Brietbart: "We outnumber them and we have the guns"

Little Green Footballs - Video: Andrew Breitbart Fantasizes About Killing Liberals

If Breitbart isn't kidding - he most certainly belongs behind bars!

The government school system has failed.

After 12 years at a government indoctrination center those folks should be gladly supporting the welfare/warfare state bureaucrats, they should be saying "Yassa massa" a lot as well as steppin' and fetchin'.


talk about a hot steaming load

Yes yes yes, I agree.

The brownshirts should promptly crush the Ungrateful Bastard. Then we will talk about the incident in the "conspiracy theories" section.

Breitbart is dangerously crazy!

He goes on to elaborate that he imagines the military is going to rise up and start killing union members to protect the country (or something), and reiterates that he’s talking about actual armed conflict and not elections

Breitbart's Uncivil War Fantasy | Crooks and Liars

He's not crazy. He's a douche.

We both went to the same undergrad institution (Tulane), albeit at different times.

In between Breitbart, Gingrich, Bob Livingston, and Jerry Springer; we really have a reputation for turning out some political clowns.

At any rate, Tulane had an ROTC program. Breitbart could have actually been a part of the military as opposed to playing the dumpy, pasty middle aged hard ass.

He's a joke. This is all about money for him.
Breitbart has much more than stomping in mind. I wonder what that idiot would do if neighbors starting killing neighbors? Would it shock him into reality - or is that what he really wants - A CIVIL WAR?

Personally, I don't think old white tea partiers are up to a civil war, and I certainly don't think our military will do their dirty work for them. So all they have left is mouth...

Guys like that? The second bullets start fighting they hide in the celler.

I don't know what's more funny, Breitbart's exploiting a bunch of old geezers or his fantasies that the military would ever be inspired enough to follow a chickenshit doughboy like him.

Andrew Breitbart is a son of priveledge trying to convince the world he's a tough guy.

Andrew Breitbart - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In reality, he's just a doof that would be lost without his only weapon, the internet.

As we used to say down in the Ozarks: "That guy's got soft hands".

I find his neurosis hilarious. People call him "gay" on twitter so he wants to provoke an armed conflict between conservatives and liberals, because "un-named people" in the military "have his back"? What a fucking vagina. I don't think he's gay, just a man-child.

Also, perhaps, delusional. No one in the military is going to stick their neck out for Andrew Breitbart. Like so many who couldn't be bothered to serve, he thinks he understands the warrior mindset. He does not.
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The government school system has failed.

After 12 years at a government indoctrination center those folks should be gladly supporting the welfare/warfare state bureaucrats, they should be saying "Yassa massa" a lot as well as steppin' and fetchin'.


talk about a hot steaming load

Yes yes yes, I agree.

The brownshirts should promptly crush the Ungrateful Bastard. Then we will talk about the incident in the "conspiracy theories" section.


oh! You mean the SS?
[ame=]Obama civilian national security force. - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]OBAMA AND A CIVILIAN ARMY - YouTube[/ame]
Let's just say that I doubt that a bunch of fat old White Men with their shootin' irons are likely to launch a civil war.

Those pampered old men with their Harley's and their fat pick up trucks and their gun collections won't get off their asses because they are too damned soft and contented with their lot.

So if civil authority really does break down, I'd expect that disintegration of civil authority to happen where it is ALREADY broken the cities.
why do people think liberals dont have guns?

No one ever said you didnt have guns, just not many or the intelligence to use them properly.

I have seen many uncomfortable at just the thought of one being present.

Seems the left is upset members of the right have acted in kind.

PUSSY ALERT............


strollingbones said:
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you are such an idiot....facts are unknow to you


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Youre such a pussy you cant debate in an open forum.

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