California, Arizona, New Mexico Should Belong to Mexico


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

{This is a bit long but will also post it on my blog}

A chant used to justify illegal immigration from south of our borders.

All well and good. But, let's examine the truth of this statement.

When did Spain or later Mexico ever truly “control” land in these states? From the very beginning, Spain never had complete military control of Texas, Arizona, or New Mexico. For this entire area, there were never more than two or three hundred poorly armed and ill-equipped soldiers in scattered garrisons or presidios. And, those few garrisons relied heavily on support from missions established by Catholic missionaries.

Let's take California as an example. Up to 1769, all Spanish efforts were guided by the Jesuits in Lower California, their widely scattered missions manned by groups or no more than five soldiers at each. There was a “presidio” - a poorly manned garrison – at San José del Cabo, put there as it was the main shipping point in to and out of Lower California.

When Father Serra and Governor Gaspar Portolá reached the future site of San Diego, it was with a military compliment of less than 100 soldiers fit for duty. Of the 30 Catalonian Volunteers, only six or seven did not suffer from dysentery and diarrhea. Even the hardy Leatherjacket Soldiers faced physical problems. 100 hundred soldiers to cower 60,000 Iron Age savages!

It took Spain from 1769 to 1820 to establish 19 missions from San Diego to San Francisco. Each mission had a minimum of one Franciscan friar, often two when there were enough to do so. And, each mission had an “escolta” of 5 soldiers, 1 corporal and four privates. That amounted to a total of 95 soldiers to control an estimated 30,000 Mission Indians. In addition, there were four poorly made and maintained presidios at San Diego, Santa Barbara, Monterey, and San Francisco. The total of soldiers at these four forts never exceeded 80, most of those involved in courier or sentry duty. In addition, they went for years without pay or supplies. The military relied heavily on the missions for food.

So, how about Mexican control of the area. When Mexico gained its independence from Spain, one of the first things it did was to secularize the missions – taking them away from church control and turning them over to the Indians under the control of government agents. Disaster. From 1823 to 1840, thriving, industrious missions became ruins and the Indians dependent upon them became slaves to the Rancheros, retired soldiers and civilians with political clout. The only “army” was a understaffed company of ex-convicts brought from Mexico by Governor Echeandía. The presidio at San Diego had been sold for $40 dollars, the one at Monterey in total disrepair, and the one at San Francisco abandoned, the soldiers sent to Sonoma to protect against Russian invasion and Indian incursions.

Mexico “owning” California? When the various groups fell into internecine fighting, each side formed companias estranjeros, made up of English and American settlers who had come to California for the great weather and good prospects – all before the Gold Rush. They were the ones that turned the various pueblos from mere groups of mud huts into substantial towns.

And, the California Indians no longer owned anything as they had been all but wiped out when the missions fell into ruins. Those few surviving peones struggled, poorly clad and barely fed.

So, let me ask this question – if Mexico didn't bother to man its outposts or seriously control the vast territory of California [which included Arizona and New Mexico] knowing it was so sparsely settled that it did not merit the status of being a state, why should the belief continue that those areas still “belong” to Mexico? And thereby justifying to incursion of Mexican citizens without legal documents? :eusa_whistle:
Doesn't change the fact we bought the area. They can tell all the lies they want.

They're taking it back;


'We are practicing "La Reconquista" in California.'

"California is going to be a Hispanic state. Anyone who doesn't like it should leave."

Excelsior- The national newspaper of Mexico "The American Southwest seems to be slowly returning to the jurisdiction of Mexico without firing a single shot."
Say again? Mexico was created by Europeans to begin with, taken from the native peoples. Spaniards were first to colonize the hemisphere, Spanish is also a European language, not native to the continent any more than English is. It cracks me up when Mexicans invade America NOW and then proclaim they are innocent victims of AMERICAN colonialism…Being that Mexicans themselves are tainted with guilt of the same allegation, to begin with. If it weren't for Europeans "stealing the land," (MEXICO) wouldn't be a culture to begin with. But I digress...
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Sure looks to me like they're taking it back/over;

List of U.S. communities with Hispanic majority populations in the 2010 census - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of U.S. communities with Hispanic majority populations in the 2010 census

2043 census prediction: US whites will no longer be a majority as Hispanic population surges | Mail Online

Whites will no longer be a majority in U.S. by 2043 as Hispanic population surges, Census data reveals

. Number of white Americans now at 64 per cent, but scales will tip in the favor of Hispanics by 2043
. Minority children expected to become the majority by 2019
Mexicans can't even run their own nation without our money.

Think what it will be like when they're the majority and running your nation...and the USA is indeed "Mexico"...'Jose can you see by the dawn's early light' etc.

They will still be part of America, but yet again, stop letting the business establishment give them jobs and they will go and stop the welfare.
Mexicans can't even run their own nation without our money.

Think what it will be like when they're the majority and running your nation...and the USA is indeed "Mexico"...'Jose can you see by the dawn's early light' etc.

They will still be part of America, but yet again, stop letting the business establishment give them jobs and they will go and stop the welfare.

Seems to me that America will become part of them/Mexico...the Mexican flag reigning supreme, as it basically does now in many places.

[ame=]Illegals raise Mexican flag over Maywood - YouTube[/ame]

And when all the old White folks have passed away?

[ame=]US Teacher Deems American Flag 'Offensive' - YouTube[/ame]
Sure looks to me like they're taking it back/over;

List of U.S. communities with Hispanic majority populations in the 2010 census - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of U.S. communities with Hispanic majority populations in the 2010 census

2043 census prediction: US whites will no longer be a majority as Hispanic population surges | Mail Online

Whites will no longer be a majority in U.S. by 2043 as Hispanic population surges, Census data reveals

. Number of white Americans now at 64 per cent, but scales will tip in the favor of Hispanics by 2043
. Minority children expected to become the majority by 2019

hey do realize that a hell of a lot of those "Hispanics" are born and raised here right?.....and hey.... if you "white" people are afraid of being a minority.....then start fucking and quit inbreeding with the other races....
Sure looks to me like they're taking it back/over;

List of U.S. communities with Hispanic majority populations in the 2010 census - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of U.S. communities with Hispanic majority populations in the 2010 census

2043 census prediction: US whites will no longer be a majority as Hispanic population surges | Mail Online

Whites will no longer be a majority in U.S. by 2043 as Hispanic population surges, Census data reveals

. Number of white Americans now at 64 per cent, but scales will tip in the favor of Hispanics by 2043
. Minority children expected to become the majority by 2019

hey do realize that a hell of a lot of those "Hispanics" are born and raised here right?.....and hey.... if you "white" people are afraid of being a minority.....then start fucking and quit inbreeding with the other races....
Kids today in America are taught they have to be multicultural in every way. They're striving to eliminate blonde hair and blue eyes, which they are taught to view as a bad thing, basically and shows how nepotistic and narrow-minded their ancestors were. Also, all white people must be racists!

This message was brought to you by the NEA.
It will be hilarious if they ever try to secede from the Union and they get their asses kicked.
The pre-Colombian "civilization" of current-day Mexico was not a thriving and growing one. It was filled with internal strife and the constant raids against non-Aztec tribes reduced their supply of slaves and sacrificial lambs.

In fact, Cortez only overcame the stagnant Aztec civilization with overwhelming support from the tribes who had suffered so much from Aztec pillage.

As to the other tribes of North America, all were Stone Age groups with little authority beyond a few days of where they lived - with the exception of the Civliized Nations of the northeast. It was only the arrival of European horses that gave them great mobility.

As for the California Indians, they were even worse, living on insects, moles, gophers, rabbits and other game they could take with their Stone Age tools.

Again, the "truth" about the European incursion in North and Central America is not taught in our schools and not even Hispanics learn the truth about their own countries. [Especially when the vast majority of Mexican "teachers" are not fully qualified to teach most of the subject they are called upon to teach!]
Sure looks to me like they're taking it back/over;

List of U.S. communities with Hispanic majority populations in the 2010 census - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of U.S. communities with Hispanic majority populations in the 2010 census

2043 census prediction: US whites will no longer be a majority as Hispanic population surges | Mail Online

Whites will no longer be a majority in U.S. by 2043 as Hispanic population surges, Census data reveals

. Number of white Americans now at 64 per cent, but scales will tip in the favor of Hispanics by 2043
. Minority children expected to become the majority by 2019

hey do realize that a hell of a lot of those "Hispanics" are born and raised here right?.....and hey.... if you "white" people are afraid of being a minority.....then start fucking and quit inbreeding with the other races....

Which non-White majority place would you like to live in, as an 'ordinary person'?

Sure looks to me like they're taking it back/over;

List of U.S. communities with Hispanic majority populations in the 2010 census - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of U.S. communities with Hispanic majority populations in the 2010 census

2043 census prediction: US whites will no longer be a majority as Hispanic population surges | Mail Online

Whites will no longer be a majority in U.S. by 2043 as Hispanic population surges, Census data reveals

. Number of white Americans now at 64 per cent, but scales will tip in the favor of Hispanics by 2043
. Minority children expected to become the majority by 2019

hey do realize that a hell of a lot of those "Hispanics" are born and raised here right?.....and hey.... if you "white" people are afraid of being a minority.....then start fucking and quit inbreeding with the other races....
Kids today in America are taught they have to be multicultural in every way. They're striving to eliminate blonde hair and blue eyes, which they are taught to view as a bad thing, basically and shows how nepotistic and narrow-minded their ancestors were. Also, all white people must be racists!

This message was brought to you by the NEA.

well then i guess as soon as everyone has black hair and black eyes.....they wont have to worry about that anymore......

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