretation, I wish you would stop saying 2.9 as if that were something other than the upper limit of a very wide range. The figure given was 1 to 2.9 million.

I've already given you an example. The money could have been used on infrastructure. Some of the states which had the greatest need of economic stimulus also had the greatest need of planners to help them design projects and get past all the red tape. Obama could have noticed in a timely manner that the shovel ready jobs weren't ready, and he could have gotten teams out to help make them so. Instead of doing that and instead of keeping other time sensitive promises (immigration, anyone?) he was out hawking Obamacare.
Republicans are OK. It is just that they can't seem to live without picking up parasitic fringe base voters. I thought that the Moral Majority was bad. Then, the Tea Party was born, and I knew that the train had left the baggage at the station.
Billy is a moron, hence a democrat. I don't want to be like Billy, hence I'm a republican.

This coming from a goon who thinks liberalism and socialism are the same thing. You people are ignorant of fundamental definitions of words.

Oh and I'm not a democrat.

THIS response, right here, right now is THE FIRST TIME IVE EVER USED THE WORD SOCIALISM on this forum.

That FACT proves that not only are you a fucking moron, you're an uninformed moron. Hence a democrat
Republicans are OK. It is just that they can't seem to live without picking up parasitic fringe base voters. I thought that the Moral Majority was bad. Then, the Tea Party was born, and I knew that the train had left the baggage at the station.

OK, much of the T-party isn't great but it's the racists that I reject most. Of course, you're stuck with the socialists and that segment of America which not only contributes little to advancing the human condition but is actually a drag on it. :dunno:
By the way, in addition to "supports" not equaling "created", the statement is even fuzzier than your interpretation so far. "In other words, between 1.0 million and 2.9 million people employed in June owed their jobs to the Recovery Act."

So 2.9 million was an upper limit on an already fuzzy notion.

It boils down to this: A heckuva lot more could have been done with that money if it was managed well, but no matter how it was managed, or who managed it, people found a way to grow because that's what we do.

I never said created equaled saved. That language refers to the first CBO report on the stimulus which said the stimulus created or saved 2.5 million jobs. That was the median estimate between 1.8 million and 3.5 million jobs in that report. The latest report showed that the stimulus created 2.9 million jobs that still exist.

Okay how could have the money have been better used? Give me examples.

I didn't say you said created equaled saved.

Whatever your interpretation, I wish you would stop saying 2.9 as if that were something other than the upper limit of a very wide range. The figure given was 1 to 2.9 million.

I've already given you an example. The money could have been used on infrastructure. Some of the states which had the greatest need of economic stimulus also had the greatest need of planners to help them design projects and get past all the red tape. Obama could have noticed in a timely manner that the shovel ready jobs weren't ready, and he could have gotten teams out to help make them so. Instead of doing that and instead of keeping other time sensitive promises (immigration, anyone?) he was out hawking Obamacare.

What wide range are you referring to? 2.9 million jobs is the official number the CBO gave.

I think it is unfair you are being so black and white about this. Why can't you just admit that it is a good thing the stimulus created millions of jobs. Facts are what they are.
Whats REALLY AWESOME about the post I just made is not only is he a moron for putting words in my mouth but now him and quite possibly a half dozen other stupid trolls will likely spend hours desperately trying to research me using that word just to call me a liar.

Well, get to it dogs, get to diggin for your bones.
Because liberals are fucking loons.....

Good enough reason? I think it is

This guy doesn't say it all? "The Democrats are STUPID"........Isn't that enough reason to join the Republicans? I mean, that's all Fox News says all day and it works on some. They never seem to have substance and get busted openly by fact checkers on a daily basis but this "Democrats are stupid" motion is working in specific area's in America.

Everyone should demand a party show their qualities. Not just insult other parties. This is 12 year old talk. "They are stupid", "I know you are but what am I". If the debate is this, you don't know political substance at all.

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