Cracks Showing in Democrat antiWall Monolith?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Seems that some are speaking publicly about being willing to n egotiate in good faith, unlike Pelosi.

the comments also reveal who everyone really knows is the intransigent obstructionist here, refusing to make any compromise; Herr Comodant Pelosi.

Top Homeland Security Dem breaks with party: 'I would not rule out a wall in certain instances'

House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., broke with some of his fellow congressional Democrats on Sunday by acknowledging in an interview that he "would not rule out a wall in certain instances," although he cautioned that the White House needs a better "plan" than simply using a wall as a "talking point."

However, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who preemptively rejected Trump's proposed border wall compromise on Saturday as a "nonstarter," has pledged not to fund the president's border wall under any circumstances -- and, Thompson suggested in an interview with ABC News' "This Week," Trump is stuck with her.

"Mr. President, Democrats will work with you," Thompson said. "But you can't pick what Democrats you work with. We have picked our leaders, and you have to work with our leaders."

Thompson continued, "The notion that we can’t have barriers is just something that’s not true."

Thompson maintained that Democratic leaders remain open to negotiation, one day after President Trump unveiled a plan to offer several immigration-related concessions to Democrats in order to obtain $5.7 billion in funding for a wall on the southern border and end the ongoing partial federal government shutdown, now in its 30th day.....

However, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., appeared to side with Thompson's position Wednesday on Fox News' "Special Report with Bret Baier," arguing that border walls "obviously" work in some areas and rejecting suggestions that barriers should be removed where they already exist.

The No. 2 House Democrat additionally asserted that the question of whether to fund President Trump's proposed border wall -- a dispute at the center of the unprecedented partial federal government shutdown -- is "not an issue of morality."

But Hoyer, pressed by Baier, distanced himself from those comments.

"Obviously, they work some places," Hoyer responded, when asked if he favored removing border walls. "But the president wanted to first build a wall apparently 1,954 miles of -- and he changed that very substantially. "

He added: "A wall is -- that protects people is not immoral. I think the issue is whether it works. ... And the debate ought to be not on morality or racism, I will -- I will say that we’re not pleased with some rhetoric that has come about dealing with those -- coming across the border, and we think some of the rhetoric was in fact racist. We think some of that rhetoric was to inflame and was not based upon facts."​

Just build a damned wall as the Secure Fence Act of 2007 mandated and we will be fine, doofus.
Don had 2 years with majorities in both houses. If this was really about anything for the people, it would have been a done deal.
Seems that some are speaking publicly about being willing to n egotiate in good faith, unlike Pelosi.

the comments also reveal who everyone really knows is the intransigent obstructionist here, refusing to make any compromise; Herr Comodant Pelosi.

Top Homeland Security Dem breaks with party: 'I would not rule out a wall in certain instances'

House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., broke with some of his fellow congressional Democrats on Sunday by acknowledging in an interview that he "would not rule out a wall in certain instances," although he cautioned that the White House needs a better "plan" than simply using a wall as a "talking point."

However, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who preemptively rejected Trump's proposed border wall compromise on Saturday as a "nonstarter," has pledged not to fund the president's border wall under any circumstances -- and, Thompson suggested in an interview with ABC News' "This Week," Trump is stuck with her.

"Mr. President, Democrats will work with you," Thompson said. "But you can't pick what Democrats you work with. We have picked our leaders, and you have to work with our leaders."

Thompson continued, "The notion that we can’t have barriers is just something that’s not true."

Thompson maintained that Democratic leaders remain open to negotiation, one day after President Trump unveiled a plan to offer several immigration-related concessions to Democrats in order to obtain $5.7 billion in funding for a wall on the southern border and end the ongoing partial federal government shutdown, now in its 30th day.....

However, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., appeared to side with Thompson's position Wednesday on Fox News' "Special Report with Bret Baier," arguing that border walls "obviously" work in some areas and rejecting suggestions that barriers should be removed where they already exist.

The No. 2 House Democrat additionally asserted that the question of whether to fund President Trump's proposed border wall -- a dispute at the center of the unprecedented partial federal government shutdown -- is "not an issue of morality."

But Hoyer, pressed by Baier, distanced himself from those comments.

"Obviously, they work some places," Hoyer responded, when asked if he favored removing border walls. "But the president wanted to first build a wall apparently 1,954 miles of -- and he changed that very substantially. "

He added: "A wall is -- that protects people is not immoral. I think the issue is whether it works. ... And the debate ought to be not on morality or racism, I will -- I will say that we’re not pleased with some rhetoric that has come about dealing with those -- coming across the border, and we think some of the rhetoric was in fact racist. We think some of that rhetoric was to inflame and was not based upon facts."​

Just build a damned wall as the Secure Fence Act of 2007 mandated and we will be fine, doofus.
Uhm, that doesn't read like a break. It reads more like what Democrats have been saying all along
This has gone on ong enough , when will Democrats tell Nancy to stop being a child and offer a plan of her own that actually compromises instead of just shouting "no no no" like a geriatric baby.
This has gone on ong enough , when will Democrats tell Nancy to stop being a child and offer a plan of her own that actually compromises instead of just shouting "no no no" like a geriatric baby.

They will be happy to negotiate as soon as the government is reopened.
This has gone on ong enough , when will Democrats tell Nancy to stop being a child and offer a plan of her own that actually compromises instead of just shouting "no no no" like a geriatric baby.

They will be happy to negotiate as soon as the government is reopened.

No they won't and Nancy already told Trump as much. I HATE that the shut down has went on this long, but you don't just give up your only leverage .

If it were me , I"d open the government and declare a national emergency and build the damn border wall, Ignoring all court orders that will invariably come.

The damn shame is how many people just ignore the fact that these morons are ON RECORD as saying "we need a perimiter fence" on numerous occasions before TRUMP!!!

They are dishonest scum, and you guys pretending like you don't know what Nancy and company are doing are even worse. The whole bunch of you are complete traitors to this country.
This has gone on ong enough , when will Democrats tell Nancy to stop being a child and offer a plan of her own that actually compromises instead of just shouting "no no no" like a geriatric baby.

They will be happy to negotiate as soon as the government is reopened.

No they won't and Nancy already told Trump as much. I HATE that the shut down has went on this long, but you don't just give up your only leverage .

If it were me , I"d open the government and declare a national emergency and build the damn border wall, Ignoring all court orders that will invariably come.

The damn shame is how many people just ignore the fact that these morons are ON RECORD as saying "we need a perimiter fence" on numerous occasions before TRUMP!!!

They are dishonest scum, and you guys pretending like you don't know what Nancy and company are doing are even worse. The whole bunch of you are complete traitors to this country.

And Trump is on record saying Mexico will pay for it.
This has gone on ong enough , when will Democrats tell Nancy to stop being a child and offer a plan of her own that actually compromises instead of just shouting "no no no" like a geriatric baby.

They will be happy to negotiate as soon as the government is reopened.

No they won't and Nancy already told Trump as much. I HATE that the shut down has went on this long, but you don't just give up your only leverage .

If it were me , I"d open the government and declare a national emergency and build the damn border wall, Ignoring all court orders that will invariably come.

The damn shame is how many people just ignore the fact that these morons are ON RECORD as saying "we need a perimiter fence" on numerous occasions before TRUMP!!!

They are dishonest scum, and you guys pretending like you don't know what Nancy and company are doing are even worse. The whole bunch of you are complete traitors to this country.

And Trump is on record saying Mexico will pay for it.

Let's compare how many things Pelosi has promised as a politician compared to how many Trump has made that didn't happen, shall we?
Seems that some are speaking publicly about being willing to n egotiate in good faith, unlike Pelosi.

the comments also reveal who everyone really knows is the intransigent obstructionist here, refusing to make any compromise; Herr Comodant Pelosi.

Top Homeland Security Dem breaks with party: 'I would not rule out a wall in certain instances'

House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., broke with some of his fellow congressional Democrats on Sunday by acknowledging in an interview that he "would not rule out a wall in certain instances," although he cautioned that the White House needs a better "plan" than simply using a wall as a "talking point."

However, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who preemptively rejected Trump's proposed border wall compromise on Saturday as a "nonstarter," has pledged not to fund the president's border wall under any circumstances -- and, Thompson suggested in an interview with ABC News' "This Week," Trump is stuck with her.

"Mr. President, Democrats will work with you," Thompson said. "But you can't pick what Democrats you work with. We have picked our leaders, and you have to work with our leaders."

Thompson continued, "The notion that we can’t have barriers is just something that’s not true."

Thompson maintained that Democratic leaders remain open to negotiation, one day after President Trump unveiled a plan to offer several immigration-related concessions to Democrats in order to obtain $5.7 billion in funding for a wall on the southern border and end the ongoing partial federal government shutdown, now in its 30th day.....

However, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., appeared to side with Thompson's position Wednesday on Fox News' "Special Report with Bret Baier," arguing that border walls "obviously" work in some areas and rejecting suggestions that barriers should be removed where they already exist.

The No. 2 House Democrat additionally asserted that the question of whether to fund President Trump's proposed border wall -- a dispute at the center of the unprecedented partial federal government shutdown -- is "not an issue of morality."

But Hoyer, pressed by Baier, distanced himself from those comments.

"Obviously, they work some places," Hoyer responded, when asked if he favored removing border walls. "But the president wanted to first build a wall apparently 1,954 miles of -- and he changed that very substantially. "

He added: "A wall is -- that protects people is not immoral. I think the issue is whether it works. ... And the debate ought to be not on morality or racism, I will -- I will say that we’re not pleased with some rhetoric that has come about dealing with those -- coming across the border, and we think some of the rhetoric was in fact racist. We think some of that rhetoric was to inflame and was not based upon facts."​

Just build a damned wall as the Secure Fence Act of 2007 mandated and we will be fine, doofus.
There is no express wall build clause, if we have to quibble.
Seems that some are speaking publicly about being willing to n egotiate in good faith, unlike Pelosi.

the comments also reveal who everyone really knows is the intransigent obstructionist here, refusing to make any compromise; Herr Comodant Pelosi.

Top Homeland Security Dem breaks with party: 'I would not rule out a wall in certain instances'

House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., broke with some of his fellow congressional Democrats on Sunday by acknowledging in an interview that he "would not rule out a wall in certain instances," although he cautioned that the White House needs a better "plan" than simply using a wall as a "talking point."

However, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who preemptively rejected Trump's proposed border wall compromise on Saturday as a "nonstarter," has pledged not to fund the president's border wall under any circumstances -- and, Thompson suggested in an interview with ABC News' "This Week," Trump is stuck with her.

"Mr. President, Democrats will work with you," Thompson said. "But you can't pick what Democrats you work with. We have picked our leaders, and you have to work with our leaders."

Thompson continued, "The notion that we can’t have barriers is just something that’s not true."

Thompson maintained that Democratic leaders remain open to negotiation, one day after President Trump unveiled a plan to offer several immigration-related concessions to Democrats in order to obtain $5.7 billion in funding for a wall on the southern border and end the ongoing partial federal government shutdown, now in its 30th day.....

However, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., appeared to side with Thompson's position Wednesday on Fox News' "Special Report with Bret Baier," arguing that border walls "obviously" work in some areas and rejecting suggestions that barriers should be removed where they already exist.

The No. 2 House Democrat additionally asserted that the question of whether to fund President Trump's proposed border wall -- a dispute at the center of the unprecedented partial federal government shutdown -- is "not an issue of morality."

But Hoyer, pressed by Baier, distanced himself from those comments.

"Obviously, they work some places," Hoyer responded, when asked if he favored removing border walls. "But the president wanted to first build a wall apparently 1,954 miles of -- and he changed that very substantially. "

He added: "A wall is -- that protects people is not immoral. I think the issue is whether it works. ... And the debate ought to be not on morality or racism, I will -- I will say that we’re not pleased with some rhetoric that has come about dealing with those -- coming across the border, and we think some of the rhetoric was in fact racist. We think some of that rhetoric was to inflame and was not based upon facts."​

Just build a damned wall as the Secure Fence Act of 2007 mandated and we will be fine, doofus.
It was bound to happen. I said as soon as shut down happened that the leftists think the people NEED government and the longer the shut down continues and people manage to survive without the nanny government its going to harm the leftists in a big way.
This has gone on ong enough , when will Democrats tell Nancy to stop being a child and offer a plan of her own that actually compromises instead of just shouting "no no no" like a geriatric baby.

They will be happy to negotiate as soon as the government is reopened.

No they won't and Nancy already told Trump as much. I HATE that the shut down has went on this long, but you don't just give up your only leverage .

If it were me , I"d open the government and declare a national emergency and build the damn border wall, Ignoring all court orders that will invariably come.

The damn shame is how many people just ignore the fact that these morons are ON RECORD as saying "we need a perimiter fence" on numerous occasions before TRUMP!!!

They are dishonest scum, and you guys pretending like you don't know what Nancy and company are doing are even worse. The whole bunch of you are complete traitors to this country.

And Trump is on record saying Mexico will pay for it.

You dolt.....nobody cares about tharmt. Doy
This has gone on ong enough , when will Democrats tell Nancy to stop being a child and offer a plan of her own that actually compromises instead of just shouting "no no no" like a geriatric baby.

They will be happy to negotiate as soon as the government is reopened.

No they won't and Nancy already told Trump as much. I HATE that the shut down has went on this long, but you don't just give up your only leverage .

If it were me , I"d open the government and declare a national emergency and build the damn border wall, Ignoring all court orders that will invariably come.

The damn shame is how many people just ignore the fact that these morons are ON RECORD as saying "we need a perimiter fence" on numerous occasions before TRUMP!!!

They are dishonest scum, and you guys pretending like you don't know what Nancy and company are doing are even worse. The whole bunch of you are complete traitors to this country.

And Trump is on record saying Mexico will pay for it.
And that he will take full responsibility for the shutdown.
This has gone on ong enough , when will Democrats tell Nancy to stop being a child and offer a plan of her own that actually compromises instead of just shouting "no no no" like a geriatric baby.

They will be happy to negotiate as soon as the government is reopened.

No they won't and Nancy already told Trump as much. I HATE that the shut down has went on this long, but you don't just give up your only leverage .

If it were me , I"d open the government and declare a national emergency and build the damn border wall, Ignoring all court orders that will invariably come.

The damn shame is how many people just ignore the fact that these morons are ON RECORD as saying "we need a perimiter fence" on numerous occasions before TRUMP!!!

They are dishonest scum, and you guys pretending like you don't know what Nancy and company are doing are even worse. The whole bunch of you are complete traitors to this country.

And Trump is on record saying Mexico will pay for it.
And that he will take full responsibility for the shutdown.

Well since you idiots love to quibble consider this

Trump took FULL responsibility for the shutdown beginning, but refusing to negotiate and keep it going is on the people who are doing everything they can to stay out of DC instead of just accepting that this time they are not going to get everything they want with nothing in return and dealing with Trump.
This has gone on ong enough , when will Democrats tell Nancy to stop being a child and offer a plan of her own that actually compromises instead of just shouting "no no no" like a geriatric baby.

They will be happy to negotiate as soon as the government is reopened.

No they won't and Nancy already told Trump as much. I HATE that the shut down has went on this long, but you don't just give up your only leverage .

If it were me , I"d open the government and declare a national emergency and build the damn border wall, Ignoring all court orders that will invariably come.

The damn shame is how many people just ignore the fact that these morons are ON RECORD as saying "we need a perimiter fence" on numerous occasions before TRUMP!!!

They are dishonest scum, and you guys pretending like you don't know what Nancy and company are doing are even worse. The whole bunch of you are complete traitors to this country.

And Trump is on record saying Mexico will pay for it.
And that he will take full responsibility for the shutdown.

Well since you idiots love to quibble consider this

Trump took FULL responsibility for the shutdown beginning, but refusing to negotiate and keep it going is on the people who are doing everything they can to stay out of DC instead of just accepting that this time they are not going to get everything they want with nothing in return and dealing with Trump.
He did? Beyond claiming he would...what he do? Oh ya, promptly blamed Pelosi.

Passing several compromise bills is not refusing to negotiate.
They will be happy to negotiate as soon as the government is reopened.

No they won't and Nancy already told Trump as much. I HATE that the shut down has went on this long, but you don't just give up your only leverage .

If it were me , I"d open the government and declare a national emergency and build the damn border wall, Ignoring all court orders that will invariably come.

The damn shame is how many people just ignore the fact that these morons are ON RECORD as saying "we need a perimiter fence" on numerous occasions before TRUMP!!!

They are dishonest scum, and you guys pretending like you don't know what Nancy and company are doing are even worse. The whole bunch of you are complete traitors to this country.

And Trump is on record saying Mexico will pay for it.
And that he will take full responsibility for the shutdown.

Well since you idiots love to quibble consider this

Trump took FULL responsibility for the shutdown beginning, but refusing to negotiate and keep it going is on the people who are doing everything they can to stay out of DC instead of just accepting that this time they are not going to get everything they want with nothing in return and dealing with Trump.
He did? Beyond claiming he would...what he do? Oh ya, promptly blamed Pelosi.

Passing several compromise bills is not refusing to negotiate.

There haven't been any compromise bills passed by either house.

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