Building a 1.6 billion car manufacturing facility for only 0.6 billion dollars. How thrifty!


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Toyota and Mazda Select Alabama for New Auto Factory

Plant will bring $1.6 billion in investment, up to 4,000 jobs

The plant is such a highly sought-after prize that Toyota and Mazda were said to press for an incentive package worth at least $1 billion. The automakers have pledged to create as many as 4,000 jobs.


So they are building a 1.6 billion dollar plant for 0.6 billion. And the 4th poorest state is spending the OTHER billion hoping they create up to 4,000 jobs. So what is that? Like $25,000.00 a job with no guarantee they will actually create those jobs?

And what kind of jobs will they be?

Automated Car Production

How many people do you see in this picture:

There is one off to the extreme right and he/she is sitting down.

Alabama Senate Approves Shifting $100 Million Away From Schools

You know what that means? "Foreign Workers" to fill the gap.

This is the problem with the GOP. They are blinded by a sparkling
$ sign but can't see any of the details.

Someone is going to make a lot of money, but it won't be the people of Alabama.
1. You are correct that such incentive shopping around should be stopped, at least internally in the US.

2. If you have any real reason to believe that the jobs will not be forthcoming present it. A photo showing a small section of a factory, is not it. For all we know, there are hundreds of people out of frame.

3. YOur pretense that you care about the people of Alabama is noted, laughed at and dismissed.
Toyota and Mazda Select Alabama for New Auto Factory

Plant will bring $1.6 billion in investment, up to 4,000 jobs

The plant is such a highly sought-after prize that Toyota and Mazda were said to press for an incentive package worth at least $1 billion. The automakers have pledged to create as many as 4,000 jobs.


So they are building a 1.6 billion dollar plant for 0.6 billion. And the 4th poorest state is spending the OTHER billion hoping they create up to 4,000 jobs. So what is that? Like $25,000.00 a job with no guarantee they will actually create those jobs?

And what kind of jobs will they be?

Automated Car Production

How many people do you see in this picture:

There is one off to the extreme right and he/she is sitting down.

Alabama Senate Approves Shifting $100 Million Away From Schools

You know what that means? "Foreign Workers" to fill the gap.

This is the problem with the GOP. They are blinded by a sparkling
$ sign but can't see any of the details.

Someone is going to make a lot of money, but it won't be the people of Alabama.
I remember back in the day when Air Force jets were loaded with vacuum tubes and large carbon resistors. But instead of staying with those items, they taught me about Digital Technics, where Silicon Transistors replaced the tubes and small resistors replaced the large ones. Today is the same, stay a buggy whip maker and fail, or learn the new and stay with the future. liberals are too stupid to learn stuff, which is why they stay poor and bitch and moan about others who move on and up...
If this same Toyota/Mazda car manufacturing plant had been announced while Obama was in office.

Deanie boy would be praising the deal to high heaven, and thanking the state of Alabama. ...... :cool:
Deanie boy hates the idea of American citizens having jobs and making good money. He believes those jobs should go to the people who deserve them..... illegals. ..... :cuckoo:

My guess is that deanrd is afraid that if the economy improves enough, and the job market improves enough, that he will lose his excuse for being a chronically-unemployed, parasitic loser who can only survive at the expense of others. He's afraid that he'll be expected to go out and try to get a job, to try to carry at least some of his own weight.
I think it's slowly dawning on the board's "special" progressive that the economy under Trump is doing far better than it ever did under Barry and THAT could be a huge problem for Democrats running against him! Why would any rational person vote for people that have proven they don't have a clue about jobs...or the economy?
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  • #8
1. You are correct that such incentive shopping around should be stopped, at least internally in the US.

2. If you have any real reason to believe that the jobs will not be forthcoming present it. A photo showing a small section of a factory, is not it. For all we know, there are hundreds of people out of frame.

3. YOur pretense that you care about the people of Alabama is noted, laughed at and dismissed.
You ask me to prove something I've proven many times and then you slander and attack me. Which, of course, makes you an A$$ Whole.

I don't get your kind. I really don't. It's so easy to look stuff up and you want to be spoon fed. Where do you work? Wal Mart?

10 Auto Industry Jobs that Will Die Due to Automation


The Digital Automotive Factory Arrives | Automation World

This was a year ago. Many jobs have already been lost.

Go ahead, it's your turn to apologize.
  • Thread starter
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  • #9
I think it's slowly dawning on the board's "special" progressive that the economy under Trump is doing far better than it ever did under Barry and THAT could be a huge problem for Democrats running against him! Why would any rational person vote for people that have proven they don't have a clue about jobs...or the economy?
And yet, it was under "Barry" that we had a record 6.2 million unfilled jobs. Which we still have unfilled. Why? Because people lack education and job training. What do Republicans think of education?

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

So who is going to get hired?

Survey: GOP business executives want immigrant workers, not voters

DUH! Bitch Slap! Pow! In your face! Bam!
1. You are correct that such incentive shopping around should be stopped, at least internally in the US.

2. If you have any real reason to believe that the jobs will not be forthcoming present it. A photo showing a small section of a factory, is not it. For all we know, there are hundreds of people out of frame.

3. YOur pretense that you care about the people of Alabama is noted, laughed at and dismissed.
You ask me to prove something I've proven many times and then you slander and attack me. Which, of course, makes you an A$$ Whole.

I don't get your kind. I really don't. It's so easy to look stuff up and you want to be spoon fed. Where do you work? Wal Mart?

10 Auto Industry Jobs that Will Die Due to Automation


The Digital Automotive Factory Arrives | Automation World

This was a year ago. Many jobs have already been lost.

Go ahead, it's your turn to apologize.

From your link.

"It’s only a matter of time before robotics will be perfected as technologies advance, and once again, the workers will be replaced with automation."

Going away eventually is not the same as not being created.

Being concerned with, and discussing the long term effects of the coming age of robotics and AI is completely valid.

Using that long term issue as an excuse to dismiss or attack efforts to get jobs for people in the short term is not.

And I've seen too many lefties slandering and marginalizing Southerns in general, and Alabama specifically to take any leftie's stated concern at face value.
I think it's slowly dawning on the board's "special" progressive that the economy under Trump is doing far better than it ever did under Barry and THAT could be a huge problem for Democrats running against him! Why would any rational person vote for people that have proven they don't have a clue about jobs...or the economy?
And yet, it was under "Barry" that we had a record 6.2 million unfilled jobs. Which we still have unfilled. Why? Because people lack education and job training. What do Republicans think of education?

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)
DUH! Bitch Slap! Pow! In your face! Bam!

That link is discussing our distaste for job current faculty are doing, not with the idea of education itself.

1. You are correct that such incentive shopping around should be stopped, at least internally in the US.

2. If you have any real reason to believe that the jobs will not be forthcoming present it. A photo showing a small section of a factory, is not it. For all we know, there are hundreds of people out of frame.

3. YOur pretense that you care about the people of Alabama is noted, laughed at and dismissed.
You ask me to prove something I've proven many times and then you slander and attack me. Which, of course, makes you an A$$ Whole.

I don't get your kind. I really don't. It's so easy to look stuff up and you want to be spoon fed. Where do you work? Wal Mart?

10 Auto Industry Jobs that Will Die Due to Automation


The Digital Automotive Factory Arrives | Automation World

This was a year ago. Many jobs have already been lost.

Go ahead, it's your turn to apologize.

From your link.

"It’s only a matter of time before robotics will be perfected as technologies advance, and once again, the workers will be replaced with automation."

Going away eventually is not the same as not being created.

Being concerned with, and discussing the long term effects of the coming age of robotics and AI is completely valid.

Using that long term issue as an excuse to dismiss or attack efforts to get jobs for people in the short term is not.

And I've seen too many lefties slandering and marginalizing Southerns in general, and Alabama specifically to take any leftie's stated concern at face value.
Depends on how you define "perfected".

87% of lost manufacturing jobs are already lost. "Perfected" is when they are all gone.

Is that what you are looking forward to? When they are all gone?

Robots have been taking American jobs

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Boston University surveyed robots' impact on the U.S. labor market between 1990 and 2007, thereby avoiding data abnormalities from the mass job losses seen during the Great Recession.

They found "large and robust negative effects of robots on employment and wages" across local economies impacted by automation.


See that? All the way back to 1990.
I think it's slowly dawning on the board's "special" progressive that the economy under Trump is doing far better than it ever did under Barry and THAT could be a huge problem for Democrats running against him! Why would any rational person vote for people that have proven they don't have a clue about jobs...or the economy?
And yet, it was under "Barry" that we had a record 6.2 million unfilled jobs. Which we still have unfilled. Why? Because people lack education and job training. What do Republicans think of education?

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)
DUH! Bitch Slap! Pow! In your face! Bam!

That link is discussing our distaste for job current faculty are doing, not with the idea of education itself.

Yea, and when you tell your kids the best education in the world is bad for America, it won't be education loving liberals and people who send their kids here from other countries so they can attend the best in the world who get hurt. It will be the uneducated children of Republicans.

Low Education Levels and Unemployment Linked in Appalachia

Remember, Appalachia covers 13 Red States. Millions of white Republicans.
1. You are correct that such incentive shopping around should be stopped, at least internally in the US.

2. If you have any real reason to believe that the jobs will not be forthcoming present it. A photo showing a small section of a factory, is not it. For all we know, there are hundreds of people out of frame.

3. YOur pretense that you care about the people of Alabama is noted, laughed at and dismissed.
You ask me to prove something I've proven many times and then you slander and attack me. Which, of course, makes you an A$$ Whole.

I don't get your kind. I really don't. It's so easy to look stuff up and you want to be spoon fed. Where do you work? Wal Mart?

10 Auto Industry Jobs that Will Die Due to Automation


The Digital Automotive Factory Arrives | Automation World

This was a year ago. Many jobs have already been lost.

Go ahead, it's your turn to apologize.

From your link.

"It’s only a matter of time before robotics will be perfected as technologies advance, and once again, the workers will be replaced with automation."

Going away eventually is not the same as not being created.

Being concerned with, and discussing the long term effects of the coming age of robotics and AI is completely valid.

Using that long term issue as an excuse to dismiss or attack efforts to get jobs for people in the short term is not.

And I've seen too many lefties slandering and marginalizing Southerns in general, and Alabama specifically to take any leftie's stated concern at face value.
Depends on how you define "perfected".

87% of lost manufacturing jobs are already lost. "Perfected" is when they are all gone.

Is that what you are looking forward to? When they are all gone?

Robots have been taking American jobs

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Boston University surveyed robots' impact on the U.S. labor market between 1990 and 2007, thereby avoiding data abnormalities from the mass job losses seen during the Great Recession.

They found "large and robust negative effects of robots on employment and wages" across local economies impacted by automation.


See that? All the way back to 1990.

Ignoring a potentially good job, because some day a robot will do it, does not solve anyone's problems.

DO you have an answer, or do you just bring this up, when a republican might get some credit for something and you want to minimize it?
I think it's slowly dawning on the board's "special" progressive that the economy under Trump is doing far better than it ever did under Barry and THAT could be a huge problem for Democrats running against him! Why would any rational person vote for people that have proven they don't have a clue about jobs...or the economy?
And yet, it was under "Barry" that we had a record 6.2 million unfilled jobs. Which we still have unfilled. Why? Because people lack education and job training. What do Republicans think of education?

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)
DUH! Bitch Slap! Pow! In your face! Bam!

That link is discussing our distaste for job current faculty are doing, not with the idea of education itself.

Yea, and when you tell your kids the best education in the world is bad for America, it won't be education loving liberals and people who send their kids here from other countries so they can attend the best in the world who get hurt. It will be the uneducated children of Republicans.

Low Education Levels and Unemployment Linked in Appalachia

Remember, Appalachia covers 13 Red States. Millions of white Republicans.

It is telling that you made no argument against my point that REpublicans don't dislike education, but the job current lib faculty are doing.

THat was my point , which still stands because you have not addressed it.

Gloating about the effects of the problem with the job that current faculty are doing, is not denying that they are doing a bad job.

Do you understand that?
I think it's slowly dawning on the board's "special" progressive that the economy under Trump is doing far better than it ever did under Barry and THAT could be a huge problem for Democrats running against him! Why would any rational person vote for people that have proven they don't have a clue about jobs...or the economy?
And yet, it was under "Barry" that we had a record 6.2 million unfilled jobs. Which we still have unfilled. Why? Because people lack education and job training. What do Republicans think of education?

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

So who is going to get hired?

Survey: GOP business executives want immigrant workers, not voters

DUH! Bitch Slap! Pow! In your face! Bam!

It isn't that colleges are bad for's the perversion of colleges by the left that have become a problem for America! Business leaders want skilled employees. They don't want social activists. You've got idiots paying a quarter of a million dollars to get an education that's unusable then complaining about not being able to pay their student debt!

"Bitch slap"? The only bitch slap that's going on right now, little buddy is what's being administered to anyone who thought Trump being elected would crush the economy and cause the stock market to crater! (Stand up and take a bow, Mark Cuban!) You've got a serious issue if things keep getting better in the lead up to the mid term elections. You're not going to see a wave of liberal Democrats getting voted into office if the economy is still cranking along at above 3% despite the Fed raising interest rates four times since Trump was elected! I know you THINK that's going to happen but as're clueless!
I think it's slowly dawning on the board's "special" progressive that the economy under Trump is doing far better than it ever did under Barry and THAT could be a huge problem for Democrats running against him! Why would any rational person vote for people that have proven they don't have a clue about jobs...or the economy?
And yet, it was under "Barry" that we had a record 6.2 million unfilled jobs. Which we still have unfilled. Why? Because people lack education and job training. What do Republicans think of education?

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

So who is going to get hired?

Survey: GOP business executives want immigrant workers, not voters

DUH! Bitch Slap! Pow! In your face! Bam!

It isn't that colleges are bad for's the perversion of colleges by the left that have become a problem for America! Business leaders want skilled employees. They don't want social activists. You've got idiots paying a quarter of a million dollars to get an education that's unusable then complaining about not being able to pay their student debt!

"Bitch slap"? The only bitch slap that's going on right now, little buddy is what's being administered to anyone who thought Trump being elected would crush the economy and cause the stock market to crater! (Stand up and take a bow, Mark Cuban!) You've got a serious issue if things keep getting better in the lead up to the mid term elections. You're not going to see a wave of liberal Democrats getting voted into office if the economy is still cranking along at above 3% despite the Fed raising interest rates four times since Trump was elected! I know you THINK that's going to happen but as're clueless!

They will if they can lie enough to keep anyone from talking about the economy.
The question isn't just why American jobs are being lost. But what can be done to create new jobs for all the people that need a job.
The question isn't just why American jobs are being lost. But what can be done to create new jobs for all the people that need a job.

This state government busted it's ass to get 4,000 jobs for it's citizens.

You say that jobs won't come, or more likely won't last.

But you've said nothing about what pro-job policies you would support.
I think it's slowly dawning on the board's "special" progressive that the economy under Trump is doing far better than it ever did under Barry and THAT could be a huge problem for Democrats running against him! Why would any rational person vote for people that have proven they don't have a clue about jobs...or the economy?
And yet, it was under "Barry" that we had a record 6.2 million unfilled jobs. Which we still have unfilled. Why? Because people lack education and job training. What do Republicans think of education?

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

So who is going to get hired?

Survey: GOP business executives want immigrant workers, not voters

DUH! Bitch Slap! Pow! In your face! Bam!

It isn't that colleges are bad for's the perversion of colleges by the left that have become a problem for America! Business leaders want skilled employees. They don't want social activists. You've got idiots paying a quarter of a million dollars to get an education that's unusable then complaining about not being able to pay their student debt!

"Bitch slap"? The only bitch slap that's going on right now, little buddy is what's being administered to anyone who thought Trump being elected would crush the economy and cause the stock market to crater! (Stand up and take a bow, Mark Cuban!) You've got a serious issue if things keep getting better in the lead up to the mid term elections. You're not going to see a wave of liberal Democrats getting voted into office if the economy is still cranking along at above 3% despite the Fed raising interest rates four times since Trump was elected! I know you THINK that's going to happen but as're clueless!
Perversion of college? That's just some stupid bullsh!t that your kind keeps coming up with.

You don't even know what goes on in college, obviously.

And you can't explain why the rest of the world thinks those colleges you insist are perverted are full of foreign students? One of you are wrong. Either a million foreigners or wasting their money or you are an idiot. I go with idiot.

Number of international students in U.S. colleges at an all-time high, and California is their top destination

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