Cain is toast

You know..........on the first 2, I'd believe it, because there are court documents and cases were filed and paid, we just can't get to them because of the confidentiality agreements signed in those cases..
Don't be dishonest. There were no court cases filed. There were internal complaints and servance paid out. Second, the NRA released a statement that they are waiving the confidentiality agreements. The women are free to speak publics. Lastly, O'Donnell offered to pay their legal bills.

As far as the 3rd one? Not sure, sounds kinda iffy.
I agree

As far as the 4th one? Something definitly is rotten in Denmark, because Alred is one of those ambulance chasing whores who seeks publicity and money only, no matter if she's on the right side or not.
She seems like a woman scorn. She came to Cain for help to get her job back and he probably brushed her off, he might have even insulted her saying she didn't deserve the job.

But the first 2, I believe are true
Without any details how can one even make such a statement!
cain is toast due to his past actions which have caught up with him...did he not expect the media to find these claims and settlements?

No. if cain is toast its due to people making up crap about him.

so you assume he is telling the truth......seems to be shifting truth at best

Why do you say that?
Did you go out with him?
Is he the 60 Minute Man, or what?
I love it when you talk dirty. :lol:

You are just sorry that he is not a Democrat, right? :)
You know..........on the first 2, I'd believe it, because there are court documents and cases were filed and paid, we just can't get to them because of the confidentiality agreements signed in those cases..
Don't be dishonest. There were no court cases filed. There were internal complaints and servance paid out. Second, the NRA released a statement that they are waiving the confidentiality agreements. The women are free to speak publics. Lastly, O'Donnell offered to pay their legal bills.

As far as the 3rd one? Not sure, sounds kinda iffy.
I agree

As far as the 4th one? Something definitly is rotten in Denmark, because Alred is one of those ambulance chasing whores who seeks publicity and money only, no matter if she's on the right side or not.
She seems like a woman scorn. She came to Cain for help to get her job back and he probably brushed her off, he might have even insulted her saying she didn't deserve the job.

But the first 2, I believe are true
Without any details how can one even make such a statement!

She came off like she was reading a very practiced script full of Democratic Talking Points. Very well Rehearsed, but lacking in credibility. Where was all the outrage? Who would keep that bottled up so long and come off so clear and on point with the DNC Spearhead? Is she running for something?
Should Cain drop from the race? Consider, if elected Cain will be vulnerable to civil action by those who have claimed his behavior was 'inappropriate' as noted in the OP [See: Clinton v. Jones, 520 US 681 (1997)].

Can our nation afford another fiasco and politically motivated constitutional crisis in Washington D.C.?
Can we afford the cost of a special prosecutor and months of gridlock in our already gridlocked national capitol?
Do you have evidence of obstruction of justice by an officer of the court?

Get back to me on it some time.
Wow, a huge Cain supporter! Maybe you can do something none of the others even try to do when I ask them... Name five policies you like that Cain offers, go in depth, please!

(1) Jobs and Economic Plan: Replacing the small business killing payroll tax, the capital gains tax, death tax and lowering the corporate and income into the 999 plan. Seeing the economic boom it will create.

(2) Social Security: PROVEN Chilean social security method.

(3) Drilling: Plans to curtail the EPA, drill outshore, drill in ANWR and promote energy exploration.

(4) Bill Size: Read regulation from 1800s and most of the 1900s, there were the 1000 page monstrosities they are today. There are no reason they should be that big. The only reason they are that big is because they want to make sure Congress can't read them before they vote on them. I like Cain's small bill only policy. They shouldn't be longer than 25-50 pages.

(5) Business Regulation Reform: Business regulation reform starting with getting rid of Dobb-Frank is sorely needed. Who better than a businessman like Cain!
As a huge Cain supporter, huge fan of the 999 plan and a donor to his campaign, it is hard for me to say, but I think it's true. The leftist media have done a great job knocking down a good man. They won't let this sexual harassment controversy go down. They were screaming about let the accusers talk, her douche bag lawyer said she wants to talk so allow her to talk. The NRA said cool let her talk, but now she says sorry I don't want to talk.

The media won't release any details or the accusers names, as respect for the accuser. Oh please! I don't buy that.

Whether their true or false, whether they were genture not meant to make the women feel unconfortable, but they, doesn't matter now. The media labeled Cain guilty until, well there isn't any until, he will remain guilty.

He will never be able to get back on message. Republican primary voters will be too afraid to vote for him. I expect him to lose and not be dubbed the VP either. I am satisfied with Romney, but I prefer Cain.

Sadly I don't think Cain can rebound from this one.

Not with Cain constantly changing his story, offering contradictory explanations, and then declaring the subject now off-limits without ever dealing with the specifics, he can't.
As a huge Cain supporter, huge fan of the 999 plan and a donor to his campaign, it is hard for me to say, but I think it's true. The leftist media have done a great job knocking down a good man

Liberal media standard for:

- Non-liberals: No explanation is good enough

- Liberals: No explanation is required

You don't like those standards? We need a good Republican like Jake or Right Winger to say how the media which despises Republicans isn't liberal at all, in fact they lean right.
Should Cain drop from the race? Consider, if elected Cain will be vulnerable to civil action by those who have claimed his behavior was 'inappropriate' as noted in the OP [See: Clinton v. Jones, 520 US 681 (1997)].

Can our nation afford another fiasco and politically motivated constitutional crisis in Washington D.C.?
Can we afford the cost of a special prosecutor and months of gridlock in our already gridlocked national capital?


So we should all be able to pick off our opponents from now on by the simple expedient of getting some anonymous women to accuse them of sexual harassment!

Yeah. Fuck that presumption of innocence thing.

Come on Wry. I know you and I don't see eye to eye on much of anything, but surely even YOU have to recognize how silly that would be.

Presumption of innocence should never be 'fucked', it is a cornerstone of our system of jurisprudence. I'm suggesting Mr. Cain might consider the potential consequences if he is elected and if he did anything which might lead him to facing the judgment and ridicule that would follow.

I didn't suggest picking off Mr. Cain, or Gingrich for that matter, in fact Cain's nomination in face of the interest the American public in matters of salacious rumor would benefit President Obama. The focus would not be on the substantive issues facing our nation; it would IMO continue the partisan practice of character assassination which is the grist of our free press.
You've just outlined pretty much why I would never run for political office. Either there is something in your past that they latch onto and won't let go of (best defense is to admit it and move on), or they will make up some crap just so your opponent can win the election.

Me? I was in one of the most high visibility jobs at my commands, and after 20 years, it's good to be out of the fishbowl.

Seriously, you'd run as a Communist out of the DNC. You'd have nothing to worry about. Only Republicans are subject to standards or scrutiny.

It's not like the Republicans have dug up every gay affair Barack Obama has had, and you know damned well that he's had plenty. No, this crap is reserved for the Republicans.
Should Cain drop from the race? Consider, if elected Cain will be vulnerable to civil action by those who have claimed his behavior was 'inappropriate' as noted in the OP [See: Clinton v. Jones, 520 US 681 (1997)].

Can our nation afford another fiasco and politically motivated constitutional crisis in Washington D.C.?
Can we afford the cost of a special prosecutor and months of gridlock in our already gridlocked national capital?


So we should all be able to pick off our opponents from now on by the simple expedient of getting some anonymous women to accuse them of sexual harassment!

Yeah. Fuck that presumption of innocence thing.

Come on Wry. I know you and I don't see eye to eye on much of anything, but surely even YOU have to recognize how silly that would be.

Presumption of innocence should never be 'fucked', it is a cornerstone of our system of jurisprudence. I'm suggesting Mr. Cain might consider the potential consequences if he is elected and if he did anything which might lead him to facing the judgment and ridicule that would follow.

I didn't suggest picking off Mr. Cain, or Gingrich for that matter, in fact Cain's nomination in face of the interest the American public in matters of salacious rumor would benefit President Obama. The focus would not be on the substantive issues facing our nation; it would IMO continue the partisan practice of character assassination which is the grist of our free press.

What you are suggesting is that any candidate who gets smeared should consider the consequences of not dropping out -- for all the silly reasons you articulated.

But the problem is that ANYBODY can get similarly smeared.

It would then follow that anybody who gets smeared should consider dropping out.

But it would also follow that since anybody can get smeared, no candidates can ever run the full course.

I'll suggest it again.

You REALLY need to think this stuff through.
What you are suggesting is that any candidate who gets smeared should consider the consequences of not dropping out -- for all the silly reasons you articulated.

But the problem is that ANYBODY can get similarly smeared.

Not democrats.

This kind of demagoguery is reserved purely for Republicans.

It would then follow that anybody who gets smeared should consider dropping out.

But it would also follow that since anybody can get smeared, no candidates can ever run the full course.

I'll suggest it again.

You REALLY need to think this stuff through.

At this point, ANY Republican is going to get smeared by the leftist hate machine. They want Romney, so they won't attack him in the primary season. They want him because he's easy to beat, like McCain. On the primaries are over, the leftist hate machine will viciously attack anyone who stands against Obama. Lies and slander are the mainstay of the left, and will be unleashed without restraint.
Wow, a huge Cain supporter! Maybe you can do something none of the others even try to do when I ask them... Name five policies you like that Cain offers, go in depth, please!

(1) Jobs and Economic Plan: Replacing the small business killing payroll tax, the capital gains tax, death tax and lowering the corporate and income into the 999 plan. Seeing the economic boom it will create.

(2) Social Security: PROVEN Chilean social security method.

(3) Drilling: Plans to curtail the EPA, drill outshore, drill in ANWR and promote energy exploration.

(4) Bill Size: Read regulation from 1800s and most of the 1900s, there were the 1000 page monstrosities they are today. There are no reason they should be that big. The only reason they are that big is because they want to make sure Congress can't read them before they vote on them. I like Cain's small bill only policy. They shouldn't be longer than 25-50 pages.

(5) Business Regulation Reform: Business regulation reform starting with getting rid of Dobb-Frank is sorely needed. Who better than a businessman like Cain!

Thank you, no one has done that yet.

In the end what I see is a very weak platform if that is what you feel Cain has to offer. To have zero foreign policy is a bit shocking when you take into context the 4-5 wars the US is in. No cuts to balance the budget or talk of how he would shrink the deficit, just wow... Dealing with regulations on business and drilling are as about basic to the Republican platform as being pro life, meaning every single person on that stage offers that. Like repealing Obamacare…

999 is about the only idea Cain has that you posted, but reality is Cain changed it to 909 for “some people”, meaning 2 things… First Cain is already re-creating the same mess he claims his tax policy would fix then he is admitting his plan was in fact bad for 84% of people, after he claimed the people who ran the numbers to prove that were liars... What I mean to say is Cain does not even know where he stands on 999, so how can you or anyone support it when by the time it's passed it could be the polar opposite of what you thought you were voting for.

And bill size?

Anyways I don’t agree with going after Cain about who he might have sexually harassed or not, just like I don’t like the media calling Ron Paul a racist when he is clearly not... But that is how it works, if Cain had a strong policy platform the sexual harassment would have been a non issue. But then I never thought for a second Cain took running for President seriously, who can say they did when they have so few answers about some very basic issues.

Once again, thank you for giving why you support Cain when no one wlse has. To me Cain is the Obama of the right... Some people like him but have no idea why.
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I heard her's all scripted...and WHY now? The woman had a boyfriend...why didn't she go to the cops?

This is another manufactured attempt. A bimbo that wishes 15 minutes of fame...(The hack Lawyer, Gloria Alred being involved is dubious)...

This thing stinks.
I heard her's all scripted...and WHY now? The woman had a boyfriend...why didn't she go to the cops?

This is another manufactured attempt. A bimbo that wishes 15 minutes of fame...(The hack Lawyer, Gloria Alred being involved is dubious)...

This thing stinks.

IF this had one iota of legitimacy, there would be a reputable law firm involved. That Allred is on the cased demonstrates it's a complete fraud.

So we should all be able to pick off our opponents from now on by the simple expedient of getting some anonymous women to accuse them of sexual harassment!

Yeah. Fuck that presumption of innocence thing.

Come on Wry. I know you and I don't see eye to eye on much of anything, but surely even YOU have to recognize how silly that would be.

Presumption of innocence should never be 'fucked', it is a cornerstone of our system of jurisprudence. I'm suggesting Mr. Cain might consider the potential consequences if he is elected and if he did anything which might lead him to facing the judgment and ridicule that would follow.

I didn't suggest picking off Mr. Cain, or Gingrich for that matter, in fact Cain's nomination in face of the interest the American public in matters of salacious rumor would benefit President Obama. The focus would not be on the substantive issues facing our nation; it would IMO continue the partisan practice of character assassination which is the grist of our free press.

What you are suggesting is that any candidate who gets smeared should consider the consequences of not dropping out -- for all the silly reasons you articulated.

But the problem is that ANYBODY can get similarly smeared.

It would then follow that anybody who gets smeared should consider dropping out.

But it would also follow that since anybody can get smeared, no candidates can ever run the full course.

I'll suggest it again.

You REALLY need to think this stuff through.

Every candidate for high office will likely be smeared; consider the attacks on Trump, Bachmann, Palin, Romney, Gingrich and Perry in this run up to the 2012 nomination.

Those who have skeletons in the closet might consider the consequences of running for office by evaluating the potential for exposure and ridicule or worse - that is all I suggested.

Four women have now made allegations against Cain, only they and Mr. Cain know the truth, and only from their own perspective of what happened (or didn't). However, today's allegation is more specific and there is a face attached, Sharon Bialek. At her news conference there is a suggestion that others as well as hotel and NRA records may coaborate other aspects of her allegation.

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