California Worst State for Retirees

San Pedro = Weather and lifestyle play a huge part in home pricing.

Sand Pedro = Probably the filthiest beach community here in Mexifornia....completely beanerized...a disgusting shithole where English is the secondary language....weird how that works huh? Anywhere in Mexifornia where English is secondary is a complete shithole....guess the common denominator?

Nailed it!
Yep, brown Liberals
Not many retirees have sufficient taxable income to be negatively impacted by these changes. The $24 standard deduction will at least match the foregone S&L tax deductions. And those who are affected are "rich," so Fuck 'em.

Over 90% will file short form and take the standard deduction which was the design and intention of the bill. As for your irrational envy and hatred of the rich blow it out your ass.

Why shouldn't the working class be able to take deductions like the rich.....100%?
What someone else gets is none of your business, why all of the envy?
Conservative Ca. districts. Good people victimized by BS laws dictated by liberal Californians.

Liberal Ca. districts: For the wealthy and poor.
Not many retirees have sufficient taxable income to be negatively impacted by these changes. The $24 standard deduction will at least match the foregone S&L tax deductions. And those who are affected are "rich," so Fuck 'em.

Over 90% will file short form and take the standard deduction which was the design and intention of the bill. As for your irrational envy and hatred of the rich blow it out your ass.

Why shouldn't the working class be able to take deductions like the rich.....100%?
Exactly what deductions are you referring to?
Are you sure you understand how it all works?
In most cases, you first must have expenses in order to take deductions...I'm guessing you know this?
Also, I fixed your signature text as well...see have my permission to copy and paste it...just give me a credit in a two font minimum....You're welcome in advance.

When the smoke clears, the real problem for the middle class is Mexicans stealing their jobs and the state and federal funding that should be allocated to help the American middle class.
Not many retirees have sufficient taxable income to be negatively impacted by these changes. The $24 standard deduction will at least match the foregone S&L tax deductions. And those who are affected are "rich," so Fuck 'em.

Over 90% will file short form and take the standard deduction which was the design and intention of the bill. As for your irrational envy and hatred of the rich blow it out your ass.

Why shouldn't the working class be able to take deductions like the rich.....100%?

The working class was just gifted $24,000 in deductions :itsok:
Not many retirees have sufficient taxable income to be negatively impacted by these changes. The $24 standard deduction will at least match the foregone S&L tax deductions. And those who are affected are "rich," so Fuck 'em.

Over 90% will file short form and take the standard deduction which was the design and intention of the bill. As for your irrational envy and hatred of the rich blow it out your ass.

Why shouldn't the working class be able to take deductions like the rich.....100%?
Exactly what deductions are you referring to?
Are you sure you understand how it all works?
In most cases, you first must have expenses in order to take deductions...I'm guessing you know this?
Also, I fixed your signature text as well...see have my permission to copy and paste it...just give me a credit in a two font minimum....You're welcome in advance.

When the smoke clears, the real problem for the middle class is Mexicans stealing their jobs and the state and federal funding that should be allocated to help the American middle class.

I pay umpteen times as much in taxes as the working class and all they do is bitch that I'm not paying enough.
California is a great state to retire if you have money. that's why its filled with rich people who pay lots of taxes, except food not taxed, calif knows every one has to eat.
Not many retirees have sufficient taxable income to be negatively impacted by these changes. The $24 standard deduction will at least match the foregone S&L tax deductions. And those who are affected are "rich," so Fuck 'em.

Over 90% will file short form and take the standard deduction which was the design and intention of the bill. As for your irrational envy and hatred of the rich blow it out your ass.

Why shouldn't the working class be able to take deductions like the rich.....100%?
They do. The working class takes a deduction for a loss of a few thousand. The deduction for the rich is in the millions.

It doesn't matter how much the deduction is, it's the fact that the working class can't take deduction like the rich/wealthy.
California is a great state to retire if you have money. that's why its filled with rich people who pay lots of taxes, except food not taxed, calif knows every one has to eat.

Well, I guess it's all relative to idea of a great place to live / retire includes living among high quality human beings in clean we'll taken care of communities. I don't want to shop with filth, I don't want to get fuel next to filth...I want to avoid filth all together. I currently live in a very upscale part of Southern Mexifornia and I still can't avoid coming in contact with filth on a daily basis.
California is a great state to retire if you have money. that's why its filled with rich people who pay lots of taxes, except food not taxed, calif knows every one has to eat.

Not necessarily. Prop 13 homes. My Mothers home is appraised for $5M, with a yearly property tax of $1,500.00.
Why is it that the ignorant continue to bash California when clearly they have no factual information. Must be part of the Putin's first year in the White House crowd.
Los Angeles shit all over the streets, San Francisco sidewalks also the toilet for thousands of homeless people, riots and looting, murders in Chicago, Baltimore, everywhere Dem's are in charge its a mess.
How often do you visit all those places?

I go to SF not infrequently. The nice areas, you know, where feinstein has her mansion, are very nice indeed because the rif raff are kept out, but down in the Haight, or the Avenues it is starting to get a little nasty. Noe Valley is still mainly clean, but even there there are problems starting to crop up. I won't even bother to mention market and the crud all over the street down there. Pier 39 is still nice though. Can't scare away the tourists don't ya know..
California is a great state to retire if you have money. that's why its filled with rich people who pay lots of taxes, except food not taxed, calif knows every one has to eat.

Not necessarily. Prop 13 homes. My Mothers home is appraised for $5M, with a yearly property tax of $1,500.00.

Nooo, she's grandfathered (or grandmothered if you prefer) in. Had she not been able to benefit from Prop 13 she would have been kicked out on her ass decades ago because she wouldn't have been able to pay the property taxes. You can thank Jarvis & Gann for making it possible for her to keep her home. Progressives, like you, would have kicked her to the curb long ago so they could give her home to someone with more money. That's how progressives work don't ya know.
Why is it that the ignorant continue to bash California when clearly they have no factual information. Must be part of the Putin's first year in the White House crowd.
When your shtick has failed, bring in Russia. The clown trolls are really getting tiresome.
California is a great state to retire if you have money. that's why its filled with rich people who pay lots of taxes, except food not taxed, calif knows every one has to eat.

Well, I guess it's all relative to idea of a great place to live / retire includes living among high quality human beings in clean we'll taken care of communities. I don't want to shop with filth, I don't want to get fuel next to filth...I want to avoid filth all together. I currently live in a very upscale part of Southern Mexifornia and I still can't avoid coming in contact with filth on a daily basis.
then quit crying and fucking move .....i did....

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