Brietbart: "We outnumber them and we have the guns"

Now, if the rest of you who aren't liberals want to know what the hell is going on, it's simple. The democrats are scared; they are desperate,; they can read the polls, and see the trends, and they understand the results of the last election (no matter how much they pretend otherwise) Their majority is gone, their "mandate" is history, their Fearless Leader is an impotent fool who can't lead, and they see power slipping away. Their hard core is only about one-fifth of the population,, and they are afraid, no matter how much shrill bravado and bluster they put up as a front. They want to use the threat of violence, if not actual violence as a campaign tactic because they have damn little else left. Of course, they accuse the other side of advocating exactly what they advocate, as political cover; it's an old trick. Of course they demonize the Tea Party; any grass-roots movement like that is the worst threat their ideology could face; it flies in the face of their statist, big-government elitist agenda. They's have you believe the American people can't think for themselves, and need a small impudent corps of pseudo-intellectual, ideologically committed snobs with degrees from just the right institutions, to tell us everything from how to live, to what to eat, to how much of our earnings we should be allowed to keep;to tell us how much to work, when to get up, when to eat, how much to exercise, when to brush our teeth, when to go to bed, and even when to go to the bathroom! That's the kind of government they want, that's a vision of the America they want. Hypocrites! The greatest exponents of forced charity, they are the most parsimonious of misers! The loudest advocates of tolerance, they are the greatest suppressors of it! The self-proclaimed advocates of the "little man"; they are in truth the advocates of the elitist notion that only those with degrees from the Ivy League snob schools are fit to govern us! See how they rail against economic elitism, even as they elevate political elitism to an art form! Of course, they're scared; scared that the American people have caught on to them; scared of the truth, for their greatest friend is the lie, and the bigger the lie, the better! They decry Nazism, but let this campaign get desperate enough, and you'll see their own brand of brown shirts in the streets! There is NOTHING they will not stoop to, absolutely nothing!
Yep even the muslim terrorists have faith in God.
And they are by definition conservative as well.

So now, U.S., you want to compare American conservatives to Jihaddists? I suppose next, you'll insist we are allied with them? My, my, such desperation! You really ARE afraid, aren't you? Do try to get a grip, before you get hysterical.
Yep even the muslim terrorists have faith in God.
And they are by definition conservative as well.

So now, U.S., you want to compare American conservatives to Jihaddists? I suppose next, you'll insist we are allied with them? My, my, such desperation! You really ARE afraid, aren't you? Do try to get a grip, before you get hysterical.
It's the only reason why they have upped the rhetoric ante. They are afraid because they have hitched thier fortunes to losing ideals and won't admit they are wrong.
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Now, if the rest of you who aren't liberals want to know what the hell is going on, it's simple. The democrats are scared; they are desperate,; they can read the polls, and see the trends, and they understand the results of the last election (no matter how much they pretend otherwise) Their majority is gone, their "mandate" is history, their Fearless Leader is an impotent fool who can't lead, and they see power slipping away. Their hard core is only about one-fifth of the population,, and they are afraid, no matter how much shrill bravado and bluster they put up as a front. They want to use the threat of violence, if not actual violence as a campaign tactic because they have damn little else left. Of course, they accuse the other side of advocating exactly what they advocate, as political cover; it's an old trick. Of course they demonize the Tea Party; any grass-roots movement like that is the worst threat their ideology could face; it flies in the face of their statist, big-government elitist agenda. They's have you believe the American people can't think for themselves, and need a small impudent corps of pseudo-intellectual, ideologically committed snobs with degrees from just the right institutions, to tell us everything from how to live, to what to eat, to how much of our earnings we should be allowed to keep;to tell us how much to work, when to get up, when to eat, how much to exercise, when to brush our teeth, when to go to bed, and even when to go to the bathroom! That's the kind of government they want, that's a vision of the America they want. Hypocrites! The greatest exponents of forced charity, they are the most parsimonious of misers! The loudest advocates of tolerance, they are the greatest suppressors of it! The self-proclaimed advocates of the "little man"; they are in truth the advocates of the elitist notion that only those with degrees from the Ivy League snob schools are fit to govern us! See how they rail against economic elitism, even as they elevate political elitism to an art form! Of course, they're scared; scared that the American people have caught on to them; scared of the truth, for their greatest friend is the lie, and the bigger the lie, the better! They decry Nazism, but let this campaign get desperate enough, and you'll see their own brand of brown shirts in the streets! There is NOTHING they will not stoop to, absolutely nothing!

Seems that way to me. And I'm just an innocent bystander.

Look for me in the streets. I'll have the Starbucks cup and be the one wearing the Libertarian Party tea shirt and the "I don't believe in using force" sign. :eusa_angel:
Middle aged white man chickenhawks calling for civil wars are not really much of a threat.

Well, possibly to their wives and children, of course.

Gun queer right winging asshats do a sorry history of killing themselves and their loved ones.

They aren't..but the looneys they inspire most certainly are..


Not really.

A truly effective civil war takes planning.

It takes organizing and it takes money.

IN a land where nearly 1 million people have secret security clearances, and multiples of that number actually work either for the FEDERAL government or are well connected in state police states, organizing a an effective cabal against the state is pretty risky business.

If there's going to be a civil war, its going to come from within the ranks of the very people who are now in charge of society.

Some splinter group of the folks now in power would be the more likely source of a government overthrow.

And if that happened, the government they would impose would NOT BE that freedom loving, Libertopian utopia that most disaffected gun queer Americans are dreaming of.

Some Americans actually posit the possibility that that coup d' etat already happened, ya know.

When JFK was murdered.

And while I do not subscribe to that theory, I must say that the USA changed a lot since that time.

If it comes from government, it's going to be a bunch of teabaggers I'd wager.

Incidentally, there's a teabagger who is currently planning on running against Boehner. Wanna know why? He thinks Boehner is a "socialist who supports abortion".
Yep even the muslim terrorists have faith in God.
And they are by definition conservative as well.

So now, U.S., you want to compare American conservatives to Jihaddists? I suppose next, you'll insist we are allied with them? My, my, such desperation! You really ARE afraid, aren't you? Do try to get a grip, before you get hysterical.

Did I say any of that.
Do you actually dispute the accuracy of what I said?
They aren't..but the looneys they inspire most certainly are..


Not really.

A truly effective civil war takes planning.

It takes organizing and it takes money.

IN a land where nearly 1 million people have secret security clearances, and multiples of that number actually work either for the FEDERAL government or are well connected in state police states, organizing a an effective cabal against the state is pretty risky business.

If there's going to be a civil war, its going to come from within the ranks of the very people who are now in charge of society.

Some splinter group of the folks now in power would be the more likely source of a government overthrow.

And if that happened, the government they would impose would NOT BE that freedom loving, Libertopian utopia that most disaffected gun queer Americans are dreaming of.

Some Americans actually posit the possibility that that coup d' etat already happened, ya know.

When JFK was murdered.

And while I do not subscribe to that theory, I must say that the USA changed a lot since that time.

If it comes from government, it's going to be a bunch of teabaggers I'd wager.

Incidentally, there's a teabagger who is currently planning on running against Boehner. Wanna know why? He thinks Boehner is a "socialist who supports abortion".

Don't you think you should watch what you say?
whoa are you saying you killed him?
Shaman is best left to his own devices and ignored...he's a supreme idiot.

Oh no big smurf. Crayon dude is such a retard. He really does exemplify the Dem Party these days.

I just like having fun with him.

It's All good.
Breitbart has much more than stomping in mind. I wonder what that idiot would do if neighbors starting killing neighbors? Would it shock him into reality - or is that what he really wants - A CIVIL WAR?

Personally, I don't think old white tea partiers are up to a civil war, and I certainly don't think our military will do their dirty work for them. So all they have left is mouth...

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