Calif Prop 63: Gun "control". You can't even buy ammo without a permit; and no high-cap magazines

Pfffft. The UN's been wanting the US to use that tactic to disarm America for a long time. Glad to know you're with those that are anti American. Asshole.

:0) Fuck you .. and if you think gun control is bad .. fuck you twice.

I'm not even slightly interested in your fear.
I worked at a Chrysler assembly plant many years ago in Detroit. The plant was staffed predominately by blacks and most if not all were armed. Those big black ladies carried anything from a .38 to a .45 in their purses and were not afraid to use them. They knew without a gun, they would be in big trouble.

I've lived in Detroit most of my life .. not the suburbs, the inner city.

I never owned a gun there .. never been robbed there .. never needed a gun there or anywhere else.

My sister worked for Chrysler for 18 years, my father worked for Chrysler for 33 years. Neither ever owned a gun.

Maybe those sisters were just worried about you.
Well then...that must mean there is no crime in Detroit.

Interpret that anyway you choose. Part of the reason there is crime because of easy access to guns.

Guns do FAR FAR more harm then they do good.
You really are out there where the buses don't run.

Crime is rampant in Detroit and has been since the 1960s. Law abiding people need guns to protect their lives and property. This was most evident to blacks at Chrysler who risked their lives every night just going home.
Control the ammunition.


How About Banning Bullets? The Constitution Doesn't Say Anything About Those...
How About Banning Bullets? The Constitution Doesn't Say Anything About Those...

Pfffft. The UN's been wanting the US to use that tactic to disarm America for a long time. Glad to know you're with those that are anti American. Asshole.

:0) Fuck you .. and if you think gun control is bad .. fuck you twice.

I'm not even slightly interested in your fear.

Gun control is great for police states and criminals. For honest law abiding people though, it kinda sucks.

The right should have thought about that before they chose a clown to run for president.

NOW, to the victors go the spoils. Bullet Control

You don't get to strip Constitution rights just because you won an election
Pfffft. The UN's been wanting the US to use that tactic to disarm America for a long time. Glad to know you're with those that are anti American. Asshole.

:0) Fuck you .. and if you think gun control is bad .. fuck you twice.

I'm not even slightly interested in your fear.
I worked at a Chrysler assembly plant many years ago in Detroit. The plant was staffed predominately by blacks and most if not all were armed. Those big black ladies carried anything from a .38 to a .45 in their purses and were not afraid to use them. They knew without a gun, they would be in big trouble.

I've lived in Detroit most of my life .. not the suburbs, the inner city.

I never owned a gun there .. never been robbed there .. never needed a gun there or anywhere else.

My sister worked for Chrysler for 18 years, my father worked for Chrysler for 33 years. Neither ever owned a gun.

Maybe those sisters were just worried about you.
Well then...that must mean there is no crime in Detroit.

Interpret that anyway you choose. Part of the reason there is crime because of easy access to guns.

Guns do FAR FAR more harm then they do good.
I think gun homicides outnumber Muslims homicides in America like...eleventy thousand to one.

LIBTARD: Guns just killed some more people. We must ban them.

RUBE: Cars kill a lot more people than guns. So I guess we should ban them, too, right? Right? Right?

FOX NEWS: Some more Muslims just killed some more people. Every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone, we will be right here to tell you all about it, with doom music.


There's clowns to the Left of me, jokers to the Right
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you...
Imagine a bowl of Skittles, and FIFTEEN THOUSAND of them were poisonous...
But you can't show photo ID to vote?

You can show ID if you want to. :0) The argument is stupid .. given the vast number of Americans who don't vote .. and given that absentee ballots would be the real source of voter fraud.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Doesn't mean shit. The well-trained 'militia' today is the military .. and they have all the guns they will ever need.


.. and who gets to interpret?

The Supreme Court .. that may have Obama as one of its members.
A militia and our national military are 2 different things.

"The right of the people(that's you and me)to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." This is written in the constitution. You can only interpret it one way. There is no other way. Maybe when the communists take over they will take my guns. Not long now with all the idiots supporting the left. What were you a victim of today and how will Clinton help you?

The interpretation isn't up to you.

Whatever Clinton does for me is up to me and me alone.

I'm not interested in what Trump or anybody else does for you.

Not sure why right-wingers believe that the political choice of others is their business.
Well, English is my first language and I understand it very well and it says right there in plain English you can't infringe on my guns rights. If they do it will just be another corrupted move by our govt. but then again the left seems to be all cozy with corruption these days eh?
I'm a lefty dipshit. I also however, unlike you, have a brain and realize that the only people harmed by gun control are the poor and the middle class. Absent firearms the poor and the middle class are powerless in the face of a tyrannical government which was the intent of the Founders. Face it. You want to be a slave. Good for you. I choose not to be one.

Only a moron would believe that your pistol could stop the government, thus the military, thus the police, from doing anything.

I'm not interested in your baseless paranoia.

I suggest you look up the Romanian revolution. Like I said, your ignorance of history is profound.

:0) This isn't Romania you knucklehead.

Your pistol can't save you from your own paranoia.

My pistol has already save me twice from assholes who wanted to do me harm so I think you are full of shit. As are ALL progressives. And, like I said, your ignorance of history is profound. That will be your undoing.

:lol: Sure you're a 'lefty..'

Best figure out how to make your own bullets.

Already do silly person. My home used to be a long ways off the grid. Now it is tied in because the grid built out to me. Unlike you, I can take care of my family. If the truck doesn't make it to the super market, and the power go's off, you're screwed. I'm not. It's as simple as that.
Pfffft. The UN's been wanting the US to use that tactic to disarm America for a long time. Glad to know you're with those that are anti American. Asshole.

:0) Fuck you .. and if you think gun control is bad .. fuck you twice.

I'm not even slightly interested in your fear.
I worked at a Chrysler assembly plant many years ago in Detroit. The plant was staffed predominately by blacks and most if not all were armed. Those big black ladies carried anything from a .38 to a .45 in their purses and were not afraid to use them. They knew without a gun, they would be in big trouble.

I've lived in Detroit most of my life .. not the suburbs, the inner city.

I never owned a gun there .. never been robbed there .. never needed a gun there or anywhere else.

My sister worked for Chrysler for 18 years, my father worked for Chrysler for 33 years. Neither ever owned a gun.

Maybe those sisters were just worried about you.
Well then...that must mean there is no crime in Detroit.

Interpret that anyway you choose. Part of the reason there is crime because of easy access to guns.

Guns do FAR FAR more harm then they do good.

No moron....

bill clinton Department of Justice statistics on gun self defense by Americans....1,500,000 times a year...
Control the ammunition.


How About Banning Bullets? The Constitution Doesn't Say Anything About Those...
How About Banning Bullets? The Constitution Doesn't Say Anything About Those...

Pfffft. The UN's been wanting the US to use that tactic to disarm America for a long time. Glad to know you're with those that are anti American. Asshole.

:0) Fuck you .. and if you think gun control is bad .. fuck you twice.

I'm not even slightly interested in your fear.

Gun control is great for police states and criminals. For honest law abiding people though, it kinda sucks.

The right should have thought about that before they chose a clown to run for president.

NOW, to the victors go the spoils. Bullet Control

You don't get to strip Constitution rights just because you won an election

When you win the Oval Office, AND control the Senate, you get to appoint Supreme Court Justices favorable to your political poisitions .. AND, Hillary Clinton will get to appoint many.

The Constitution is outdated .. and like Thomas Jefferson, I believe the Constitution should be re-written every 19 years.
Control the ammunition.


How About Banning Bullets? The Constitution Doesn't Say Anything About Those...
How About Banning Bullets? The Constitution Doesn't Say Anything About Those...

Pfffft. The UN's been wanting the US to use that tactic to disarm America for a long time. Glad to know you're with those that are anti American. Asshole.

:0) Fuck you .. and if you think gun control is bad .. fuck you twice.

I'm not even slightly interested in your fear.
I worked at a Chrysler assembly plant many years ago in Detroit. The plant was staffed predominately by blacks and most if not all were armed. Those big black ladies carried anything from a .38 to a .45 in their purses and were not afraid to use them. They knew without a gun, they would be in big trouble.

I've lived in Detroit most of my life .. not the suburbs, the inner city.

I never owned a gun there .. never been robbed there .. never needed a gun there or anywhere else.

My sister worked for Chrysler for 18 years, my father worked for Chrysler for 33 years. Neither ever owned a gun.

Maybe those sisters were just worried about you.

Which part of the ruins do you live in? Just wonderin?
Pfffft. The UN's been wanting the US to use that tactic to disarm America for a long time. Glad to know you're with those that are anti American. Asshole.

:0) Fuck you .. and if you think gun control is bad .. fuck you twice.

I'm not even slightly interested in your fear.

Gun control is great for police states and criminals. For honest law abiding people though, it kinda sucks.

The right should have thought about that before they chose a clown to run for president.

NOW, to the victors go the spoils. Bullet Control

You don't get to strip Constitution rights just because you won an election

When you win the Oval Office, AND control the Senate, you get to appoint Supreme Court Justices favorable to your political poisitions .. AND, Hillary Clinton will get to appoint many.

The Constitution is outdated .. and like Thomas Jefferson, I believe the Constitution should be re-written every 19 years.

You sound like Allende
Pfffft. The UN's been wanting the US to use that tactic to disarm America for a long time. Glad to know you're with those that are anti American. Asshole.

:0) Fuck you .. and if you think gun control is bad .. fuck you twice.

I'm not even slightly interested in your fear.

Gun control is great for police states and criminals. For honest law abiding people though, it kinda sucks.

The right should have thought about that before they chose a clown to run for president.

NOW, to the victors go the spoils. Bullet Control

You don't get to strip Constitution rights just because you won an election

When you win the Oval Office, AND control the Senate, you get to appoint Supreme Court Justices favorable to your political poisitions .. AND, Hillary Clinton will get to appoint many.

The Constitution is outdated .. and like Thomas Jefferson, I believe the Constitution should be re-written every 19 years.
Nope. The Constitution works just fine. Your idea is insane.

The "end Constitutional originalism" argument basically boils down to a familiar gambit; that we are better ruled by extemporaneous decisions which accommodate current conditions (usually a crisis) rather than try to live by time-tested precedents.

This is one of the more dangerous arguments, but one I could plainly see had seduced Barack Obama when he nominated Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. That was a truly bad day for America.

Why is this dangerous? Simple. If a totalitarian wanted to make a power grab during a crisis (as many Presidents have tried to do), he would be better able to justify his actions by claiming to be a modern man dealing with modern problems and that antiquated precedents are a nuisance and an obstacle to achieving what he has convinced enough sheep are the necessary goals for the "good of the people". Just look at Bush and Obama for recent examples.

This is yet one more of many reasons why every living soul on the planet should read Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America.

Alexis de Toqueville means that title in a good way.

Men who have made a special study of the laws derive from this occupation certain habits of order, a taste for formalities, and a kind of instinctive regard for the regular connection of ideas, which naturally render them very hostile to the revolutionary spirit and the unreflecting passions of the multitude.


The profession of the law is the only aristocratic element that can be amalgamated without violence with the natural elements of democracy and be advantageously and permanently combined with them. I am not ignorant of the defects inherent in the character of this body of men; but without this admixture of lawyer-like sobriety with the democratic principle, I question whether democratic institutions could long be maintained; and I cannot believe that a republic could hope to exist at the present time if the influence of lawyers in public business did not increase in proportion to the power of the people.

Pay special attention to this part, because it is extremely important, and is why I opposed Sotomayor's nomination to the Supreme Court because she is more like the French lawyers described herein:

This predisposition has another effect upon the character of the legal profession and upon the general course of society. The English and American lawyers investigate what has been done; the French advocate inquires what should have been done; the former produce precedents, the latter reasons. A French observer is surprised to hear how often an English or an American lawyer quotes the opinions of others and how little he alludes to his own, while the reverse occurs in France. There the most trifling litigation is never conducted without the introduction of an entire system of ideas peculiar to the counsel employed; and the fundamental principles of law are discussed in order to obtain a rod of land by the decision of the court. This abnegation of his own opinion and this implicit deference to the opinion of his forefathers, which are common to the English and American lawyer, this servitude of thought which he is obliged to profess, necessarily give him more timid habits and more conservative inclinations in England and America than in France.
:0) Fuck you .. and if you think gun control is bad .. fuck you twice.

I'm not even slightly interested in your fear.
I worked at a Chrysler assembly plant many years ago in Detroit. The plant was staffed predominately by blacks and most if not all were armed. Those big black ladies carried anything from a .38 to a .45 in their purses and were not afraid to use them. They knew without a gun, they would be in big trouble.

I've lived in Detroit most of my life .. not the suburbs, the inner city.

I never owned a gun there .. never been robbed there .. never needed a gun there or anywhere else.

My sister worked for Chrysler for 18 years, my father worked for Chrysler for 33 years. Neither ever owned a gun.

Maybe those sisters were just worried about you.
Well then...that must mean there is no crime in Detroit.

Interpret that anyway you choose. Part of the reason there is crime because of easy access to guns.

Guns do FAR FAR more harm then they do good.

No moron....

bill clinton Department of Justice statistics on gun self defense by Americans....1,500,000 times a year...

Then I guess it's too damn bad that your side isn't smarter politically.

Three out of four victims knew their killers, and more than a third were family members or "intimate acquaintances" — such as spouses, ex-spouses or others involved in a romantic relationship.
Gun and self-defense statistics that might surprise you -- and the NRA
:0) Fuck you .. and if you think gun control is bad .. fuck you twice.

I'm not even slightly interested in your fear.

Gun control is great for police states and criminals. For honest law abiding people though, it kinda sucks.

The right should have thought about that before they chose a clown to run for president.

NOW, to the victors go the spoils. Bullet Control

You don't get to strip Constitution rights just because you won an election

When you win the Oval Office, AND control the Senate, you get to appoint Supreme Court Justices favorable to your political poisitions .. AND, Hillary Clinton will get to appoint many.

The Constitution is outdated .. and like Thomas Jefferson, I believe the Constitution should be re-written every 19 years.
Nope. The Constitution works just fine. Your idea is insane.

The "end Constitutional originalism" argument basically boils down to a familiar gambit; that we are better ruled by extemporaneous decisions which accommodate current conditions (usually a crisis) rather than try to live by time-tested precedents.

This is one of the more dangerous arguments, but one I could plainly see had seduced Barack Obama when he nominated Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. That was a truly bad day for America.

Why is this dangerous? Simple. If a totalitarian wanted to make a power grab during a crisis (as many Presidents have tried to do), he would be better able to justify his actions by claiming to be a modern man dealing with modern problems and that antiquated precedents are a nuisance and an obstacle to achieving what he has convinced enough sheep are the necessary goals for the "good of the people". Just look at Bush and Obama for recent examples.

This is yet one more of many reasons why every living soul on the planet should read Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America.

Exactly when in America's long history has a rogue / totalitarian government made such a power play?
I worked at a Chrysler assembly plant many years ago in Detroit. The plant was staffed predominately by blacks and most if not all were armed. Those big black ladies carried anything from a .38 to a .45 in their purses and were not afraid to use them. They knew without a gun, they would be in big trouble.

I've lived in Detroit most of my life .. not the suburbs, the inner city.

I never owned a gun there .. never been robbed there .. never needed a gun there or anywhere else.

My sister worked for Chrysler for 18 years, my father worked for Chrysler for 33 years. Neither ever owned a gun.

Maybe those sisters were just worried about you.
Well then...that must mean there is no crime in Detroit.

Interpret that anyway you choose. Part of the reason there is crime because of easy access to guns.

Guns do FAR FAR more harm then they do good.

No moron....

bill clinton Department of Justice statistics on gun self defense by Americans....1,500,000 times a year...

Then I guess it's too damn bad that your side isn't smarter politically.

Three out of four victims knew their killers, and more than a third were family members or "intimate acquaintances" — such as spouses, ex-spouses or others involved in a romantic relationship.
Gun and self-defense statistics that might surprise you -- and the NRA

That report has been proven false so many times it is only brain dead types like you who still trot that outhouse material out for evidence. Thanks for the laugh!
Gun control is great for police states and criminals. For honest law abiding people though, it kinda sucks.

The right should have thought about that before they chose a clown to run for president.

NOW, to the victors go the spoils. Bullet Control

You don't get to strip Constitution rights just because you won an election

When you win the Oval Office, AND control the Senate, you get to appoint Supreme Court Justices favorable to your political poisitions .. AND, Hillary Clinton will get to appoint many.

The Constitution is outdated .. and like Thomas Jefferson, I believe the Constitution should be re-written every 19 years.
Nope. The Constitution works just fine. Your idea is insane.

The "end Constitutional originalism" argument basically boils down to a familiar gambit; that we are better ruled by extemporaneous decisions which accommodate current conditions (usually a crisis) rather than try to live by time-tested precedents.

This is one of the more dangerous arguments, but one I could plainly see had seduced Barack Obama when he nominated Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. That was a truly bad day for America.

Why is this dangerous? Simple. If a totalitarian wanted to make a power grab during a crisis (as many Presidents have tried to do), he would be better able to justify his actions by claiming to be a modern man dealing with modern problems and that antiquated precedents are a nuisance and an obstacle to achieving what he has convinced enough sheep are the necessary goals for the "good of the people". Just look at Bush and Obama for recent examples.

This is yet one more of many reasons why every living soul on the planet should read Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America.

Exactly when in America's long history has a rogue / totalitarian government made such a power play?

They are doing it now. I suggest you try and wake up. Or is it too late?
I worked at a Chrysler assembly plant many years ago in Detroit. The plant was staffed predominately by blacks and most if not all were armed. Those big black ladies carried anything from a .38 to a .45 in their purses and were not afraid to use them. They knew without a gun, they would be in big trouble.

I've lived in Detroit most of my life .. not the suburbs, the inner city.

I never owned a gun there .. never been robbed there .. never needed a gun there or anywhere else.

My sister worked for Chrysler for 18 years, my father worked for Chrysler for 33 years. Neither ever owned a gun.

Maybe those sisters were just worried about you.
Well then...that must mean there is no crime in Detroit.

Interpret that anyway you choose. Part of the reason there is crime because of easy access to guns.

Guns do FAR FAR more harm then they do good.

No moron....

bill clinton Department of Justice statistics on gun self defense by Americans....1,500,000 times a year...

Then I guess it's too damn bad that your side isn't smarter politically.

Three out of four victims knew their killers, and more than a third were family members or "intimate acquaintances" — such as spouses, ex-spouses or others involved in a romantic relationship.
Gun and self-defense statistics that might surprise you -- and the NRA
This proves you don't know WTF you are posting. You have been propagandized. You believe lies.
Some time ago California passed legislation saying dealers can't sell ammo without a permit.

Now the liberals are going one step further, requiring purchasers of ammo to get a separate permit... and to undergo a background check each time they want to buy Ammo. You also can't have any magazines with more than 10 bullets capacity.

The main backer, Calif Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom, claims that this will reduce gun violence and save lives. For some reason he has not commented on the fact that the last time California prohibited high-capacity magazines, the rate of gun violence did not diminish, and in some places (mostly inner cities) it rose.

These liberal fanatics continue to pursue their goal of disarming citizens who obey laws, while going easy on criminals who actually threaten, assault, injure, and kill people.


What you need to know about California's bullet ballot initiative

What You Need to Know About California's Big Gun Ballot Initiative

Bryan SchatzSep. 29, 2016 2:35 PM

"As a six-time Olympic medalist, I know it takes hard work to achieve success. For me, it also takes over 800 rounds of ammunition daily," says Olympic shooter Kim Rhode in the second installment in a series of web ads opposing Proposition 63, a ballot initiative sponsored by California Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom that would require background checks for buying ammunition and outlaw magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. It would not limit the quantity of ammunition people can buy. "If Gavin Newsom has his way, it'll make it incredibly hard to keep up my skills," says Rhode.

Those ammo regulations are just part of Prop 63, a sweeping measure that's drawing ire from gun-rights groups and praise from firearm safety advocates. Here's a look at what it would do, who's behind it, and its chances of passing.

Known as the Safety For All Initiative, Proposition 63 would implement a raft of new gun laws. It would outlaw the possession of high-capacity magazines, create a system for confiscating guns from felons who are prohibited from owning them, elevate all gun thefts to felonies, and require people and businesses to report lost or stolen guns. It also would prohibit anyone who has stolen a gun from owning one again. But what's most contentious about the measure is that it would require background checks for ammunition purchases and would require anyone who wants to buy ammo to obtain a four-year permit from the California Department of Justice.
Voted NO...of course, I vote NO on all Props.
I worked at a Chrysler assembly plant many years ago in Detroit. The plant was staffed predominately by blacks and most if not all were armed. Those big black ladies carried anything from a .38 to a .45 in their purses and were not afraid to use them. They knew without a gun, they would be in big trouble.

I've lived in Detroit most of my life .. not the suburbs, the inner city.

I never owned a gun there .. never been robbed there .. never needed a gun there or anywhere else.

My sister worked for Chrysler for 18 years, my father worked for Chrysler for 33 years. Neither ever owned a gun.

Maybe those sisters were just worried about you.
Well then...that must mean there is no crime in Detroit.

Interpret that anyway you choose. Part of the reason there is crime because of easy access to guns.

Guns do FAR FAR more harm then they do good.

No moron....

bill clinton Department of Justice statistics on gun self defense by Americans....1,500,000 times a year...

Then I guess it's too damn bad that your side isn't smarter politically.

Three out of four victims knew their killers, and more than a third were family members or "intimate acquaintances" — such as spouses, ex-spouses or others involved in a romantic relationship.
Gun and self-defense statistics that might surprise you -- and the NRA

Moron.....90% of gun murderers are criminals with long histories of crime and violence...and 70-80% of their victims are other career criminals who they know as rival gang members or criminal really are stupid.
I worked at a Chrysler assembly plant many years ago in Detroit. The plant was staffed predominately by blacks and most if not all were armed. Those big black ladies carried anything from a .38 to a .45 in their purses and were not afraid to use them. They knew without a gun, they would be in big trouble.

I've lived in Detroit most of my life .. not the suburbs, the inner city.

I never owned a gun there .. never been robbed there .. never needed a gun there or anywhere else.

My sister worked for Chrysler for 18 years, my father worked for Chrysler for 33 years. Neither ever owned a gun.

Maybe those sisters were just worried about you.
Well then...that must mean there is no crime in Detroit.

Interpret that anyway you choose. Part of the reason there is crime because of easy access to guns.

Guns do FAR FAR more harm then they do good.

No moron....

bill clinton Department of Justice statistics on gun self defense by Americans....1,500,000 times a year...

Then I guess it's too damn bad that your side isn't smarter politically.

Three out of four victims knew their killers, and more than a third were family members or "intimate acquaintances" — such as spouses, ex-spouses or others involved in a romantic relationship.
Gun and self-defense statistics that might surprise you -- and the NRA

The violence policy center lies.....and that article you linked to is just more anti gun lies.....

Most self defense with guns does not end up with any shots fire...the criminal runs away...moron.....and then you have the times the criminals surrenders and they wait for the police, and then you have the idiot criminals who push the encounter to the point the victim has to shoot them...most of the time the criminal is just injured...then captured by police.....the actual killing of a stupid criminal is the rarest of events...since most criminals don't want to be shot in the first place....

You guys are idiots.....

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