British crime philosophy: Submit thought I was joking........


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This talks about the directions given to people looking for ways to defend themselves from violent criminal attack in Britain.....

UK Police Tell Subjects Not To Harm Their Attackers Get A Rape Alarm The Daily Caller

The question at issue asks, “Are there any legal self defence products that I can buy?” Succinctly epitomizing the sad state of natural rights in Great Britain, the first sentence states, “The only fully legal self defence product at the moment is a rape alarm.”

And to add even more insult to human dignity, the statement cautions subjects against the use of nearly any other type of defense product, and reads like an appeal for victims to graciously suffer criminal violence. The answer makes clear “You must not get a product which is made or adapted to cause a person injury. Possession of such a product in public (and in private in specific circumstances) is against the law.” So even in the sanctity of one’s home, the statement seems to suggest that care for violent offenders outweighs the rights of potential victims to be safe and secure against attack.

So...yes.....they prefer that you submit quietly.....and not attempt to harm your violent criminal, submit quietly, and for those who are not able to comply with that directive, they are allowing the use of a rape alarm....most likely to bring medical assistance rather than intervention......

You thought I was joking when I would say they want you to simply Submit Quietly.....
The American left applauds this.

Your attacker could be an oppressed minority or an underprivileged anarchist college grad.

You must not violate their rights. Just shut up and take it.
The American left applauds this.

Your attacker could be an oppressed minority or an underprivileged anarchist college grad.

You must not violate their rights. Just shut up and take it.

And just think...violent sexual assault might just be their alternative life style choice....and if you harm them while they are engage in an alternative are a f*****g bigot.......right?
Wow. It even says you "must not" use any self defense device "intended to cause harm to the attacker"

WHAT THE FUCK????? If it doesnt cause harm...why would the attacker stop?

THIS is liberalism folks.
Oh well, there`s another country that chickenshit gun pussies need to avoid. Not enough shootouts for you.
This has nothing to do with guns. Guns aren't mentioned. Women may not use a knife to protect against a rapist. A man is prohibited from using a cricket bat to injure a home invader. Even dyes that would mark a criminal for later identification is prohibited as an eye irritant. Guns aren't all that's on the list.

This is the British equivalent of Baltimore 's room to destroy.
Main problem with getting support after rape, is bad attitudes in the police force, schools, universities and in the justice system.

When victims report a rape, in a lot of cases they are treated as if they deserved it for 'being a slut', especially in universities where the administration want to cover up rape and silence the victim.

Having a gun might help, but most rapes happen when you are unprepared or at risk, and in case of gang rape there is no way to fight them off easily.

Worse than the rape, is the response you get from authorities, who make it difficult to prosecute the rapist, and lay blame on the victim - just because a small number like 0.01% of cases are made up for revenge.
Main problem with getting support after rape, is bad attitudes in the police force, schools, universities and in the justice system.

When victims report a rape, in a lot of cases they are treated as if they deserved it for 'being a slut', especially in universities where the administration want to cover up rape and silence the victim.

Having a gun might help, but most rapes happen when you are unprepared or at risk, and in case of gang rape there is no way to fight them off easily.

Worse than the rape, is the response you get from authorities, who make it difficult to prosecute the rapist, and lay blame on the victim - just because a small number like 0.01% of cases are made up for revenge.

Oh bull. The vast majority of criminals when confronted by a citizen with a weapon, is they run. Even if there are 20 of them, criminals are generally cowards. They are not going to risk taking a bullet, even if "she can't shoot us all".

Raleigh woman will not be charged in shooting death of ex-boyfriend News Observer News Observer

This lady was attacked by her ex-boyfriend, and she pulled a .22LR Derringer.

For those who don't know, a .22LR is one of the smallest rounds you can buy, and a Derringer is a 2-shot gun. You have just two shots, and you are done.

It was enough. Saved this ladies life.
Main problem with getting support after rape, is bad attitudes in the police force, schools, universities and in the justice system.

When victims report a rape, in a lot of cases they are treated as if they deserved it for 'being a slut', especially in universities where the administration want to cover up rape and silence the victim.

Having a gun might help, but most rapes happen when you are unprepared or at risk, and in case of gang rape there is no way to fight them off easily.

Worse than the rape, is the response you get from authorities, who make it difficult to prosecute the rapist, and lay blame on the victim - just because a small number like 0.01% of cases are made up for revenge.

I don't know about the UK, but in the US, cops are required to investigate fully.

AND the rate of false reporting is a lot higher than that.
Oh well, there`s another country that chickenshit gun pussies need to avoid. Not enough shootouts for you.

Plenty of raped helpless women though. At least they have what you support there.
No mothers being shot in Walmart by their 3 year old who pulled a gun out of mom`s purse. I don`t think the UK or any sane country wants to follow our firearms policy. Have the women in the UK ever expressed a desire to carry guns? Just asking.
Main problem with getting support after rape, is bad attitudes in the police force, schools, universities and in the justice system.

When victims report a rape, in a lot of cases they are treated as if they deserved it for 'being a slut', especially in universities where the administration want to cover up rape and silence the victim.

Having a gun might help, but most rapes happen when you are unprepared or at risk, and in case of gang rape there is no way to fight them off easily.

Worse than the rape, is the response you get from authorities, who make it difficult to prosecute the rapist, and lay blame on the victim - just because a small number like 0.01% of cases are made up for revenge.

I don't know about the UK, but in the US, cops are required to investigate fully.

AND the rate of false reporting is a lot higher than that.
I am talking about the UK and US, and most rapes go unreported as victims find the process too difficult.
Main problem with getting support after rape, is bad attitudes in the police force, schools, universities and in the justice system.

When victims report a rape, in a lot of cases they are treated as if they deserved it for 'being a slut', especially in universities where the administration want to cover up rape and silence the victim.

Having a gun might help, but most rapes happen when you are unprepared or at risk, and in case of gang rape there is no way to fight them off easily.

Worse than the rape, is the response you get from authorities, who make it difficult to prosecute the rapist, and lay blame on the victim - just because a small number like 0.01% of cases are made up for revenge.

Oh bull. The vast majority of criminals when confronted by a citizen with a weapon, is they run. Even if there are 20 of them, criminals are generally cowards. They are not going to risk taking a bullet, even if "she can't shoot us all".

Raleigh woman will not be charged in shooting death of ex-boyfriend News Observer News Observer

This lady was attacked by her ex-boyfriend, and she pulled a .22LR Derringer.

For those who don't know, a .22LR is one of the smallest rounds you can buy, and a Derringer is a 2-shot gun. You have just two shots, and you are done.

It was enough. Saved this ladies life.
You realize that many businesses, schools, universities, and workplaces, if not airports don't allow you to carry in weapons.

Please explain how you will force places (most of them private) that ban weapons, for security and logistical reasons, to allow them to be easily carried.

The point is that you can't be armed 24/7 everywhere, and that is usually when rapists strike - where they know you will have a hard time fighting back.
Oh well, there`s another country that chickenshit gun pussies need to avoid. Not enough shootouts for you.

Plenty of raped helpless women though. At least they have what you support there.
No mothers being shot in Walmart by their 3 year old who pulled a gun out of mom`s purse. I don`t think the UK or any sane country wants to follow our firearms policy. Have the women in the UK ever expressed a desire to carry guns? Just asking.

My colleagues are all from Britian. London mostly. Many are women. They are pretty much horrified that a woman would even think of defending herself with anything. Or defending herself at all. They believe that the only safety is in total cooperation and rely on the criminal's mercy.
Oh well, there`s another country that chickenshit gun pussies need to avoid. Not enough shootouts for you.

Plenty of raped helpless women though. At least they have what you support there.
No mothers being shot in Walmart by their 3 year old who pulled a gun out of mom`s purse. I don`t think the UK or any sane country wants to follow our firearms policy. Have the women in the UK ever expressed a desire to carry guns? Just asking.

That's kind of the point of the whole thread. The women were asking the police, hey what can I buy to defend myself, and they basically said... a rape alarm. As if that's going to stop anyone.

They are not allowed to defend themselves in any way, that could cause bodily harm. The UK is a criminal safe zone, country wide.

If they didn't want to defend themselves, then why ask the question?
Oh well, there`s another country that chickenshit gun pussies need to avoid. Not enough shootouts for you.

Plenty of raped helpless women though. At least they have what you support there.
No mothers being shot in Walmart by their 3 year old who pulled a gun out of mom`s purse. I don`t think the UK or any sane country wants to follow our firearms policy. Have the women in the UK ever expressed a desire to carry guns? Just asking.

My colleagues are all from Britian. London mostly. Many are women. They are pretty much horrified that a woman would even think of defending herself with anything. Or defending herself at all. They believe that the only safety is in total cooperation and rely on the criminal's mercy.

Yes, many have this attitude too. That's been my experience too.

I actually related this story from the UK, about a lady raped and murdered in front of her 3-year-old son. I asked what they suggest they do about that, and the response was utterly mindless. Suggesting that somehow it would have been worse if she had resisted.

I'm convinced that inner city London is the coward capital of the world.
Main problem with getting support after rape, is bad attitudes in the police force, schools, universities and in the justice system.

When victims report a rape, in a lot of cases they are treated as if they deserved it for 'being a slut', especially in universities where the administration want to cover up rape and silence the victim.

Having a gun might help, but most rapes happen when you are unprepared or at risk, and in case of gang rape there is no way to fight them off easily.

Worse than the rape, is the response you get from authorities, who make it difficult to prosecute the rapist, and lay blame on the victim - just because a small number like 0.01% of cases are made up for revenge.

Actually Hipster, guns are the best way to stop a rape.....I suggest you go to thetruthaboutguns, gunssavelives, and Thearmedcitizen to read actual stories of people using guns in self defense situations...there is also a CATO paper on the subject that collected 5,000 of these stories

Here are 4 articles on how guns stop rape.....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

A woman using a gun is less likely to be raped and more likely to not be injured during the attack....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

However, most recent studies with improved methodology are consistently showing that the more forceful the resistance, the lower the risk of a completed rape, with no increase in physical injury. Sarah Ullman's original research (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1998) and critical review of past studies (Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1997) are especially valuable in solidifying this conclusion.

I wish to single out one particular subtype of physical resistance: Use of a weapon, and especially a firearm, is statistically a woman's best means of resistance, greatly enhancing her odds of escaping both rape and injury, compared to any other strategy of physical or verbal resistance. This conclusion is drawn from four types of information.

First, a 1989 study (Furby, Journal of Interpersonal Violence) found that both male and female survey respondents judged a gun to be the most effective means that a potential rape victim could use to fend off the assault. Rape "experts" considered it a close second, after eye-gouging.

Second, raw data from the 1979-1985 installments of the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a stranger rape with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.0 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent, respectively, for all stranger rapes (Kleck, Social Problems, 1990).

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."

The best conclusion from available scientific data, then, is when avoidance of rape has failed and one must choose between being raped and resisting, a woman's best option is to resist with a gun in her hands.


So, again a woman's best chance for stopping the rape and ultimately surviving the situation is to use a gun.....

*********************** Ownership Stops Rape/

And for 19.95 you can read Southwick's 2000 study on guns that talk about rape.....

Self-defense with guns The consequences

This one gives the actual percentages of how rapes are stopped...guns come out on top...
Oh well, there`s another country that chickenshit gun pussies need to avoid. Not enough shootouts for you.

Plenty of raped helpless women though. At least they have what you support there.
No mothers being shot in Walmart by their 3 year old who pulled a gun out of mom`s purse. I don`t think the UK or any sane country wants to follow our firearms policy. Have the women in the UK ever expressed a desire to carry guns? Just asking.

My colleagues are all from Britian. London mostly. Many are women. They are pretty much horrified that a woman would even think of defending herself with anything. Or defending herself at all. They believe that the only safety is in total cooperation and rely on the criminal's mercy.

Yes, many have this attitude too. That's been my experience too.

I actually related this story from the UK, about a lady raped and murdered in front of her 3-year-old son. I asked what they suggest they do about that, and the response was utterly mindless. Suggesting that somehow it would have been worse if she had resisted.

I'm convinced that inner city London is the coward capital of the world.

It is a leftwing paradise...

And it makes sense with a national health system under leftwing control.....

For example...a woman is brutally beaten and raped...on victim going into the national health system for say she fights back, you now have the victim and the rapist both possibly needing medical attention...that is two people going into the system......instead of just the woman....the math works in a batshit, crazy left wing mathmatical sense.....

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