"Brownie....You're Doin' A Helluva Job"

And I believe that Katrina actually DID make landfall as a category 3 hurricane instead of the possible category 5 hurricane that it was earlier projected to be so obviously Vandal's memory is bad and Redfish's isn't any better!

Katrina weakened from a cat 5 to a cat 3 when it hit the coastal wetlands. As for the rest of your post, where you claim that you never said, "this", or "that", it is more than amusing that you are trying to backtrack, when what you posted is still on the thread:

"....it's obvious that New Orleans did an AWFUL job at preparing for a natural disaster that they knew for the better part of a week was coming!"

Like Trump, you are fooling nobody but yourself and the feebleminded.

Would you like me to show you the projected paths for Katrina in the week leading up to the storm's making landfall? Your claim that they didn't know Katrina was coming until 48 hours before it hit is laughable. They KNEW it was coming...they just hoped it would make landfall somewhere else!

Right now, I KNOW Erica is coming...I just don't know if it will be as a tropical storm or as a hurricane...and I don't know what it's final path will be. That hasn't stopped me from preparing for the worst...UNLIKE you folks in New Orleans prior to Katrina!

That's what the Weather Channel was projecting on Saturday. Like I said...it wasn't like nobody saw this one coming.
So if you're Ray Nagin and you're the Mayor of a city that mostly below sea level and you're sitting smack dab in the middle of the projected path of a possible Category 5 storm...don't you think you call for a mandatory evacuation? Duh? Especially when you know that monies that should have gone to shoring up the levees have instead been diverted to other projects so you could line your pockets?
And I believe that Katrina actually DID make landfall as a category 3 hurricane instead of the possible category 5 hurricane that it was earlier projected to be so obviously Vandal's memory is bad and Redfish's isn't any better!

Katrina weakened from a cat 5 to a cat 3 when it hit the coastal wetlands. As for the rest of your post, where you claim that you never said, "this", or "that", it is more than amusing that you are trying to backtrack, when what you posted is still on the thread:

"....it's obvious that New Orleans did an AWFUL job at preparing for a natural disaster that they knew for the better part of a week was coming!"

Like Trump, you are fooling nobody but yourself and the feebleminded.

Would you like me to show you the projected paths for Katrina in the week leading up to the storm's making landfall? Your claim that they didn't know Katrina was coming until 48 hours before it hit is laughable. They KNEW it was coming...they just hoped it would make landfall somewhere else!

Right now, I KNOW Erica is coming...I just don't know if it will be as a tropical storm or as a hurricane...and I don't know what it's final path will be. That hasn't stopped me from preparing for the worst...UNLIKE you folks in New Orleans prior to Katrina!

You are truly a cretinous moron. NOBODY gets that kind of warning on ANY hurricane. "A week" my fucking ass. Clearly you don't know hurricane behaviour from your own asshole.

Would you like me to show you the projected path just a day before, when it was known for the first time where it was headed? I did this already in post 298 but since you're illiterate we'll just do it again on the chance you may have had reading lessons overnight:

Saturday August 27 was when I as a typical resident first became aware of a storm coming at all, about 2 in the afternoon, roughly 36 hours before she would make landfall. This was about exactly the same time the city was getting a call from the National Hurricane Center in Florida, advising that the projected path and the projected strengthening put New Orleans in the crosshairs. All of which has ALSO already been posted right here in this thread, Dumbass.

This map was generated about 11 hours later -- the storm's current location at the time -- just after midnight of Saturday-going-into-Sunday -- is the red icon just west of the southern tip of Florida.
Which means it was ONLY THEN -- in the middle of the wee hours going into Sunday -- beginning to turn north toward the US Gulf Coast. WITHOUT THAT TURN, IT'S GOING TOWARD MEXICO.

That's the last couple of days of an erratic and unpredictable path.


("6Z" means "six hours Zulu", or 06:00 UTC, which is 01:00 CDT). About 11 hours after the time both I and the city got warnings. Because only THEN was the path expected.

36 hours. And that's not 36 hours to act; it means within 36 hours, you have to already be somewhere else, including your travel, which as we've all recounted, takes MUCH longer than usual. My own journey averaged 25mph, and that's after getting clear of major population centers like Baton Rouge.



So if you're Ray Nagin and you're the Mayor of a city that mostly below sea level and you're sitting smack dab in the middle of the projected path of a possible Category 5 storm...don't you think you call for a mandatory evacuation?

He did, Dumbass. He didn't make it mandatory until Sunday morning, some 20 hours after getting the word from Florida. Conservatives and government overreach and all that; it was voluntary before that point, although by then word was getting around and the interstate traffic was already contraflowed (all lanes heading out of town) to facilitate the evacuation that was ALREADY GOING ON. I was in the middle of it, an eyewitness. Traffic on I-10, even with all lanes contraflowed, was moving at peak speeds of ten miles an hour.

Your claim that they didn't know Katrina was coming until 48 hours before it hit is laughable.

Actually it was 36 hours. When I got a phone call from a co-worker, about the same time the city got theirs from the NHC in Florida asking "what are you gonna do about the storm"? I said, "what storm?" And that -- Saturday afternoon -- was when word started to go around. Go learn how a fucking hurricane works, DUMBASS.
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10 years later and righties are still making excuses. :eusa_doh: Brown's been fired for FEMA's horrible response, you can stop fluffing him now.

Ray Nagin is sitting in prison right now for his actions in the aftermath of Katrina...FEMA responded as it always does...slowly. The reason that Katrina was such a disaster was because the locals were incompetent or corrupt and those locals were all Democrats. Sorry to point out the inconvenient, Kiddies...but Brown was a scapegoat...nothing more nothing less.
Ray Nagin has nothing to do with this thread and Ray Nagin did nothing to slow down FEMA's response. Your deflection is noted and I suggest you start a thread about Ray Nagin if that's what you want to discuss. Meanwhile, pertinent to this thread, FEMA's response was neglectfully slow and Brown was rightfully terminated.

FEMA's response was the same as it ALWAYS is, Faun! Living in Florida, I've experienced a whole lot of hurricanes and the big ones are all the same. Loss of power. Power lines down and blocking streets. Streets flooded or highways washed away. No gas at the gas stations.

So when it took 11 days to get power back on after Hurricane Charlie and no grocery stores, gas stations and banks were open through out a wide swath of Florida...why didn't it turn into a major cluster fuck like New Orleans? For that matter, why was much of the rest of the Gulf Coast that was hit even harder by Katrina than New Orleans able to dig themselves out and get going again while New Orleans descended into looting and crime in the streets?

If you stop with the partisan bullshit and really look at how the locals dealt with those hurricanes it's obvious that New Orleans did an AWFUL job at preparing for a natural disaster that they knew for the better part of a week was coming! See, that's the thing about hurricanes...they don't pop up like tornadoes and catch you off guard. You know they are on the way and you've got ample time to either stock up on the essentials you need to make it through the aftermath of the storm...or you've got time to evacuate.

So why were people in the Superdome out of food and water a day after the storm hit? Are the citizens of New Orleans THAT stupid that they couldn't stock up on water before the storm hit? Couldn't buy a few loaves of bread and some peanut butter so they wouldn't starve? It would appear to be the case which then begs the question...why wasn't the Mayor of New Orleans on top of this situation either getting people out of the city or making them understand that if they stayed they needed to be prepared to go without outside assistance for what could be upwards of five days?

We're bracing for Tropical Storm Erica at the moment here in Florida. I've got my vehicles filled up with gas. I've got four cases of bottled water sitting on the floor of my pantry. I've got bread, peanut butter and fruit stocked in case we lose power and can't cook. I've got lanterns and I've got several drawers full of batteries to run them so we can see in the dark. Those are the kinds of things you DO if you're facing a possible hurricane! It's not hard. It just requires you to take your head out of your ass and react to what's going on around you! It's called being "self reliant"...something that Americans used to be known for! Now we're morphing into an entitlement society where someone else is supposed to take care of you from the cradle to the grave while you text on your smart phone and play video games.
The federal response was pitiful. Brown was fired and rightfully so. That you're preparing for a tropical depression (remnants of Erika) as though it's a hurricane reveals how demented you are.

So demented, you even think it was known a week in advance Katrina was going to hit New Orleans. :cuckoo: In reality, from which you are clearly divorced, they had less than 48 hours notice.

I'm prepared for a storm that may or may not reform and become a hurricane. That's not "demented"...that's "prudent"! I didn't say that it was known that a week in advance where Katrina was going to make landfall...what I said was that hurricanes are something that you see coming long before they arrive unlike a tornado.
You moron, Erika is not even a tropical storm any more and isn't expected to become one. You really do have shit for brains.

I can only laugh at your claim that New Orleans only had 48 hours notice about Katrina. The truth is...the people running that city had far longer than that but they didn't react until it was too late. That's on Nagin and Blanco...not on FEMA. FEMA comes in and cleans up the mess after a hurricane has come and gone. It's not set up to save your ass when you haven't prepared for one in the first place!
You're fucking deranged. But then, you are a conservative, so it's to be expected. No one knew in advance of the National Hurricane Center Katrina was going to hit New Orleans. That you think that only serves to highlight how demented you truly are. Folks in New Orleans, including the people "running the city," went to bed Friday night and woke up saturday morning to learn Katrina's expected path put them in the cone for an early Monday morning strike. Less than 48 hours notice, no matter what your delusions tell you.

The perfect symbol for Ray Nagin's incompetence is the hundreds of school buses that were ruined because they sat in floodwaters while people complained that they had no way to get out of the city because they didn't have a car. Any Mayor who wasn't an idiot would have put drivers in those buses and used them to transport people out of the city, killing two birds with one stone. But not Ray...he was too busy lining his pockets to do his job!
Again, the Ray Nagin thread is thataway-->

You can't deal with the negligence of the Bush administration, so you're trying desperately to derail the thread. Don't think it hasn't gone unnoticed.
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Dementia on parade....

If you stop with the partisan bullshit and really look at how the locals dealt with those hurricanes it's obvious that New Orleans did an AWFUL job at preparing for a natural disaster that they knew for the better part of a week was coming!

I didn't say that it was known that a week in advance where Katrina was going to make landfall
And I believe that Katrina actually DID make landfall as a category 3 hurricane instead of the possible category 5 hurricane that it was earlier projected to be so obviously Vandal's memory is bad and Redfish's isn't any better!

my memory is just fine, dude. If the levees had held Katrina would have just been a wind event in New Orleans, but it devastated the MS gulf coast. When we went to bed that night it was a cat 3 heading for Mobile. During the night it turned and made landfall around the MS/LA state line. That put NOLA on the wet side of the storm and drove the water up the MRGO and the river pushing the levees and causing some of them to break.

Nagin and Blanco are responsible for not taking action to save the people who were not able to evacuate on their own. FEMA came in afterwards and did a pretty good job of passing out food, water, tarps, etc. The real heroes were the USCG and the state police.

So why didn't the levees hold? Would you agree that local politicians in New Orleans have been diverting monies that should have gone to fixing them to other pet projects for decades? So why is the resulting levee failures the fault of FEMA? Michael Brown became a scapegoat while the politicians in Louisiana who are responsible for those levee failures got a pass. Why is that?
What the fuck is wrong with you? Who is blaming FEMA for the failure of the levees? You really have no fucking clue what this thread is about, do you?

That's what the Weather Channel was projecting on Saturday. Like I said...it wasn't like nobody saw this one coming.
Oh, this is gonna be fun ......

The map you show indicates a direct hit of New Orleans as of Saturday PM...

Katrina made landfall AM Monday...

From PM Saturday to AM Monday is at most, how many hours?

If the math is too difficult for ya, just answer ... is it more or less than 48 hours?

Final bonus question ... just how fucking retarded are you?
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If you stop with the partisan bullshit and really look at how the locals dealt with those hurricanes it's obvious that New Orleans did an AWFUL job at preparing for a natural disaster that they knew for the better part of a week was coming!
You really have no idea what you're talking about ... this was just 4 days before Katrina hit New Orleans ... they weren't even in the cone. Florida's Panhandle was expected to get it.

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If you stop with the partisan bullshit and really look at how the locals dealt with those hurricanes it's obvious that New Orleans did an AWFUL job at preparing for a natural disaster that they knew for the better part of a week was coming!
You really have no idea what you're talking about ... this was just 4 days before Katrina hit New Orleans ... they weren't even in the cone. Florida's Pan Handle was expected to get it.


As I said, Katrina wasn't even a WEEK OLD when it hit Louisiana. That's a matter of record. A week before landfall there was no such thing, not a hurricane, not a storm, not even a depression.

I guess on his planet people see the future in their crystal balls.
And I believe that Katrina actually DID make landfall as a category 3 hurricane instead of the possible category 5 hurricane that it was earlier projected to be so obviously Vandal's memory is bad and Redfish's isn't any better!

Katrina weakened from a cat 5 to a cat 3 when it hit the coastal wetlands. As for the rest of your post, where you claim that you never said, "this", or "that", it is more than amusing that you are trying to backtrack, when what you posted is still on the thread:

"....it's obvious that New Orleans did an AWFUL job at preparing for a natural disaster that they knew for the better part of a week was coming!"

Like Trump, you are fooling nobody but yourself and the feebleminded.

Would you like me to show you the projected paths for Katrina in the week leading up to the storm's making landfall? Your claim that they didn't know Katrina was coming until 48 hours before it hit is laughable. They KNEW it was coming...they just hoped it would make landfall somewhere else!

Right now, I KNOW Erica is coming...I just don't know if it will be as a tropical storm or as a hurricane...and I don't know what it's final path will be. That hasn't stopped me from preparing for the worst...UNLIKE you folks in New Orleans prior to Katrina!

You are truly a cretinous moron. NOBODY gets that kind of warning on ANY hurricane. "A week" my fucking ass. Clearly you don't know hurricane behaviour from your own asshole.

Would you like me to show you the projected path just a day before, when it was known for the first time where it was headed? I did this already in post 298 but since you're illiterate we'll just do it again on the chance you may have had reading lessons overnight:

Saturday August 27 was when I as a typical resident first became aware of a storm coming at all, about 2 in the afternoon, roughly 36 hours before she would make landfall. This was about exactly the same time the city was getting a call from the National Hurricane Center in Florida, advising that the projected path and the projected strengthening put New Orleans in the crosshairs. All of which has ALSO already been posted right here in this thread, Dumbass.

This map was generated about 11 hours later -- the storm's current location at the time -- just after midnight of Saturday-going-into-Sunday -- is the red icon just west of the southern tip of Florida.
Which means it was ONLY THEN -- in the middle of the wee hours going into Sunday -- beginning to turn north toward the US Gulf Coast. WITHOUT THAT TURN, IT'S GOING TOWARD MEXICO.

That's the last couple of days of an erratic and unpredictable path.


("6Z" means "six hours Zulu", or 06:00 UTC, which is 01:00 CDT). About 11 hours after the time both I and the city got warnings. Because only THEN was the path expected.

36 hours. And that's not 36 hours to act; it means within 36 hours, you have to already be somewhere else, including your travel, which as we've all recounted, takes MUCH longer than usual. My own journey averaged 25mph, and that's after getting clear of major population centers like Baton Rouge.



"Katrina originated over the Bahamas on August 23 from the interaction between a tropical wave and the remnants of Tropical Depression Ten. Early the following day, the new depression intensified into Tropical Storm Katrina. The cyclone headed generally westward toward Florida and strengthened into a hurricane only two hours before making landfall Hallandale Beach and Aventura on August 25. After very briefly weakening to a tropical storm, Katrina emerged into the Gulf of Mexico on August 26 and began to rapidly deepen. The storm strengthened to a Category 5 hurricane over the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico, but weakened before making its second landfall as a Category 3 hurricane on August 29 in southeast Louisiana."

23,24,25,26,27,28,29. 7 days.
some of the blame has to put on the people living there. THEY were warned to leave. Like many before they figured they could ride it out. so they figured wrong this time. they figured they could rely on their state government. they figured wrong on that too

so of course instead of being GRATEFUL for those being saved by Bush and our troop. the Democrats USED it to Dump on Bush. their LOWLIFE standard of using peoples DEATHS for own political agendas
And I believe that Katrina actually DID make landfall as a category 3 hurricane instead of the possible category 5 hurricane that it was earlier projected to be so obviously Vandal's memory is bad and Redfish's isn't any better!

Katrina weakened from a cat 5 to a cat 3 when it hit the coastal wetlands. As for the rest of your post, where you claim that you never said, "this", or "that", it is more than amusing that you are trying to backtrack, when what you posted is still on the thread:

"....it's obvious that New Orleans did an AWFUL job at preparing for a natural disaster that they knew for the better part of a week was coming!"

Like Trump, you are fooling nobody but yourself and the feebleminded.

Would you like me to show you the projected paths for Katrina in the week leading up to the storm's making landfall? Your claim that they didn't know Katrina was coming until 48 hours before it hit is laughable. They KNEW it was coming...they just hoped it would make landfall somewhere else!

Right now, I KNOW Erica is coming...I just don't know if it will be as a tropical storm or as a hurricane...and I don't know what it's final path will be. That hasn't stopped me from preparing for the worst...UNLIKE you folks in New Orleans prior to Katrina!

You are truly a cretinous moron. NOBODY gets that kind of warning on ANY hurricane. "A week" my fucking ass. Clearly you don't know hurricane behaviour from your own asshole.

Would you like me to show you the projected path just a day before, when it was known for the first time where it was headed? I did this already in post 298 but since you're illiterate we'll just do it again on the chance you may have had reading lessons overnight:

Saturday August 27 was when I as a typical resident first became aware of a storm coming at all, about 2 in the afternoon, roughly 36 hours before she would make landfall. This was about exactly the same time the city was getting a call from the National Hurricane Center in Florida, advising that the projected path and the projected strengthening put New Orleans in the crosshairs. All of which has ALSO already been posted right here in this thread, Dumbass.

This map was generated about 11 hours later -- the storm's current location at the time -- just after midnight of Saturday-going-into-Sunday -- is the red icon just west of the southern tip of Florida.
Which means it was ONLY THEN -- in the middle of the wee hours going into Sunday -- beginning to turn north toward the US Gulf Coast. WITHOUT THAT TURN, IT'S GOING TOWARD MEXICO.

That's the last couple of days of an erratic and unpredictable path.


("6Z" means "six hours Zulu", or 06:00 UTC, which is 01:00 CDT). About 11 hours after the time both I and the city got warnings. Because only THEN was the path expected.

36 hours. And that's not 36 hours to act; it means within 36 hours, you have to already be somewhere else, including your travel, which as we've all recounted, takes MUCH longer than usual. My own journey averaged 25mph, and that's after getting clear of major population centers like Baton Rouge.



"Katrina originated over the Bahamas on August 23 from the interaction between a tropical wave and the remnants of Tropical Depression Ten. Early the following day, the new depression intensified into Tropical Storm Katrina. The cyclone headed generally westward toward Florida and strengthened into a hurricane only two hours before making landfall Hallandale Beach and Aventura on August 25. After very briefly weakening to a tropical storm, Katrina emerged into the Gulf of Mexico on August 26 and began to rapidly deepen. The storm strengthened to a Category 5 hurricane over the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico, but weakened before making its second landfall as a Category 3 hurricane on August 29 in southeast Louisiana."

23,24,25,26,27,28,29. 7 days.

23 to 29 is SIX DAYS, stupid. You don't count the day you start on.
And 23 is a stretch -- it wasn't even a storm until the 24th. Not even a little one.

How Katrina formed -- National Geographic

"A week before" landfall (dawn, Monday August 29th) would be dawn on Monday August 22nd. A day on which Katrina, all together now, DID NOT YET EXIST.
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And I believe that Katrina actually DID make landfall as a category 3 hurricane instead of the possible category 5 hurricane that it was earlier projected to be so obviously Vandal's memory is bad and Redfish's isn't any better!

Katrina weakened from a cat 5 to a cat 3 when it hit the coastal wetlands. As for the rest of your post, where you claim that you never said, "this", or "that", it is more than amusing that you are trying to backtrack, when what you posted is still on the thread:

"....it's obvious that New Orleans did an AWFUL job at preparing for a natural disaster that they knew for the better part of a week was coming!"

Like Trump, you are fooling nobody but yourself and the feebleminded.

Would you like me to show you the projected paths for Katrina in the week leading up to the storm's making landfall? Your claim that they didn't know Katrina was coming until 48 hours before it hit is laughable. They KNEW it was coming...they just hoped it would make landfall somewhere else!

Right now, I KNOW Erica is coming...I just don't know if it will be as a tropical storm or as a hurricane...and I don't know what it's final path will be. That hasn't stopped me from preparing for the worst...UNLIKE you folks in New Orleans prior to Katrina!

You are truly a cretinous moron. NOBODY gets that kind of warning on ANY hurricane. "A week" my fucking ass. Clearly you don't know hurricane behaviour from your own asshole.

Would you like me to show you the projected path just a day before, when it was known for the first time where it was headed? I did this already in post 298 but since you're illiterate we'll just do it again on the chance you may have had reading lessons overnight:

Saturday August 27 was when I as a typical resident first became aware of a storm coming at all, about 2 in the afternoon, roughly 36 hours before she would make landfall. This was about exactly the same time the city was getting a call from the National Hurricane Center in Florida, advising that the projected path and the projected strengthening put New Orleans in the crosshairs. All of which has ALSO already been posted right here in this thread, Dumbass.

This map was generated about 11 hours later -- the storm's current location at the time -- just after midnight of Saturday-going-into-Sunday -- is the red icon just west of the southern tip of Florida.
Which means it was ONLY THEN -- in the middle of the wee hours going into Sunday -- beginning to turn north toward the US Gulf Coast. WITHOUT THAT TURN, IT'S GOING TOWARD MEXICO.

That's the last couple of days of an erratic and unpredictable path.


("6Z" means "six hours Zulu", or 06:00 UTC, which is 01:00 CDT). About 11 hours after the time both I and the city got warnings. Because only THEN was the path expected.

36 hours. And that's not 36 hours to act; it means within 36 hours, you have to already be somewhere else, including your travel, which as we've all recounted, takes MUCH longer than usual. My own journey averaged 25mph, and that's after getting clear of major population centers like Baton Rouge.



"Katrina originated over the Bahamas on August 23 from the interaction between a tropical wave and the remnants of Tropical Depression Ten. Early the following day, the new depression intensified into Tropical Storm Katrina. The cyclone headed generally westward toward Florida and strengthened into a hurricane only two hours before making landfall Hallandale Beach and Aventura on August 25. After very briefly weakening to a tropical storm, Katrina emerged into the Gulf of Mexico on August 26 and began to rapidly deepen. The storm strengthened to a Category 5 hurricane over the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico, but weakened before making its second landfall as a Category 3 hurricane on August 29 in southeast Louisiana."

23,24,25,26,27,28,29. 7 days.
Rightards are such fucking imbeciles. Here's one who thinks 29-23=7


If not for entertainment value, you rightards would be completely worthless.
If you stop with the partisan bullshit and really look at how the locals dealt with those hurricanes it's obvious that New Orleans did an AWFUL job at preparing for a natural disaster that they knew for the better part of a week was coming!
You really have no idea what you're talking about ... this was just 4 days before Katrina hit New Orleans ... they weren't even in the cone. Florida's Pan Handle was expected to get it.


As I said, Katrina wasn't even a WEEK OLD when it hit Louisiana. That's a matter of record. A week before landfall there was no such thing, not a hurricane, not a storm, not even a depression.

I guess on his planet people see the future in their crystal balls.

I said the better part of a week...Katrina originated over the Bahamas on August 23rd and made landfall on the Gulf Coast on the 29th of August. So is six days not the better part of a week? You're an idiot!
Here's the thing...you clueless band of idiots...we have hurricane season every year! It's the months where you know that hurricanes can pop up at any time and it's the time of year that if you have half a brain you're keeping track of weather forecasts because they let you know what's coming your way.

I don't suddenly wake up the day that a hurricane is going to make landfall where I live and decide that it's time for me to run to the store and buy water and batteries. I don't put up my hurricane shutters that morning. I don't go to the gas station to fill up all my vehicles.

To make the claim that officials in New Orleans only had 48 hours to plan for a possible hurricane is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard on this board. THEY HAD YEARS TO PREPARE FOR THAT STORM!!!
If you stop with the partisan bullshit and really look at how the locals dealt with those hurricanes it's obvious that New Orleans did an AWFUL job at preparing for a natural disaster that they knew for the better part of a week was coming!
You really have no idea what you're talking about ... this was just 4 days before Katrina hit New Orleans ... they weren't even in the cone. Florida's Pan Handle was expected to get it.


As I said, Katrina wasn't even a WEEK OLD when it hit Louisiana. That's a matter of record. A week before landfall there was no such thing, not a hurricane, not a storm, not even a depression.

I guess on his planet people see the future in their crystal balls.

I said the better part of a week...Katrina originated over the Bahamas on August 23rd and made landfall on the Gulf Coast on the 29th of August. So is six days not the better part of a week? You're an idiot!

You said -- and we quote, it's sitting right there above --
"a natural disaster that they knew for the better part of a week was coming!"

-- now you're trying to backtrack to "how long Katrina existed". Dishonest HACK.

As we've already noted and linked, the city didn't get the word that Katrina was coming -- nor did anyone else -- until SATURDAY AFTERNOON, August 27. That's approximately 36 hours before landfall, and that means you have less time than that to make a move, because you don't flee a hurricane while it's landing, because that puts you IN it. That should be readily obvious but in light of how fucking stupid you are it bears pointing out.

Saturday afternoon. Before that nobody knew which way Katrina would go. It was at the time heading toward MEXICO. It's right there on the map.

That's right about the time I got word and in my case the evacuation took seven hours of travel time alone, not counting any prep. That leaves 29 hours between notification and egress.

Now on what fucking planet is 29 hours "the better part of a week"?

If you stop with the partisan bullshit and really look at how the locals dealt with those hurricanes it's obvious that New Orleans did an AWFUL job at preparing for a natural disaster that they knew for the better part of a week was coming!
You really have no idea what you're talking about ... this was just 4 days before Katrina hit New Orleans ... they weren't even in the cone. Florida's Pan Handle was expected to get it.


As I said, Katrina wasn't even a WEEK OLD when it hit Louisiana. That's a matter of record. A week before landfall there was no such thing, not a hurricane, not a storm, not even a depression.

I guess on his planet people see the future in their crystal balls.

I said the better part of a week...Katrina originated over the Bahamas on August 23rd and made landfall on the Gulf Coast on the 29th of August. So is six days not the better part of a week? You're an idiot!
Actually, you said the people running New Orleans knew for the better part of a week that Katrina was coming.

You then posted a graphic showing they knew on Saturday -- two days before the storm hit.

2 days is not the better part of a week. I showed you that even 4 days before it hit NO, they weren't even in the cone.

You are seriously deranged.
One of you called me out for not knowing that Erica had been downgraded? I've followed that storm for quite some time and have been aware each time it weakened and each time it strengthened. I was prepared for the worst and I'm relieved that the worst doesn't look like it will happen. I repeat however...I WAS prepared for the worst...unlike Ray Nagin and the rest of you clowns up in "Nawlins"! So run along and peddle that nonsense somewhere else...
If you stop with the partisan bullshit and really look at how the locals dealt with those hurricanes it's obvious that New Orleans did an AWFUL job at preparing for a natural disaster that they knew for the better part of a week was coming!
You really have no idea what you're talking about ... this was just 4 days before Katrina hit New Orleans ... they weren't even in the cone. Florida's Pan Handle was expected to get it.


As I said, Katrina wasn't even a WEEK OLD when it hit Louisiana. That's a matter of record. A week before landfall there was no such thing, not a hurricane, not a storm, not even a depression.

I guess on his planet people see the future in their crystal balls.

I said the better part of a week...Katrina originated over the Bahamas on August 23rd and made landfall on the Gulf Coast on the 29th of August. So is six days not the better part of a week? You're an idiot!
Actually, you said the people running New Orleans knew for the better part of a week that Katrina was coming.

You then posted a graphic showing they knew on Saturday -- two days before the storm hit.

2 days is not the better part of a week. I showed you that even 4 days before it hit NO, they weren't even in the cone.

You are seriously deranged.

Do you think Katrina suddenly appeared in the middle of the Gulf as a category 5 hurricane and nobody noticed it before that? Jeb Bush had declared a state of emergency in Florida before that storm made landfall the first time...WELL BEFORE THAT PROJECTED PATH WAS BEING PREDICTED!!!

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