BUSTED! DEMOCRATS In Major Voting Scam


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Remind me again why Romney lost? And explain how some dem counties reported 110% voter participation, and not a SINGLE VOTE for Romney? Then explain to me why the democrats are so against voter ID? Could it be voter ID laws make their CHEATING all that much HARDER? Why, yes, actually that is it...

BUSTED! DEMOCRATS In Major Voting Scam

Undercover video shows astonishing illegal plot

A new investigative video by guerrilla journalist James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas reveals Democrat activists in Texas boasting about breaking the state’s election law by mining confidential records.

O’Keefe, who helped bring down ACORN, the community “organizing” behemoth for which Barack Obama worked as a lawyer, shows Battleground Texas Field Organizer Jennifer Longoria confirming on video that the group is culling names, telephone numbers and addresses from voter registration cards to campaign for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis.

However, Project Veritas points out that copying the personal details is illegal in Texas.

Read more at Busted! Democrats in major voting scam
Waiting for TDM and deanieboi to chime in with full denial and deflection. In 5-4-3-2-------.

They will attack O'Keefe and bring up the controversies that have been attached to him in an effort to discredit this video.

TdM will also tell us that there is no court action, Supreme or otherwise, so it doesn't count, she will then launch in to her usually spam and flood the thread with the crap...
To the dimwit Truthy dimocrats have never done anything to influence, cheat, steal, etc. any election, period. Of course that's beyond stupid but that's the take. The lowest of the low...
Liars. You f*cking liars!!!
Bush lied!!
Obama is the President...what about Limbaugh lying?
You rightwingers will believe all lies
Because you lie.


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It's NOT the slightest bit illegal. "Project Veritas" either has no idea what they're talking about, or they're willfully deceiving you guys.

All the information you put on your voter registration card is public information. How do you think canvassers get your phone number or address?

You can go to any county clerk's office and get every voter in the district's information on a CD, or look up any individual voter registration card on file. I have a few old Texas voter files on my computer from a campaign a few years ago - phone numbers, addresses and all.
O'Keefe video?

Stop the presses. At least Fox will give it some play
It's NOT the slightest bit illegal. "Project Veritas" either has no idea what they're talking about, or they're willfully deceiving you guys.

All the information you put on your voter registration card is public information. How do you think canvassers get your phone number or address?

You can go to any county clerk's office and get every voter in the district's information on a CD, or look up any individual voter registration card on file. I have a few old Texas voter files on my computer from a campaign a few years ago - phone numbers, addresses and all.

What are you trying to do? Ruin all the fun??!! Sheesh, some people........ I had a good bash TdM goin' here!
It's NOT the slightest bit illegal. "Project Veritas" either has no idea what they're talking about, or they're willfully deceiving you guys.

All the information you put on your voter registration card is public information. How do you think canvassers get your phone number or address?

You can go to any county clerk's office and get every voter in the district's information on a CD, or look up any individual voter registration card on file. I have a few old Texas voter files on my computer from a campaign a few years ago - phone numbers, addresses and all.
That's not what they're saying. Yes it's "public information," but, it's illegal for them to collect it, and then later use it to INFLUENCE AN ELECTION.

Yes, VERY illegal... “The REGISTRAR may not transcribe, copy, or otherwise record a telephone number furnished on a registration application,” the law states.

Otherwise you better go right on over to the multiple websites reporting this story and tell them THEY'RE ALL WRONG.
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Even if what the OP is claiming is a crime, Voter ID laws would (obviously) not do anything at all to prevent something like this from happening...
Even if what the OP is claiming is a crime, Voter ID laws would (obviously) not do anything at all to prevent something like this from happening...
No, but voter ID would certainly put a damper on their illegal efforts at the voting station.
It's so funny that conservatives still fall for the bullshit OKeefe puts out
It's so funny that conservatives still fall for the bullshit OKeefe puts out

Oh hell, I didn't even watch it, I don't trust the guy and have no real interest in his shenanigans or his revealing exposés, depending on how you view the guy...

I thought this was the Flame Zone...
It's NOT the slightest bit illegal. "Project Veritas" either has no idea what they're talking about, or they're willfully deceiving you guys.

All the information you put on your voter registration card is public information. How do you think canvassers get your phone number or address?

You can go to any county clerk's office and get every voter in the district's information on a CD, or look up any individual voter registration card on file. I have a few old Texas voter files on my computer from a campaign a few years ago - phone numbers, addresses and all.
That's not what they're saying. Yes it's "public information," but, it's illegal for them to collect it, and then later use it to INFLUENCE AN ELECTION.

Yes, VERY illegal... “The REGISTRAR may not transcribe, copy, or otherwise record a telephone number furnished on a registration application,” the law states.

Otherwise you better go right on over to the multiple websites reporting this story and tell them THEY'RE ALL WRONG.

"Registar" is the county official in charge of keeping the records, not "one who registers people to vote". The law O'Keefe is feeding you applies to that official, not anyone else.

Again, all that information is public.

Nice try 00 naught a working brain cell.

Voter records are public information.

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