British Intelligence


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
I tend to make fun of the Brits from time to time but it seems that British Intelligence identified the Manchester bomber within two hours of the blast. American intelligence is still trying to unravel the mystery of the DNC hacking.
I tend to make fun of the Brits from time to time but it seems that British Intelligence identified the Manchester bomber within two hours of the blast. American intelligence is still trying to unravel the mystery of the DNC hacking.

His imom, or whatever they're called, reported him months ago to the police. He also fought in the Libyan war at 16. He was KNOWN to be a radical by the British authority yet they failed to keep him from killing a bunch of children.

In other words the Brits FAILED massively. Yet here you are singing their praises?
I tend to make fun of the Brits from time to time but it seems that British Intelligence identified the Manchester bomber within two hours of the blast. American intelligence is still trying to unravel the mystery of the DNC hacking.

They know who hacked the DNC. It isn't the Russians so they must keep the narrative alive.
Of course it wouldn't be an issue if the fake POTUS hadn't trashed the intelligence community in so much of the verbal diarrhea he's so famous for.

I tend to make fun of the Brits from time to time but it seems that British Intelligence identified the Manchester bomber within two hours of the blast. American intelligence is still trying to unravel the mystery of the DNC hacking.

That's a massive difference in the challenges they pose. One is a global leader of state spycraft, hacking and intelligence tactics (presumably Russia), another is some deranged, cowardly, sob who was caught on multiple CCTV and left behind DNA and evidence to help narrow him down. Not to mention phone records with call to his mother and brother.

U.S Intelligence is superior to British Intelligence if you ask me, they were originally trained by the OSS so many years ago but have expanded successfully. Not to take away from the British, but the Americans are on par with Israel, Pakistan and Russia as Top Tier intelligence agencies. I believe Britain and France are slightly behind, though of course, it all depends on risks involved and threats posed against their state. Furthermore, America (like France and many others) are aggressive with their offensive capabilities, not just remaining defensive. That's how empires and powerful nations are maintained. You want advantages, especially economically.

America has identified many British double agents in the history of the Mi5, while the Brits scoffed off the allegations, because well, the British elites can be very pompous and self righteous, these Ivy School, liberal elites used to make up the Mi5 exclusively and Russians were well versed in their processes and even their drinking spots, because they were all "gentlemen".

I can tell you that in the last decade there have been a number of Canadian attacks thwarted...BY THE FBI...they are doing a better job protecting Canadians than our police are. This includes a high ranking Navy officer who was bought off by the Russians and another guy who was a radical literally on the way to blow himself at a mall. The second scumbag was even on the RCMP watch list.

Also, when you consider how many more threats America has to deal with on a day to day basis, cyber warfare and otherwise, you have to tip your hat to them. No nation has such a powerful economy, a diverse citizen base from around the world, and, so many adversaries. Yet, America is still the most free and desired nation in the world for which other citizens wish to live.
I tend to make fun of the Brits from time to time but it seems that British Intelligence identified the Manchester bomber within two hours of the blast. American intelligence is still trying to unravel the mystery of the DNC hacking.
If they had discovered the plot two hours before the bombing, I would agree with you, but apparently there was a large scale network of terrorits and wannabe terrorists in Manchester and the police did nothing until after the bombing. As for the allleged hacking of the DNC, the DNC refused to allow the FBI access to the server so our intelligence agencies never had first hand knowledge of what, if anything, happened.
Of course it wouldn't be an issue if the fake POTUS hadn't trashed the intelligence community in so much of the verbal diarrhea he's so famous for.


/---- Hey buttsore, the "fakePOTUS" is gonna stack the courts with conservatives. Now you go out there and take on the rest of your day.
I tend to make fun of the Brits from time to time but it seems that British Intelligence identified the Manchester bomber within two hours of the blast. American intelligence is still trying to unravel the mystery of the DNC hacking.
If they had discovered the plot two hours before the bombing, I would agree with you, but apparently there was a large scale network of terrorits and wannabe terrorists in Manchester and the police did nothing until after the bombing. As for the allleged hacking of the DNC, the DNC refused to allow the FBI access to the server so our intelligence agencies never had first hand knowledge of what, if anything, happened.


A network that was planning other attacks. If they had coordinated these attacks at once, it would have been an even worse day in Britain. Ultimately, you can't stop all attacks, so I''m not going to berate those who work to defend their citizens. Its impossible to stop them all. This is unfortunately the result of so many radicals in Europe now who were in Syria and who are secretly supportive of ISIS.
I tend to make fun of the Brits from time to time but it seems that British Intelligence identified the Manchester bomber within two hours of the blast. American intelligence is still trying to unravel the mystery of the DNC hacking.
If they had discovered the plot two hours before the bombing, I would agree with you, but apparently there was a large scale network of terrorits and wannabe terrorists in Manchester and the police did nothing until after the bombing. As for the allleged hacking of the DNC, the DNC refused to allow the FBI access to the server so our intelligence agencies never had first hand knowledge of what, if anything, happened.


A network that was planning other attacks. If they had coordinated these attacks at once, it would have been an even worse day in Britain. Ultimately, you can't stop all attacks, so I''m not going to berate those who work to defend their citizens. Its impossible to stop them all. This is unfortunately the result of so many radicals in Europe now who were in Syria and who are secretly supportive of ISIS.
I agree. We don't have all the facts, so we shouldn't draw conclusions bout how well or poorly the British police behaved, but I wonder if the government's concern over offending this Muslim community made it difficult for the police to do their job.
A network that was planning other attacks. If they had coordinated these attacks at once, it would have been an even worse day in Britain. Ultimately, you can't stop all attacks, so I''m not going to berate those who work to defend their citizens. Its impossible to stop them all. This is unfortunately the result of so many radicals in Europe now who were in Syria and who are secretly supportive of ISIS.

In the effort to 'sneak up and catch them all' many times LEOs have to let the bad guys engage in a lot of activity so that when they pull in their nets they get as many as possible as the rest will scurry back into the underground and hide.
I tend to make fun of the Brits from time to time but it seems that British Intelligence identified the Manchester bomber within two hours of the blast. American intelligence is still trying to unravel the mystery of the DNC hacking.

Don't give them that much credit....they knew about this guy long before he murdered those girls and they still let him back in the country when they knew he went to fight with the muslim terrorists...
I tend to make fun of the Brits from time to time but it seems that British Intelligence identified the Manchester bomber within two hours of the blast. American intelligence is still trying to unravel the mystery of the DNC hacking.

But then British intelligence did something really, really stupid. They shared with the US.
I tend to make fun of the Brits from time to time but it seems that British Intelligence identified the Manchester bomber within two hours of the blast. American intelligence is still trying to unravel the mystery of the DNC hacking.

But then British intelligence did something really, really stupid. They shared with the US.

Yeah...and then obama supporters still employed in the Government leaked that intelligence in order to hurt President Trump..........
I tend to make fun of the Brits from time to time but it seems that British Intelligence identified the Manchester bomber within two hours of the blast. American intelligence is still trying to unravel the mystery of the DNC hacking.
If they had discovered the plot two hours before the bombing, I would agree with you, but apparently there was a large scale network of terrorits and wannabe terrorists in Manchester and the police did nothing until after the bombing. As for the allleged hacking of the DNC, the DNC refused to allow the FBI access to the server so our intelligence agencies never had first hand knowledge of what, if anything, happened.


A network that was planning other attacks. If they had coordinated these attacks at once, it would have been an even worse day in Britain. Ultimately, you can't stop all attacks, so I''m not going to berate those who work to defend their citizens. Its impossible to stop them all. This is unfortunately the result of so many radicals in Europe now who were in Syria and who are secretly supportive of ISIS.

The Manchester bomber went to Libya. Another fine example of the west causing chaos.
I tend to make fun of the Brits from time to time but it seems that British Intelligence identified the Manchester bomber within two hours of the blast. American intelligence is still trying to unravel the mystery of the DNC hacking.
If they had discovered the plot two hours before the bombing, I would agree with you, but apparently there was a large scale network of terrorits and wannabe terrorists in Manchester and the police did nothing until after the bombing. As for the allleged hacking of the DNC, the DNC refused to allow the FBI access to the server so our intelligence agencies never had first hand knowledge of what, if anything, happened.


A network that was planning other attacks. If they had coordinated these attacks at once, it would have been an even worse day in Britain. Ultimately, you can't stop all attacks, so I''m not going to berate those who work to defend their citizens. Its impossible to stop them all. This is unfortunately the result of so many radicals in Europe now who were in Syria and who are secretly supportive of ISIS.

The Manchester bomber went to Libya. Another fine example of the west causing chaos.

Exactly...when hilary demanded that obama kill qadafi, with no follow through, she helped to create the worst refugee crisis since World War 2...and since obama actually gave the orders, he was the one responsible for that crisis......and then you have obama giving the world's leading sponsor of global terrorism...Iran, 150 billion dollars in cash.......which has led to more terrorism around the world....

I agree with you...we need to keep democrats out of power...they are creating chaos all over the world....
I tend to make fun of the Brits from time to time but it seems that British Intelligence identified the Manchester bomber within two hours of the blast. American intelligence is still trying to unravel the mystery of the DNC hacking.
If they had discovered the plot two hours before the bombing, I would agree with you, but apparently there was a large scale network of terrorits and wannabe terrorists in Manchester and the police did nothing until after the bombing. As for the allleged hacking of the DNC, the DNC refused to allow the FBI access to the server so our intelligence agencies never had first hand knowledge of what, if anything, happened.


A network that was planning other attacks. If they had coordinated these attacks at once, it would have been an even worse day in Britain. Ultimately, you can't stop all attacks, so I''m not going to berate those who work to defend their citizens. Its impossible to stop them all. This is unfortunately the result of so many radicals in Europe now who were in Syria and who are secretly supportive of ISIS.

The Manchester bomber went to Libya. Another fine example of the west causing chaos.
Libya is in North Africa, not the West.

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