Budget compromise clears Senate procedural hurdle


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Budget compromise clears Senate procedural hurdle - CNN.com

Washington (CNN) -- A federal budget compromise that already passed the House cleared a key procedural hurdle on Tuesday in the Senate, increasing the likelihood it will win final Congressional approval this week.

President Barack Obama has signaled his support for the plan worked out by the budget committee leaders in each chamber that would guide government spending into 2015 to defuse the chances of another shutdown such as the one that took place in October.

Tuesday's vote overcame a Republican filibuster attempt that required 60 votes in the 100-member chamber to proceed on the budget measure. The count was 67-33, with a dozen Republicans joining the 55 Democrats and independents in support of the plan.

Final approval in the Senate requires a simple majority of 51 votes. The budget plan easily passed the House last week on a 332-94 vote.

Cmon, y'all! Why. WHY would you make a filibuster attempt? The government is supposed to work. Attempted derailment is not what we expect from you.

I am very proud of ALL who are making this happen.

12 republican cowards vote to cut spending on DAVs, while making sure that their contractor cronies get all the swag the want, to build weapons systems nobody wants.

Bye-bye sequester, spending caps and so much as the tiniest token measures of spending restraint.

12 republican cowards vote to cut spending on DAVs, while making sure that their contractor cronies get all the swag the want, to build weapons systems nobody wants.

Bye-bye sequester, spending caps and so much as the tiniest token measures of spending restraint.

While I don't completely agree with what you posted, I will point out it just goes to show that the far left wants to spend without limits.

12 republican cowards vote to cut spending on DAVs, while making sure that their contractor cronies get all the swag the want, to build weapons systems nobody wants.

Bye-bye sequester, spending caps and so much as the tiniest token measures of spending restraint.

While I don't completely agree with what you posted, I will point out it just goes to show that the far left wants to spend without limits.
Republicans want to spend without limits too.

They could have just waited until the current CR expired and signed on for another one.

The whole narrative about averting another shutdown was an outright lie, peddled by both parties.
I don't like this. Our veterans are being victimized by this deal. If there should be a filibuster, it should be for our veterans. Unemployment benefits will expire, too. Neither party cares anymore.
Budget compromise clears Senate procedural hurdle - CNN.com

Washington (CNN) -- A federal budget compromise that already passed the House cleared a key procedural hurdle on Tuesday in the Senate, increasing the likelihood it will win final Congressional approval this week.

President Barack Obama has signaled his support for the plan worked out by the budget committee leaders in each chamber that would guide government spending into 2015 to defuse the chances of another shutdown such as the one that took place in October.

Tuesday's vote overcame a Republican filibuster attempt that required 60 votes in the 100-member chamber to proceed on the budget measure. The count was 67-33, with a dozen Republicans joining the 55 Democrats and independents in support of the plan.

Final approval in the Senate requires a simple majority of 51 votes. The budget plan easily passed the House last week on a 332-94 vote.

Cmon, y'all! Why. WHY would you make a filibuster attempt? The government is supposed to work. Attempted derailment is not what we expect from you.

I am very proud of ALL who are making this happen.


It’s good to see Congress act in the Nation’s best interest.
Budget compromise clears Senate procedural hurdle - CNN.com

Washington (CNN) -- A federal budget compromise that already passed the House cleared a key procedural hurdle on Tuesday in the Senate, increasing the likelihood it will win final Congressional approval this week.

President Barack Obama has signaled his support for the plan worked out by the budget committee leaders in each chamber that would guide government spending into 2015 to defuse the chances of another shutdown such as the one that took place in October.

Tuesday's vote overcame a Republican filibuster attempt that required 60 votes in the 100-member chamber to proceed on the budget measure. The count was 67-33, with a dozen Republicans joining the 55 Democrats and independents in support of the plan.

Final approval in the Senate requires a simple majority of 51 votes. The budget plan easily passed the House last week on a 332-94 vote.

Cmon, y'all! Why. WHY would you make a filibuster attempt? The government is supposed to work. Attempted derailment is not what we expect from you.

I am very proud of ALL who are making this happen.


It’s good to see Congress act in the Nation’s best interest.

No they aren't. Screwing over veterans and unemployed people isn't acting in the Nation's best interest. Get your head in the game, man! When have they EVER acted in the Nation's best interests?
Budget compromise clears Senate procedural hurdle - CNN.com

Cmon, y'all! Why. WHY would you make a filibuster attempt? The government is supposed to work. Attempted derailment is not what we expect from you.

I am very proud of ALL who are making this happen.


It’s good to see Congress act in the Nation’s best interest.

No they aren't. Screwing over veterans and unemployed people isn't acting in the Nation's best interest. Get your head in the game, man! When have they EVER acted in the Nation's best interests?

Absolutely, keep telling people what they should think. It's working SO well for you.

Budget compromise clears Senate procedural hurdle - CNN.com

Washington (CNN) -- A federal budget compromise that already passed the House cleared a key procedural hurdle on Tuesday in the Senate, increasing the likelihood it will win final Congressional approval this week.

President Barack Obama has signaled his support for the plan worked out by the budget committee leaders in each chamber that would guide government spending into 2015 to defuse the chances of another shutdown such as the one that took place in October.

Tuesday's vote overcame a Republican filibuster attempt that required 60 votes in the 100-member chamber to proceed on the budget measure. The count was 67-33, with a dozen Republicans joining the 55 Democrats and independents in support of the plan.

Final approval in the Senate requires a simple majority of 51 votes. The budget plan easily passed the House last week on a 332-94 vote.

Cmon, y'all! Why. WHY would you make a filibuster attempt? The government is supposed to work. Attempted derailment is not what we expect from you.

I am very proud of ALL who are making this happen.


It’s good to see Congress act in the Nation’s best interest.
So, screwing over combat veterans, who have been maimed and mentally traumatized, is now acting in the nation's best interest?

Damn, are you one cold blooded horse's ass.

It’s good to see Congress act in the Nation’s best interest.

No they aren't. Screwing over veterans and unemployed people isn't acting in the Nation's best interest. Get your head in the game, man! When have they EVER acted in the Nation's best interests?

Absolutely, keep telling people what they should think. It's working SO well for you.


So should I think like you? Should I jump on the gravy train? The bandwagon? Or is it because you and Clayton could care less for our veterans and unemployed? Perhaps it never occurred to either of you, but what good is a deal if it screws someone over?! But hey, I'm just telling everyone what they should think...carry on. :eusa_whistle:
Democrats screwed over the unemployed to pass this bill. Republicans screwed over veterans to pass this bill, and I'M telling people what to think? Did anyone bother to think this bill through before they passed it?

Dear GOP:

Screwing over veterans? Screwing over the unemployed? Screwing over people on SNAP? The GOP has been doing nothing but for the last five years, but suddenly, it's a problem??


Well, today must be “seldom day,” because U.S. Senate Republicans blocked The Veterans Jobs Corps Act that would have created 20,000 jobs for military veterans that would have provided $1 billion over five years to help veterans find work in their home communities. The bill failed to pass, by a vote of 58 to 40. Under the Constitutional rules, 51 votes would have passed it. Click here to see the 40 Republican “nay” votes.

Senate Republicans argued that they opposed the bill because it was unpaid for … just like the increase in the Defense budget that they demand to have implemented. So, apparently, money on the nation’s credit card for contractors is fine. It’s credit for the country’s bravest, noblest and most self-sacrificial – our veterans – that’s “simply not acceptable.”

The bill’s sponsor, Washington Democrat Senator Patty Murray, explained in advance of the vote, that the bill would have paid for primarily from fees on Medicare providers and suppliers who are delinquent on their tax bills. The bill would employ veterans in conservation, resource management and historic preservation projects on public lands. The legislation would also give veterans higher priority for first responder jobs such as police, firefighter and paramedics.

GOP: Screw you, veterans! You have enough already! | The Critical Aye
Screwing over veterans? Screwing over the unemployed? Screwing over people on SNAP? The GOP has been doing nothing but for the last five years, but suddenly, it's a problem??


Well, today must be “seldom day,” because U.S. Senate Republicans blocked The Veterans Jobs Corps Act that would have created 20,000 jobs for military veterans that would have provided $1 billion over five years to help veterans find work in their home communities. The bill failed to pass, by a vote of 58 to 40. Under the Constitutional rules, 51 votes would have passed it. Click here to see the 40 Republican “nay” votes.

Senate Republicans argued that they opposed the bill because it was unpaid for … just like the increase in the Defense budget that they demand to have implemented. So, apparently, money on the nation’s credit card for contractors is fine. It’s credit for the country’s bravest, noblest and most self-sacrificial – our veterans – that’s “simply not acceptable.”

The bill’s sponsor, Washington Democrat Senator Patty Murray, explained in advance of the vote, that the bill would have paid for primarily from fees on Medicare providers and suppliers who are delinquent on their tax bills. The bill would employ veterans in conservation, resource management and historic preservation projects on public lands. The legislation would also give veterans higher priority for first responder jobs such as police, firefighter and paramedics.

GOP: Screw you, veterans! You have enough already! | The Critical Aye

Yeah, I know. I follow legislation wherever it goes.

Why is it just the GOP screwing people over? Weren't Democrats supposedly worried about the expiration of unemployment benefits for the unemployed? Yet here they are passing the same damned bill. No.

The White House, along with Democratic leaders, had hoped to extend the benefits before they expired this year. But those plans seemed to diminish on Tuesday, when Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., and Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., unveiled their bipartisan that did not include any last-minute reprieves for the federal Emergency Unemployment Compensation program.

Extended Unemployment Benefits On Track To Expire Dec. 28 : The Two-Way : NPR

Harry Reid and the Democratic Caucus has had plenty of opportunities to pass Jobs legislation, but here we are. Nothing. Patty Murray must get a pass because she purports to 'care' about the veterans and the unemployed... Typical congressional shenanigans.

Unemployment benefits for 1.3 million people in the U.S. are poised to end Dec. 28 as Democrats failed in their last-ditch effort to extend the jobless assistance before the House adjourns tomorrow.

Republicans who control the House refused to keep the aid flowing to the long-term unemployed without agreement on budget cuts elsewhere. Extending the benefits would cost $26 billion over two years, according to the Congressional Budget Office.


If Democrats really cared, they would filibuster this bill until an unemployment extension is added. But here they are playing along, and will blame the lapse of the benefits on the Republicans as usual. Seriously, they aren't fighting for the unemployed, nor are the Republicans fighting for veterans. But like anxious little schoolchildren, they can't wait until the bell sounds when they can all go home.
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Democrats screwed over the unemployed to pass this bill. Republicans screwed over veterans to pass this bill, and I'M telling people what to think?

It has the handle of "compromise" attached to it, so it could have funding for gulags in northern Maine stuffed in there and the liberals, along with their media flunkies, would claim it to be the greatest thing since the discovery of fire.
I don't like this. Our veterans are being victimized by this deal. If there should be a filibuster, it should be for our veterans. Unemployment benefits will expire, too. Neither party cares anymore.
Agreed. The people that protect us are being given the short end...and BOTH PARTIES are presenting them with a grand FUCK YOU.

BOTH PARTIES are guilty. This thread is partisan crap.

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