Bureaucrats Reform the VA!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The devil is in the details.....that's what they say.

I like it better when Longfellow wrote it:
"Tell me not, in mournful numbers,
Life is but an empty dream!
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
And things are not what they seem."

They sure aren't.

Take the McCain/Sanders bill that, supposedly smooths the way for veterans left to the tender mercies of the VA.....

1. ".... the VA’s own internal investigation disclosed that 57,436 newly enrolled veterans are facing wait times of at least 90 days for a first appointment, and 63,869 vets who signed up with the VA in the past decade never got an appointment. At least 23 vets died while waiting.

2. .... the bill creates a new “Choice Card” permitting veterans to access civilian care if they either live 40 miles or more from a VA hospital or can’t get an appointment within the VA’s definition of an acceptable wait time.

3. ...Sanders opposed the Choice Card until the final negotiations, and in the actual bill he got language that will make it almost impossible to use the card.

[Sanders.....the communist who formed the Progressive Caucus]

4. Section 301 says vets seeking civilian care have to get a letter from the VA secretary confirming that a VA appointment isn’t available. Good luck getting that letter. Some vets have called and e-mailed their local VA for six months or more without getting any response.

5. Hurdle No. 2 comes at the non-VA doctor’s office. The Choice Card tells the doctor: “Please call the Department of Veterans Affairs phone number specified on this card to ensure that treatment has been authorized.” Good luck getting that call answered.

6. ....the Sanders/McCain bill stipulates that the choice-card program will end in two years — probably only a few hours after the VA finally gets the hotline set up and issues the cards.

7. ...the bill also requires the VA to publish wait times on its Web site. That’s a white flag, not a reform. Britons and Canadians are used to seeing hospital wait times in the newspaper. But most Americans don’t have to cope with long waits, and so why should our vets?

[Note the reference to Britain/Canada wait times! This is what ObamaCare is about to bring you! Don't forget how the ObamaCare proponents trumpeted Canada and the UK as their model.]

8. [Watch this escape clause] Sec. 408 says that any employee caught falsifying data about wait times or the quality of care vets get will be subject to “a penalty the secretary considers appropriate after notice and opportunity for a hearing.”

9. Sen. Johnny Isakson asked the VA’s top deputy, Robert Petzel (now resigned), whether someone caught lying about wait times should be fired. Mr. Petzel replied “I don’t know whether that’s the appropriate level of punishment or not.” ....Current civil-service protections make that nearly impossible.

10. Federal Managers Association President Patricia Niehaus insists that “it is unacceptable for anyone in Congress to call for a streamlining of firing high-level, or any level of federal employee, based simply on appearances or uninvestigated accusations.”
McCain, Sanders Veterans Bill Would Backfire on Veterans, Leaving Them to Mercy of VA - The New York Sun

Don't I recall the argument in favor of ObamaCare something along the lines of "look how well the government runs the VA..."

Who are the simpletons who bought it?

Oh...right....the same ones how put the community organizer back in office.
The quick roll out of the 'choice card' while it is a good start is a political move to show they are doing something. With the large amount of veterans seeking care with the choice card may sound good they have forgotten the details; can and will the civilian doctors and hospitals be able to absorb the influx. What will the rates of reimbursement be for the hospitals and doctors. Will the influx cause a scheduling problem in these offices/facilities? Will the doctors even accept new patients. Will they be able to handle the unique injuries associated with military service. Care is provided at the VA by a designation of service connected disabilities. Under 50% and care is provided only for the service connected injury, over 50% and all care is provided. How or will the choice card be annotated to indicate the benefit? Too many unanswered questions by a hastily approved feel good legislation to make Congress appear to be doing something.
The quick roll out of the 'choice card' while it is a good start is a political move to show they are doing something. With the large amount of veterans seeking care with the choice card may sound good they have forgotten the details; can and will the civilian doctors and hospitals be able to absorb the influx. What will the rates of reimbursement be for the hospitals and doctors. Will the influx cause a scheduling problem in these offices/facilities? Will the doctors even accept new patients. Will they be able to handle the unique injuries associated with military service. Care is provided at the VA by a designation of service connected disabilities. Under 50% and care is provided only for the service connected injury, over 50% and all care is provided. How or will the choice card be annotated to indicate the benefit? Too many unanswered questions by a hastily approved feel good legislation to make Congress appear to be doing something.

Now...just hold on, there!

You seem to be suggesting that big, overreaching, ubiquitous government is not able to digest all of the pieces of society that it has bitten off.....

....are you???

This is a shocker...if true!

Think of all the Obama voters who bought into the idea that it could do anything....any-thing.....

...phrased this way:

" I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth."
Obama's Nomination Victory Speech In St. Paul

If you're correct....those people must be....child-like.....gullible.....suckers.

I....I ....I may have the vapors....

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