
Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

Why can't ppl just get it through their heads that a President who just might be good for this Country and along the same lines as a JFK, ( is being bashed on purpose and unfairly) why can't ppl see the goal for the Clintons is to sabotage him anyway possibe. Can it not occur to the sheep family this Government is like the mafia and they function as them. Ever watch tv with the mafia in it, ever catch how they cover up their crimes. HELLOooooooo same thing the FEDS to WAKE the HELL UP!!

Details surrounding the sexual assault allegations against Donald Trump are raising doubts that the claims are credible.

Accuser Jessica Leeds claimed Trump molested her in the first-class section of a Braniff 707 flying from Dallas to New York in 1979, but Braniff didn’t use 707s on that route.


A Braniff flight table shows that the airline only operated 727s between the two cities, which is expected: the 727 was developed for domestic flights.

Busted: Trump Sex Allegations Full of Holes
The entire thing was amateurish and they look like fools as these stories fall apart. Demoquacks always get caught
Oh look, the cultists are still trying to defend their pedophile predator messiah.

The child-rape lawsuit against Trump is moving forward. Dec. 16 is the next hearing. 3 witnesses to that crime. Trump-losers, make you you've got your defense for that in order.

Let's see just how low you can go. Will you have tossed Trump under the bus by the time, or will you still be defending him?
Oh look, the cultists are still trying to defend their pedophile predator messiah.

The child-rape lawsuit against Trump is moving forward. Dec. 16 is the next hearing. 3 witnesses to that crime. Trump-losers, make you you've got your defense for that in order.

Let's see just how low you can go. Will you have tossed Trump under the bus by the time, or will you still be defending him?

Says the old hag who stands by the rapist Clinton....you have zero credibility
Oh look, the cultists are still trying to defend their pedophile predator messiah.

The child-rape lawsuit against Trump is moving forward. Dec. 16 is the next hearing. 3 witnesses to that crime. Trump-losers, make you you've got your defense for that in order.

Let's see just how low you can go. Will you have tossed Trump under the bus by the time, or will you still be defending him?
Strange indeed. Trump as only been a pedophile rapist criminal since he started running against your whore.
Oh look, the cultists are still trying to defend their pedophile predator messiah.

The child-rape lawsuit against Trump is moving forward. Dec. 16 is the next hearing. 3 witnesses to that crime. Trump-losers, make you you've got your defense for that in order.

Let's see just how low you can go. Will you have tossed Trump under the bus by the time, or will you still be defending him?
Accusations are good enough for anyone that stands up to the Democrat party bosses. They only wish they could send you to the Gulag.
Oh look, the cultists are still trying to defend their pedophile predator messiah.

The child-rape lawsuit against Trump is moving forward. Dec. 16 is the next hearing. 3 witnesses to that crime. Trump-losers, make you you've got your defense for that in order.

Let's see just how low you can go. Will you have tossed Trump under the bus by the time, or will you still be defending him?
Strange indeed. Trump as only been a pedophile rapist criminal since he started running against your whore.

Decades have passed and then mid October of an election year they decide to come forward? LOL These loons couldn't be more transparent if they tried
Strange indeed. Trump as only been a pedophile rapist criminal since he started running against your whore.

Nice sexism, loser. And I detect a touch of hysterical crying as well.

No wonder you're losing so badly. Trump's followers are as disgusting as he is.

Oh, thread topic. A woman doesn't know the difference between a 707 and 727, so the pedophile-predator-defenders here seize on it as proof of "conspiracy!". That's how desperate those losers are.
HERE IT IS=> List of Debunked Groper Allegations by Corrupt Media Against Donald Trump

Jim Hoft Oct 15th, 2016 9:41 am 77 Comments

The Democrat-media complex carpet bombed Donald Trump with several alleged groping stories this week from several women.

The media clearly did not fact check these stories. They ran the stories no matter how farfetched they were. It is clear from the number of stories dropped in the last week that this was a coordinated effort, probably from inside the Hillary Clinton campaign. The goal was not to present facts to the public. Their goal was to destroy Donald Trump.

In 2008 the Democrat media hit Republican John McCain with similar allegations. Vicki Iseman, the woman named in the hit piece, settled with The New York Times after the election.

So, it is clear that this is a commonly used tactic by Democrats – use the media to slander and destroy their opposition before the election.

Thankfully, today the conservative media is much stronger than it was eight years ago.

Here are a few of the alleged “groping” incidents against Donald Trump that have now been debunked.

1.) Jessica Leeds


Jessica Leeds accused a young Donald Trump of groping her in first class on a flight from Dallas to New York City on Braniff Air in 1979.

Leeds said young multimillionaire Trump lifted the armrest to grope her during the flight.


The armrests on Braniff 727s appear to be stationary, they can’t be raised.

She also used lyrics from the Velvet Underground song to describe the alleged “groping.”

Leeds also said if Trump had kept his hands above the waist she might have been ok with it

Tonight a British passenger on the same plane as Trump and Leeds refuted her claims.
Anthony Gilberthorpe said Jessica Leeds was flirting with Trump and Trump never touched her.

Anthony Gilberthorpe

The New York Post reported:

Donald Trump’s campaign says a British man is countering claims that the GOP presidential nominee groped a woman on a cross-country flight more than three decades ago.

The man says he was sitting across from the accuser and contacted the Trump campaign because he was incensed by her account — which is at odds with what he witnessed.

“I have only met this accuser once and frankly cannot imagine why she is seeking to make out that Trump made sexual advances on her. Not only did he not do so (and I was present at all times) but it was she that was the one being flirtatious,” Anthony Gilberthorpe said in a note provided to The Post by the Trump campaign.

In an exclusive interview arranged by the campaign, Gilberthorpe said he was on the flight — in either 1980 or 1981— where Jessica Leeds claimed Trump groped her.

Gilberthorpe, 54, said he was sitting across the first class aisle from the couple and saw nothing inappropriate. Leeds was wearing a white pantsuit, he said, while Trump was wearing a suit and cuff-links, which he gave to his British flight companion.

Indeed, Gilberthorpe claimed, Leeds was “trying too hard” in her attempt to win Trump over.

“She wanted to marry him,” Gilberthorpe said of Leeds, who apparently made the confession when Trump excused himself and went to the bathroom.

There was no kissing, but the “shrill” Leeds was “very much in your face” with the real estate developer.

2.) Natasha Stoynoff


Anthony P. “Tony” Senecal

Donald Trump’s former butler stepped forward to debunk another accuser’s story.

Anthony Senecal said the so-called incident with the People magazine hack “never happened.”
The Palm Beach Post reported:

Donald Trump’s former Mar-a-Lago Butler backed up the Republican nominee for president in denying the billionaire groped a reporter from People magazine.

“No, that never happened. Come on, that’s just bull crap,” said Anthony “Tony” Senecal.

People magazine writer Natasha Stoynoff wrote an essay this week about how she was groped by Trump at Mar-a-Lago during an interview in the early 2000s. She is one of four women to make accusations against Trump of unwanted sexual advances.

The issue has become central to the presidential race since a 2005 hot-mic video surfaced of Trump bragging about using his celebrity to grope women. He has downplayed the incident as “locker-room talk.”

Trump, at his rally in West Palm Beach on Thursday, said he was always in a public place with Stoynoff and denied he ever acted inappropriately.

So Donald Trump has one witness who said the alleged groping never happened. The People magazine writer has NO witnesses.

And then there’s this…
Melania Trump, wife of Donald Trump, sent a cease and desist letter to People Magazine on Thursday for its fraudulent article on Mrs. Donald Trump.

! @people #NatashaStoynoff pic.twitter.com/zXNm6boveP

Melania wrote:

The following statements in the Story, among others, are false and completely fictionalized. We therefore demand that you immediately and permanently remove each of these statements from the Story, and print a prominent retraction and apology:

1. “That winter, I actually bumped into Melania on Fifth Avenue, in front of Trump Tower as she walked into the building, carrying baby Barron.”
2. “‘Natasha, why don’t we see you anymore?’ she asked, giving me a hug.”
3. “I was quiet and smiled, telling her I’d missed her, and I squeezed little Barron’s foot.”

The true facts are these: Mrs. Trump did not encounter Ms. Stoynoff on the street, nor have any conversation with her. The two are not friends and were never friends or even friendly.

The Clinton media is just throwing crap out there hoping something will stick.

3.) Summer Zervos (and her representative Gloria Allred – a Hillary Clinton delegate at the Democratic convention)


Another day, another sexual harassment smear on GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump by the mainstream media.
Except this one just fell apart.

The latest woman, Summer Zervos who was a contestant on ‘The Apprentice,’ claimed today that Trump sexually harassed her.

But, as it turns out, it was Zervos who continued to stay in contact with Trump.
Via the Donald Trump Facebook page:

If Trump did sexually harass Zervos, why would she be reaching out for help with her business by contacting him? Wouldn’t she be afraid and disgusted by him?

4.) Mindy McGillivray


Photographer Ken Davidoff and his friend, Mindy McGillivray, at Mar-a-Lago on Jan. 24, 2003. News | WFXT

Mindy McGillivray says Donald Trump nudged her at a concert at Mar-a-Lago at a concert on January 24, 2003. She went public with her story this week.

There was no such concert at Mar-a-Lago on January 24, 2003.
GOT News reported:

Mindy McGillivray is falsely claiming that Donald Trump “nudged” her at a Mar-a-Lago concert that never happened. “Sexual assault”? Give us a break.

The hoaxing media has thrown a slew of “sexual assault” allegations at Donald Trump, hoping one sticks and to create a haze of controversy around the GOP nominee.

Melinda Rose “Mindy” McGillivray, told the Palm Beach Post after the second presidential debate that someone bumped her backstage at a Ray Charles concert held at Mar-A-Lago on January 24, 2003:

After the show, [Ken] Davidoff and McGillivray were standing in a pavilion behind the main house in the middle of a group of people. To their left was Regis Philbin and his wife, Joy, according to Davidoff. To McGillivray’s immediate right was Trump and his fiancée, Melania.

“Ray already performed. He’s ready to leave. He’s saying his goodbyes to everyone,’’ McGillivray recalled.

“All of a sudden I felt a grab, a little nudge. I think it’s Ken’s camera bag, that was my first instinct. I turn around and there’s Donald. He sort of looked away quickly. I quickly turned back, facing Ray Charles, and I’m stunned.’’

McGillivray said she remembers saying to herself, ‘’‘OK, am I going to say something now and make a scene or be quiet?’ I chose to stay quiet.’’

Davidoff said he did not witness the alleged groping but he said he has never had any reason to doubt McGillivray.

Asked about the possibility that what she felt was Trump or someone accidentally bumping into her, McGillivray said no. “This was a pretty good nudge. More of a grab,’’ she said. “It was pretty close to the center of my butt. I was startled. I jumped.’’

…Critical details of McGillivray’s story don’t add up.

McGillivray claims that when she was nudged in 2003, Trump and his wife Melania were engaged. But a quick Google search proves this is false: Trump proposed to Melania in April 2004. Why didn’t the Palm Beach Post or McGillivray check this obvious detail?

Perhaps because they never bothered to verify a Ray Charles concert at Mar-A-Lago even happened on January 24, 2003. A Getty Images search shows Trump and Melania posing with Ray Charles at Mar-A-Lago … in a photo by Davidoff Photos Studio, created on January 1, 2003, more than three weeks before McGillivray claimed she was “grabbed” at a Ray Charles concert. A Ray Charles concert chronology shows that on January 23, a Ray Charles concert in Seattle was canceled, but nothing was scheduled for January 24.

5.) Kristin Anderson

Kristin Anderson claims a young Donald Trump groped her while he was sitting alone at a nightclub in New York City in the 1990s. She gave her story to the Washington Post, one of many careless anti-Trump rags.

She claims Trump touched her vagina at a club, while sitting alone, in the 1990s.
She never came forward until now – three weeks outside of a national election.

Here’s Trump’s response:
“It’s nonsense. It’s false… They are coming after me to try to destroy the greatest political movement in our country. The political establishment is trying to stop us because they no we are a threat… Hillary is the most corrupt person to ever seek the presidency of the United States… These allegations are 100% false. They’re made up. They’ve never happened.

HERE IT IS=> List of Debunked Groper Allegations by Corrupt Media Against Donald Trump
Yesterday I saw a despicable display of selective outrage on "The Five" by former Bush Press Secretary Dana Perino when she commented on a response by Trump to one of his statements "She wouldn't have been my first choice" speaking of one of his attackers. She said Trump shouldn't be commenting on their appearance, but to anyone with half a brain, their appearance is the first thing one would comment on. Who they are and what they look like is part of the whole picture. They have to look convincing and believable in order to carry this out.
.:boohoo: Ms Perino wants to believe these false allegations desperately and is purposely putting them on a pedestal regardless if they are being honest or lying their asses off.

Let me get this straight, only a few weeks before the election Hillary produces several women to trash her opponent and try to steal the election using nothing but their word as proof of wrongdoing, but we aren't allowed to question their motives for one second? Trump has produced witnesses to refute some of these women's accounts already, but Dana feels that no matter how nasty these women get, no matter what terrible things they make up to say about Trump, he cannot say anything derogatory about them in response? Not the slightest?:disbelief:

Well lady, you know where you can stick that double-standard, don't you?:finger3:

Last edited:
Strange indeed. Trump as only been a pedophile rapist criminal since he started running against your whore.

Nice sexism, loser. And I detect a touch of hysterical crying as well.

No wonder you're losing so badly. Trump's followers are as disgusting as he is.

Oh, thread topic. A woman doesn't know the difference between a 707 and 727, so the pedophile-predator-defenders here seize on it as proof of "conspiracy!". That's how desperate those losers are.

Funny thing really, how Trump has only been a pedophile groper rapist criminal since he started running against your whore.
Why can't ppl just get it through their heads that a President who just might be good for this Country and along the same lines as a JFK, ( is being bashed on purpose and unfairly) why can't ppl see the goal for the Clintons is to sabotage him anyway possibe. Can it not occur to the sheep family this Government is like the mafia and they function as them. Ever watch tv with the mafia in it, ever catch how they cover up their crimes. HELLOooooooo same thing the FEDS to WAKE the HELL UP!!

Details surrounding the sexual assault allegations against Donald Trump are raising doubts that the claims are credible.

Accuser Jessica Leeds claimed Trump molested her in the first-class section of a Braniff 707 flying from Dallas to New York in 1979, but Braniff didn’t use 707s on that route.


A Braniff flight table shows that the airline only operated 727s between the two cities, which is expected: the 727 was developed for domestic flights.

Busted: Trump Sex Allegations Full of Holes

Strange indeed. Trump as only been a pedophile rapist criminal since he started running against your whore.

Nice sexism, loser. And I detect a touch of hysterical crying as well.

No wonder you're losing so badly. Trump's followers are as disgusting as he is.

Oh, thread topic. A woman doesn't know the difference between a 707 and 727, so the pedophile-predator-defenders here seize on it as proof of "conspiracy!". That's how desperate those losers are.

Funny thing really, how Trump has only been a pedophile groper rapist criminal since he started running against your whore.
You mean Lesbian.
Like Bill Maher said

How dare these women claim that I did the same things that I claimed to do. :laugh2:
(or something like that)

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