Bush didn't just lie........

Obama loudly opposed the war.....where were you?

Obama has had to deal with the Islamic upheaval caused by Bush. He had avoided using boots on the ground and nation building to solve his problems

Now, Clinton staged attacks on bin Laden were labeled by Republicans as a diversion to take attention away from more important topics like blow job impeachment

Show where Obama has done anything like that
He opposed it before he had a vote. Not really he gave a "unless" we get strong help clause. Meh.. then when he became a senator he vote for it multiple times. Obama owns this now. He's been POTUS for 7years. Bush is long gone.
Hat part of "dumb war" don't you understand?

I understand that part where guys like you who were more then happy to stay home belittle those who volunteered and went.

I support them more than Bush did who was willing to send them to the ultimate sacrifice to satisfy his botched attempt at empire building
Did you serve them Thanksgiving dinner? Didja? Did Obama?

What a nice guy....Turkey and all the fix'ns

While he sent them into a situation where they didn't need to be and 5000 Americans never did get to eat turkey again
Last edited:
Cheney owns shares in Haliburton. He refused to sell them or put them in a blind trust while VP.

Bush bullied the rest of the world into accepting his version of Saddam's capacity for WMDs. I guess you've forgotten boycotting French imports and "freedom" fries.

Most countries don't have sophisticated agencies for spying on other countries to counter bad Intel.

As for the bad intel, there were lots of people within the CIA who tried to tell Bush and Cheney there were no WMDs but their invitations to share information with the administration soon dried up. Bush was only listening to intel which reinforced his firmly held belief that Saddam was a danger to the U.S.

But keep pretending you weren't duped by someone who desperately wanted Saddam's oil

FACTS have a way of getting in the WAY of hyperbole, exaggeration, hysteria that is common with LIPs like you!!!

When he became vice president, Cheney was not legally required to sever his financial interests with Halliburton (the Vice President is not subject to conflict of interest regulations). However, it'd be bad form (and a media nightmare) to keep these direct ties.

In an attempt to avoid the appearance of a conflict,
Cheney signed a legal agreement stating that all post-tax benefits received from exercising the stock options would be donated to charity.
(In addition to the 20% going to Capital Partners for Education, as mentioned by Gary; 40% would go to George Washington University's medical faculty and 40% to the University of Wyoming). It also said that he would not take a tax deduction for these charitable contributions.
How much did Dick Cheney personally profit from the occupation of Iraq - Quora
Bush did much more than lie...
It's quite amazing how many of the people who insist Hillary is not fit to be president because 4 people are dead due to her lack of protecting them; are the same folks who voted to re-elect Bush after 3,000 people died when Bush failed to protect us.

the 9/11 pilots got their US visas and pilot training during the clinton administration.
Again, Clinton thwarted a similar threat. Terrorists tried again when Bush was president and pulled it off because Bush did nothing to prevent it.

bullshit, there was no "similar threat" stopped by clinton. where do you get this shit?
From the GOP-led 9/11 Commission report.
it was basically won until obozo found a way to lose it. Tell the families of the soldiers who died in Ramadi that it was Bush's fault that they died for nothing. You fricken traitorous, left wing, asshole.

Yes, it was Bushs fault

Because his simplistic plan of reshaping the Islamic world in his image never had a chance of working
He created bedlam that spread throughout the Muslim world. Bush stirred up the hornets nest of centuries of hatred and suppression and left it to future presidents to fix

you attribute the powers of a great leader of men to Bush. You put his oratorial skills and ability to rally human beings on a par with Ghandi or Buddha. In your mind he convinced briliant people like the clintons and the dems in congress to ignore facts and blindly follow him. Or, are you saying that the dems were too stupid to think for themselves and interpret the intel differently?

Your high praise of Bush's intellectual and persuasion skills seems somewhat misplaced since you hate him. But you are a liberal, so---------------------------------------------
No, I put Bushs oratory skills on the level of being able to exploit post 9-11 fear in the American people, make people think Iran was an immediate threat, imply that Saddam was leading terrorist threats......in other words....lie to justify a war

So, lets see if I understand what you are now claiming.

You are saying that Bush convinced the dems and the rest of the world that Saddam needed to be taken out by force. To do that he used intel from the Clinton administration, intel that the dems, the UN, and everyone else had full access to. But Bush, and Bush alone, convinced the entire world to accept it when it was obviously false.

Is that your position? If so, you really need some psychiatric help.

No, my position is that Bush exploited the fears of post 9-11 America. He bullied Democrats into supporting him out of fear they would mbe labled soft on terrorism and unpatriotic. With the exception of the UK, most of the world did not believe Saddam needed to be taken out by force

Bush saw an opportunity after 9-11 and was willing to abandon the war on terror to achieve his goals in Iraq

more bullshit. the dem quotes supporting the Iraq fiasco have been posted many times.

Again, you are saying that Bush was such a brilliant orator that he fooled the dems into supporting him, or that the dems were too stupid to see the truth and were gullible to bush's convincing rhetoric.

You are making up history to fit your ideology. But you are a liberal, thats what you do.
Bush did much more than lie...
It's quite amazing how many of the people who insist Hillary is not fit to be president because 4 people are dead due to her lack of protecting them; are the same folks who voted to re-elect Bush after 3,000 people died when Bush failed to protect us.

the 9/11 pilots got their US visas and pilot training during the clinton administration.
Again, Clinton thwarted a similar threat. Terrorists tried again when Bush was president and pulled it off because Bush did nothing to prevent it.

bullshit, there was no "similar threat" stopped by clinton. where do you get this shit?
He pulls it out of his ass.
There was a prior bombing at the WTC. It was very successful. Clinton did nothing.
According to the lunatic right, Bush Sr. must have been to blame for that. :ack-1:
Bush did much more than lie...
It's quite amazing how many of the people who insist Hillary is not fit to be president because 4 people are dead due to her lack of protecting them; are the same folks who voted to re-elect Bush after 3,000 people died when Bush failed to protect us.

the 9/11 pilots got their US visas and pilot training during the clinton administration.
Again, Clinton thwarted a similar threat. Terrorists tried again when Bush was president and pulled it off because Bush did nothing to prevent it.

bullshit, there was no "similar threat" stopped by clinton. where do you get this shit?
From the GOP-led 9/11 Commission report.

you said that there was a similar threat stopped by clinton--------------there wasn't. you lied.
Bush did much more than lie...
It's quite amazing how many of the people who insist Hillary is not fit to be president because 4 people are dead due to her lack of protecting them; are the same folks who voted to re-elect Bush after 3,000 people died when Bush failed to protect us.

Well if your playing the blame game you should throw Clinton in there as well. AFter all, the whole thing was planned on his watch and he did nothing even with one of his FBI agents screaming bloody murder.
Actually, in response to a similar threat, Clinton had airport security raised. That resulted in 2 terrorists getting arrested, zero planes hijacked, zero people killed, zero buildings bombed, zero twin towers destroyed. Terrorists tried again when Bush was president. In response to the warnings, unlike Clinton who raised airport security at suspected sites, Bush did absolutely nothing. That resulted in 4 planes hijacked, 3000 people killed, 3 buildings bombed, 2 twin towers destroyed.

Yeah but he did nothing about the teams that trained on his watch and he sure as shit did nothing about a 9-11 that was totally planned on his watch.

He also lobbed a few missles into the ME and killed some camels. We should give credit where credit is due.

Oh but wait. I forgot. He did nothing about the Cole, the bombed embassies in Africa and he sure as shit didn't kill UBL when he had the chance. Yep. He did a great job.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You know Bush had 8 years to kill OBL and he failed to do so, right? Even had him cornered in Tora Bora but let him escape.
It's quite amazing how many of the people who insist Hillary is not fit to be president because 4 people are dead due to her lack of protecting them; are the same folks who voted to re-elect Bush after 3,000 people died when Bush failed to protect us.

the 9/11 pilots got their US visas and pilot training during the clinton administration.
Again, Clinton thwarted a similar threat. Terrorists tried again when Bush was president and pulled it off because Bush did nothing to prevent it.

bullshit, there was no "similar threat" stopped by clinton. where do you get this shit?
He pulls it out of his ass.
There was a prior bombing at the WTC. It was very successful. Clinton did nothing.
According to the lunatic right, Bush Sr. must have been to blame for that. :ack-1:

anyone using a clown face avatar has zero credibility. your dem/lib handlers cancelled the instruction for all dem/libs to use clown face avatars several weeks ago, did you miss the memo?
Bush did much more than lie...
It's quite amazing how many of the people who insist Hillary is not fit to be president because 4 people are dead due to her lack of protecting them; are the same folks who voted to re-elect Bush after 3,000 people died when Bush failed to protect us.

Well if your playing the blame game you should throw Clinton in there as well. AFter all, the whole thing was planned on his watch and he did nothing even with one of his FBI agents screaming bloody murder.
Actually, in response to a similar threat, Clinton had airport security raised. That resulted in 2 terrorists getting arrested, zero planes hijacked, zero people killed, zero buildings bombed, zero twin towers destroyed. Terrorists tried again when Bush was president. In response to the warnings, unlike Clinton who raised airport security at suspected sites, Bush did absolutely nothing. That resulted in 4 planes hijacked, 3000 people killed, 3 buildings bombed, 2 twin towers destroyed.

Yeah but he did nothing about the teams that trained on his watch and he sure as shit did nothing about a 9-11 that was totally planned on his watch.

He also lobbed a few missles into the ME and killed some camels. We should give credit where credit is due.

Oh but wait. I forgot. He did nothing about the Cole, the bombed embassies in Africa and he sure as shit didn't kill UBL when he had the chance. Yep. He did a great job.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You know Bush had 8 years to kill OBL and he failed to do so, right? Even had him cornered in Tora Bora but let him escape.

intel developed during Bush's watch allowed him to be found in Pakistan. Obozo cancelled that kind of intel, but it had already located OBL so obozo had to follow through and kill his spritual leader.
It's quite amazing how many of the people who insist Hillary is not fit to be president because 4 people are dead due to her lack of protecting them; are the same folks who voted to re-elect Bush after 3,000 people died when Bush failed to protect us.

Well if your playing the blame game you should throw Clinton in there as well. AFter all, the whole thing was planned on his watch and he did nothing even with one of his FBI agents screaming bloody murder.
Actually, in response to a similar threat, Clinton had airport security raised. That resulted in 2 terrorists getting arrested, zero planes hijacked, zero people killed, zero buildings bombed, zero twin towers destroyed. Terrorists tried again when Bush was president. In response to the warnings, unlike Clinton who raised airport security at suspected sites, Bush did absolutely nothing. That resulted in 4 planes hijacked, 3000 people killed, 3 buildings bombed, 2 twin towers destroyed.

Yeah but he did nothing about the teams that trained on his watch and he sure as shit did nothing about a 9-11 that was totally planned on his watch.

He also lobbed a few missles into the ME and killed some camels. We should give credit where credit is due.

Oh but wait. I forgot. He did nothing about the Cole, the bombed embassies in Africa and he sure as shit didn't kill UBL when he had the chance. Yep. He did a great job.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You know Bush had 8 years to kill OBL and he failed to do so, right? Even had him cornered in Tora Bora but let him escape.

intel developed during Bush's watch allowed him to be found in Pakistan. Obozo cancelled that kind of intel, but it had already located OBL so obozo had to follow through and kill his spritual leader.
Well if your playing the blame game you should throw Clinton in there as well. AFter all, the whole thing was planned on his watch and he did nothing even with one of his FBI agents screaming bloody murder.
Actually, in response to a similar threat, Clinton had airport security raised. That resulted in 2 terrorists getting arrested, zero planes hijacked, zero people killed, zero buildings bombed, zero twin towers destroyed. Terrorists tried again when Bush was president. In response to the warnings, unlike Clinton who raised airport security at suspected sites, Bush did absolutely nothing. That resulted in 4 planes hijacked, 3000 people killed, 3 buildings bombed, 2 twin towers destroyed.

Yeah but he did nothing about the teams that trained on his watch and he sure as shit did nothing about a 9-11 that was totally planned on his watch.

He also lobbed a few missles into the ME and killed some camels. We should give credit where credit is due.

Oh but wait. I forgot. He did nothing about the Cole, the bombed embassies in Africa and he sure as shit didn't kill UBL when he had the chance. Yep. He did a great job.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You know Bush had 8 years to kill OBL and he failed to do so, right? Even had him cornered in Tora Bora but let him escape.

intel developed during Bush's watch allowed him to be found in Pakistan. Obozo cancelled that kind of intel, but it had already located OBL so obozo had to follow through and kill his spritual leader.

right back at cha

It's quite amazing how many of the people who insist Hillary is not fit to be president because 4 people are dead due to her lack of protecting them; are the same folks who voted to re-elect Bush after 3,000 people died when Bush failed to protect us.

the 9/11 pilots got their US visas and pilot training during the clinton administration.
Again, Clinton thwarted a similar threat. Terrorists tried again when Bush was president and pulled it off because Bush did nothing to prevent it.

bullshit, there was no "similar threat" stopped by clinton. where do you get this shit?
From the GOP-led 9/11 Commission report.

you said that there was a similar threat stopped by clinton--------------there wasn't. you lied.
No, I didn't lie. You're just a low-information voter who only knows what he's spoon fed by the lunatic right.

Bin Ladin Preparing to Hijack US Aircraft and Other Attacks

On Friday, December 4, 1998, the CIA included an article in the Presidential Daily Brief describing intelligence, received from a friendly government, about a threatened hijacking in the United States. This article was declassified at our request.

The same day, Clarke convened a meeting of his CSG to discuss both the hijacking concern and the antiaircraft missile threat. To address the hijacking warning, the group agreed that New York airports should go to maximum security starting that weekend. They agreed to boost security at other East coast airports. The CIA agreed to distribute versions of the report to the FBI and FAA to pass to the New York Police Department and the airlines. The FAA issued a security directive on December 8, with specific requirements for more intensive air carrier screening of passengers and more oversight of the screening process, at all three New York City area airports.

The intelligence community could learn little about the source of the information. Later in December and again in early January 1999, more information arrived from the same source, reporting that the planned hijacking had been stalled because two of the operatives, who were sketchily described, had been arrested near Washington, D.C. or New York. After investigation, the FBI could find no information to support the hijack threat; nor could it verify any arrests like those described in the report. The FAA alert at the New York area airports ended on January 31, 1999.

the 9/11 pilots got their US visas and pilot training during the clinton administration.
Again, Clinton thwarted a similar threat. Terrorists tried again when Bush was president and pulled it off because Bush did nothing to prevent it.

bullshit, there was no "similar threat" stopped by clinton. where do you get this shit?
He pulls it out of his ass.
There was a prior bombing at the WTC. It was very successful. Clinton did nothing.
According to the lunatic right, Bush Sr. must have been to blame for that. :ack-1:

anyone using a clown face avatar has zero credibility. your dem/lib handlers cancelled the instruction for all dem/libs to use clown face avatars several weeks ago, did you miss the memo?
I have this avatar because it seems to annoy your brain-dead right-wing zombies. Your proof that it's working. Besides, the clown in my avatar is none other than Mitt Romney. Did you vote for him for president?
It's quite amazing how many of the people who insist Hillary is not fit to be president because 4 people are dead due to her lack of protecting them; are the same folks who voted to re-elect Bush after 3,000 people died when Bush failed to protect us.

Well if your playing the blame game you should throw Clinton in there as well. AFter all, the whole thing was planned on his watch and he did nothing even with one of his FBI agents screaming bloody murder.
Actually, in response to a similar threat, Clinton had airport security raised. That resulted in 2 terrorists getting arrested, zero planes hijacked, zero people killed, zero buildings bombed, zero twin towers destroyed. Terrorists tried again when Bush was president. In response to the warnings, unlike Clinton who raised airport security at suspected sites, Bush did absolutely nothing. That resulted in 4 planes hijacked, 3000 people killed, 3 buildings bombed, 2 twin towers destroyed.

Yeah but he did nothing about the teams that trained on his watch and he sure as shit did nothing about a 9-11 that was totally planned on his watch.

He also lobbed a few missles into the ME and killed some camels. We should give credit where credit is due.

Oh but wait. I forgot. He did nothing about the Cole, the bombed embassies in Africa and he sure as shit didn't kill UBL when he had the chance. Yep. He did a great job.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You know Bush had 8 years to kill OBL and he failed to do so, right? Even had him cornered in Tora Bora but let him escape.

intel developed during Bush's watch allowed him to be found in Pakistan. Obozo cancelled that kind of intel, but it had already located OBL so obozo had to follow through and kill his spritual leader.
In other words, Obama did what Bush could not after 8 years and having him trapped in Tora Bora. Thanks for confirming! :thup:
It's quite amazing how many of the people who insist Hillary is not fit to be president because 4 people are dead due to her lack of protecting them; are the same folks who voted to re-elect Bush after 3,000 people died when Bush failed to protect us.

Well if your playing the blame game you should throw Clinton in there as well. AFter all, the whole thing was planned on his watch and he did nothing even with one of his FBI agents screaming bloody murder.
Actually, in response to a similar threat, Clinton had airport security raised. That resulted in 2 terrorists getting arrested, zero planes hijacked, zero people killed, zero buildings bombed, zero twin towers destroyed. Terrorists tried again when Bush was president. In response to the warnings, unlike Clinton who raised airport security at suspected sites, Bush did absolutely nothing. That resulted in 4 planes hijacked, 3000 people killed, 3 buildings bombed, 2 twin towers destroyed.

Yeah but he did nothing about the teams that trained on his watch and he sure as shit did nothing about a 9-11 that was totally planned on his watch.

He also lobbed a few missles into the ME and killed some camels. We should give credit where credit is due.

Oh but wait. I forgot. He did nothing about the Cole, the bombed embassies in Africa and he sure as shit didn't kill UBL when he had the chance. Yep. He did a great job.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You know Bush had 8 years to kill OBL and he failed to do so, right? Even had him cornered in Tora Bora but let him escape.

intel developed during Bush's watch allowed him to be found in Pakistan. Obozo cancelled that kind of intel, but it had already located OBL so obozo had to follow through and kill his spritual leader.
You can not back up that statement with anything other than commentary and opinion by hard corp Bush supporters or members of his administration. Your comment is an insult to the people who chased him down, including the lead investigators who gave their lives almost a year after Bush left office (Chapman bombing).
He opposed it before he had a vote. Not really he gave a "unless" we get strong help clause. Meh.. then when he became a senator he vote for it multiple times. Obama owns this now. He's been POTUS for 7years. Bush is long gone.
Hat part of "dumb war" don't you understand?

I understand that part where guys like you who were more then happy to stay home belittle those who volunteered and went.

I support them more than Bush did who was willing to send them to the ultimate sacrifice to satisfy his botched attempt at empire building
Did you serve them Thanksgiving dinner? Didja? Did Obama?

What a nice guy....Turkey and all the fix'ns

While he sent them into a situation where they didn't need to be and 5000 Americans never did get to eat turkey again
And Obama? Where are the pics of him serving anything to the troops, other than condescension?
Hat part of "dumb war" don't you understand?

I understand that part where guys like you who were more then happy to stay home belittle those who volunteered and went.

I support them more than Bush did who was willing to send them to the ultimate sacrifice to satisfy his botched attempt at empire building
Did you serve them Thanksgiving dinner? Didja? Did Obama?

What a nice guy....Turkey and all the fix'ns

While he sent them into a situation where they didn't need to be and 5000 Americans never did get to eat turkey again
And Obama? Where are the pics of him serving anything to the troops, other than condescension?




Well if your playing the blame game you should throw Clinton in there as well. AFter all, the whole thing was planned on his watch and he did nothing even with one of his FBI agents screaming bloody murder.
Actually, in response to a similar threat, Clinton had airport security raised. That resulted in 2 terrorists getting arrested, zero planes hijacked, zero people killed, zero buildings bombed, zero twin towers destroyed. Terrorists tried again when Bush was president. In response to the warnings, unlike Clinton who raised airport security at suspected sites, Bush did absolutely nothing. That resulted in 4 planes hijacked, 3000 people killed, 3 buildings bombed, 2 twin towers destroyed.

Yeah but he did nothing about the teams that trained on his watch and he sure as shit did nothing about a 9-11 that was totally planned on his watch.

He also lobbed a few missles into the ME and killed some camels. We should give credit where credit is due.

Oh but wait. I forgot. He did nothing about the Cole, the bombed embassies in Africa and he sure as shit didn't kill UBL when he had the chance. Yep. He did a great job.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You know Bush had 8 years to kill OBL and he failed to do so, right? Even had him cornered in Tora Bora but let him escape.

intel developed during Bush's watch allowed him to be found in Pakistan. Obozo cancelled that kind of intel, but it had already located OBL so obozo had to follow through and kill his spritual leader.
In other words, Obama did what Bush could not after 8 years and having him trapped in Tora Bora. Thanks for confirming! :thup:

Prove it was OBL.
Actually, in response to a similar threat, Clinton had airport security raised. That resulted in 2 terrorists getting arrested, zero planes hijacked, zero people killed, zero buildings bombed, zero twin towers destroyed. Terrorists tried again when Bush was president. In response to the warnings, unlike Clinton who raised airport security at suspected sites, Bush did absolutely nothing. That resulted in 4 planes hijacked, 3000 people killed, 3 buildings bombed, 2 twin towers destroyed.

Yeah but he did nothing about the teams that trained on his watch and he sure as shit did nothing about a 9-11 that was totally planned on his watch.

He also lobbed a few missles into the ME and killed some camels. We should give credit where credit is due.

Oh but wait. I forgot. He did nothing about the Cole, the bombed embassies in Africa and he sure as shit didn't kill UBL when he had the chance. Yep. He did a great job.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You know Bush had 8 years to kill OBL and he failed to do so, right? Even had him cornered in Tora Bora but let him escape.

intel developed during Bush's watch allowed him to be found in Pakistan. Obozo cancelled that kind of intel, but it had already located OBL so obozo had to follow through and kill his spritual leader.
In other words, Obama did what Bush could not after 8 years and having him trapped in Tora Bora. Thanks for confirming! :thup:

Prove it was OBL.
Are you calling the Navy SEALS that have come forward and spoken about the raid liars? There is other evidence, but lets clear thins one up. Are you calling SEAL TEAM SIX members liars?
Fear mongering was much more effective

George W. Bush didn t just lie about the Iraq War. What he did was much worse.

What the Bush administration launched in 2002 and 2003 may have been the most comprehensive, sophisticated, and misleading campaign of government propaganda in American history. Spend too much time in the weeds, and you risk missing the hysterical tenor of the whole campaign.

In the summer of 2002, the administration established something called the White House Iraq Group, through which Karl Rove and other communication strategists like Karen Hughes and Mary Matalin coordinated with policy officials to sell the public on the threat from Iraq in order to justify war. "The script had been finalized with great care over the summer," White House press secretary Scott McClellan later wrote, for a "campaign to convince Americans that war with Iraq was inevitable and necessary."
In that campaign, intelligence wasn't something to be understood and assessed by the administration in making their decisions, it was a propaganda tool to lead the public to the conclusion that the administration wanted. Again and again we saw a similar pattern: An allegation would bubble up from somewhere, some in the intelligence community would say that it could be true but others would say it was either speculation or outright baloney, but before you knew it the president or someone else was presenting it to the public as settled fact.


Great OP.


Too bad USMB can't be more intelligent discussion like this.

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