California's drought made worse by politicians


May 11, 2015
My name is Glen Steiber. My father’s name was Kermit Steiber. We lived near the fairways of Stockdale County Club when I was just a boy. My father worked on that golf course and he worked himself up to being a golf course greens superintendent. He built the back nine at Kern River Golf Course and I was there at his side. When he walked the golf course at North Kern I was at his side again. I know trees, I know plants and I know soils.

California has been in a drought on and off since the 1970’s. The politicians, the State “fathers”, were aware of this and did nothing to prepare for it. Their interests were lining their pockets with bribes of the environmentalists, those who put the Delta Smelt above the people who live here, who pay taxes.

It is my opinion that every politician who has had a hand in allowing the drought to become this severe be sued at the very least.
Texas has drought areas................they had the foresight to build Desalination plants early on to prepare for droughts to ensure Water supplies..............

California was warned long ago to do the same and ignored the warnings..................and now the chickens have come home to roost............

Even now they stall on desalination plant projects for enviro concerns..................which is stupid given the situation...........they should be fast tracking these projects and more to deal with this situation......................

Time to do something or get off the pot.

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