Bryan Fischer: "No More Mosques, Period"

some people seem to not understand that the same principles of religious freedom they enjoy would disappear if they got what they wanted on this

so the only way to protect freedom of religion is to deny freedom of religion to non-christian religions?

some conservatives do not understand that the same principles of religious freedom that THEY enjoy would disappear if fundamentalist christans get what THEY want

Did you know that there are some Muslims that do not want the proposed mosque in New York to be built. So it's not just Christians.

OMIGOD! That makes ALLLLLLL the difference in the world!!!!!! :doubt:
Its amazing how little some care for the freedoms the founders designed into our system.


ooooooo scary Muslim man with a nasty sign.

It will take more that that stupidity to make me give up on the constitution.

You see I believe the ideas of the founders are stronger than the ideas of ANY religion and will win in the end.

You seem to think the muslim religions ideas will win the day.

photoshop is fun


  • $IslamDominateSignBeard.jpg
    19.4 KB · Views: 60
If you want to spin the conversation to Christians (yawn) then answer the question. Hint - it calls for a number.

if you want to spin this as anything less than religious bigotry (*laugh*) then stop pretending it's muslims apples to your christians oranges, nutter. hint - It calls for a little thing we call consistency.
Already explained it. Islam demands it followers work to eradicate by force if needed all other religions. That murder is acceptable to enforce Islamic views and faith. It teaches that while weaker then other religions the Muslim may lie to work to gain a position of power from which to operate.

The "religion" teaches that murder is acceptable, that slavery is acceptable, that only Islam is acceptable. The goal of the religion is the world wide wipe out of all other religions and that every person must eventually be a Muslim. And that to obtain this goal Muslims may use and murder non Muslims to gain this desired result.

Islam is opposed to democracy as well. Only Islam is allowed as the Government. Islamic law and Islamic clergy as the Heads of Government.

Fear, more fear and broad generalities you could say about the Christian religion too if you want to start cherry picking the OT don't meet any of the etablished criteria, RGS.

To remove the entire religion of Islam from free speech protection, for example, you would have to meet Brandenburg. How do you propose to do that?

Get to that point and we'll work on the other two freedoms implicated here. ;)

Remember, you are taking the affirmative here and a radical affirmative position at that - you have the burden of proof.

I DID get to the point.


Guess what?I don'give a monkey's rub off what YOU think.

You don't think.zzzzi[ou just go with the flow...

Poorest, poor YOU.

I'm having a hard tim figurint out this ficlomg eubpard///

O siicl
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Actually, this guy's comments are quite interesting at this time....will show your average American what the far right is REALLY all about. And it's nothing to do with religious freedom...

Let us all sing together now: "The Constitution isn't a suicide pact!"
Oh brother...

As much as the Sharia folks enjoy living in the fucking middle ages, most Americans live in the present. And consider the future.

Spin doctors.

So we can't talk about the history of Christianity, but we can talk about passages written in some Muslim storybook 1000+ years ago.

Let's talk about Irish Catholic terrorism then in the 20TH CENTURY. As in Northern Ireland?

Is that recent enough for you?
Oh brother...

As much as the Sharia folks enjoy living in the fucking middle ages, most Americans live in the present. And consider the future.

Spin doctors.

So we can't talk about the history of Christianity, but we can talk about passages written in some Muslim storybook 1000+ years ago.

Let's talk about Irish Catholic terrorism then in the 20TH CENTURY. As in Northern Ireland?

Is that recent enough for you?

only if we talk about irish protestant terrorism in the 20th century
Apparently, I'm no longer far right. Or at least Im only far right when it's convient for the left to smear the far right.

Let them build whatever house of Worship they want. As long as they obey the laws and don't start killing people, I don't really care. If they start killing people, then use the full force of the law against them for their crimes.

I don't care who they are. Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist etc. Just let their be freedom to worship according to the content of their conscience.

If they are just making a political stunt, then ignore them. If you give them attention, that is what they want. If it's political then they are trying to create controversy. Don't let them succeed.

We have more important things to worry about then whether a group we like or dont like builds a building in NYC. I am glad that all Americans have the right to build places of worship and worship as they choose.
Oh brother...

As much as the Sharia folks enjoy living in the fucking middle ages, most Americans live in the present. And consider the future.

Spin doctors.

So we can't talk about the history of Christianity, but we can talk about passages written in some Muslim storybook 1000+ years ago.

Let's talk about Irish Catholic terrorism then in the 20TH CENTURY. As in Northern Ireland?

Is that recent enough for you?

only if we talk about irish protestant terrorism in the 20th century

You beat me to it.
Apparently, I'm no longer far right. Or at least Im only far right when it's convient for the left to smear the far right.

Let them build whatever house of Worship they want. As long as they obey the laws and don't start killing people, I don't really care. If they start killing people, then use the full force of the law against them for their crimes.

I don't care who they are. Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist etc. Just let their be freedom to worship according to the content of their conscience.

If they are just making a political stunt, then ignore them. If you give them attention, that is what they want. If it's political then they are trying to create controversy. Don't let them succeed.

We have more important things to worry about then whether a group we like or dont like builds a building in NYC. I am glad that all Americans have the right to build places of worship and worship as they choose.

(Other than the gratuitous potshot in the beginning) THIS. ^^

Common sense. Dear me, where has it gone?
Oh brother...

As much as the Sharia folks enjoy living in the fucking middle ages, most Americans live in the present. And consider the future.

Spin doctors.

So we can't talk about the history of Christianity, but we can talk about passages written in some Muslim storybook 1000+ years ago.

Let's talk about Irish Catholic terrorism then in the 20TH CENTURY. As in Northern Ireland?

Is that recent enough for you?

only if we talk about irish protestant terrorism in the 20th century

I'm guessing that chanel won't have anything intelligent to say about either. If she says anything at all.

I predict a sudden case of thread flight.
Its amazing how little some care for the freedoms the founders designed into our system.

Yeah... liberals for example.

It is not liberals who are suggesting that the government can step in and tell people where they can build houses of worship.

It is not liberals who are trying to get religion taught in public schools.

It is not liberals who claim womens bodies are merely incubators and have no right to deside what happens inside their own bodies.

It is not liberals saying they want citizenship right stripped from certain Americans because they are too brown.
So we can't talk about the history of Christianity, but we can talk about passages written in some Muslim storybook 1000+ years ago.

Let's talk about Irish Catholic terrorism then in the 20TH CENTURY. As in Northern Ireland?

Is that recent enough for you?

only if we talk about irish protestant terrorism in the 20th century

I'm guessing that chanel won't have anything intelligent to say about either. If she says anything at all.

I predict a sudden case of thread flight.

well.. you know...

it's DIFFERENT when christians do it.

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