California Democrats Propose Strictest Gun Regulations In The Nation


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Zack Beauchamp

Thursday afternoon, a group of California Senate Democrats rolled out a legislative package that would create what would likely be the tightest gun regulation system in the nation, ranging from sweeping prohibitions on semi-automatic rifles to restrictions on guns in the home. The proposal consists of ten points:

1. Ban all semi-automatic rifles that accept detachable magazines.

2. Ban possession of high-capacity magazines.

3. Ban “bullet button” conversion kits.

4. Bans shotgun-rifle combinations.

5. Universal registration of all guns.

6. Background checks on ammunition.

7. Regulating gun loans.

8. Prevent prohibited individuals from living in homes with guns.

9. Cracking down on people who can’t own guns legally but do anyway.

10. Required safety training for handgun owners.

DETAILS: California Democrats Propose Strictest Gun Regulations In The Nation | ThinkProgress
States are free to enact their own gun-control laws - so long as they meet the minimum federal standards.

Ain't states' rights and the Tenth Amendment great. The Tenthers should be elated.

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
I sure hope the pass them, even the 9th Circut would strike them down, wouldn't even have to go to SCOTUS.
By Zack Beauchamp

Thursday afternoon, a group of California Senate Democrats rolled out a legislative package that would create what would likely be the tightest gun regulation system in the nation, ranging from sweeping prohibitions on semi-automatic rifles to restrictions on guns in the home. The proposal consists of ten points:

1. Ban all semi-automatic rifles that accept detachable magazines.

2. Ban possession of high-capacity magazines.

3. Ban “bullet button” conversion kits.

4. Bans shotgun-rifle combinations.

5. Universal registration of all guns.

6. Background checks on ammunition.

7. Regulating gun loans.

8. Prevent prohibited individuals from living in homes with guns.

9. Cracking down on people who can’t own guns legally but do anyway.

10. Required safety training for handgun owners.

DETAILS: California Democrats Propose Strictest Gun Regulations In The Nation | ThinkProgress

I am not one of these NRA gun toting wackos and I would support placing some controls on some firearms (except for the fact I have no real idea of what type of restriction would actually be effective), but the part about not loaning or selling a gun to a person you know seems somewhat crazy. I mean I can't loan a gun to my best friend or brother, but I can hand the gun over to somebody I don't know? Am I missing something here or has my California legislature lost common sense?
THey want to ban these:




Additionally they would have t pay compensation to all owners of hi cap magazines.

IOW, its not going to happen. More over reaction from the land of fruits and nuts.
Many things are going to happen. Last I heard, about 10 more states are planning stricter gun legislation.

[ame=]Newtown Parents Speak Out - YouTube[/ame]
States are free to enact their own gun-control laws - so long as they meet the minimum federal standards.

Ain't states' rights and the Tenth Amendment great. The Tenthers should be elated.

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

States are not free to pass laws that violate a persons Constitutional rights under the US constitution. It would of course be up to the Federal Courts to decide is said state laws went to far or not.
Many things are going to happen. Last I heard, about 10 more states are planning stricter gun legislation.

It's the same shit-hole states that have been anti gun all along. Who cares? It certainly won't stop any crime. Chicago has the toughest gun laws in the country. And the highest murder rate.
oh well, they can drive out all the responsible people from commiefornia and be left with just the dirt bags with their guns..

You go commifornia, heck of job you're doing
THey want to ban these:


Additionally they would have t pay compensation to all owners of hi cap magazines.

IOW, its not going to happen. More over reaction from the land of fruits and nuts.

The Hello Kitty made me laugh!

Last year the state tried to pass a law on air-soft rifles, making sure they were only sold in neon colors. The funny about that is airsoft already have an orange tip, and a can of spray paint would take care of the rest.
Troll OP has one thing right.. states are free to make their own gun laws... as long as they fit within federal standard... however.. these are still extremist and arguably against the 2nd amendment..

It is long known that Cali is fucked in the head.. they are already taxing people into oblivion, still going broke, and coddling illegals in sanctuary cities
California lawmakers are likely thinking they can pass any law they like, constitutional or not.

Their experience violating federal law with medical marijuana has mostly been successful. If they can ignore the federal government on one law, it is more than likely the thinking that they can violate any federal law.

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