Bulldoze Puerto Rico

Gee, Build a house on a cliff above the ocean then bitch about a storm wiping you out. Its like people who move next to an airport then start complaining about the noise.

The mayor of San Juan cannot be bothered to work with FEMA. She is busy ordering tee shirts and giving interviews! She should be working with FEMA and ordering her national guard into action. She needs truck drivers. I bet the majority can drive trucks and clear roads!
The Puerto Ricans refused to drive the trucks to distribute the aid. The drivers are standing around waiting for handouts.


And Tipsycatlover knows it.

If we can "nation build" other countries, why can't we rebuild our own?

I might be open to that idea if we take liberals out of the equation.
How do u feel about aid to Florida and Texas?

Just fine.
Those states actually support the economy....PR not so much.
And that shows how little you understand. Have you ever been to Puerto Rico? I lived there for 18 months. The amount of manufacturing, pharmaceutical plants and agriculture there is staggering. Tourism, high tech and our military community there adds millions, if not billions to our economy.
How do u feel about aid to Florida and Texas?

Why should the goverment do anything more than emegecy services in a natural disaster. People who live in areas prone
to disasters should be prepared for recovery from disaster conditions.

That would damn near cover the whole U.S. between earthquakes,tornadoes,wildfires,hurricanes,floods,mudslides....
How do u feel about aid to Florida and Texas?

Just fine.
Those states actually support the economy....PR not so much.
And that shows how little you understand. Have you ever been to Puerto Rico? I lived there for 18 months. The amount of manufacturing, pharmaceutical plants and agriculture there is staggering. Tourism, high tech and our military community there adds millions, if not billions to our economy.

So how much do they pay in taxes to the U.S.?
How do u feel about aid to Florida and Texas?

Just fine.
Those states actually support the economy....PR not so much.
And that shows how little you understand. Have you ever been to Puerto Rico? I lived there for 18 months. The amount of manufacturing, pharmaceutical plants and agriculture there is staggering. Tourism, high tech and our military community there adds millions, if not billions to our economy.

So how much do they pay in taxes to the U.S.?
They pay taxes. The factories pay taxes, the farmers pay taxes, the hoteliers pay taxes and the Puerto Rican's, who are American citizens, pay taxes.
Estimates of between $40-$80B taxpayer dollars just to repair the island's infrastructure are outrageous. Why do it? Their leaders inept and corrupt borrowing already had American taxpayers $73B in debt before the hurricanes. And who's to say they don't get hit by another hurricane or two next year? The place is destroyed...why throw good money after bad at 3,662,102 people who can't run their own affairs?

Let Puerto Ricans plan how to reform their infrastructure and restore their communities and lives.
Tom Horn what would you want if you were in their shoes?
Would you want people from the outside dictating to bulldoze down everything around you?
Wouldn't you want democratic participation in the process that affects you, your family, community and life?

Why would you wish or ask on others
something you would be horrified if other people ordered that on you?

If terrorists want to bulldoze your neighborhood and lifestyle, declaring it a total waste or loss,
would you ever agree to that?

You can agree not to accept foreign funding and dependency on taxpayers who disagree.
But wouldn't you want to be in charge of rebuilding your own community and future?
And be not at the mercy and whim of outside sources?

Look at the pictures...that can't be repaired so it has to be bulldozed...flattened. They can't live in that destruction so it's already going on. The displaced can be moved into tent cities, section by section until it's done..then you tell them what you're willing to spend and if they don't like it, they can do what they please with their own money. Since they are a hurricane magnet, their electric and phone services have to be laid underground. They have to put rebar in their concrete and build storm-proof buildings. And for once, every dollar of taxpayer aid they get has to accounted for and the thieves hanged in the public square to emphasize the point and teach the next generation the price of corruption.

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Estimates of between $40-$80B taxpayer dollars just to repair the island's infrastructure are outrageous. Why do it? Their leaders inept and corrupt borrowing already had American taxpayers $73B in debt before the hurricanes. And who's to say they don't get hit by another hurricane or two next year? The place is destroyed...why throw good money after bad at 3,662,102 people who can't run their own affairs?


you *are* aware that those are americans, right?:

How do u feel about aid to Florida and Texas?

Just fine.
Those states actually support the economy....PR not so much.
And that shows how little you understand. Have you ever been to Puerto Rico? I lived there for 18 months. The amount of manufacturing, pharmaceutical plants and agriculture there is staggering. Tourism, high tech and our military community there adds millions, if not billions to our economy.

So how much do they pay in taxes to the U.S.?
They pay taxes. The factories pay taxes, the farmers pay taxes, the hoteliers pay taxes and the Puerto Rican's, who are American citizens, pay taxes.

To the U.S.?
How do u feel about aid to Florida and Texas?

Why should the goverment do anything more than emegecy services in a natural disaster. People who live in areas prone
to disasters should be prepared for recovery from disaster conditions.

This may be true. But some states are more prone to natural disasters than others, and the Federal Government is charged in the vision statement (Preamble to COTUS) to provide for the general Welfare, for We the People.

Most natural disasters - earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, and flooding can be mitigated if we prepare for them. It's all a matter of budgeting and setting priorities, which begins and ends with the Federal Budget and the Congress.

Austerity and fiscal conservatism ignores what can be expected. Every year tornadoes destroy homes and businesses and lives in Tornado Alley, most years a powerful hurricane devastates the gulf coast or east cost; forest fires become conflagrations in the west when drought kills trees, which become kindling, and extreme Noreasters damage New England states with ice storms and snow drifts.

"Last year's devastating floods and fires in California combined with hurricanes and other natural disasters to wreak unprecedented financial damage on the United States, the federal government reported Monday.

"The nation endured 16 weather and climate events that inflicted $1 billion or more apiece in damage in 2017, tying 2011 for the most 10-digit calamities in a year and setting an annual total-cost record of $306 billion, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The natural disasters resulted in 362 deaths."

Natural Disasters Cost U.S. an Unprecedented $306 Billion Last Year

And yet,

Department of Homeland Security Says Transferring $10 Million From FEMA Funds Won't Harm Hurricane Relief

along with this bit of information we have Congress which does nothing but offer prayers to those who suffer from their inaction.
Estimates of between $40-$80B taxpayer dollars just to repair the island's infrastructure are outrageous. Why do it? Their leaders inept and corrupt borrowing already had American taxpayers $73B in debt before the hurricanes. And who's to say they don't get hit by another hurricane or two next year? The place is destroyed...why throw good money after bad at 3,662,102 people who can't run their own affairs?


you *are* aware that those are americans, right?:


No they're not....they're Ricans....they made that clear when they shot up Congress back in '54....I know you airheads think they were justified because you hate the US as much as they do....Carter pardoned them....good job peanut man...thank God Reagan threw his sorry ass out of our White House. We owe them nothing.
Estimates of between $40-$80B taxpayer dollars just to repair the island's infrastructure are outrageous. Why do it? Their leaders inept and corrupt borrowing already had American taxpayers $73B in debt before the hurricanes. And who's to say they don't get hit by another hurricane or two next year? The place is destroyed...why throw good money after bad at 3,662,102 people who can't run their own affairs?


Deed it over to the bond holders, let them rebuild it as the Macau of the Caribbean, legal prostitution and gambling
Estimates of between $40-$80B taxpayer dollars just to repair the island's infrastructure are outrageous. Why do it? Their leaders inept and corrupt borrowing already had American taxpayers $73B in debt before the hurricanes. And who's to say they don't get hit by another hurricane or two next year? The place is destroyed...why throw good money after bad at 3,662,102 people who can't run their own affairs?


Deed it over to the bond holders, let them rebuild it as the Macau of the Caribbean, legal prostitution and gambling

Hell yeah! There's more Ricans in New Yawk Shitty than on that island anyway.....Or maybe the Clinturd Foundation could pitch in like they did in Haiti....the Haitians would string them up if they ever went back there.....save us the expense of hanging them here.
BTW, all these hurricanes get brewed up off the coast of west Africa....it's about time they chipped in on needed repairs....if they'd stop chasing each other around and get to work they could afford to help.
How do u feel about aid to Florida and Texas?

Just fine.
Those states actually support the economy....PR not so much.

So how do you feel about Alabama or Mississippi? Are they lesser citizens than those in FL or TX?

They're part of the U.S. and they pay U.S. taxes so yes they deserve the same even though they dont pay in as much as Texas and Florida.
LA still hasnt rebuilt completely after 13 years yet Houston has been restored almost completely in one year.
I'd say some are more deserving than others.
How do u feel about aid to Florida and Texas?

Just fine.
Those states actually support the economy....PR not so much.
And that shows how little you understand. Have you ever been to Puerto Rico? I lived there for 18 months. The amount of manufacturing, pharmaceutical plants and agriculture there is staggering. Tourism, high tech and our military community there adds millions, if not billions to our economy.

So how much do they pay in taxes to the U.S.?
They pay taxes. The factories pay taxes, the farmers pay taxes, the hoteliers pay taxes and the Puerto Rican's, who are American citizens, pay taxes.

To the U.S.?
Of course.
When Republicans say bulldoze Puerto Rico, I’m pretty sure they mean along with the people.

Look how many died in Puerto Rico and Trump called that a really good job, a really good job.

Next he’ll be saying he saw Republicans celebrating when it was announced 3000 Americans died in Puerto Rico.

You are lying again. But that's what you do. Those death totals are based on hurricane related totals. Different than the deaths during and immediately after the hurricane.

Billions have been sent to PR. So fuck off.

36 billion last year alone. Another 18 BILLION from HUD this year.

Their government is completely incompetent.
Just fine.
Those states actually support the economy....PR not so much.
And that shows how little you understand. Have you ever been to Puerto Rico? I lived there for 18 months. The amount of manufacturing, pharmaceutical plants and agriculture there is staggering. Tourism, high tech and our military community there adds millions, if not billions to our economy.

So how much do they pay in taxes to the U.S.?
They pay taxes. The factories pay taxes, the farmers pay taxes, the hoteliers pay taxes and the Puerto Rican's, who are American citizens, pay taxes.

To the U.S.?

Of course.

Q.How much do red states pay to the US, and how much do they take in return?

A. If you look only at the first measure—how much the federal government spends per person in each state compared with the amount its citizens pay in federal income taxes—other states stand out, particularly South Carolina: The Palmetto State receives $7.87 back from Washington for every $1 its citizens pay in federal tax. This bar chart, made from WalletHub's data, reveals the sharp discrepancies among states on that measure.

Which States Are Givers and Which Are Takers? - The Atlantic


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