BREAKING: Wayne County, home of Detroit, has DEADLOCKED on certifying election results!

Hopefully Trump will wrestle this stolen election away from the Democrat Dirty Tricks department.

Trump cannot do it alone....nor should it be his responsibility alone.

Only True American Patriots have any chance of saving America. But where are they?
They went out and voted for Trump. Democrats on the other hand set up cheating. Does anyone really believe bidumb got more votes than Clinton or Obie? And he only did it in four Democrat cities. Does that sound probable?
Against trump? Sure. America voted to save the country from one party central rule. Everybody knew they had to vote or be subjugated. Bye, Donnie.
Subjugated? You stupid fucks thought you were going to get the senate. Your logic has failed.
I only thought there was a possibility of Democrats getting the Senate. They still might. Kind of depends on Georgia. With the end fighting down there, national Republicans against state Republicans and it looking more and more as if, after losing the election, trump is trying some harebrained attempt to overthrow the election by hook or crook, the odds are getting better.
With any luck, they can run them through machine again, and find an extra 80 million to add to that.

Trump lost...He was fired by the majority of Americans that recognized he was unfit, to serve the American people in any kind of a respectable way. We The people, are better than him and deserve better than every way, shape, and form....

We spoke, through our vote....

It's hard to take a loss, that I know from 2016...

but, it is...What it is....

Donald J Trump

( Thank God!)

Amen ... It's A Miracle!

Only a clod, such as yourself, can equate an audit with fraud. Audits FIND fraud you imbecile. The fact YOU don't want an audit tells me you want fraud.
It. is. OVER. bootlicker.

Your guy loser Trump LOST. You LOST! Give it up.

Fuck you dick head. Your party want to sell you out to the chinese and you're too fucking stupid to figure it out.
So why is your side throwing a hissy fit?
This is HILLARIOUS considering you are following a dunce of a President that's running around rage tweeting that "I WON THE ELECTION!" when the entire world knows he lost and lost BIGLY! And you DUMB lemmings are following suit.


So why is your side throwing a hissy fit?
This is HILLARIOUS considering you are following a dunce of a President that's running around rage tweeting that "I WON THE ELECTION!" when the entire world knows he lost and lost BIGLY! And you DUMB lemmings are following suit.


Yet your side is crying like little bitches because a US citizen chooses to exercise his legal rights. Your fear bleeds through all of your posts.
So the brief drama caused by the trump person in Michigan is over.

They voted unanimously to certify the election in all counties in the state.

It's officially certified, Joe Biden won Michigan.

Yeah......why would two people flip their decision with in hours...and No I am not buying they flipped because Michigan cheated in the 2016 election and august primarie as well excuse.

"Republicans had refused to certify the election after some absentee ballot poll books in Detroit were found to be out of balance, but liberal lawmakers and activists flooded the panel with criticism given that a similar mismatch in the August primaries and general election in 2016 did not prevent the body from certifying those results.
So the brief drama caused by the trump person in Michigan is over.

They voted unanimously to certify the election in all counties in the state.

It's officially certified, Joe Biden won Michigan.

Yeah......why would two people flip their decision with in hours...and No I am not buying they flipped because Michigan cheated in the 2016 election and august primarie as well excuse.

"Republicans had refused to certify the election after some absentee ballot poll books in Detroit were found to be out of balance, but liberal lawmakers and activists flooded the panel with criticism given that a similar mismatch in the August primaries and general election in 2016 did not prevent the body from certifying those results.
...'thumb screws'....
Hey Mods, just curious....there was already a Thread open about Wayne County and the 'Certification' drama....shouldn't this thread be combined with that one, as an 'update'?
Only a clod, such as yourself, can equate an audit with fraud. Audits FIND fraud you imbecile. The fact YOU don't want an audit tells me you want fraud.
It. is. OVER. bootlicker.

Your guy loser Trump LOST. You LOST! Give it up.

Fuck you dick head. Your party want to sell you out to the chinese and you're too fucking stupid to figure it out.

I know Trump has already sold out...

Did you not see China has set up the largest trading bloc in the world... Trump got played again....

Oh dear, back to love letters with North Korea
So the brief drama caused by the trump person in Michigan is over.

They voted unanimously to certify the election in all counties in the state.

It's officially certified, Joe Biden won Michigan.

Another victory for democracy and the American people; another defeat for the reprehensible right and their contempt for our democratic institutions.

Yes I agree.

It's just disgusting what the republicans are doing.
Wayne County, Michigan, home of Detroit, has just refused to certify the election results:

this is getting interesting,,,

Actually not.

Blind partisan Republican hacks and their contempt for the will of the majority of the American people has for a very long time been tedious and ridiculous.
Only a clod, such as yourself, can equate an audit with fraud. Audits FIND fraud you imbecile. The fact YOU don't want an audit tells me you want fraud.
It. is. OVER. bootlicker.

Your guy loser Trump LOST. You LOST! Give it up.
And you “won” by voting in an old white guy who once accused an innocent black man of rape on national television?

Really? You seem to be upset that many of us did not vote for a man who, among other things, paid for a full-page newspaper ad accusing five innocent boys of rape and attempted murder and calling for them to be put to death.
Facts don't care about your feelings bitch.[/QUOTE]

It is funny that you attempt to insult someone in this manner when the FACT is the same legal process President Trump's team is going through to contest the results of this election is the same process that Democrat Presidential Candidate Al Gore used in the 2000 election, one that was eventually settled by the USSC.

Do you even realize how foolish you look right now?

:p Bwuhahahahaha.....

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