Bringing Disease to America.


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Aug 18, 2009
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L.A. county has been pushing Heapatis testing for some time; B, also A and C. They are encouraging Hep. B vaciine.
The great increase of Ecoli illness from produce is troubling. Years ago there was strawberries contaminated from Ecoli that went to San Diego schools, and this Ecoli due to poor Mexican workers in Mexico who picked strawberries. They are used to going to the bathroom in the fields, they admit it, this contaminates produce. In U.S. we've had so many Ecoli outbreaks as illegals have increased picking of produce, I would suspect that these workers/companies are being more controlled by law enforcement now. The last big Ecoli spinach outbreak across the nation they said was due to cow manure in a next door field. The media/government is so pro-illegal in Ca., and trying hard to put a lid on anything 'anti-illegal'... I now wonder about the source of that outbreak.

There are serious sanitation problems in areas where illegals are or work, and many of these illegals were given amnesty in the 80's and still have the same hygiene methods brought from Mexico and other S. American countries. Maybe some now use better hygiene living in the U.S., while many remain the same.
These poor of S. America/Mexico (third world countries) and how they are used to living is not how Americans are used to living. While they are immune to dysentary (unsanitary conditions), Americans are not immune. S. America brings tuberculosis, hepatitis, Ecoli forms, etc. with them either from home country or from their hygiene practices over here causing disease. I think TB has lessened now, while just a few years ago it was still rampant (from S. American illegals), and many many of us in medical field are positive for TB but most do not have the TB disease of course.

L.A. county officials called a downtown produce distributor 'Third World Country conditions', and this produce went to thousands of restaurants and markets in S. Calif. NBC caught deplorable conditions on camera: Latinos: men urinating next to produce boxes, water testing positive for several diseases was sprayed on all produce, rats running rampant and eating produce. These workers and were warned by county officials

Read more:
Plains Indian Smallpox

Native populations of the Americas lacked immunity to the infectious diseases that had ravaged Europe and Asia for centuries. Sparse populations on the Plains, and in the pristine valleys of the Rocky Mountains, prevented a buildup of communicable diseases. The "white man" diseases…measles, chicken pox, typhus, typhoid fever, dysentery, scarlet fever, diphtheria, and after 1832, cholera…were devastating to the American Indian. Lumped together, these diseases did not equal the havoc of smallpox in terms of number of deaths, realignment of tribal alliances, and subsequent changes in Canadian and American Indian CulturesSmallpox Native American Plains Indian Genocide Pictures

The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment

The U.S. government's 40-year experiment on black men with syphilis

"The United States government did something that was wrong—deeply, profoundly, morally wrong. It was an outrage to our commitment to integrity and equality for all our citizens... clearly racist."

Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment (History, Facts, Bad Blood, Bad Science) —
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sterilization – black women

“America has always viewed unregulated Black reproduction as dangerous. For three centuries, Black mothers have been thought to pass down to their offspring the traits that marked them as inferior to any white person. Along with this biological impairment, it is believed that Black mothers transfer a deviant lifestyle to their children that dooms each succeeding generation to a life of poverty, delinquency, and despair. A persistent objective of American social policy has been to monitor and restrain this corrupting tendency of Black motherhood.” (Roberts 1997:8)

The Straight Dope: Were 40% of Native American women forcibly sterilized in the 1970s?

sterilization – black women mississippi appendectomy

Were 40% of Native American women forcibly sterilized in the 1970s?
March 22, 2002
Dear Cecil:

I attended a national Native American health conference recently and heard a startling statistic. A speaker showed a slide that read something like, "40 percent of Native American women accessing care through the U.S. Indian Health Service in the 1970s were sterilized against their will." I looked this up on the Web and found this statement on a lot of sites: "In 1975 alone, some 25,000 Native American women were permanently sterilized--many after being coerced, misinformed, or threatened." This seemed unbelievable to me, but a number of resources I checked and people I asked insisted it was true. Wouldn't the Native American population have drastically decreased since the 70s if this were the case?

— J. Gatwood, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Forced Sterilization in America: It Inspired the Nazis and Went on Longer

The very first nation to take an official and organized approach to eugenics, involving forced sterilization of "undesirables," was the United States of America. Starting with Michigan in 1897, forced sterilization in the US lasted into the 1960's and was given Supreme Court approval in Buck v. Bell in 1927. More than 60,000 people considered undesirable, including the mentally ill, the "promiscuous," the poor, Native Americans and the physically disabled, were compulsorily sterilized under official policy in the United States. The very last state-sanctioned, forced sterilization program in the US was in Oregon, only ending in 1981.

According to the anthropological study of Judaism called Unsettled (reviewed here), the Nazi eugenics program in 1930's and 1940's Germany was inspired by and specifically modeled on America's eugenics program. Our shame was their inspiration.

Forced Sterilization in America: It Inspired the Nazis and Went on Longer | culturekitchen

So lets not self righteously demonize Mexicans other then those who are here illgally by breaking our immigration laws. Lets' not go there because it is racist and unbecoming?
US Gov Medical Experiment Radically Departs from Medical “Best Practices”
Wednesday, 03/17/10 Alliance for Human Research Protection

The US government is initiating several radical medical experiments that will ensure widespread, increased use of mostly toxic drugs whose adverse effects trigger chronic, debilitating illnesses.
Below, the Washington Times reports that the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, under the directorship of Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, is about to launch a pharmaceutical experiment “on hundreds of mostly black homosexual men and heterosexual women in Washington.”

US Gov Medical Experiment Radically Departs from Medical “Best Practices” Wake-up Call
US Gov Medical Experiment Radically Departs from Medical “Best Practices”
Wednesday, 03/17/10 Alliance for Human Research Protection

The US government is initiating several radical medical experiments that will ensure widespread, increased use of mostly toxic drugs whose adverse effects trigger chronic, debilitating illnesses.
Below, the Washington Times reports that the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, under the directorship of Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, is about to launch a pharmaceutical experiment “on hundreds of mostly black homosexual men and heterosexual women in Washington.”

US Gov Medical Experiment Radically Departs from Medical “Best Practices” Wake-up Call

But then no other country gave more aid to Latin America to the point where they are living almost as long as those big bad white people. Something funny is going on when American will sacrifice other Americans yet give billions in aid to foreigners.
US Gov Medical Experiment Radically Departs from Medical “Best Practices”
Wednesday, 03/17/10 Alliance for Human Research Protection

The US government is initiating several radical medical experiments that will ensure widespread, increased use of mostly toxic drugs whose adverse effects trigger chronic, debilitating illnesses.
Below, the Washington Times reports that the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, under the directorship of Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, is about to launch a pharmaceutical experiment “on hundreds of mostly black homosexual men and heterosexual women in Washington.”

US Gov Medical Experiment Radically Departs from Medical “Best Practices” Wake-up Call

But then no other country gave more aid to Latin America to the point where they are living almost as long as those big bad white people. Something funny is going on when American will sacrifice other Americans yet give billions in aid to foreigners.

The money we give Latin American is not spent on the people but goes to the corrupt government to lamely fight drug cartels.
When they come here is when they eat themselves into an unhealthy slob.
They don't bring disesase, we do when we go to other countries. Sars, bird flu, swine flu We brought here.
Dat's why Granny tells Uncle Ferd to stay away from dem drug usin' skanks...
CDC mulls hepatitis C testing for boomers
Thursday, May 10, 2012 - So many baby boomers are infected with hepatitis C - and so few of them know it - that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention may recommend everyone born between 1945 and 1965 be screened for the disease.
Many baby boomers were infected decades ago, before the blood supply was screened for the virus, and for some, through drug use when they were younger. About 3.2 million people in the United States, including an estimated 300,000 Texans, have chronic hepatitis C. They often don't know they're sick until the virus has caused serious liver damage. Deaths from hepatitis C increased by 50 percent between 1999 and 2007, most of them among baby boomers, said Dr. John Ward, director of the division of viral hepatitis at the CDC. Three out of four people with hepatitis C were born between 1945 and 1965, Ward said, so directing testing of that group would be the most effective way to get people into treatment. He said the cost vs. benefit would be comparable to screenings for breast cancer, colorectal cancer and hypertension. The CDC will solicit public comments before making a final decision, Ward said.

Blood transfusions

Many people were infected with hepatitis C through blood transfusions before 1992, when a screening test for the virus was developed. Others were infected through drug use. "The 1960s, '70s and '80s were a time of drug experimentation, including drug injection, and that carried a high risk of hepatitis C transmission," Ward said. A baby born to an infected mother also can acquire the virus. Less commonly, it can be transmitted through sexual contact. About 17,000 people are infected with hepatitis C every year, and 80 percent of the cases become chronic infections. Hepatitis C can cause liver damage, liver failure and liver cancer. About 12,000 people a year die from hepatitis C-related liver disease.

Texas tracks only acute infections, although spokesman Chris Van Deusen said the Department of State Health Services estimated in 2006 that up to 300,000 Texans had a chronic hepatitis C infection. Traditional screening strategies, which rely on people requesting screening or health providers recommending it based on a patient's risk factors, may miss too many people, suggested Dr. Michael Fallon, chief of gastroenterology at the University of Texas Medical School at Houston and Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center. "Some people may not remember their risk factors, or they may not want to broadcast their risk factors," Fallon noted. New treatments also make this a good time to push testing, he said. Earlier standard treatment cleared the virus for less than half of patients. Adding two new drugs can increase the success rate to as high as 75 percent, he said.

Treatment time halved

The new regimen also can cut the treatment time in half, to about six months, Fallon said, but it is more complicated and has more side effects. "But with a near doubling of efficacy, it's taken many people who were on the fence about therapy and made them more enthusiastic about taking treatment," he said. It also has helped some patients who didn't respond to the earlier treatment, Fallon said. Treatment is expensive for people without health insurance - between $50,000 and $100,000, said Rachel Nahan, coordinator for St. Luke's Episcopal Health System's Liver Health Outreach.

UN needs to step up an' take responsibility...
UN 'should take blame for Haiti cholera' - US House members
20 July 2012 : Haiti's cholera epidemic has claimed the lives of more than 7,000 people
More than 100 Democrats from the US House of Representatives have called on the UN to take responsibility for introducing cholera to Haiti. It is the latest twist in the allegation that UN peacekeepers unwittingly introduced the disease. The United Nations' envoy to Haiti, Bill Clinton, has accepted UN soldiers may have brought cholera. But with more than 7,000 deaths so far, the UN said tackling the disease is more important than attributing blame.

Outbreak source

In a letter to the US Ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, the 104 members of Congress stated clearly: "Cholera was brought to Haiti due to the actions of the UN." They call on Ms Rice to pressure the UN to "confront and ultimately eliminate" the disease. The letter says the UN should help Haiti mobilise enough money to build water and sewage systems to tackle the disease. While members of Congress often weigh in on foreign policy issues like Iran or Israel, it is unusual for so many members to sign a letter about a small Caribbean state like Haiti.

I gathered strong circumstantial evidence that UN peacekeepers brought cholera to Haiti during a visit late last year:

+ The epidemic started near a Nepalese UN base
+ The UN base dumped raw sewage, which spreads the disease, near the country's main Artibonite River
+ Cholera spread down the Artibonite River and into the slums of the capital Port au Prince
+ Cholera was endemic in Nepal but had not been present in Haiti for a century

Mr Clinton has acknowledged that UN soldiers were the "proximate cause" of the cholera. But UN officials shy away from taking full blame or issuing an apology. They say tackling the disease is more important than apportioning blame. They may also be reticent because Haitian and US lawyers are trying to sue the UN for financial compensation for the victims of cholera.

BBC News - UN 'should take blame for Haiti cholera' - US House members
UN likely caused Haiti cholera epidemic...
Haiti cholera epidemic 'most likely' started at UN camp - top scientist
22 October 2012 - New evidence has emerged about the alleged role of United Nations troops in causing a cholera epidemic in the Caribbean nation of Haiti.
A top US cholera specialist, Dr Daniele Lantagne, said after studying new scientific data that it is now "most likely" the source of the outbreak was a camp for recently-arrived UN soldiers from Nepal - a country where cholera is widespread. Dr Lantagne was employed by the UN itself in 2011 as one of the world's pre-eminent experts on the disease. The new evidence could have serious implications for the UN, which is facing an unprecedented legal and moral challenge in Haiti - as well as a multi-billion dollar compensation claim from victims' families.

More than 7,500 people have died from the cholera epidemic in Haiti since it started in late 2010. Hundreds of new cases are still being registered every week. t is by far the largest cholera outbreak in the world in recent years - with more cases than on the whole of the African continent.

Prior to this outbreak, and despite Haiti's many other problems - including a devastating earthquake in January 2010 - the country had not recorded a single case of cholera for over a century. Cholera is spread through infected faeces and once it enters the water supply it is difficult to stop - especially in a country like Haiti which has almost no effective sewage disposal systems. After studying molecular data known as full genome sequencing on the strain of cholera found in Haiti - and that prevalent in Nepal in 2010 - Dr Lantagne said: "We now know that the strain of cholera in Haiti is an exact match for the strain of cholera in Nepal."

Mountain of claims
It seems that there are so many Americans dying because they lack adequate healthcare. There aren't to many options because medical care is constantly on the rise. I'm not sure what changes Obamacare will bring to the medical field.
Americans eat themselves to death. They eat anything that don't eat them first. Road kill is a delicacy among some people. Most of our health problems we bring on our selves. Birth defects by drugs and alcohol. We are our worse enemy when it come to health. Fattest people on earth are Amerians. Mexicans have a much healthier diet than we do. I seldom see a fat Mexican.
The conspiracy theory

Some believe that HIV is a 'conspiracy' or that it is 'man-made'. A recent survey carried out in the US for example, identified a significant number of African Americans who believe HIV was manufactured as part of a biological warfare programme, designed to wipe out large numbers of black and homosexual people.10 Many say this was done under the auspices of the US federal 'Special Cancer Virus Program' (SCVP), possibly with the help of the CIA. Linked in to this theory is the belief that the virus was spread (either deliberately or inadvertently) to thousands of people all over the world through the smallpox inoculation programme, or to gay men through Hepatitis B vaccine trials. While none of these theories can be definitively disproved, the evidence given to back them up is usually based upon supposition and speculation, and ignores the clear link between SIV and HIV or the fact that the virus has been identified in people as far back as 1959.
The Origin of HIV and AIDS

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