California Woman Fired After Calling Obama N-Word, Hoping He's Assassinated

Americans burning Obama in effigy like they did Bush? That was okay though huh?
Well this should PLEASE you ObamaBots, she lost her job for expressing her feeling about the Dear Leader

after all this IS OBAMA'S AMERCIA

and how DARE SHE

She might go to prison.
Why? Blasphemy is no longer a crime, is it?

No meathead because of this:

"18 USC § 871 - Threats against President and successors to the Presidency

(a) Whoever knowingly and willfully deposits for conveyance in the mail or for a delivery from any post office or by any letter carrier any letter, paper, writing, print, missive, or document containing any threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon the President of the United States, the President-elect, the Vice President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President of the United States, or the Vice President-elect, or knowingly and willfully otherwise makes any such threat against the President, President-elect, Vice President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President, or Vice President-elect, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both."

18 USC § 871 - Threats against President and successors to the Presidency

Where do you get blasphemy from this situation? On second thought, never mind...:eusa_eh:
Most people don't realize how seriously the members of the Secret Service take their jobs. Their reaction to any threat directed at the President is immediate and persistent, and that didn't start with Obama. It has always been so.

I posted this about four weeks ago in the USMB Coffee Shop thread:

Oh, yeah, and about threats to the pres...

... No lie, they take every single one of them dead seriously.

A dumb college girl staying at my neighbor's house was having a bad day, so she posted online:

"Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, guess I'll go kill Bush..."

I heard about it two weeks later, because my neighbor was so frustrated by the Secret Service's repeated visits and endless questions that he started griping to me about it.

They questioned him, his daughter, the girl; they questioned all the daughter's friends and all the girl's friends; they questioned their professors, they researched every group of which these girls had been a member...

Well, you get the picture.

So, the moral of the story is... never ever post something dumb like that online, nor accuse anyone else of doing so.

... Unless they really did.

-- Paravani
Classy, very classy. And then doubling down on it? Congrats, you win...something :clap2:

News keeps getting worse for Denise Helms, the 22-year-old California woman whose racist, threatening Facebook status about President Barack Obama went viral this week. Helms has since been fired from her job at a Turlock, Calif., Cold Stone Creamery, and the Secret Service is now looking into her comments.

“Another 4 years of this (N-word),” Helms wrote on her Facebook Tuesday night. “Maybe he will get assassinated this term.”

Sacramento's Fox 40 news crew caught up with an unapologetic Helms on Wednesday.

"I didn't think it would be that big of a deal," she said. "The assassination part is kind of harsh. I'm not saying like I would go do that or anything like that, by any means, but if it was to happen, I don't think I'd care one bit."

She then took to Facebook to defend herself, according to The Modesto Bee.

So apparently my post last night about Obama got onto Twitter and Fox 40 came and interviewed me cause apparently a lot of people in Sacramento think I'm crazy and racist. WOW is all I got to say!! I'm not racist and I'm not crazy. just simply stating my opinion.!!!"


The racial slur is protected speech, even if in poor taste. However, the speculative threat, while obviously harmless is a serious legal no no as already referred to elswhere in this thread. Either way this woman's five minutes of fame have arrived. Will she spend them further garbling our language on social networking sights, or corresponding with the media from federal prison?
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Classy, very classy. And then doubling down on it? Congrats, you win...something :clap2:

News keeps getting worse for Denise Helms, the 22-year-old California woman whose racist, threatening Facebook status about President Barack Obama went viral this week. Helms has since been fired from her job at a Turlock, Calif., Cold Stone Creamery, and the Secret Service is now looking into her comments.

“Another 4 years of this (N-word),” Helms wrote on her Facebook Tuesday night. “Maybe he will get assassinated this term.”

Sacramento's Fox 40 news crew caught up with an unapologetic Helms on Wednesday.

"I didn't think it would be that big of a deal," she said. "The assassination part is kind of harsh. I'm not saying like I would go do that or anything like that, by any means, but if it was to happen, I don't think I'd care one bit."

She then took to Facebook to defend herself, according to The Modesto Bee.


The racial slur is protected speech, even if in poor taste. However, the speculative threat, while obviously harmless is a serious legal no no as already referred to elswhere in this thread. Either way this woman's five minutes of fame have arrived. Will she spend them further garbling our language on social networking sights, or corresponding with the media from federal prison?

the new Joe the Plumber, Denise the "calling him a ****** doesn't make me" Racist, is on deck
She might go to prison.
Why? Blasphemy is no longer a crime, is it?

No meathead because of this:

"18 USC § 871 - Threats against President and successors to the Presidency

(a) Whoever knowingly and willfully deposits for conveyance in the mail or for a delivery from any post office or by any letter carrier any letter, paper, writing, print, missive, or document containing any threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon the President of the United States, the President-elect, the Vice President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President of the United States, or the Vice President-elect, or knowingly and willfully otherwise makes any such threat against the President, President-elect, Vice President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President, or Vice President-elect, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both."

18 USC § 871 - Threats against President and successors to the Presidency

Where do you get blasphemy from this situation? On second thought, never mind...:eusa_eh:
Don't be an ass, or try at least try not to be one anyway. Where did you get a threat from this:

“Another 4 years of this (N-word),” Helms wrote on her Facebook Tuesday night. “Maybe he will get assassinated this term.”
Classy, very classy. And then doubling down on it? Congrats, you win...something :clap2:


The racial slur is protected speech, even if in poor taste. However, the speculative threat, while obviously harmless is a serious legal no no as already referred to elswhere in this thread. Either way this woman's five minutes of fame have arrived. Will she spend them further garbling our language on social networking sights, or corresponding with the media from federal prison?

the new Joe the Plumber, Denise the "calling him a ****** doesn't make me" Racist, is on deck

what the hell, that was stupid
Well this should PLEASE you ObamaBots, she lost her job for expressing her feeling about the Dear Leader

after all this IS OBAMA'S AMERCIA

and how DARE SHE

Right. How dare she call the POTUS a ****** and wish death upon him.

You're insane.

awww, cry us a riva:eusa_boohoo:
they didn't just WISH death on Bush, the made a movie about him being assassinated while he was in office..
as for the word ******, it's not outlawed yet, I don't use it but to be fired over it..
ObamaNation I guess

Unsurprisingly you’re engaging in the same blind partisanism you accuse democrats of.
Right. How dare she call the POTUS a ****** and wish death upon him.

You're insane.

awww, cry us a riva:eusa_boohoo:
they didn't just WISH death on Bush, the made a movie about him being assassinated while he was in office..
as for the word ******, it's not outlawed yet, I don't use it but to be fired over it..
ObamaNation I guess

Unsurprisingly you’re engaging in the same blind partisanism you accuse democrats of.

maybe so, but I get tired of all the whining over this President..

Especially what we watched Bush go through from them all
Yeah, if you use the n-word (anyone, RW, that means you or Salt Jones) is a racist. End of that story. Trudat.

Classy, very classy. And then doubling down on it? Congrats, you win...something :clap2:

News keeps getting worse for Denise Helms, the 22-year-old California woman whose racist, threatening Facebook status about President Barack Obama went viral this week. Helms has since been fired from her job at a Turlock, Calif., Cold Stone Creamery, and the Secret Service is now looking into her comments.

“Another 4 years of this (N-word),” Helms wrote on her Facebook Tuesday night. “Maybe he will get assassinated this term.”

Sacramento's Fox 40 news crew caught up with an unapologetic Helms on Wednesday.

"I didn't think it would be that big of a deal," she said. "The assassination part is kind of harsh. I'm not saying like I would go do that or anything like that, by any means, but if it was to happen, I don't think I'd care one bit."

She then took to Facebook to defend herself, according to The Modesto Bee.

So apparently my post last night about Obama got onto Twitter and Fox 40 came and interviewed me cause apparently a lot of people in Sacramento think I'm crazy and racist. WOW is all I got to say!! I'm not racist and I'm not crazy. just simply stating my opinion.!!!"

good grief, they act like obama has been the only President to have people talk this about them..

Obamabots are just so dramatic over him

When was the last time anyone suggested people go to prison for criticizing a national leader? That took obamabots.

She'll probably be hanged as revenge.

Most people don't realize how seriously the members of the Secret Service take their jobs. Their reaction to any threat directed at the President is immediate and persistent, and that didn't start with Obama. It has always been so.

I posted this about four weeks ago in the USMB Coffee Shop thread:

Oh, yeah, and about threats to the pres...

... No lie, they take every single one of them dead seriously.

A dumb college girl staying at my neighbor's house was having a bad day, so she posted online:

"Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, guess I'll go kill Bush..."

I heard about it two weeks later, because my neighbor was so frustrated by the Secret Service's repeated visits and endless questions that he started griping to me about it.

They questioned him, his daughter, the girl; they questioned all the daughter's friends and all the girl's friends; they questioned their professors, they researched every group of which these girls had been a member...

Well, you get the picture.

So, the moral of the story is... never ever post something dumb like that online, nor accuse anyone else of doing so.

... Unless they really did.

-- Paravani

The secret service showed us how seriously they took their jobs when they were in Columbia.
A lot of them are disrespectful to themselves, without realizing it, yes.

We had to address this issue at the various workplaces across the states in our companies.

Such language at work, in any fashion, would result in termination, period.

After one incidence that ended in termination and a denial for unemployment benefits, we have had no troubles.

Yeah, if you use the n-word (anyone, RW, that means you or Salt Jones) is a racist. End of that story. Trudat.
Well, if it's the "end of story" as you put it, then American blacks are by far the most racist people in the world. My God, they hate themselves!
Unless she made the post while working I don't understand why she lost her job.

First..she broke the law.

Second..her views were so derogatory that it reflected poorly upon the company.

Third..political affliation is not a "protected" in terms of employment.

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