Bush Tax Cuts Screwed Up At Least Twice! Trump-Pence Double-Time Cuts Twice As Much!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
There were two tax cuts intending harm of the U. S. economy in Bush II Term I, 2001 and 2003. The rich benefited punto. Economy-wise, no one else did. Even $1.0 tril. war spending was no boost. What have Republicans done again? Tax Cuts for the rich and more defense spending.

The Legacy of the 2001 and 2003 “Bush” Tax Cuts

Even in the link, the data are before the onset of the Great Recession.

This will be touted as "The Greatest" thing again about USA. "Making American Great Again," has a certain time-frame to contend with. If at first and second you don't succeed, there is also third and fourth, even(?)!

Even the expansion of the child credit includes only $1400 refundable per child, age 16 or under. The TCJA keeps the PATH rules of 2015 intact. The Bush tax cuts had tried an expansion of the child credit, too. The new expansion is $400.00 per: Not $1000 per, effectively.

Needing a robust spending market seems maybe to be catching on at executive levels of a few large companies--not exactly offering $5,000 -$10,000 annual bonuses, however. Minimum pay rate raises apply to minimum pay rates, getting those to above $20,000 annually, barely.

Executives make in excess of $1000 per day, routinely.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe a fifth is nearby(?)!)
There were two tax cuts intending harm of the U. S. economy in Bush II Term I, 2001 and 2003. The rich benefited punto. Economy-wise, no one else did. Even $1.0 tril. war spending was no boost. What have Republicans done again? Tax Cuts for the rich and more defense spending.

The Legacy of the 2001 and 2003 “Bush” Tax Cuts

Even in the link, the data are before the onset of the Great Recession.

This will be touted as "The Greatest" thing again about USA. "Making American Great Again," has a certain time-frame to contend with. If at first and second you don't succeed, there is also third and fourth, even(?)!

Even the expansion of the child credit includes only $1400 refundable per child, age 16 or under. The TCJA keeps the PATH rules of 2015 intact. The Bush tax cuts had tried an expansion of the child credit, too. The new expansion is $400.00 per: Not $1000 per, effectively.

Needing a robust spending market seems maybe to be catching on at executive levels of a few large companies--not exactly offering $5,000 -$10,000 annual bonuses, however. Minimum pay rate raises apply to minimum pay rates, getting those to above $20,000 annually, barely.

Executives make in excess of $1000 per day, routinely.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe a fifth is nearby(?)!)
/----/ Make sure you mail an extra check to the IRS to refund them your tax cut, as a matter of principle of course. You really don't need the money.

tax refund.jpg
The Corrupt Democratic Party regards the middle class to be its tax slaves and they are OUTRAGED when they try to escape.
Borrowing money from China to give to Corporates and Rich People...

Give scraps off the table to middle class and they will be so happy...

Selling out America...
Borrowing money from China to give to Corporates and Rich People...

Give scraps off the table to middle class and they will be so happy...

Selling out America...
/----/ That would be horrible if any of it was true - but it's not.
big dope.png
Two failed tax cuts, One failed $1.0 tril. war--(Osama bin laden was actually in Pakistan--liberals directing a raid involving fewer than 50 boots on the ground, directly, to end the matter)--And One Great Recession!

So a clear waste of money is actually enormous of magnitude.

The wind-up is the fixed percentage usury of Deuteronomy 23:19-20. Thousands of years later, Lord Keynes can now note that the Federal Reserve Bank of USA is not Bank of England, and so foreign(?)! Lord Keynes is actually dead, instead. Then the description of Deut 23:19-20, is finally(?) in Matthew 25:14-30. Who stayed in Las Vegas, got screwed in Las Vegas: In the Foreclosure recession. As would be noted, "Seems like only yesterday!"

The rich don't piss away squat on their own people. Total Net Debt in the United States easily exceeds $60.0 tril., including it all--not just government deficit. There is barely $20.0 tril. to pay it off.

That is not really a viable investment climate: More conducive to 30-year new car loans. . ."Come On Down!"

With China holding a lot of paper, to boot! Some people can actually afford to be patient!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(You have Manhattan. Lands of Many Nations still have beads and trinkets(?)!)

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