Buzzfeed's report has been disputed by Mueller but Adam Schiff is going to investigate anyway


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
This is turning....this is beginning to help Trump not hurt him...the media can stand up and take the credit when Trump wins in 2020....Mueller knows it...that is why they debunked the Bull Shit fake report.....Buzzfeed has done this before and will do it again....
There is one avenue to remedy this:

Trump can have his attorneys file a libel suit against BuzzFeed.

Then when everyone involved is subpoenaed to the trial, Trump & Cohen included, then everyone can testify, under oath, including cross examinations.

But we know that won't happen; why?

Because Trump is too chicken shit to testify, under oath, and to undergo cross examination.
There is one way to settle this
Investigate Mueller.
Remember one thing that everyone seems to have forgotten. In a court filing by Cohen's own lawyers in the fall, it states Cohen lied to Congress and lied at the direction of Donald Trump. So, the Buzzfeed story is not that far off base.

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