Burger King admits they use horsemeat!!!


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
I haven't been to a burger joint in 10 years. Never eat food prepared by teenage boys.

Disturbing: Burger King Admits Burgers Contain Horsemeat

January 31st, 2013 | Updated 01/31/2013 at 9:26 pm
In a piece of highly disturbing news, Burger King has now admitted after continuous denial that it has actually been selling UK customers both burgers and Whoppers that contain horsemeat. This admission comes just after The Guardian reports that Burger King reps offered a round of ‘absolute assurances’ to customers that it did not ever use horsemeat in its products.

A series of tests done on the burger products now reveal that Burger King has been issuing completely phony statements, with burgers made for the fast food chain from the Irish company Silvercrest containing measurable levels of horsemeat. It’s important to note this is the same company that processes meat for Tesco, Asda, and the Co-op. The managers at Silvercrest have been revealed to be utilizing non-approved ingredients within their burger assortment – even for ‘household brands’.

Burger King admitted just a few hours ago that the samples did in fact contain horsemeat:

“Four samples recently taken from the Silvercrest plant have shown the presence of very small trace levels of equine DNA… we have established that Silvercrest used a small percentage of beef imported from a non-approved supplier in Poland. This is a clear violation of our specifications, and we have terminated our relationship with them.”
I'm not in the U.K. but I got a gift cerificate for BK this Christmas, so I used it. MISTAKE!!! It tasted funny, dry, old, cold. It made me sick. I went on their website and blasted them. Then they invited me to a free meal. Yeah, I'll jump right on that deal. Get sick again for free. Thanks a lot. How about giving me a fucking refund instead?????
Yeah it's not confined to the UK and other places it is allowed.

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Is this anything like the worm meat McDonalds was accused of making burgers with a few years ago?
Wouldn't faze me. I eat NYC Street Vendor dirty water hot dogs all the time, and who knows whats in those things.

Damn tasty though.
If you read the article it says trace amounts.
Pollocks can't tell the difference between horses and cows.
December 23, 2011

4 more years for Obama! Horse meat can now be slaughtered for human consumption in the U.S.!
Horses could soon be slaughtered for meat in US - Yahoo! News Singapore

Horses could soon be butchered in the U.S. for human consumption after Congress quietly lifted a 5-year-old ban on funding horse meat inspections, and activists say slaughterhouses could be up and running in as little as a month.
The USDA issued a statement Tuesday saying there are no slaughterhouses in the U.S. that butcher horses for human consumption now, but if one were to open, it would conduct inspections to make sure federal laws were being followed. USDA spokesman Neil Gaffney declined to answer questions beyond what was in the statement.
But pro-slaughter activists say the ban had unintended consequences, including an increase in neglect and the abandonment of horses, and that they are scrambling to get a plant going — possibly in Wyoming, North Dakota, Nebraska or Missouri. They estimate a slaughterhouse could open in 30 to 90 days with state approval and eventually as many as 200,000 horses a year could be slaughtered for human consumption. Most of the meat would be shipped to countries in Europe and Asia, including France and Japan.

Read more:
Eat Horse
I'm not in the U.K. but I got a gift cerificate for BK this Christmas, so I used it. MISTAKE!!! It tasted funny, dry, old, cold. It made me sick. I went on their website and blasted them. Then they invited me to a free meal. Yeah, I'll jump right on that deal. Get sick again for free. Thanks a lot. How about giving me a fucking refund instead?????

I used to LOVE their whoppers! The last 2 times i'd gotten one though (i haven't been there in about a year now!) i'd gotten really sick....i'm sure it was food poisoning! After the first time, it had been quite a while and i decided i wanted one and that maybe the when i got sick it was actually from something else. NOPE! Did it again! No more BK for me!!

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