Bush and Officials Lied leading up to Iraq war

Pearl Harbor was limited, tactical air strikes...
on a handful of installations (ships)
Only alittle over 2000 killed (less than the 9\11 WTC)....

Could hardly be called war according to you morons....:cuckoo:

We recognized it as war and we struck back against Japan. Iraq did not respond as if we were at war with it. That makes a difference.
stupid analogy. It was the first in a lengthy list of attacks that had been planned as part of a greater land/sea war in the Pacific.

Clinton knocked out a few radar and communications sites.

but DO keep spewing irrelevance and strutting around as if you actually knew your ass from a hole in the ground.... it is SO like you!

Talking stupid again, are you? Lengthy list of attacks????
The US DECLARED WAR on Japan the very next day asshole....because we could....

and if Saddam could, he would have done something similar....the fact that he had nothing with which to fight a war, might have had something to do with it...
meh... put it on a shirt and wear it to the polls, dude. Watching you people justify the last 8 years of political gladhanding is pretty pathetic this side of finding that giant cache of phantom WMDs.
Talking stupid again, are you? Lengthy list of attacks????
The US DECLARED WAR on Japan the very next day asshole....because we could....

and if Saddam could, he would have done something similar....the fact that he had nothing with which to fight a war, might have had something to do with it...

Are you suggesting that, prior to attacking Pearl Harbor on 12/07, Japan had not already fully planned and staged their attacks on the Philippines and Guam (12/10), Burma (12/11), Borneo (12/16), Hong Kong (12/18), Luzon (12/22), Wake Island (12/23), Bataan, (1/7), Solomons (1/23) and Singapore (1/30) or would you NOT call that a "lengthy list of attacks"?

again... our bombing a few selected weapons emplacements in Iraq is not synonymous with WWII, and it is not synonymous with the War in Iraq.
Talking stupid again, are you? Lengthy list of attacks????
The US DECLARED WAR on Japan the very next day asshole....because we could....

and if Saddam could, he would have done something similar....the fact that he had nothing with which to fight a war, might have had something to do with it...

Face it. First of all, Clinton did not declare war on Saddam. Did Saddam even communicate to anyone that he considered Clinton’s actions an “act of war”? I doubt it. He could have declared war. That does not mean that he could win a war.
Pearl Harbor was limited, tactical air strikes...
on a handful of installations (ships)

Only alittle over 2000 killed (less than the 9\11 WTC)....

Could hardly be called war according to you morons....:cuckoo:

OMFG...an Imperial Japan Apologist, and an apologist for the sneak attack on America. Who's side are you on?
Are you suggesting that, prior to attacking Pearl Harbor on 12/07, Japan had not already fully planned and staged their attacks on the Philippines and Guam (12/10), Burma (12/11), Borneo (12/16), Hong Kong (12/18), Luzon (12/22), Wake Island (12/23), Bataan, (1/7), Solomons (1/23) and Singapore (1/30) or would you NOT call that a "lengthy list of attacks"?

again... our bombing a few selected weapons emplacements in Iraq is not synonymous with WWII, and it is not synonymous with the War in Iraq.

I'm suggesting that 'lobbing' bombs on another country is a fuckin' act of war.....an act of war...the number of casualties is irrelevant and the response of the attacked country is irrelevant.....that you call it limited, tactical airstrikes is convoluted nonsense in the extreme....
Face it. First of all, Clinton did not declare war on Saddam. Did Saddam even communicate to anyone that he considered Clinton’s actions an “act of war”? I doubt it. He could have declared war. That does not mean that he could win a war.

Exactly !

But that doesn't negate the fact that lobbing bombs on another country is an act of war.....and the attacked country is well within its international rights to view it as such.....
OMFG...an Imperial Japan Apologist, and an apologist for the sneak attack on America. Who's side are you on?
If you don't understand the topic of the thread...butt out....

Originally Posted by Alpha1 View Post
I guess that would be your view of Dec. 7, 1941 too....whats a few bombs!

Guess that depends on who is doing the 'lobbing".....

Come back when you get beyond your adolescence .... I can deal with adult ignorance but not with childish nonsense....
if you cannot see the difference between limited tactical airstrikes
on a handful of installations and a major ground war that costs hundreds of billions and 32K dead and wounded, you are the ignorant child, not him.

Take it up with MM....he thinks "limited, tactical air strikes on a handfull of installations is just nothing to worry yourself about....
as long as its not you getting hit with those "limited, tactical air strikes...

Now he'll try to spin this thread into confusion so he don't come off looking as stupid
his post suggests....
I'm suggesting that 'lobbing' bombs on another country is a fuckin' act of war.....an act of war...the number of casualties is irrelevant and the response of the attacked country is irrelevant.....that you call it limited, tactical airstrikes is convoluted nonsense in the extreme....

technically, when protesters lob molotov cocktails onto the grounds of a US embassy, that is an act of war too.

big deal.

To suggest that what Bush did by starting a huge ground war in Iraq is synonymous with what Clinton did is insulting to the 4000 GIs who've died in Bush's war.
not you getting hit with those "limited, tactical air strikes...

Now he'll try to spin this thread into confusion so he don't come off looking as stupid
his post suggests....

I would think that a grown man who cannot conjugate the present tense of the verb "to do" looks pretty fucking stupid! :rofl:
I would think that a grown man who cannot conjugate the present tense of the verb "to do" looks pretty fucking stupid! :rofl:

Ha...just like you...LOL....now should I stoop to your level to point out your lack of knowing enough to use capital letters for proper names, etc.?

I wouldn't do that...its too petty for me....
Exactly !

But that doesn't negate the fact that lobbing bombs on another country is an act of war.....and the attacked country is well within its international rights to view it as such.....

Well, first according to you Cons the 1991 state of hostilities never technically ended. So we were free to bomb them when they didn't kow tow to us. So which is it? Was the 1991 War technically over, or not. Choose.

Second, everyone including Saddam knew in 1998 that these airstrikes were limited and would not be followed up with a land invasion. When the Japanese attacked us, they were in full war mode, and within days of pearl harbor, were attacking us and invading in the Phillipines, at Guam, at Wake, and Alaska.
Well, first according to you Cons the 1991 state of hostilities never technically ended. So we were free to bomb them when they didn't kow tow to us. So which is it? Was the 1991 War technically over, or not. Choose.

Second, everyone including Saddam knew in 1998 that these airstrikes were limited and would not be followed up with a land invasion. When the Japanese attacked us, they were in full war mode, and within days of pearl harbor, were attacking us and invading in the Phillipines, at Guam, at Wake, and Alaska.

It was never over, just a cease fire. Same situation in Korea, we are still technically at War with N Korea and can LEGALLY go in, militarily at any time, and the congressional sanction to use force in Korea from 1950 is STILL valid, as is the UN resolution, so the President could order troops to cross the 38th parallel at any time, on his own, WITHOUT additional congressional approval, 100% legally. Of course it would be political suicide, but it would 100% legal both domestically and internationally.
It was never over, just a cease fire. Same situation in Korea, we are still technically at War with N Korea and can LEGALLY go in, militarily at any time, and the congressional sanction to use force in Korea from 1950 is STILL valid, as is the UN resolution, so the President could order troops to cross the 38th parallel at any time, on his own, WITHOUT additional congressional approval, 100% legally. Of course it would be political suicide, but it would 100% legal both domestically and internationally.

so... do you agree with Alpha that Clinton conducting a handful of surgical airstrikes against Iraq is exactly the same thing as Bush starting a major ground offensive lasting five years, and costing 32K dead and wounded Americans and a half a trillion dollars? Six of one, half a dozen of the other?
so... do you agree with Alpha that Clinton conducting a handful of surgical airstrikes against Iraq is exactly the same thing as Bush starting a major ground offensive lasting five years, and costing 32K dead and wounded Americans and a half a trillion dollars? Six of one, half a dozen of the other?

Both were legal military counters to Sadaams flagrant violations of the cease fire and 17 UN resolutions passed since PG I. CLinton, however, never attempted to regime change. Bush had had enough of Sadaam so instead of just taking out a few military facilities, Bush decided to take out the government.

And it was THREE WEEK ground offensive and the most successful ground campaign in all of human history. It achieved it's goal of military defeat and ousting of the Iraqi government in three weelks while it took 3.5 years to do the same to Japan. What followed is a comparison of occupation of two defeated nations, one with a successful conclusion and the other with a failed conclusion. IN Japan we spent nine years occupying the country before instilling a successful western democracy. We have spent only five in Iraq so far and have so far, failed miserably because of points I have already made many times.
who said that Bush was the first to use those lies and false impressions? not me.

Bush is simply the first to use them - post 9/11 - for the purpose of starting a major, costly, time consuming, counterproductive, bloody ground war.

Are you sure democrats didn't suggest Iraq had chemical, biological weapons and inspired to have nukes in post 9/11?
Are you sure democrats didn't suggest Iraq had chemical, biological weapons and inspired to have nukes in post 9/11?

some did. they were wrong when they thought it and wrong when they expressed it.

but as we know, a majority of them in congress voted against starting Bush's war.
I would have made the same decision at that time regardless of whether or not I believed George Bush had lied or not. Their voting the way they did does not prove that George Bush did NOT make statements designed to convey a false impression about the certainty of Saddam's WMD stockpiles. I say, quite simply, that when Team Bush conveyed the false impression that there was absolute certainty about the existence and location of Saddam's stockpiles, that those statements were, in fact, lies simply because they conveyed that false impression. That is one of the definitions of the word "lie".

And I have never suggested that Team Bush conveyed those false impressions to prevent Congress from independent fact gathering. Never. I have always only suggested that those false impressions were conveyed for the purpose of gaining support from the American people... and they clearly served their purpose.

If you suggest that, then you have to believe that, Clinton, Waxman, Bryd, Kennedy and others also conveyed false impressions? Because they also gave very strong worded statements about Saddam's Wmd program. Do me a favor open your eyes past your political lies. You can't have the multitude of statements your party made about the strength of evidence regarding Saddam's Wmd programs and then state Bush misled everyone.

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