Bubba calls Obama an "amateur"...Better relationship with GWB!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
“Barack Obama,” Bill Clinton said, according to book excerpts, “is an amateur.”
Bill Clinton thought so little of President Obama — mocking him as an “amateur” — that he pressed his wife last summer to quit her job as secretary of state and challenge him in the primaries, a new book claims,

“The country needs you!” the former president told Hillary Clinton, urging her to run this year, according to accounts of the conversation included in Edward Klein’s new biography of Obama.

The title of Klein’s explosive, unauthorized bio of Obama, “The Amateur” (Regnery Publishing), was taken directly from Bill Clinton’s bombshell criticism of the president, the author said.
The withering criticism is incredible, given the fact that Bill Clinton is actively campaigning for Obama’s re-election.

But according to the book, Bill Clinton unloaded on Obama and pressed Hillary to run against her boss during a gathering in the ex-president’s home office in Chappaqua last August that included longtime friends, Klein said.

“The economy’s a mess, it’s dead flat. America has lost its Triple-A rating . . . You know better than Obama does,” Bill said.

Bill Clinton insisted he had “no relationship” with Obama and had been consulted more frequently by his presidential successor, George W. Bush.

Obama, Bill Clinton said, “doesn’t know how to be president” and is “incompetent.”

Bill Clinton calls Obama ‘amateur’ president: book - NYPOST.com
Look you Obamatrons won't pay any attention to this as you are so wired up Obama's butt you are incorrigible..
BUT you independents that voted for Obama ... EVEN Bubba knows that Obama's incompetent!
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Clinton despises obama and always has, ever since the 2008 campaign. It doesn't help that Clinton was suckered into making that horrendous statement that if the Bin Laden raid had gone badly "it would have been horrible for him (meaning obama)". Clinton is a smart man, it was likely that he knew that the public would recoil at that.
A vote for Hillary would be a vote for Bill. I'd actually sign on to vote.Your current owners do NOT want to have to deal with Bill. They need another Dubya.
Operation Iran Liberation.
There's a whole lot of (your) money to be made in sending shock and wow to brown people........ and then rebuilding their country while yours falls apart. !

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