Britain's Green Energy Fails!!!!

Why do they need to import so much nuclear electricity from France?
Because Green Energy is failing. Technically because the wind did not blow!
European wind power output was already tepid this year entering last week, when the wind stopped blowing in the North Sea. Wind-based electricity generation tumbled. Much of Europe took a hit, but the UK bore the brunt because its imported electricity comes via undersea cables from France. UK prices were already significantly higher than Continental prices when one of those cables caught fire Wednesday, which the National Grid estimates will put it out of commission for half a year. Filling the shortfall are the country’s four remaining coal-fired plants.[viii] Ultimately, however, we think the real solution will likely be for the wind to start blowing again.
Great, so the backup systems worked as they should.


Worked like a motherfucker!!!
Because Green Energy is failing. Technically because the wind did not blow!
No it isn't, it supplied 40% of UK power last year...pretty substantial I'd say.
When it couldn't the backup options that were prudently engineered into the system kicked in.
When hydro dams run low through drought do you say that hydro is failing?
What about when the gas plants failed in Texas this you say that gas failed?
You tell me.
It's the greens that think nuclear is worse than CO2.
LOL No, we think nuclear is inherently dangerous, and very expensive. And solar and wind have little danger, and are now the least expensive form of generation even with grid scale backup of whatever type. When private insurance companies will insure a nuke plant, then I may change my mind.
Well now, since wind and solar provide only 29% of Britain's electricity, I would have to say whatever provides the other 71% has a 71% share of the blame for Britain's lack of electricity. Do they fire up the old coal fired generators while they build out more wind and solar.
Yet, on windy days you are happy to celebrate the records, but when the wind and solar fail, you blame everything but which you celebrate as providing so much.
Between 2am and 3am, wind was contributing 62.5% to Britain’s electricity mix, beating the previous record of 59.9% from August last year, when gale-force winds brought by storms Ellen and Francis hit the country.

As the blustery weather buffeted the UK, there were several periods between 10pm on Thursday night and early Friday morning when wind was contributing more than 60% for the first time.
No it isn't, it supplied 40% of UK power last year...pretty substantial I'd say.
When it couldn't the backup options that were prudently engineered into the system kicked in.
When hydro dams run low through drought do you say that hydro is failing?
What about when the gas plants failed in Texas this you say that gas failed?
uh? yes, when hydro can not supply power it has failed, as it failed in Venezuela, which got around 70% of it's power from one dam.

You are asking, "when gas plants failed...", do I say they failed? Nice try, but if something fails, it has failed. Gas or Hydro, a failure is a failure.

Britain is scrambling to build undersea cables to Europe so that it has the energy it needs. Yes, it is very prudent to find energy when one has wasted so much money on Wind and Solar power.
Green stupidity resulting in much more expensive power. Why wouldn't I LOL?
You have been shown this many times. So the stupidity is on your part. And the cost of gas plants, pipe lines, nuclear plants, ect. is rising. While the cost of solar and wind installations continue to drop, and it looks like this trend will continue for the foreseeable future.


Would they need to import so much from France if they were still using their coal plants, instead
of more expensive, less reliable wind power?
They buy power from what?
That's part of their electricity system.
Why is the USA importing electricity from Canada and Mexico?
You have been shown this many times. So the stupidity is on your part. And the cost of gas plants, pipe lines, nuclear plants, ect. is rising. While the cost of solar and wind installations continue to drop, and it looks like this trend will continue for the foreseeable future.

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Looks pretty cheap.
uh? yes, when hydro can not supply power it has failed, as it failed in Venezuela, which got around 70% of it's power from one dam.

You are asking, "when gas plants failed...", do I say they failed? Nice try, but if something fails, it has failed. Gas or Hydro, a failure is a failure.

Britain is scrambling to build undersea cables to Europe so that it has the energy it needs. Yes, it is very prudent to find energy when one has wasted so much money on Wind and Solar power.
Such a dumb ass you continue to be. The sources of generation are continuing to supply the same amount that they did prior to the cable failure. And the Brits had a backup at ready. Considering how recent the inexpensive wind and solar have been developed, they are doing very well to already have 29% of their electricity from those sources. In the near future, they will have even more from renewables.
uh? yes, when hydro can not supply power it has failed, as it failed in Venezuela, which got around 70% of it's power from one dam.

You are asking, "when gas plants failed...", do I say they failed? Nice try, but if something fails, it has failed. Gas or Hydro, a failure is a failure.

Britain is scrambling to build undersea cables to Europe so that it has the energy it needs. Yes, it is very prudent to find energy when one has wasted so much money on Wind and Solar power.
So, to sum it all up, you have no point to make except to take pleasure at the misfortune of a bunch of people that isn't you.
Very nice.
You have been shown this many times. So the stupidity is on your part. And the cost of gas plants, pipe lines, nuclear plants, ect. is rising. While the cost of solar and wind installations continue to drop, and it looks like this trend will continue for the foreseeable future.

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Great Britain is suffering rising energy prices because they became over reliant on unreliable Solar and Wind electricity. It does not matter how cheap something is if it is unreliable. And yes, cheap as in Great Britain must spend at least $4 trillion on Wind Turbines?

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