Bush didn't just lie........

Yeah but he did nothing about the teams that trained on his watch and he sure as shit did nothing about a 9-11 that was totally planned on his watch.

He also lobbed a few missles into the ME and killed some camels. We should give credit where credit is due.

Oh but wait. I forgot. He did nothing about the Cole, the bombed embassies in Africa and he sure as shit didn't kill UBL when he had the chance. Yep. He did a great job.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You know Bush had 8 years to kill OBL and he failed to do so, right? Even had him cornered in Tora Bora but let him escape.

intel developed during Bush's watch allowed him to be found in Pakistan. Obozo cancelled that kind of intel, but it had already located OBL so obozo had to follow through and kill his spritual leader.
In other words, Obama did what Bush could not after 8 years and having him trapped in Tora Bora. Thanks for confirming! :thup:

Prove it was OBL.
Are you calling the Navy SEALS that have come forward and spoken about the raid liars? There is other evidence, but lets clear thins one up. Are you calling SEAL TEAM SIX members liars?

They killed someone they didn't recognize and had to ask the woman in the room who it was. So no, they didn't lie but that does not mean they kille OBL.
Actually, in response to a similar threat, Clinton had airport security raised. That resulted in 2 terrorists getting arrested, zero planes hijacked, zero people killed, zero buildings bombed, zero twin towers destroyed. Terrorists tried again when Bush was president. In response to the warnings, unlike Clinton who raised airport security at suspected sites, Bush did absolutely nothing. That resulted in 4 planes hijacked, 3000 people killed, 3 buildings bombed, 2 twin towers destroyed.

Yeah but he did nothing about the teams that trained on his watch and he sure as shit did nothing about a 9-11 that was totally planned on his watch.

He also lobbed a few missles into the ME and killed some camels. We should give credit where credit is due.

Oh but wait. I forgot. He did nothing about the Cole, the bombed embassies in Africa and he sure as shit didn't kill UBL when he had the chance. Yep. He did a great job.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You know Bush had 8 years to kill OBL and he failed to do so, right? Even had him cornered in Tora Bora but let him escape.

intel developed during Bush's watch allowed him to be found in Pakistan. Obozo cancelled that kind of intel, but it had already located OBL so obozo had to follow through and kill his spritual leader.
In other words, Obama did what Bush could not after 8 years and having him trapped in Tora Bora. Thanks for confirming! :thup:

Prove it was OBL.
You belong in the conspiracy forums. :cuckoo:
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You know Bush had 8 years to kill OBL and he failed to do so, right? Even had him cornered in Tora Bora but let him escape.

intel developed during Bush's watch allowed him to be found in Pakistan. Obozo cancelled that kind of intel, but it had already located OBL so obozo had to follow through and kill his spritual leader.
In other words, Obama did what Bush could not after 8 years and having him trapped in Tora Bora. Thanks for confirming! :thup:

Prove it was OBL.
Are you calling the Navy SEALS that have come forward and spoken about the raid liars? There is other evidence, but lets clear thins one up. Are you calling SEAL TEAM SIX members liars?

They killed someone they didn't recognize and had to ask the woman in the room who it was. So no, they didn't lie but that does not mean they kille OBL.
They did not have to ask. They asked because a positive response was additional confirmation.
Hat part of "dumb war" don't you understand?

I understand that part where guys like you who were more then happy to stay home belittle those who volunteered and went.
I understand the part where the Left is butthurt that all their dire predictions of a "quagmire" failed to materialize and Bush won the war, despite Democrats declarign the war was lost as soon as it ceased being popular.
If anything in the world is a quagmire it would be that whole fiasco called Iraq since 2003.
You understand we won, right?
And Tuatara wimps out and runs away again.
Lefties are so easy to pwn.
Of course you won. I saw the Mission Accomplished sign hanging up there. I remember how the Iraqi people welcomed all the american soldiers with open arms. I;m certainly happy there was no insurgency or terrorist groups resisting. Also congrats on getting those WMDs.

LOL They have to post this garbage as Iraq burns due to Obungle's fuck ups

Bush negotiated the withdrawal.

Know your history, know your facts BEFORE you post you dumb mick,
Ah yes the bigotry of the Left rears its head.
Not one but 2 SecDefs have said Obama had the opportunity to negotiate the SOFA to leave troops there but was intent on running out.
I understand that part where guys like you who were more then happy to stay home belittle those who volunteered and went.
I understand the part where the Left is butthurt that all their dire predictions of a "quagmire" failed to materialize and Bush won the war, despite Democrats declarign the war was lost as soon as it ceased being popular.
If anything in the world is a quagmire it would be that whole fiasco called Iraq since 2003.
You understand we won, right?
And Tuatara wimps out and runs away again.
Lefties are so easy to pwn.
Of course you won. I saw the Mission Accomplished sign hanging up there. I remember how the Iraqi people welcomed all the american soldiers with open arms. I;m certainly happy there was no insurgency or terrorist groups resisting. Also congrats on getting those WMDs.
We achieved every objective we set, asswipe.
Woodward's investigation has led him to claim Bush never lied.
Bush made bad decisions, based on bad intel. One could argue that he might have seen the evidence he wanted to see while ignoring the evidence he did not want to hear. Is it lying when you are a bad leader? no... it's just being a bad leader with poor decision making skills. Obama on the other hand... yeah that guy is a pathological liar. Guy does it on purpose, for the "cause." Reagan also, clearly, did some lying "for the cause." Bush... he's just simple.
Woodward's investigation has led him to claim Bush never lied.
Bush made bad decisions, based on bad intel. One could argue that he might have seen the evidence he wanted to see while ignoring the evidence he did not want to hear. Is it lying when you are a bad leader? no... it's just being a bad leader with poor decision making skills. Obama on the other hand... yeah that guy is a pathological liar. Guy does it on purpose, for the "cause." Reagan also, clearly, did some lying "for the cause." Bush... he's just simple.
What "bad decision" did Bush make?
Woodward's investigation has led him to claim Bush never lied.
Bush made bad decisions, based on bad intel. One could argue that he might have seen the evidence he wanted to see while ignoring the evidence he did not want to hear. Is it lying when you are a bad leader? no... it's just being a bad leader with poor decision making skills. Obama on the other hand... yeah that guy is a pathological liar. Guy does it on purpose, for the "cause." Reagan also, clearly, did some lying "for the cause." Bush... he's just simple.
What "bad decision" did Bush make?
It's easier to answer the question what "good decision" did Bush make? Because none come to memory.
Woodward's investigation has led him to claim Bush never lied.
Bush made bad decisions, based on bad intel. One could argue that he might have seen the evidence he wanted to see while ignoring the evidence he did not want to hear. Is it lying when you are a bad leader? no... it's just being a bad leader with poor decision making skills. Obama on the other hand... yeah that guy is a pathological liar. Guy does it on purpose, for the "cause." Reagan also, clearly, did some lying "for the cause." Bush... he's just simple.
What "bad decision" did Bush make?
It's easier to answer the question what "good decision" did Bush make? Because none come to memory.
It's easier to deflect because you can't answer my question.
You'r pwned, muthufucka.
Woodward's investigation has led him to claim Bush never lied.
Bush made bad decisions, based on bad intel. One could argue that he might have seen the evidence he wanted to see while ignoring the evidence he did not want to hear. Is it lying when you are a bad leader? no... it's just being a bad leader with poor decision making skills. Obama on the other hand... yeah that guy is a pathological liar. Guy does it on purpose, for the "cause." Reagan also, clearly, did some lying "for the cause." Bush... he's just simple.
What "bad decision" did Bush make?
It's easier to answer the question what "good decision" did Bush make? Because none come to memory.
It's easier to deflect because you can't answer my question.
You'r pwned, muthufucka.
Huh? Are you on drugs? Or are you just having a hard time reading today? Where did I deflect from your question? You asked, what bad decision did Bush make and I pretty much said EVERY SINGLE ONE OF BUSHES DECISIONS WAS BAD. Not sure why you think that makes me pwned. Unless you are bragging about putting a socialist in the republican party.
The decider in chief made a horrible decision when he decided to use the infantry and other trained troops to act as occupiers and police the cities in Iraq without providing them with training or equipment, most notably, armored vehicles and body armor. Untold numbers of troops were killed and maimed due to that blunder.
Woodward's investigation has led him to claim Bush never lied.
Bush made bad decisions, based on bad intel. One could argue that he might have seen the evidence he wanted to see while ignoring the evidence he did not want to hear. Is it lying when you are a bad leader? no... it's just being a bad leader with poor decision making skills. Obama on the other hand... yeah that guy is a pathological liar. Guy does it on purpose, for the "cause." Reagan also, clearly, did some lying "for the cause." Bush... he's just simple.
What "bad decision" did Bush make?
It's easier to answer the question what "good decision" did Bush make? Because none come to memory.
It's easier to deflect because you can't answer my question.
You'r pwned, muthufucka.
Huh? Are you on drugs? Or are you just having a hard time reading today? Where did I deflect from your question? You asked, what bad decision did Bush make and I pretty much said EVERY SINGLE ONE OF BUSHES DECISIONS WAS BAD. Not sure why you think that makes me pwned. Unless you are bragging about putting a socialist in the republican party.
Every decision of Bush's was bad? LOL! So backstopping the banks when they ceased lending to each other was bad? Cutting taxes to get us out of the Clinton recession was bad? Rolling out a drug benefit for Medicaid that has come in under projections is bad?
You are an idiot. Just a cop out idiot who couldnt argue hsi way out of a paper bag.
Again, Clinton thwarted a similar threat. Terrorists tried again when Bush was president and pulled it off because Bush did nothing to prevent it.

bullshit, there was no "similar threat" stopped by clinton. where do you get this shit?
He pulls it out of his ass.
There was a prior bombing at the WTC. It was very successful. Clinton did nothing.
According to the lunatic right, Bush Sr. must have been to blame for that. :ack-1:

anyone using a clown face avatar has zero credibility. your dem/lib handlers cancelled the instruction for all dem/libs to use clown face avatars several weeks ago, did you miss the memo?
I have this avatar because it seems to annoy your brain-dead right-wing zombies. Your proof that it's working. Besides, the clown in my avatar is none other than Mitt Romney. Did you vote for him for president?

"your proof" is proof of your lack of basic reading, writing, and grammar skills.

Yes, I voted for Romney and the country would be much better off today if 2% more of voters had voted for him.
bullshit, there was no "similar threat" stopped by clinton. where do you get this shit?
He pulls it out of his ass.
There was a prior bombing at the WTC. It was very successful. Clinton did nothing.
According to the lunatic right, Bush Sr. must have been to blame for that. :ack-1:

anyone using a clown face avatar has zero credibility. your dem/lib handlers cancelled the instruction for all dem/libs to use clown face avatars several weeks ago, did you miss the memo?
I have this avatar because it seems to annoy your brain-dead right-wing zombies. Your proof that it's working. Besides, the clown in my avatar is none other than Mitt Romney. Did you vote for him for president?

"your proof" is proof of you lack of basic reading, writing, and grammar skills.

Yes, I voted for Romney and the country would be much better off today if 2% more of voters had voted for him.
Notice he is deflecting from his claim that Clinton prevented a prior bombing, when in fact the opposite is the case.
He pulls it out of his ass.
There was a prior bombing at the WTC. It was very successful. Clinton did nothing.
According to the lunatic right, Bush Sr. must have been to blame for that. :ack-1:

anyone using a clown face avatar has zero credibility. your dem/lib handlers cancelled the instruction for all dem/libs to use clown face avatars several weeks ago, did you miss the memo?
I have this avatar because it seems to annoy your brain-dead right-wing zombies. Your proof that it's working. Besides, the clown in my avatar is none other than Mitt Romney. Did you vote for him for president?

"your proof" is proof of you lack of basic reading, writing, and grammar skills.

Yes, I voted for Romney and the country would be much better off today if 2% more of voters had voted for him.
Notice he is deflecting from his claim that Clinton prevented a prior bombing, when in fact the opposite is the case.

yeah, funny how he made that claim and then ran like a scalded ass ape.
Bush made bad decisions, based on bad intel. One could argue that he might have seen the evidence he wanted to see while ignoring the evidence he did not want to hear. Is it lying when you are a bad leader? no... it's just being a bad leader with poor decision making skills. Obama on the other hand... yeah that guy is a pathological liar. Guy does it on purpose, for the "cause." Reagan also, clearly, did some lying "for the cause." Bush... he's just simple.
What "bad decision" did Bush make?
It's easier to answer the question what "good decision" did Bush make? Because none come to memory.
It's easier to deflect because you can't answer my question.
You'r pwned, muthufucka.
Huh? Are you on drugs? Or are you just having a hard time reading today? Where did I deflect from your question? You asked, what bad decision did Bush make and I pretty much said EVERY SINGLE ONE OF BUSHES DECISIONS WAS BAD. Not sure why you think that makes me pwned. Unless you are bragging about putting a socialist in the republican party.
Every decision of Bush's was bad? LOL! So backstopping the banks when they ceased lending to each other was bad? Cutting taxes to get us out of the Clinton recession was bad? Rolling out a drug benefit for Medicaid that has come in under projections is bad?
You are an idiot. Just a cop out idiot who couldnt argue hsi way out of a paper bag.
Yes the bank bailout was bad, for many reasons. First, bad banks should have been allowed to fail so that good banks would benefit. Chapter 13 is not new. There's a reason we have bankruptcy courts.

Yes, the way Bush cut taxes, was horrible. Giving half the country a 100% tax cut? Really? Half the country going to zero taxes? History will mark that tax cut as the final nail in the coffin of a downward spiral of socialism in this country.

Yes, tax payer funding of the legalized drug cartel through medicare (aka socialized medicine) is really really bad.

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