California Worst State for Retirees

The upside of fire season is how insurance payments make escape possible and not just from LA.

There is a 'upside' from having your home and all of it's contents burn up?
If leaving California is the aftermath then yes there is.

You are one stupid fuck....
I is not. I'm smrt. I don't live in mexifornia.

As is any border State.
Not many retirees have sufficient taxable income to be negatively impacted by these changes. The $24 standard deduction will at least match the foregone S&L tax deductions. And those who are affected are "rich," so Fuck 'em.

Over 90% will file short form and take the standard deduction which was the design and intention of the bill. As for your irrational envy and hatred of the rich blow it out your ass.

Why shouldn't the working class be able to take deductions like the rich.....100%?
They do. The working class takes a deduction for a loss of a few thousand. The deduction for the rich is in the millions.
how do you retire in a state that usually on fire?

Not to mention who wants to pay a million dollars for a one bedroom house 350 sq ft.

With an ocean view.

Yup, ya got an ocean view, better enjoy it while it lasts.
Knee-Deep in Doubt - Orange Coast

With global warming, weather events and the effects/affects will be getting worse everywhere. Vegas has now broken a record for lack of rain.
Los Angeles shit all over the streets, San Francisco sidewalks also the toilet for thousands of homeless people, riots and looting, murders in Chicago, Baltimore, everywhere Dem's are in charge its a mess.
How often do you visit all those places?
Does that make it any less a fact?
we can see the future entrance signs....."Welcome To Callyfornia,Please Excuse The Smoke,Then Again,Do You Know Who Our Governor Is"???
how do you retire in a state that usually on fire?

Not to mention who wants to pay a million dollars for a one bedroom house 350 sq ft.

With an ocean view.

Yup, ya got an ocean view, better enjoy it while it lasts.
Knee-Deep in Doubt - Orange Coast

With global warming, weather events and the effects/affects will be getting worse everywhere. Vegas has now broken a record for lack of rain.

I am shocked, that must be why Vegas is a desert.
how do you retire in a state that usually on fire?

Not to mention who wants to pay a million dollars for a one bedroom house 350 sq ft.

With an ocean view.

Yup, ya got an ocean view, better enjoy it while it lasts.
Knee-Deep in Doubt - Orange Coast

With global warming, weather events and the effects/affects will be getting worse everywhere. Vegas has now broken a record for lack of rain.
It's in the desert moron!

San Pedro = Weather and lifestyle play a huge part in home pricing.

Sand Pedro = Probably the filthiest beach community here in Mexifornia....completely beanerized...a disgusting shithole where English is the secondary language....weird how that works huh? Anywhere in Mexifornia where English is secondary is a complete shithole....guess the common denominator?
Earthquakes rank about four in the danger list.

Fires and landslides are annual events that create the preconditions for each other.

The dams and aqueducts are not being maintained.

CA has active volcanoes that kill even without eruptions

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