Campaign 2024, Officially Chaos


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
Fantastic (and brief!) editorial by Matt Taibbi.

Despite all the uncertainty and agitation, this political junkie will admit I'm beginning to feel the youthful jolt of 2016 like energy all over again.

Bring forth the chaos!

Incumbent Joe Biden not only has the lowest approval rating in history — he “shouldn’t” be this unpopular “but he is,” mused a mortified Washington Post — but as of Monday, when his son’s former partner Devon Archer testified in Congress, he appeared to be careening toward withdrawal due to impairment, scandal, or both. As dire as Trump’s legal situation may be, the political panic on the blue side is as striking.

CNN’s numbers guru Harry Enten woke up Democrats yesterday with a piece explaining that Trump “is in a better position to win the general election than at any point during the 2020 cycle and almost at any point during the 2016 cycle.” Enten cited a “number of surveys showing Trump either tied or ahead of Biden,” a situation he called “arguably… more amazing.”

This race is turning into a parodic repeat of 2016, the difference being the shock waves that rippled across Washington on Election Day that year are already here, with all conceivable counter-measures already deployed. Instead of starting up a Russia investigation leaders hope will end in indictment, this time the guy is already indicted many times over, and voters have already signaled they’ll be unfazed by conviction.

Make Elections 2016 again!!!
The only thing that can hold back the impeachment of Biden is US foreign policy secrets on America's activities in the Ukraine, to start the proxy war against Russia.

Far, far too much evidence would be put on display to the rest of the world.

What to do? Even the noise that the Magas are going to make in public will be picked up on by Nato countries and be revealing.

The GOP can't possibly allow US foreign policy to be exposed during an impeachment!

Biden should be safe.
I think both parties suffer from the delusions of their so-called leaders. Biden first of all. He has no business running for reelection and should do the honorable thing, like LBJ did. Of course, he has until the end of March do repeat the actions of LBJ. But with his dismal approval ratings he hurts the party if he continues to claim he is seeking reelection. If he insists, at least he needs to find another VP candidate. Kamela Harris is a hot mess and has no business being a VP, let alone a president.

And Trump absolutely defines the word "delusional", and it is only compounded by the support he gets from his rabid core followers. Just like Kamela Harris has no business being vice-president, these uninformed and unintelligent Trump enthusiasts have no business getting anywhere close to a voting booth. There is only one candidate that Biden can defeat, it is Donald Trump. And either way a Trump-Biden election goes, it is a lose-lose for American democracy.

Again, all this was predicted almost a hundred and fifty years ago, and it has been a short journey to this point in the story of the American Republic. The greatest book of all time, Progress and Poverty by Henry George,

The type of modern growth is the great city. Here are to be found the greatest wealth and the deepest poverty. And it is here that popular government has most clearly broken down. In all the great American cities there is to-day as clearly defined a ruling class as in the most aristocratic countries of the world. Its members carry wards in their pockets, make up the slates for nominating conventions, distribute offices as they bargain together, and—though they toil not, neither do they spin—wear the best of raiment and spend money lavishly. They are men of power, whose favor the ambitious must court and whose vengeance he must avoid. Who are these men? The wise, the good, the learned—men who have earned the confidence of their fellow-citizens by the purity of their lives, the splendor of their talents, their probity in public trusts, their deep study of the problems of government? No; they are gamblers, saloon keepers, pugilists, or worse, who have made a531 trade of controlling votes and of buying and selling offices and official acts. They stand to the government of these cities as the Prætorian Guards did to that of declining Rome. He who would wear the purple, fill the curule chair, or have the fasces carried before him, must go or send his messengers to their camps, give them donatives and make them promises. It is through these men that the rich corporations and powerful pecuniary interests can pack the Senate and the bench with their creatures. It is these men who make School Directors, Supervisors, Assessors, members of the Legislature, Congressmen. Why, there are many election districts in the United States in which a George Washington, a Benjamin Franklin or a Thomas Jefferson could no more go to the lower house of a State Legislature than under the Ancient Régime a base-born peasant could become a Marshal of France. Their very character would be an insuperable disqualification.

A couple of paragraphs before that quote there is this,

power must pass into the hands of jobbers who will buy and sell it as the Prætorians sold the Roman purple, or into the hands of demagogues who will seize and wield it for a time, only to be displaced by worse demagogues.

That was published in 1879. Hey DeSantis, want to impress me, make Progress and Poverty required reading for high school students. Comical, he sure never read the damn book.

Honestly, I don't know the answer. Maybe I win the damn Mega MIllions tomorrow and run for office myself, under a Georgist platform. It almost seems that one in three hundred plus million chance is all America has to hold on to. I am not seeing anyone else step up to the plate with that Georgist philosophy. Einstein and Henry Ford were Georgist. But so was William Buckley Jr. and Martin Luther King. Both those pairs had stunningly divergent thoughts on society, and both supported the very same political philosophy. There has to be something to that.

Robert Kennedy Jr. is a damn joke, a red herring candidate financed primarily by Republicans. DeSantis is a damn idiot that makes Michelle Bachmann look appealing. Tim Scott, holy shit, give me a break. Nope, Pat McCory and Roy Cooper, that should be the 2024 presidential election and yeah, I am from North Carolina. We haven't had a president in office since Andrew Johnson, maybe that is part of the damn problem. But at least instead of a lose-lose proposition, it becomes a win-win. And that is what I do, I create win-wins.
2024 will be fun. I just saw Trump's first campaign ad aimed directly at Joe Biden. And if that's the best his team can come up with, he's in deep shit. I don't believe I've ever seen a candidate reference recent polling data concerning him and his competitor. But here he was all but saying, "look, I'm ahead in the polls!!". :auiqs.jpg:You all can chime in if you've seen a candidate do this. His ad was a mishmash of fake scandals, Hunter Biden, and the aforementioned polls. Fifteen months before the election. He better step his game up. Fortunately, for him, he has time. Unfortunately for him, Georgia is next up with their indictments. :)
Biden is ahead in most polls, of course. And trending up.

And Biden hasn't even started campaigning, while all of the Republicans are campaigning.

And Trump's problems are only getting worse.

It's won't be close. I'm callign 51-45-4, which is basically a romp.

The 3rd party chunk will be bigger this time around, due to some Republicans being unable to vote for Trump or Biden.

Biden takes all the states he took in 2020, plus NC.
The more the merrier!

Each one weaker, and more nakedly political than the last.

I think, subconsciously, you must be rooting for Trump. :)
Don't get it do you? The Savior can do no wrong. It's the Deep State out to get him.....when he's done a marvelous job of doing it all to himself. :)

Yeah, I'm rooting for get a jail cell with no windows.
Don't get it do you? The Savior can do no wrong. It's the Deep State out to get him.....when he's done a marvelous job of doing it all to himself. :)

So he really was a Russian asset, and the CIA didn't pretend the Hunter laptop wasn't real?

Who knew.

Man, you sure know your stuff - jack off.
Fantastic (and brief!) editorial by Matt Taibbi.

Despite all the uncertainty and agitation, this political junkie will admit I'm beginning to feel the youthful jolt of 2016 like energy all over again.

Bring forth the chaos!

Make Elections 2016 again!!!
Can't imagine why Biden has low approval numbers. Do you think it has something to do with high inflation, high evictions, high foreclosures, high auto loan delinquencies, high credit card debt, high withdraws from retirement accounts, being on the brink of WWIII, his woke socialist policies, his son, his corruptness, and his dementia? Other than those things, I can't think of many reasons why he would have high disapproval numbers.
Can't imagine why Biden has low approval numbers. Do you think it has something to do with high inflation, high evictions, high foreclosures, high auto loan delinquencies, high credit card debt, high withdraws from retirement accounts, being on the brink of WWIII, his woke socialist policies, his son, his corruptness, and his dementia? Other than those things, I can't think of many reasons why he would have high disapproval numbers.
Not even close

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