Buh-BAM! More Focus On Democratic Party/Hillary-Ukraine Collusion


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Where is the investigation?


Trump’s not alone: Congress digging into DNC-Ukraine connection

"Republicans in Congress have joined the White House in asking questions about the extent to which a Democratic Party consultant may have worked with Ukrainian officials to hurt then-candidate Donald Trump's presidential bid last year.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley wrote a letter earlier this week to the Justice Department asking whether the Democratic National Committee broke the law. Grassley, R-Iowa, specifically asked if the DOJ was investigating Alexandra Chalupa, a Ukrainian-American DNC consultant who allegedly had meetings at the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, D.C., to discuss incriminating information about Trump campaign officials."

Where is the investigation?


Trump’s not alone: Congress digging into DNC-Ukraine connection

"Republicans in Congress have joined the White House in asking questions about the extent to which a Democratic Party consultant may have worked with Ukrainian officials to hurt then-candidate Donald Trump's presidential bid last year.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley wrote a letter earlier this week to the Justice Department asking whether the Democratic National Committee broke the law. Grassley, R-Iowa, specifically asked if the DOJ was investigating Alexandra Chalupa, a Ukrainian-American DNC consultant who allegedly had meetings at the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, D.C., to discuss incriminating information about Trump campaign officials."
Omg this again. Thread number 1 billion for the day.
Good luck with that. :laugh2:
Gee, Comrade, I am shocked at the sudden reversal of snowflakes' concern over foreign interference into US elections and American candidate / party collusion with those foreign entities. Comments like yours give me the idea that such concerns only matter to snowflakes when snowflakes falsely accuse Republicans of doing so.

Good luck with that. :laugh2:
Gee, Comrade, I am shocked at the sudden reversal of snowflakes' concern over foreign interference into US elections and American candidate / party collusion with those foreign entities. Comments like yours give me the idea that such concerns only matter to snowflakes when snowflakes falsely accuse Republicans of doing so.


Because there no interference by Ukraine. They did not hack any servers nor did they disseminate false information. The only thing they provided was some documents.

There are no false accusations. Trump Jr got caught attempting to collude. This is just a attempt to divert attention away from the Russian interference. Real Americans should be concerned about it. This shows you are not a real American.
Good luck with that. :laugh2:
Gee, Comrade, I am shocked at the sudden reversal of snowflakes' concern over foreign interference into US elections and American candidate / party collusion with those foreign entities. Comments like yours give me the idea that such concerns only matter to snowflakes when snowflakes falsely accuse Republicans of doing so.


Because there no interference by Ukraine. They did not hack any servers nor did they disseminate false information. The only thing they provided was some documents.

There are no false accusations. Trump Jr got caught attempting to collude. This is just a attempt to divert attention away from the Russian interference. Real Americans should be concerned about it. This shows you are not a real American.
and neither did russia. so we do know what the Ukraine did do. there is shit gathered on russia. I challenge you to post something
Good luck with that. :laugh2:
Gee, Comrade, I am shocked at the sudden reversal of snowflakes' concern over foreign interference into US elections and American candidate / party collusion with those foreign entities. Comments like yours give me the idea that such concerns only matter to snowflakes when snowflakes falsely accuse Republicans of doing so.


Because there no interference by Ukraine. They did not hack any servers nor did they disseminate false information. The only thing they provided was some documents.

There are no false accusations. Trump Jr got caught attempting to collude. This is just a attempt to divert attention away from the Russian interference. Real Americans should be concerned about it. This shows you are not a real American.

There is no proof that Russia hacked the DNC servers so cut that shit out. The UKs provided more than documents. And they lied about Manafort. AND the DNC colluded with the Ukrainians.

Chalupa and others need their evil asses hauled up in front of the Intelligence Committee to testify.
Good luck with that. :laugh2:
Gee, Comrade, I am shocked at the sudden reversal of snowflakes' concern over foreign interference into US elections and American candidate / party collusion with those foreign entities. Comments like yours give me the idea that such concerns only matter to snowflakes when snowflakes falsely accuse Republicans of doing so.


Because there no interference by Ukraine. They did not hack any servers nor did they disseminate false information. The only thing they provided was some documents.

There are no false accusations. Trump Jr got caught attempting to collude. This is just a attempt to divert attention away from the Russian interference. Real Americans should be concerned about it. This shows you are not a real American.

There is no proof that Russia hacked the DNC servers so cut that shit out. The UKs provided more than documents. And they lied about Manafort. AND the DNC colluded with the Ukrainians.

Chalupa and others need their evil asses hauled up in front of the Intelligence Committee to testify.
Every intelligence leader and intelligence committee rep/senator that's seen the classified evidence says so, that's all, dupe.
Good luck with that. :laugh2:
Gee, Comrade, I am shocked at the sudden reversal of snowflakes' concern over foreign interference into US elections and American candidate / party collusion with those foreign entities. Comments like yours give me the idea that such concerns only matter to snowflakes when snowflakes falsely accuse Republicans of doing so.


Because there no interference by Ukraine. They did not hack any servers nor did they disseminate false information. The only thing they provided was some documents.

There are no false accusations. Trump Jr got caught attempting to collude. This is just a attempt to divert attention away from the Russian interference. Real Americans should be concerned about it. This shows you are not a real American.
and neither did russia. so we do know what the Ukraine did do. there is shit gathered on russia. I challenge you to post something

"Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence said evidence implicates Russia in recent email hacks tied to the U.S. election, contradicting his running mate, Donald Trump, who cast doubt on Russia's involvement."

VP nominee Mike Pence contradicts Donald Trump, says Russia is behind the political hacks

Good luck with that. :laugh2:
Gee, Comrade, I am shocked at the sudden reversal of snowflakes' concern over foreign interference into US elections and American candidate / party collusion with those foreign entities. Comments like yours give me the idea that such concerns only matter to snowflakes when snowflakes falsely accuse Republicans of doing so.


Because there no interference by Ukraine. They did not hack any servers nor did they disseminate false information. The only thing they provided was some documents.

There are no false accusations. Trump Jr got caught attempting to collude. This is just a attempt to divert attention away from the Russian interference. Real Americans should be concerned about it. This shows you are not a real American.

There is no proof that Russia hacked the DNC servers so cut that shit out. The UKs provided more than documents. And they lied about Manafort. AND the DNC colluded with the Ukrainians.

Chalupa and others need their evil asses hauled up in front of the Intelligence Committee to testify.

There is plenty of evidence to implicate your comrade Putin. Our intelligence agencies are unanimous in their assessment. Even Mike Pence acknowledged the truth. Paul Manafort was forced to register as a foreign agent. Sounds like Manafort was the liar. Chalupa is not evil. She dug up the information. Individuals in Ukraine gave her information and maybe documents in response to her questions and that is all.

The Ukraine is a ally of the US. Russia is not. They have worked to undermine the US and it's allies. They are backing Iran which is a enemy of the US. They have interfered in elections in the US, Netherlands and France. And a new report done by the NSA that indicates Russia is hacking into state election databases apparently was being covered up by Trump before it was leaked.
Wow, you guys really don't get it do you? Putin is a "chess player" and as such is looking to gain an advantage. How is he going about this?
"Putin is a KGB guy — famous for saying “once KGB, always KGB” — not a military man. "If Putin Wants Discord in the West, Trump Is His Man | HuffPost

Hummmm, Interesting. But, what is Putin attempting to do?

"In a declassified report released this year, US spy agencies described destabilisation as one of the Russian President Vladimir Putin's objectives. “The Kremlin sought to advance its longstanding desire to undermine the US-led liberal democratic order,” it said."Political chaos in Washington is a return on investment for Moscow

Ahhh, but is there anyone else who agrees?

"James Clapper, the former director of national intelligence, offered a similar assessment in Senate testimony last week, even before Comey was dismissed, saying that Moscow must look on the election and its aftermath with a great deal of satisfaction.

“The Russians have to be celebrating the success of... what they set out do with rather minimal resource expenditure,” Clapper said. “The first objective was to sow discord and dissension, which they certainly did.”' Political chaos in Washington is a return on investment for Moscow

Guess so. So, does the investigation even matter?

"It almost doesn’t matter what the investigation uncovers because, ultimately, Putin has already achieved his aim in both the American political arena and, more broadly, on the global stage." With The White House In Chaos, Putin Keeps Winning

Not really, apparently.
Good luck with that. :laugh2:
Gee, Comrade, I am shocked at the sudden reversal of snowflakes' concern over foreign interference into US elections and American candidate / party collusion with those foreign entities. Comments like yours give me the idea that such concerns only matter to snowflakes when snowflakes falsely accuse Republicans of doing so.


Because there no interference by Ukraine. They did not hack any servers nor did they disseminate false information. The only thing they provided was some documents.

There are no false accusations. Trump Jr got caught attempting to collude. This is just a attempt to divert attention away from the Russian interference. Real Americans should be concerned about it. This shows you are not a real American.

There is no proof that Russia hacked the DNC servers so cut that shit out. The UKs provided more than documents. And they lied about Manafort. AND the DNC colluded with the Ukrainians.

Chalupa and others need their evil asses hauled up in front of the Intelligence Committee to testify.
Every intelligence leader and intelligence committee rep/senator that's seen the classified evidence says so, that's all, dupe.

All 17?


Even though no government agency examined the servers. Just the comic book report by DNC's employees CrowdStrike.
Good luck with that. :laugh2:
Gee, Comrade, I am shocked at the sudden reversal of snowflakes' concern over foreign interference into US elections and American candidate / party collusion with those foreign entities. Comments like yours give me the idea that such concerns only matter to snowflakes when snowflakes falsely accuse Republicans of doing so.


Because there no interference by Ukraine. They did not hack any servers nor did they disseminate false information. The only thing they provided was some documents.

There are no false accusations. Trump Jr got caught attempting to collude. This is just a attempt to divert attention away from the Russian interference. Real Americans should be concerned about it. This shows you are not a real American.
and neither did russia. so we do know what the Ukraine did do. there is shit gathered on russia. I challenge you to post something

"Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence said evidence implicates Russia in recent email hacks tied to the U.S. election, contradicting his running mate, Donald Trump, who cast doubt on Russia's involvement."

VP nominee Mike Pence contradicts Donald Trump, says Russia is behind the political hacks

Good luck with that. :laugh2:
Gee, Comrade, I am shocked at the sudden reversal of snowflakes' concern over foreign interference into US elections and American candidate / party collusion with those foreign entities. Comments like yours give me the idea that such concerns only matter to snowflakes when snowflakes falsely accuse Republicans of doing so.


Because there no interference by Ukraine. They did not hack any servers nor did they disseminate false information. The only thing they provided was some documents.

There are no false accusations. Trump Jr got caught attempting to collude. This is just a attempt to divert attention away from the Russian interference. Real Americans should be concerned about it. This shows you are not a real American.

There is no proof that Russia hacked the DNC servers so cut that shit out. The UKs provided more than documents. And they lied about Manafort. AND the DNC colluded with the Ukrainians.

Chalupa and others need their evil asses hauled up in front of the Intelligence Committee to testify.

There is plenty of evidence to implicate your comrade Putin. Our intelligence agencies are unanimous in their assessment. Even Mike Pence acknowledged the truth. Paul Manafort was forced to register as a foreign agent. Sounds like Manafort was the liar. Chalupa is not evil. She dug up the information. Individuals in Ukraine gave her information and maybe documents in response to her questions and that is all.

The Ukraine is a ally of the US. Russia is not. They have worked to undermine the US and it's allies. They are backing Iran which is a enemy of the US. They have interfered in elections in the US, Netherlands and France. And a new report done by the NSA that indicates Russia is hacking into state election databases apparently was being covered up by Trump before it was leaked.

You trying to still spin the 17 agencies bullshit too? And never hand me shit about the Ukraine. Those nazis in Kiev have given millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation and the Atlantic Council.

The Ukraine was desperate to have Clinton win. After all they invested enough in her didn't they?

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