But, Aren't Nazis and Fascists Really Left-Wingers?

Of course, a cocksucker like you tries to tie "conservatives and Christians" to the Nazis because you are a STD ridden piece of shit.

You need to prove how the pagan/occult shit openly displayed by the Nazis came from the Bible and don't come back to this board until you find the evidence.....


Actually, Nazis were fanatical right wing Christians.

You miss the whole holocaust thing?

Swallow will promote any absurdity if he believes it keeps the free gubmint stuff flowing.
National Socialist....only a leftist is dumb enough or scum enough to ignore Socialist is in their name.

100% of the time when an organization chooses their name, it means something. Like the Republicans and Democraps has ties to our Republic/Democracy. Uh, National Socialist means national socialist.

Liberals play up the hatred of Hitler towards Stalin who he viewed as an inferior in IQ but also inferior human compared to the "German race." The Germans looked down upon other white groups in Europe, especially the Slavic people that made up most Russians.

Also, the communists were more radical left than the Nazis, so there was a built-in disliking of the other group. The Communists and Nazis were an alliance until Hitler got greedy and went after the Soviet resources.....but of course, liberals here today can't explain that away.

Liberals call the right-wing Nazi out of ignorance and being evil people themselves. Nobody wants to be associated with the Nazis today, so calling the right-wing a bunch of Nazis is supposed to harm our feelings and make us shut up. Most people are too stupid to realize the liberal calling others Nazis shared many of the Nazis' beliefs and would have been Nazis if they lived in 1930s Germany being the socialists they are today.
nazis and communists both used the color red.

i'm convinced now


Well, a pathetic strawman argument is better than the 'no argument at all' flailing you have been engaging in.

But kindly up your game.


del's argument is better than your straw video as it takes only 1 second to absorb, and conveys exactly the same bullshit.

They were offering big government to make life fair by doing away with those who oppress the workin man.

Just like Obama.

And it always ends fugly.

You simply cannot refute it.
National Socialist....only a leftist is dumb enough or scum enough to ignore Socialist is in their name.

What's in a name? You call yourself whatever you like. Many make a big deal of our being a republic and not a democracy. Are they being dumb for for ignoring the fact that North Korea is also a republic? Your post is equivocation in its highest form.
Hitler's gay buddy that was in charge of the BROWNSHIRTS "the SA," was leaning more towards communism than Hitler. Hitler was forced to kill off his gay buddy because he was pushing the communist agenda behind Hitler's back and openly questioning Hitler's authority when many groups within the Nazi party were battling for power.

So everytime some liberal throws around the term BROWNSHIRTS, again they are showing off their stupidity. The Brownshirts were radical left thugs that had many gays among their leaders, which was one reason the SS was able to convince Hitler to massacre them at a resort retreat ambush.

Nazis and brownshirts.....are just other names for left-wing goons just like liberals today.
Totalitarian control with the state as the central focus... with the state able to regulate and even control business, private property, production, and even the lives of the people in order to prop up the state over the rights of individuals within the state... that is the totalitarian left... PERIOD..
You're such a fucking idiot using North Korea aka the Democratic People's Republic of Korea as an example against the Nazis.

The communists running the DPRK want to project a false image of what they are to the world so they grabbed the words Democratic and Republic as lipstick on a pig.

So idiot, Hitler wasn't going to take on the word Socialist unless he felt it was a positive name for his movement. At the time socialism wasn't as popular as democracy/capitalism....so by openly claiming the National Socialist moniker was a statement for SOCIALISM in Germany....which they did implement by taking over some business sectors, universal healthcare, etc.

Shut the fuck up, idiot.:badgrin:

National Socialist....only a leftist is dumb enough or scum enough to ignore Socialist is in their name.

What's in a name? You call yourself whatever you like. Many make a big deal of our being a republic and not a democracy. Are they being dumb for for ignoring the fact that North Korea is also a republic? Your post is equivocation in its highest form.
For purposes of discussion, the correct spectrum has been posted:


It would seem the OP is an idiot.


Does anyone have anything else to add?
For purposes of discussion, the correct spectrum has been posted:


It would seem the OP is an idiot.


Does anyone have anything else to add?

Yes.. you are an idiot...

Totalitarian control with the state as the central focus... with the state able to regulate and even control business, private property, production, and even the lives of the people in order to prop up the state over the rights of individuals within the state... that is the totalitarian left... PERIOD..
Your historical pig ignorance is music to your masters' ears, Twinky.

You have absolutely zero idea of why 'socialist' in in the Nazi's formal name, don't you?

Of course you, being a dogshit eating felon on parole, can't be expected to know any better.


You're such a fucking idiot using North Korea aka the Democratic People's Republic of Korea as an example against the Nazis.

The communists running the DPRK want to project a false image of what they are to the world so they grabbed the words Democratic and Republic as lipstick on a pig.

So idiot, Hitler wasn't going to take on the word Socialist unless he felt it was a positive name for his movement. At the time socialism wasn't as popular as democracy/capitalism....so by openly claiming the National Socialist moniker was a statement for SOCIALISM in Germany....which they did implement by taking over some business sectors, universal healthcare, etc.

Shut the fuck up, idiot.:badgrin:

National Socialist....only a leftist is dumb enough or scum enough to ignore Socialist is in their name.

What's in a name? You call yourself whatever you like. Many make a big deal of our being a republic and not a democracy. Are they being dumb for for ignoring the fact that North Korea is also a republic? Your post is equivocation in its highest form.
Of course, a stupid fuck like you rolls out the liberal eye chart to make yourselves look good.

You're a joke....go spam someone with personal mail attacks, you sack of shit.

For purposes of discussion, the correct spectrum has been posted:


It would seem the OP is an idiot.


Does anyone have anything else to add?
Oh tell shitbag.....how Socialist doesn't mean Socialist. :badgrin:

Your historical pig ignorance is music to your masters' ears, Twinky.

You have absolutely zero idea of why 'socialist' in in the Nazi's formal name, don't you?

Of course you, being a dogshit eating felon on parole, can't be expected to know any better.


You're such a fucking idiot using North Korea aka the Democratic People's Republic of Korea as an example against the Nazis.

The communists running the DPRK want to project a false image of what they are to the world so they grabbed the words Democratic and Republic as lipstick on a pig.

So idiot, Hitler wasn't going to take on the word Socialist unless he felt it was a positive name for his movement. At the time socialism wasn't as popular as democracy/capitalism....so by openly claiming the National Socialist moniker was a statement for SOCIALISM in Germany....which they did implement by taking over some business sectors, universal healthcare, etc.

Shut the fuck up, idiot.:badgrin:

What's in a name? You call yourself whatever you like. Many make a big deal of our being a republic and not a democracy. Are they being dumb for for ignoring the fact that North Korea is also a republic? Your post is equivocation in its highest form.
In lieu of being able to offer compelling argument, hazelnut offers.... infographic.


You mean the most commonly excepted political spectrum model that crushed the OPs position and embarrasses have the posters in this thread??

This one:

Oh tell shitbag.....how Socialist doesn't mean Socialist. :badgrin:

Your historical pig ignorance is music to your masters' ears, Twinky.

You have absolutely zero idea of why 'socialist' in in the Nazi's formal name, don't you?

Of course you, being a dogshit eating felon on parole, can't be expected to know any better.


You're such a fucking idiot using North Korea aka the Democratic People's Republic of Korea as an example against the Nazis.

The communists running the DPRK want to project a false image of what they are to the world so they grabbed the words Democratic and Republic as lipstick on a pig.

So idiot, Hitler wasn't going to take on the word Socialist unless he felt it was a positive name for his movement. At the time socialism wasn't as popular as democracy/capitalism....so by openly claiming the National Socialist moniker was a statement for SOCIALISM in Germany....which they did implement by taking over some business sectors, universal healthcare, etc.

Shut the fuck up, idiot.:badgrin:

when it is qualified by the n standing before the s.

thanks for asking.
Fascism... Totalitarian control with the state as the central focus... with the state able to regulate and even control business, private property, production, and even the lives of the people in order to prop up the state over the rights of individuals within the state... that is the totalitarian left... PERIOD..
historical evidence proves.. lol

is that your defensable argument?

I am always here to help, libtard.

Regular or decaf?


so your position is that because they both used propaganda, they're the same?

damn, that's stupid.


Do you ever take an intellectual stance on anything? Ever? Other than demeaning every other poster on the board that isn't you or one of your chronies that apparently can't stand on their own two feet and need you to come to their rescue on a continual basis? I guess we all have to have some purpose in life. :lol: (Yeah, I know, you'll have some witty, inane insult as to my purpose in life as a response, so save it for someone who cares. :thup: )
Liberal scum have created little charts putting the Nazis right in the middle of the GOP, despite not having any evidence of it.

Sure, some stupid rednecks in this country call themselves Neo-Nazis because of their hatred of minority groups but they are just like liberals, too stupid to understand the Nazis were left-wing.

Calling themselves Neo-Nazis is supposed to evoke fear in their enemies and give them military credibility as a ragtag group in the woods. Liberals jumped on these rednecks' claims and painted all conservatives as Nazis because we are in the middle of the race war debate between Neo-Nazis and liberals.
Last edited:
Oh tell shitbag.....how Socialist doesn't mean Socialist. :badgrin:

Your historical pig ignorance is music to your masters' ears, Twinky.

You have absolutely zero idea of why 'socialist' in in the Nazi's formal name, don't you?

Of course you, being a dogshit eating felon on parole, can't be expected to know any better.


when it is qualified by the n standing before the s.

thanks for asking.

That is just choosing between chocolate v. vanilla.

Both offer a totalitarian force of government to make life fair for the working man and get rid of those who oppress them.

Nazi and Commies even stole each others marketing campaigns to promote their slightly different flavors.

You cannot refute it.
I am always here to help, libtard.

Regular or decaf?


so your position is that because they both used propaganda, they're the same?

damn, that's stupid.


Do you ever take an intellectual stance on anything? Ever? Other than demeaning every other poster on the board that isn't you or one of your chronies that apparently can't stand on their own two feet and need you to come to their rescue on a continual basis? I guess we all have to have some purpose in life. :lol: (Yeah, I know, you'll have some witty, inane insult as to my purpose in life as a response, so save it for someone who cares. :thup: )

lol, intellectual stance on ludicrous youtube hack job!

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