Bush Nominates Roberts

Isn't he putting the cart before the horse?

My choice would have been Clarence Thomas....

After all, Judge Thomas (who in my book, deserves the title "Honorable") has been on the Supreme Court for years and it would be a signal to the feminists to f*** off.
KarlMarx said:
Isn't he putting the cart before the horse?

My choice would have been Clarence Thomas....

After all, Judge Thomas (who in my book, deserves the title "Honorable") has been on the Supreme Court for years and it would be a signal to the feminists to f*** off.

You may have a point if you want to appease the blacks but is this really the way to do it?
My father-in-law told me yesterday that they usually dont nominate someone already serving in the Supreme Court as the new Chief Justice. Does anyone know if thats true?
dilloduck said:
You may have a point if you want to appease the blacks but is this really the way to do it?

It has nothing to do with Justice Thomas' race (anyway, Thomas is a conservative, and considering how Jesse Jackson and his ilk have treated Condi Rice, Janice Brown et. al, the choice of Justice Thomas would not appease blacks). Thomas is a conservative, a strict constructionist in matters Constitutional and has years of experience. He is well respected and the feminists hate him.

As you may recall, the Anita Hill episode was perpetrated by the NOW in order to get Justice Thomas' nomination derailed. To me, that would be better than a sharp stick in the eye to the NOW. The very man they didn't want on the Supreme Court being the Chief Justice.

That would send a clear signal to the feminazis --- we don't like you, we don't think you're a valid representative of the people you claim to represent (i.e. women), and you are our enemies.

I guess I wouldn't make a good politician...
Gem said:
My father-in-law told me yesterday that they usually dont nominate someone already serving in the Supreme Court as the new Chief Justice. Does anyone know if thats true?
I don't know, but it makes sense. These folks work with each other for a lifetime, I can see where there could be problems elevating one of them to the Top Banana position.
I would hope all would remain professional, but they're only human.
Gem said:
My father-in-law told me yesterday that they usually dont nominate someone already serving in the Supreme Court as the new Chief Justice. Does anyone know if thats true?

It's been done before
Gem said:
My father-in-law told me yesterday that they usually dont nominate someone already serving in the Supreme Court as the new Chief Justice. Does anyone know if thats true?

Not true.... from Wikipedia.org

Justices who are elevated to the position of Chief Justice from that of Associate Justice must again be confirmed by the Senate (a rejection by the Senate, however, does not end their tenure as an Associate Justice, it merely prevents them from serving as Chief Justice).

this means that the Chief Justice may be a sitting justice on the Supreme Court, however, he or she has to go through the nomination process again, which explains why Roberts was chosen (to avoid THREE nomination battles, two to replace Sandra Day O'Connor and Rehnquist and a third to confirm nomination of the Chief Justice.....

(That compromise by the Senate on cloture voting is coming back to haunt them isn't it?)


further on down in the article

Most Chief Justices, like William Howard Taft (a former President himself) and Earl Warren, are nominated to the highest position on the Court, and indeed in the entire United States Judiciary, without any previous experience on the Court.

so your father in law is correct.....
Gem said:
My father-in-law told me yesterday that they usually dont nominate someone already serving in the Supreme Court as the new Chief Justice. Does anyone know if thats true?

It's true, Gem. When Richard Nixon selected Rehnquist to be C.J. from among the associate justices, that's the first time it had been done for many, many years. Usually the C.J. will be selected from outside the current court.
dilloduck said:
An absolutely excellent choice !!!! I wasn't sure he had the balls to do it.

Excellent choice, indeed! Sometimes I think Bush is a political genius. Maybe that's why the libs fight so hard against him.
Honestly, I am not very surprised that President Bush went with Roberts as Chief Judge. I mean Roberts is his judge. Roberts has been the only Judge President Bush has appointed to this point and it's only natural that he would want the Chief Judge to be a judge he appointed to the Supreme Court rather than a judge a former President nominated.

This of course is not to diss Scalia or Thomas, I just think if I were President I'd want the Chief Judge of the Courts to be someone I had put up on Court to begin with.

It does save on the political battles as well though.
Avatar4321 said:
Honestly, I am not very surprised that President Bush went with Roberts as Chief Judge. I mean Roberts is his judge. Roberts has been the only Judge President Bush has appointed to this point and it's only natural that he would want the Chief Judge to be a judge he appointed to the Supreme Court rather than a judge a former President nominated.

This of course is not to diss Scalia or Thomas, I just think if I were President I'd want the Chief Judge of the Courts to be someone I had put up on Court to begin with.

It does save on the political battles as well though.

I think it's just being practical. He is pretty sure to get Roberts through. On the other hand, if Scalia-(my choice) or Thomas, he'd have a hell of a fight.

Scalia's too hot, Roberts is calm and cool --- so far as we know. I would have liked Scalia myself, but Roberts seems a solid choice.
I think it is interesting. He chooses a Judge that has an almost cryptic record to be the Top SCOTUS Justice, it is very exciting. There is so much circumspection and guesswork on him that it is going to be interesting to see if Bush has nominated what he said he would.

Who do y'all think he will nominate as the next Associate Justice? I think the next one will be a woman and was surprised when one wasn't selected to replace Justice O'Connor.
no1tovote4 said:
Who do y'all think he will nominate as the next Associate Justice? I think the next one will be a woman and was surprised when one wasn't selected to replace Justice O'Connor.
Janice Brown....Just a guess.

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