BREAKING: Wayne County, home of Detroit, has DEADLOCKED on certifying election results!

“The two GOP board members then agreed to a compromise of certifying the results provided the count send a demand that Michigan's Secretary of State conduct a "comprehensive audit" of "unexplained precincts."
The Trumped-Up Administration tweeted another unverified lie. Senile Colonel Angus Poster even posted the lie on this Message Board Of The Truth! Wayne County Michigan did certify their local election results, despite the senility-driven posts of Trumped-Up Poster and Colonel Angus senile poster: Claiming a pathological lie to be on record, and forever!

It was a lie that Wayne County would not certify votes. It was a lie that Wayne County Michigan would not certify pro-Biden votes. See that lie is verified their deliberate lies!

This here in fact is Trumped-Up Red State Baby Abandonment: Trumped-Up supporters all on-board. This here is fact is Senile Colonel Angus clearly--every day of that life from birth.

Abandon babies! No support allowed or directed for the parents of the newborn: All those all personally directed, and by all persons in those households

No More Stimulus: Already shown!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Red State prayers instead are prayed for: Matthew 25: 14-30, even in the local buildings!)
Wrong moron. They did refuse to certify it, until they agreed that the discrepancies must be investigated.
“The two GOP board members then agreed to a compromise of certifying the results provided the count send a demand that Michigan's Secretary of State conduct a "comprehensive audit" of "unexplained precincts."
The Republicans are DETERMINED to cheat, lie, steal and kill if they have to, in order to retain power.

Too bad we're a nation of laws, thank God, and their evil plans will not come to fruition.

Only a clod, such as yourself, can equate an audit with fraud. Audits FIND fraud you imbecile. The fact YOU don't want an audit tells me you want fraud.
The Trumped-Up Administration tweeted another unverified lie. Senile Colonel Angus Poster even posted the lie on this Message Board Of The Truth! Wayne County Michigan did certify their local election results, despite the senility-driven posts of Trumped-Up Poster and Colonel Angus senile poster: Claiming a pathological lie to be on record, and forever!

It was a lie that Wayne County, MI, would not certify votes. It was a lie that Wayne County Michigan would not certify pro-Biden votes. See that lie is verified their deliberate lies!

This here in fact is Trumped-Up Red State Baby Abandonment: Trumped-Up supporters all on-board. This here is fact is Senile Colonel Angus clearly--every day of that life from birth.

Abandon babies! No support allowed or directed for the parents of the newborn: All those all personally directed, and by all persons in those households

No More Stimulus: Already shown!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Red State prayers instead are prayed for: Matthew 25: 14-30, even in the local buildings!)
Thank you Joy Reid. :71:
NOT ONE Leftist can explain (with any logic or reason) why they would want a Joe Biden Presidency.
Instead, they default to simply saying what CNN told them to think....Orange Man Bad.

Many of them are not American. many of them are in foreign countries who are jealous of Americans.
Others are in China and speak and write perfect English. But are sent by China to disrupt and harm America on forums.
Still others are just really ignorant.

But they cannot give ANY solid reasons why Joe Biden would make a good President.
Not into having celebrities as President or in public office at all Draws fans and they all act like fans !! Trump is a talk Show HOST nothing more !! Y’all all acted crazy over Ronnie Ray Gun as well , his best was acting with a monkey
TWO canvassers tried to illegally usurp the vote.

At least one of them has been identified as a racist Trumper

Both have "changed their minds".

The vote has been certified
Hopefully Trump will wrestle this stolen election away from the Democrat Dirty Tricks department.

Trump cannot do it alone....nor should it be his responsibility alone.

Only True American Patriots have any chance of saving America. But where are they?
They went out and voted for Trump. Democrats on the other hand set up cheating. Does anyone really believe bidumb got more votes than Clinton or Obie? And he only did it in four Democrat cities. Does that sound probable?
Against trump? Sure. America voted to save the country from one party central rule. Everybody knew they had to vote or be subjugated. Bye, Donnie.
Subjugated? You stupid fucks thought you were going to get the senate. Your logic has failed.
Only a clod, such as yourself, can equate an audit with fraud. Audits FIND fraud you imbecile. The fact YOU don't want an audit tells me you want fraud.
It. is. OVER. bootlicker.

Your guy loser Trump LOST. You LOST! Give it up.
Trump didn't lose.
We didn't lose.

Only a clod, such as yourself, can equate an audit with fraud. Audits FIND fraud you imbecile. The fact YOU don't want an audit tells me you want fraud.
It. is. OVER. bootlicker.

Your guy loser Trump LOST. You LOST! Give it up.
And you “won” by voting in an old white guy who once accused an innocent black man of rape on national television?
Sweet. if the results can't be certified, the Republican-held legislature gets to decide the state's electors.
A Michigan county certifies its election results, with Republicans changing course after accusations of partisanship.
The Republicans are coming out looking pretty bad in this.

According to another article I read the imbalances objected to involved 1 to 4 or so votes.
Simply not true.

who is trying to

Steal the vote

From the 80 plus million voters, who CHOSE VIA THEIR VOTE

to fire Donald J Trump

With any luck, they can run them through machine again, and find an extra 80 million to add to that.

Trump lost...He was fired by the majority of Americans that recognized he was unfit, to serve the American people in any kind of a respectable way. We The people, are better than him and deserve better than every way, shape, and form....

We spoke, through our vote....

It's hard to take a loss, that I know from 2016...

but, it is...What it is....

Donald J Trump

( Thank God!)

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