Building America's KGB


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
my dad's friend is a gun dealer.

he's currently in the process of moving out of state, ...for obvious reasons.

he's out of state and he gets a call from the ATF (organization currently under investigation for gun running)
they say they are at his house and they want to go through is sales records.

so he jams back to California.

they go through his records and the agent tells him , "we noticed you miss abbreviated a state"
he says "you gotta be kidding me"
ATF agent says "no, you don't understand, this is a big deal, i can call my supervisor for this"

the ATF were nice guys though, they didn't drag him off to jail for miss abbreviating a state.

EY! you know how you guys are always talking about how German people should have simply walked away from the Nazi government because they were dragging off Jews?


now's your chance to step in and save constitutionally protected gun owners from being dragged off!
what do we do first?

would you rather make excuses?
...i'll start you off....'b...b..b...but that was different...'

November 6th, 2012
Vote out the Commies and the Socialists.

Prepare for the riots afterwards. 630,000 Americans were killed during the first Civil War. "Freedom is not free"
The Fat Factory

America has a special pocket for addressing this geo-political challenge: consumerism.

Russia is struggling to coordinate sales of Pepsi and McDonald's after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Consumerism is at an all-time high, and American toy store franchises such as Toys R Us offer the largest toy stores in the world, dictating the modern global free market's views on imaginarium products.

Toys R Us carries various kinds of water-guns.

Do we think that water-guns inform our modern attitudes towards relevant social art beacons such as the Hollywood (USA) moves "WarGames" (1983) and "Toys" (1992)?

When we think about the profiteerism-wit McDonald's avatar the Cheeseburglar (an affable fellow who steals cheeseburgers), do we realize that the consumerism symbolism surrounding the Toys R Us water-gun is the modern age 'people's science'?

What's the difference between nuclear weapons and Nuclear Man (DC Comics)?


Toyman (DC Comics)

Nuclear Man (Superman Wikia)



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