Brought A Tear To My Eye....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Trump voters never voted for the man, Trump, but rather for the policies that a Trump presidency promised.

And....wonder of wonders.....we elected a man who actually keeps is promises.

Yesterday, Wilbur Ross, the current United States Secretary of Commerce, summarized the new American economic ethos that is being unveiled right before our eyes.

He said this:

"This is the first time an American government has really pushed back on this kind of scale. And it's taking some of the other countries, both our allies and those who are less allied with us, it's taking them a little while to realize this is not the old administrations in the U.S.

This is a different administration. It's forceful, it is determined, it's serious, it's thoughtful, it's deliberative about the issues. But make no mistake about it. At the end of the day, we need and we will get lower trade deficits, and we will stop exporting jobs and start exporting more products instead."
Wilbur Ross: Tariffs are about leveling the playing field

God Bless this administration, and God Bless America.

America actually acting in our own self interest....

Because we have a President who has the best interest of America at heart.

Truly, an astounding development.

Almost as astounding as the fact that the American voter saw this through all the propaganda and static that surrounded the election.
Bernie Marcus, Home Depot founder: "I'm a free trader,...I'm one of those Republicans that believes in free trade, but free trade doesn't mean stupid trade....If it's free, why is China charging us 25% tariff?"

Marcus was highlighting this tweet:

"Elon Musk sides with Trump on trade with China, citing 25% import duty on American cars
  • Elon Musk believes China isn't playing fair in the car trade with the U.S.
  • The auto executive says the Asian country puts a 25 percent import duty on American cars, while the U.S. only does 2.5 percent for Chinese cars in return.
  • "I am against import duties in general, but the current rules make things very difficult. It's like competing in an Olympic race wearing lead shoes," Musk tweets." Elon Musk sides with Trump on trade with China, citing 25% import duty on American cars
Trump is right.
Wilbur Ross is right.
Bernie Marcus is right.
Elon Musk is right.

Anyone not out to benefit the United States, and Americans in general is wrong (read 'Democrats.')
Stormy Daniels right...I couldn't resist. But the tariffs good thing. Trump sees value in union's. Job well done. He gets my vote.
The biggie is to get him back on speaking terms with Sessions before the sequester is ordered. that will make the current dust up look like kindergarten fight v. the heavy weight championship. with the PLA ready to do some regime change in Pyongyang to get Trump or worse yet Pence to play nice. Distractions like 5-15 blue state defaults and perpwalks for the state Ds in a non-lethal version of the Tiananmen square purge that Trump doesn't know about.

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