Bush ignored 9-11 warnings months before the attack


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
And 3,000 Americans died leading to the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq and 6,000 more Americans died. Plus thousands of innocent Muslims died.

Obama did not ignore warnings of a possible attack he got 24 hours before attack on embassy in Libya and U.S. and Libyan security and evacuations were is place. Ambassador that died with three others was from smoke inhalation because he got separated during the evacuation. Americans live was saved and 7 Libyans security died in the process. And the media is in a frenzy blaming Obama for lying about warnings and is a blatant dirty lie.

Bush lied and 10,000 Americans died. Obama accused of lying and 4 Americans died. WTF is wrong with this picture?

How many U.S. embassies are there on foreign land? There is always the possibility of an attack on American interest in foreign countries and we cannot have military at each one to protect them. We have to trust the security of the nations where they are. 11 years after 9-11 and 10,000 American deaths, terrorist are alive and well.

Most important, Obama got the warning 24 hours before the attack and he did act. There were U.S. and Libyan security in place. But not time to get a military unit in place if he wanted to. Plus military presence in place at the embassy would have made things much worse.

If anyone is to blame for the terrorist attack that killed the four Americans in Libyan embassy, it is none other than Bush’s middle east policies and the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq that killed thousands of innocent Muslims. . And the anti-Muslims video that express hate speech in the disguise of freedom of speech has everything to do with the attack on the embassy because the protest over the video provided a cover for the attack.

Put the blame were it honestly belong on Bush and his foreign policies and the anti-Muslim video.
The difference is, the warnings that Bush had was that Bin Laden was planning some kind of attack, at some point, using some method of mass death.

The warnings that obama got was that Al Quaeda planned an attack on the Libyan embassy on September 11, 2011.

Then obama lied about it. Some sane people in the white house warned him not to lie, but he did it anyway.

Some Administration Officials Were Concerned About Initial White House Push Blaming Benghazi Attack on Mob, Video* - ABC News

Not only did obama lie to us, but he made a video to be shown in Pakistan blaming the movie and having the secondary effect of justifying further attacks on our embassies.
And 3,000 Americans died leading to the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq and 6,000 more Americans died. Plus thousands of innocent Muslims died.

Obama did not ignore warnings of a possible attack he got 24 hours before attack on embassy in Libya and U.S. and Libyan security and evacuations were is place. Ambassador that died with three others was from smoke inhalation because he got separated during the evacuation. Americans live was saved and 7 Libyans security died in the process. And the media is in a frenzy blaming Obama for lying about warnings and is a blatant dirty lie.

Bush lied and 10,000 Americans died. Obama accused of lying and 4 Americans died. WTF is wrong with this picture?

How many U.S. embassies are there on foreign land? There is always the possibility of an attack on American interest in foreign countries and we cannot have military at each one to protect them. We have to trust the security of the nations where they are. 11 years after 9-11 and 10,000 American deaths, terrorist are alive and well.

Most important, Obama got the warning 24 hours before the attack and he did act. There were U.S. and Libyan security in place. But not time to get a military unit in place if he wanted to. Plus military presence in place at the embassy would have made things much worse.

If anyone is to blame for the terrorist attack that killed the four Americans in Libyan embassy, it is none other than Bush’s middle east policies and the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq that killed thousands of innocent Muslims. . And the anti-Muslims video that express hate speech in the disguise of freedom of speech has everything to do with the attack on the embassy because the protest over the video provided a cover for the attack.

Put the blame were it honestly belong on Bush and his foreign policies and the anti-Muslim video.

Another load of horseshit brought to you by an old bag.

Warnings were issued but they were very vague. No warning about "Hey. We're gonna fly planes into NY city on 9-11."

America is a big fucking place brainless. What city do you watch?? NY, San Fran, Boston, Detroit, Chicago?? Do you even have a clue what the dirtbags are gonna do??

Oh you can blame Bush because he was the POTUS for 8 months before 9-11. You can also blame Clinton who had several opportunities to kill UBL before 9-11 and as POTUS received the same warnings Bush did.

But ultimately the blame belongs to the dirtbag terrorists who killed 3,000 people on 9-11.
Another FAILED thread brought to you by LilOlLAdy.


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